

sity and Seoul Wonl<'.n's University in Knn-..i as well as at Tol.-yo Quistian University in Japan. Nursing 1nar11s lit11uently have spc,cial stucly opportunitit's in Alaska and Ecuador. Riola sin· dents are alo;i) digible to apply for prog1am, spotLo;()t-i,il Ly the 01ristian Colkge Coalition, such as the prog1a111 al the C.t:nler for and Renai.~ance Studit-.,. in Oxfonl, England. For information about which travd programs are cmrenlly oll.,rd, please contact the Ollice ofAdmi.~io1t,. BIOLA ENGLISH STUDY TOUR PROGRAM OF ISE TI1is is a four-week summer English slu<ly tour program for international college students who woul<l like lo study the English language and Ame1ican culture at Riola. The prn· gram includt"s intensive study along with weekend and <laily activities. TI1e final four clays of the pn1i-;1am consist of a field trip to Northern California. TI1ere are additional optional program, av.iilal,le for sin• dents who wish to further their interaction with American pc,ople and their culture. Interested stuclenls sl10ulcl contact the Department of International Student Education. SUMMER INSTITUTE OF LINGUISTICS AT BIOLA In coopc,1:ilion with the Sununer !rt,tilnle of Linguistic, and Wyclille Ril,le Tra1t,lalors, USA, the University ollt'rs an inten· sive program for sllKlenls plannini-; tow, >rk in en~, cuhm:il mis­ sion,. The 21-1U1it pmgram, av.iilalile for either 1111clerg1:iclnale or graduate credit, rnmhin~ live emu= in clt"STiptive linguis­ tics and two anlhropok'h'Y emu=. Interested sludenls should coulacl the l111errnl1111al Stncl­ ies Departmt:nt for adclitioual i11fon11alio11 . SUMMER SESSION A continuing S1u1mlt'.r Session progr:in1 provides slll(l.,nls with the opportunity for a greater degree offi.,xihility in plan­ ning their total pmi-;1am. Stuclenls may enrich their r0111se of study and reduce the ,,ver:ill time spt,nl in sd11H1l nr clern·ase their regular course load Ly cardi1l seler1irn1 of Sununer Ses­ sion courses. Vi.,iting slnclenls !incl ii refr~l1i11i-; lo slluly in a different atmosphere and perhaps a difkreul locak, and entering students find ii helpful in i-;-.iining a<lvancecl slall(ling. Work taken may be applied to both 1l1e clq;ree and the learh­ ing credential proi-;ram,. l11sl111clio11 i., ofkn,cl in sla11danl courses by the Riola faculty and capable vi.siting pn ift,;S< 11s. Com= ollered cover the area, of al1, Rihle, theolo!-,')', hi.s­ tory, liter:inue, matl1ematico;, philosophy, p,)dio~'h')', hiologiral science, sociology and other suhjecls, iurln,liug eclncalion con= for tt-. 1d1i11g n-i,ile111ial ra11clicla1~. C:1:icluale rnn1= iii edur.ation, i11ten:ul1111:il sllKlies, lht'< 11< 'h'Y and J»yrlu 11< "r.'Y enable graduate sluclenls lo continue dreir pmgram, clururg the su111- mt:r. Credit i.s also available in cnunecli<lll with excellenl fi1reig11 tours concltK:led clurin); the s1111111lt'.r. Tuition, r<•llll aml l•~inl are lower d1a11 rq,'lrlar chaii;~ al priv.ile rnlleg~; Iota! costs are compc,titive with state s1111111lt'.r school rl1ai-ges. See section llll linancial infonnation fi>r S1111111lt'.r ~,ion tuition. Certain courses nr workshops may he ofl.,red in the suni­ mer that are not listed i11 this lmlleti11. Cmn,es may he i11110·

vative or the content may be in re.,ponsc, 10 specialized needs or c111Te111 topics. Such courses will be desc1ibed in the sepa· rak Summer Se.o;sion bulletin. Re<p1est, for the Summer Session bulletin (available about March 15) and application fonn, for admi.,sion should be aclclrt'..,sed to the Oflice of Admissions. Admission to the sum111er does not pre.,. uppose or grant acceptance 10 the University for the regular school year. SUMMER STUDIES FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS Program Purpose The puqiose of thi., pmgr:im lo pmvide a short-term uni• ver,ity experience for high schrH>I students who want to get an early start rn1 tl1eir 1111ive1,ity degree. Enrollment for the su111111er St'..ssio11 i., open In high school students who have cnmpktecl their junior year. We are strongly urging home school stucle11ls 10 participate in this program. The Program S111<le11ls may enroll in a., many a, three lower division (I (X) • 200 level) cmn,es for a maximum of nine uniL~ of uni• ver,ity credit. TI1ese courses will take place d111ing the regu· lar s11111111er school calendar. If the sluclenl desire.~ to take three courstcs, it is recnmmencled that he / she take one course in Bible, one cu111,e in ge11eral ecl ucalion , and one cmn,e in the m~jor that they are cnnsiclering. This pro~ram is clesignecl for inclivicluals with a high clq;ree of sdf'.11101iv.11io11 and pc,rsonal discipline. Students will live in a residence hall with otl1er high school and uni­ ver,ity slmleuls, and will he expected to conduct them,elves in a manner cousi.,tenl with the slated hehavioral standanl, of our university campus. Applicants should read carefully the slan,lanl, of Wll(lucl section in the general catalog and he willing In ahicle by these slanclank Academic Credit All s1ucle11ls in 1l1e program will hegin lo establish an olli­ cial univer,ity llanscripl. Grades for the summer courses will be i11duclecl 011 this llansnipl. Stuclenls who wish to fulfill l1igh sd11H1l re<p1ireme111s should make arrangements with their hi!;h school p1i11cipal or !1Hlepenclent Stmly Program Acl111i11is11:i1or bdi,re hegi1111i11g the program. Riola Univer­ sity has 11njuriscliclio11 over high school policy in thi., matter. Admissions Requirements TI1e sattlt'. rt'lp1ireme111s for general a<lmissiou lo Riola Uni­ ver,ity will apply lo 1111 ise who participate in thi., spc,cial learning op1x 1r11111ity. Enuance rt'l1uireme111s for thi., program incltKle: I. A1ta i11ecl a :1.0 ("R") grade point average 2. C0111plere a Riola Uuiver,ity admissions application ,! . Leiter of rdt'rence from their high school counselor 4. Leiter of rekrence from dmn:h youth pa.slor or pastor 5. Oflicial 11:insrripl of high school gr:icles Application Procedure Re<p1esl an aclmissions application for the SulTllllt'.r Studies for Hi);h Sd1ml S1ucle11ls Prngram. Complete the infonnalion 1l1al is rec1ues1ecl ancl rerum ii lo the Oflice ofAclmi.,sion., .


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