

eskcl slmlt'.nls. l11e Middle East S1udies Program encourages evani;dical Chrislians to relate to the Muslim world in an infonuecl and constrnctive manner. Fnr additional infonna­ linn and application, sei:, Dr. Marguerile Kraft, or make ill<p1i1y 1hmugh !ht'. Deparlment S1uclies. CumJl(numlJ Rec<mmumded mdit.i Ai.ihic Language 4 Semina1s: !'t'.opks and Cuhures of 1he Midcllt'. Easl 4 Islam in 1!1 t'. Modem World 4 Conllic1 and Cl1angt'. in 1he Middle Easl 1 lf, Russian Studies Program (RSP) S1udenls allending lht'. Russian S1udit'.s Proi.; (RSP) spend a semesler s1uclying language, cuhure and hislmy of R11s.,ia as wdl as ClllTt'.111 political and economic i.,sues. In addi1ion lht'.y inlnacl wi1h !t'.aders in lht'. communi1y lo clt'.vdnp a l>eller undt'.1s1amling of conlempnra1y R11,sian soci­ t'.'Y and l1 r1,v, as Weslt'.lllt'.IS, lht'.y cai1 fi,sler more iuleraclion wi1h lht'. counuy. Two Wt'.dc, are spenl in Moscow and 10 weeks in Nizl111i Novgornd (fimnerly Go1ly) . The final lhree week., in Sr. 1't'.le1shuri; allnw s111dt'.nls lo live wilh a Russian family an<l lo t'Jqwrit'.ncr. Rmsian cuhurt'. tiis1-hand. Ase1vice projt'.cl during 1his st'.g111tcnl oflht'. givt'.s slll<lenls lhe npporluniry lo have a p1.ir1ical "ha1Hl, on" work ex1w1ience alongside Russian nalionals in a wide 1.ingt'. nf professional sellini;s. Inli>nnalion am! applicalious are av.iilable from Dr. Cl11is C:1-.ire in !he Rosemead Sd1ml of P~yd1olo1-,,y. ComJio111mlJ Rer<mm1e11Md mdilJ Russian language (i Semina1x Russian His101y and Cuhure 4 Pos1-Co111n1unisl Rmsian T1.insi1inn 4 Se1vin, Pn , 1 ](i OVERSEAS STUDENT EXCHANGE PROGRAM The Inlnnalional S111dt'.nl Exchange Pmi.; provides Biola sludt'.nls wi1h 1he op1x)l'I\U1iry to slll(ly al a Cl11is1ian uni­ vr.1siry in Japan or Krn1ea. Presenlly, sludenls can slll<ly in Eng­ li.,h al Tokyo Cl11is1ian Unive1siry in Japan and al Ym1,ei Uni­ ve1siry am! Han Nam Unive1siry, or !hey can sll1Cly in Korean al .Jmn Ju Unive1siry or Seoul Wnmt'.n's Unive1siry, in Korea. S111<lenls can i;o for one nr two semt"..slr.1s if 1hr.y have fini.,hecl 1!1t'.ir tiisl year al Biola wi1!1 a GPA oflO or l1igher. For addi1ional inlimnalion and an applir.alion, conlacl lhe Dq1arl111t'.nl of!nkrnalional S111denl Educalinn. OTHER STUDY TOURS Along wi1h rt'.gulady sd1r.ch1bl,, 1here ari:, of'len oilier op1xll'lllni1ies for sin<½' alHI 11-.ivd. For iuslance, chning lht'. pasl kw yea1s Biola ha., s1x>11scm-,d a sununer Slll(ly lour in 1he li>mwr Sovie! Union. Also , Biola ,x:casionally 0Hi:1s s111denls the d1anre lo allend fi111eig11 unive1si1ies a., t'Xcl1ange sludenls. On <Kca.,ion, Slll(lr.nls ran apply for t'Xrhange pm· !,'l'JIILS al Y<>nsei Univt'.1si1y, Han Nam Univr.1siry,Jenn Ju Univer-

Los Angeles Film Studies Center (LAF) TI1e Los Angles Film Studies Center (lAFSC) has a senies­ ter-long internship/seminar program for upper division stu­ dent, who are intert'skcl in an introduction to the work and workings of the mainstream Hollywood film industry. Altl1ough not intended a, a substitute for film sd1ool, the IAFSC cuniculum is designed to t'-Xpose sl\Klenls lo !he ind1Ls,­ try, to tl1e many academic disciplines thal mighl be appmp1iale to it, and to cri tical tl1inking and rdleclion on whal ii nlt'.ans In be a Christian in tl1is field of endeavor. A, such, 1he cunin~ !um is balanced between courses of a tl1eort'.lical nalure all(! courses tl1at offer stu<lenls a HK)rt: applied intmduclinn to the world of film. Pa:rticipaling stuclenls may earn Hi semesler hours of credit which may be applied 10 a v.iriery of s111<len1 progran1S tluuugh co11,uha1inn wi1h an acaclemir advisor. For additional information and applicalion see Dr. Tom Nash, or make inquiiy through tl1e Depanmenl ofCnmmuniralinn. Cmnp1111n11J Reco"mumd,,d mdit.i Inside Hollywood: The Work and Working of tl1e Film Inch1,1ry :l Introduction to Filmmakini; :l Film in Culture: Explo1i11g a Chri.,1ia11 Perspeclive on lhe Nalure and inlluenre ofFilm 4 Inlemship (i Hi Oxford Summer School Program TI1e Oxford Sunnner Sdwol Program is a muhi-di.,ripl~ nary slucly of the hi.,1rny am! devdopmenl of Renai.s.sanre and Refonnation through exaniinalion of lhe philosophy, al'I, li1e1- a1ure, science, m11,ic, politic, and religion of 1hi., e1a. S1ude111s have tl1e opportuniry to study wi1h 1he faculry of ll1e Cenlre fi>r Medieval and Renaissance S1udies and lhe ll 11iversi 1y of Oxford. Lectures are nnnnally hdcl nn weekly mominh~, lea\'­ ing the aliemoon free for seminars, p1iv.i1e s111dy and expl<>­ ralion. Fidel llips lo places of11i.,1oriral in1pol'lanre s11rl1 as SI. Aug11,1ine's Abbey Ca111erln11y n11ht'.d1al, S11.11fonl-on-Avo11 , and Hampton Court provide an up-dose np1x>rl\111i1y lo exper~ ence tl1e 1idmess nf England. Unlik" !ht'. Crnli1io11- sponsored program.,, creclils al lhe Oxfil('(l Sum111er Sd1nol Program are generaled clirt'.t:lly al !he llnive11,iry nfOx!i,nl. umip1111n11.1 /v.c<mmumMd mdit.i Lecture course :l Seminar ~i (,-<) (The Oxford Summer School iJ II Co11litio11-11ffili11tr.d, not C.oalition-Jponj()rd prO?Jam.) Middle East Studies Program (MES) TI1e Middle East S1udi"s (MESP) in Caim, Eh')'pl, provides sludenL, wi1h the opporluniry In sin<~' lhe rnhmt'.s, religions and conllicls wi1hin 1hi., diverse and slralegir region . Studenls from Chiislian colkgt'-' parliripale in inlnclisripli­ naiy seminar classt'-', receive Ai-.ihir languagt'. inslrnrlion and serve a, inlems wilh vaiim1, organizalinns in Cairo. Parlir~ panl, spend two weeks lr.ivding In, including 1i111t'. in the We.~t Bank. Adcli1innal lidd 11ips are availahle for inler-

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