

•9@M=Utd;ti•i•bil p ROG RA M s HIGH SCHOOL RECORD An applicanl for regular standing unt,t he a gracluale of a recognized high school with a scholaslic record (inducling SAT I or ACT scores) which indicates ahiliry to pursue higher education successli1lly. Riola Universiry welcomes applications from stmlenls who have been home schooled. A transc1ipt showing high school work completed, SAT or ACT smres, two rd.,renct'.s, and a personal inte1view are required. GED scon•_, may Ix: reque.,ted at tJ1e discretion of the Director of Admi.,sions . Students must Ix: 17 years of age hy tJ1e time ofenmlhnt'. nt at tJ1e Unive1sity. Home-schooled student, are digihle In <(llal­ ify for all me1it scholaiships. The applicant m1t,t have Hi accepta!Jle high sd1onl units (one unit e<(Ual., one yt".J.J' in a com~) . 12 ofwhid1 should he spread over tJ1e academic art".a., ofEngli.,h (3), social st1K(it>;< (2), matJ1ematics (2) , science (including a lalx)t"Jtn1y science) (1), foreign la.t1b•uage (minimum of 2; reconuneml 4) and 1datr.d areas: Prospective students intert>;<ted in tJ1e musing pmg1am mu,t take chemistry and algehrn in high school. Applicant., are urged to have at k,1.,t two yea1s in one for­ eign language in high school. 1l1e applicant with li111r yea1s of tJ1e same la11guagt'. in high school will not havt'. to take any foreign language unkss majoring in Bihlt'., which m111in·_, Greek. Those with no foreign languagt'. in high sdu x,J or wi.,hing to begin a new language in cnllq ;t'. to nlt'.d tht'. gt'. 11· eral education re<p1irement , m1t,t take 12 units (3 semeslt'.ts) of foreign language for most m~jo1s. Catalog inli,nnalion regarding e.ach major will indicate any exceptions to tl1i., rnlt'. . ADMISSION PROCEDURE 1l1e following must be tiled in seeking admi.s.,ion: 1. The personal application fonn, inrlu<ling an iclentili­ cation picture . The application for admission must he accompanied hy a $3!\ non-rdimdahle application ke. 2. An official high school transcript. Tht'. applicant should re11uest tht'. high sdwol to St'.11(I this dirt'.ctly to lht'. Director ofA<lmi.,sions . 3. An ollicial U"Jnsnipt St'.llt dirt'.ctly In lht'. Dirt'.clor of Admissions from each sclux1] tht'. applicant ha., attt'.n<lt'.<I sinct'. high schcx)l. 1l1i., indudt>-' schools allt'.ll(bl Ii ,r t'.Vt'.11 part of a seme_,ter. Those applying to tht'. eclucatinn or 11111sing pm• gram, should have an addirional copy of each sd1ml's ll".111· sc1ipt sent directly to the appmp1iatt'. dt'.partmt'.11I. 4. Two personal rd.,rences: ont'. from lht'. applicant's pastor or someone on the pa.stnrnl staff who knows tht'. appli­ cant and one from the sd1onl last attemlt'.d or from an employer if the applicant ha., !lt'.en out of school for at leas! one year and ha., been working. 5. 1l1e scort>-' of the Sd10Ja.,tic Apti tude Tt'.sl I (SAT I) of tJ1e College Entrance Examination Board or th t'. ACT mmt be suhmilled. lnfonnation rt'.garding tt'.sliug dates may be secured from a high school rnunsdnr. Applicanls art'. encom"J[;ed to take tht'. SAT I or tht'. ACT no bier than lht'. Januaiy testing datt'.. The SAT I is prt'.k1w<I. 6. Inte1view: All applicant, art'. t'.Xpt'.ctt'.d to participatt'. in an inte1view wi1h an admissions reprt'.St'.ntalil't'. prior to a

decision on their application. O11-<:amp1t, interviews are pre­ f.,ned , when possihle, hut phone inte1views are substituted wht'.n trnvd distanct'. tn Riola prohibits the campus visit. 7. Application deadline for fall i., June I and for spring i., Jai1ua1y 1. Applications may be submitted after deadlines ((ale foe of $45), and will be considered and proce.,sed if space is available aiul time allows. NOTIFICATION Letten; notifying applicai1ts of tJ1eir admission statm are maibl on a rolling ba.,i.,. Freslunen applicant, with at lea,t a ~.O ("B") average throui;h grade I I and acceptable test scnrt'.s may lie notified of acceptance p1ior to receipt of their sevt'.nth semt'.ster transc1ipt. ApplicanL~ who are granted acct'.plance are rt'.<(Uirecl to vali<late their acceptance by the paymt'. nt of a 11on•rt'.h111dahle enrollment deposit of$100. Accompanying the letter of acceptance will be a health fonn which m1t,t Ix: properly completed by botJ1 tJ1e appli­ canl and the applicant's physician p1ior to enrollment. A mt'.dical const'.llt form is also required of single student., undt'.r the age 01'18 at the time ofenU".lnce. TRANSFER STUDENTS Tr,111sfer st1Kle11ts m1t,t present the same application forms and ll"JILS<'. lipts a., those applying for freshman standing. TI1e 11 ;:msnipl linn1 the last sdux)! attended mmt bear the statement orlun1<>1"Jli!e dismissal. TI1e Regi.,trnr's Office has linal author­ ity li,r lilt'. re!t" of t1a11Sll'r m:dits into Biola University. T1anskr students witl1 less tl1a11 27 setl'lt'.ster unit, of regu• lar collei;t'. work must <p1alify for admission on the ba,i., of borh tht'. ir high school and their college record. Those tl".ln!r lenini-; with 27 senw.,tt'.r unils or more of college won will be rnnsi<l t'. rt'.d p1i111a1ily nn the Lasi., of their college gr.ides (high school grncluation t1"J11sctip1 is slill required) . A cumulative GPA of 2.!i i., rt'.!p1ired for Admi.s.,ion to Riola. A minimum g1"Jcl t'. ave1"Jge of "C" (2 .00) i., required to transfer college units into Riola on t'.ach com~ allempted at tJ1e college level T1".lnskr students will nnt Ix: required to take the SAT I or th t'. ACT if given sophomore cla.,silication upon entrance (requirt'.s 27 semt'.ster unit nfan:t'. plt'.d credits). However, all tl"Jnskr stu<lt'.nt., entning 1l1e musing program must have lht'. SAT I or tht'. ACT. T1".lnskr sluclents coming hnm institution., which are not ai::nt:1lilt:<I nor 1t:1:r,gnizt:<l may Le givt'.n the opportunity to v.10- datt'. cmlit, tlunugh the Col~e Level Examination Program or tl11nugl1 rn1Ls1il1a1io11. Information on tlii., pmce<hU't: i., available hum tht'. Admiss~)IL' and RegLst1".lr' s ollict>;<. Provisional credit fur lillt'.1".I! arts cnmses from non-accredited institutions will be i-;r.intt:<I in ammlat1Ce with the policit-l; of state col~t>;< or univer­ sitit>;< of lilt'. stalt'. in which tl1e iJLstitution i., locate<I. ProvLsional cmlit LS C<Ntsiden,d v.Jidatt:<I only when tlie sUKlent perfunn, at lilt'. "C" lt'.Vt:! or llt'.ttt'.r li,ll,~viug t'.111Ull1l'lt'.nt in Riola Unive1sity. For s111d en1s wirh prt'.Viott, crt'.clir, a combined maximum of 32 1111its will l>t: awardt'.cl for all fo1m, of general education advanced l'.l't'.dit options ind11cling AP , CLEP and lnt ema­ tinual l:lacralaurt'.ale. Asttult'.nt will l>t: (lt'.lllUttt:<I to tramfer a maximum of70 units ofcn-1l it from a wnm1111iity college. Up[>t:r divi.,ion cre<lit r-..umot


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