

INTERTERM To facilitate the completion of graduation and also lo allow exposure lo creative learning and lo emich sludenls' academic program,, tl1e Unive11<ity provides an lnlnlenn program in January. Resident hall room, are provided al no extra charge for 011-camp1Ls fall students who occupy a room during the spring semester. All other st udenIs allending Interlerm are charged a prorated weekly rale . Separate prices will be available for nwals chning lnterlenn. Tuition charges are aLout one half of the regular school year d1arge. (Graduate courst's excepted.) ALalance<l p~-an1 ofgene1~ education, Bihie, ekctive arnl graduate co= is ollered on campns. Oppornmitit-l; al'i< > will he given to participate in uavel and 0~1er non-lraditinnal emu=. aa.~ scheduks for lnte1t.enn will he av.iilahle Ap1il I. For liu1her infonnation, please w1i1e lo tl1e As.'i<-x:iale Pmvosl Otlice. ARMY ROTC TI1e Army Reserve Ollicer T1aining Corps program is available lo all studenls of Biola University 1hrm1gh the Department of Mili1a1y Science of UCIA. Anny ROTC pn ► vides scholarships and d1allengi11g leade11<hip training. TI1e cuniculum includes 111ou11tai11 climbing se111i11a1s , physical fit­ ness devdopment, practical application of 111a11agerial tech ­ niques, and in milita1y his101y and tactics. Army ROTC also allows students lo pursue cnnunissions in Ihe U.S. Anny. Programs TI1e mili1a1y science curriculum is divided into two part., . Basic Co1111<e is the fo1<I two yea11< of lower division s111dy dur­ ing which students complete 12 units of leade11<l1ip rlasses. Advanced C'.ourse is the two yea11< of upper division study consisting of I 4 uni ls of leacle11<hip'..s, and a six week summer camp typically Letwee11 _junior and senior years . (Cadets receive an allowance for travel expr.nses and are paid for attending this camp.) Students who did not enroll in Anny ROTC as a fresh­ man or a sophomore can receive ecp1ivjlent cn:dit in sewral diflerent ways (see Two-Year Program Lelow). Admission lo the Advjnced Cmme is limit ed to students who meet all academic and physical n:c1uireme11ts. Students in this course receive a suhsislence allowa11n: of $1 :>0 a month for IO months chuing each of the two academic yea11<, plus milita1y science honks and unifi,mLs. Afler rnmple1io11 of the Advanced Comlit'. and college, students are eligible to be commi.s.siom:d as second lieutenants in one of the Anny's 17 specialty areas in eitlwr tl1e Anny National Guard, Anny Reserve, or active Anny. Students ' desires are a ma~11· factor in detennining which se1vice option i., seleclecl. TI1e active duty obligation for those students selected to enter the National Guard or A1111y Rr.se1vr. is typically li1111 montl1s. Students ente1i11g thr. Artivr. An11y sr.1vr. lo11her peri­ ock ROTC stude111., desirinh to obtain aclvanet:d dr.hrees may be granlt'cl a dday in rr.pOitinp; lo their initial ,Lssii,;11nwn1 . Scholarship Scholarships are av.iilahle on a national and regio11al ha.,i.,. Two ancl three yt"' sd10laiships are av.ii lahie nn a rnmpetitive

basis I<• any <JUalitied student of Biola Unive11<ity who desires to ron1pete. An Anny sd1ola11<hip will pay ti,r IIK)st tuition costs, school supplies, and pmvicle a monthly suhsislenct'. allow.inct'. of $1:>0. The sd10!a11<l1ip competition is cn11ductt'.CI from November tlm111gh Feh111a1y chuing the sd100] year prior to when the scholarship would go i1110 effect. Winners are ain1m111cecl in May and Junt'., and the schn]ai1<hip becomt'.s dli:rrive at tl1e slarl of the following Fall tenn. Two Year Program TI1i.s program i., cbignecl for stmlt'.nls who receivt'. place­ lllt'.111 credit for two yt""..11s of ROTC: Placement cnxlit may be b>ive11 ti,r a v.irit:ty of c:nncli1in1Ls. l11duded are: c:nmple1i11g three yea11< of11igh sd1ml ROTC; attending a spt:1:ial Ba.sic Course s1111m1t:r camp; joining the Anny Rese1ves or National Guard; prior nuli1a1y s,.-:1vice 011 active duty (ve1t:1-a1Ls may rect'.ive VA llt'.ndits rnnnuTently with Advjnre Crnulit'. benefits); ancl by cnmplt-:ti11p; IWn }'t-:ais ofrnlkge level Air Frnre or Navy ROTC. Extra Curricular Cadels i11 Anny ROTC are dih,ihle In participate in a wide v.i1ir.ty, l t'.Xll;H:unirnlar activities. lnd11<lecl are 1-appdling, land navihali<ijl , pai-arhutinh, aiul 0U1eradve111ure np1x)1t1111i1it-l;. Further Information Biola Un ive11<ity students who desire more information l't');,mlinh this pn•1-,'l-a111 may Wlile: Depai1menl of Militaiy Sci­ ence, In M.,11's Cyn1, Box !l:i)(iO'l, UCLA, Los Angdes, CA \)()(ff,-] Wl; m call (:ll 0) H2:>-7:lH4/ 7:181. AIR FORCE ROTC Tiurnigh ai ·1-ange1nent, with L)yola Maiymrnml Unive11<ity (LMU) in wesr Lis Angeles, sn1denls may pa1ticipa1t: in the Air Force Rese1ve Otlicer T1-ai11ing Coq>s (AFROTC) prnp; AFROTC ntli-:rs a v.iriety nf two-, tlm:t'- and lin11°year scholar­ ships, manyofwhid1 pay the full cnsls of tuition, hxks, and fi::es. Surres.sliil rnn1ple1~,n of a., little as fimr semeslt:1s of AFROTC ac:acknur cla.,S<--s ai1d k-:aile1ship lalx11-a1n1ies can lt'.ad 10 a com­ nu.s.si1111 ,ts a s,.-:n 11111 li<:ulrnanl in the Unitecl Stales Air Fnn:e. Cla.,,es rnnsisl of one hour of acackmirs and two homs of kade1ship lalH>1alo1y ti,r lieslunen and snpl1omores and tlm:e h11111s of acailemics and two h11111s of lt-.ade1ship lahn1a101y for _ju11io1s ai1d se11io1s. TI1e arailemics ho1111< eai·ned can nonnally l>t: cnu111ecl a., elective creclil Iowan! g1-adual~m. All AFROTC rla.s.,es and lalrna101i..-s are held nn F1iclay lo l>t:ller an:mnmo- 1la1e s1ude111s rnnn11111i11g tiom ou1er colleges and unive11<ities. Currently, LMU does not charge for the rnu11<es and oilers cnis.s-t<M11 srudenls frtt pai-1:.iug while a11e11di11g AFROTC ac:liv­ ities. Adcli1io11ally, AFROTC cadets under s,.:hnlarship and all junirns an,I senirn1< 1eceivr. a$ I :>0 pr.r month lax-liee stipend. Fm 1nore inli>nnation , cnnlacl the Loyola Ma1ymnunl Univnsity Ilepartn1enl of Aemspacr. Studies (AFROTC) at (:l]0) :l'.l,~-2770. Other AFROTC dt:1ach111e111s are localed al: Uniw1si1y of Caliti,mia, Los Anf;eles, (:l!O) 82:>-I 742; Uni­ versity of Soutlu-:m Calili,mia, (21 :l) 740-2(i70; San Diego Stale Unive1sity, ((i]~l) :,\l-l-:i:>4:>; and Caliti,mia Stale U11iver­ si~•. San Bernanlino, ( 1 H1.l) 880-:,440.

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