

be allowed for courses taken in a co1111nunity collq~e. Final autlK1rity for the acceptance of trnnsli::r credit, into Biola Unive1° sity rest, witl1 tl1e Registrar's 0llice. Current students taking cour.;es at local community mlleges while enrolled al Biola should m1uest written ptior approv.J of cmm,es in onler to a,'111e Iha! transfer credit will meet tl1e n=l, of tl1eir nuTirnhun No com1,e below a "C" (2.0) will be tr,msli::rred from anotl1er i1Lslitulion. Credit/No credit and Pass/Fail courses shoul<l not he taken. Vocational or teclmical miu= will nol be accepred for 1mive1sity credit. Admi!-'ion counselors are prepared to give aca,lemic aclvisem::nt In t!K1se attending, or planning lo allend, con11111111ity mllegeswitl1 tlie intention ofu-amfrning inlo Biola Univen.iry. Biola University will accepl crnTe.,pondence credir from regionally accredited or recognized sd1ook The maximum allowed is 15 semesler of credil of which 1!1e maxinnun limit for Bible is six unit,. GENERAL EDUCATION OPTIONS FOR TRANSFER STUDENTS Tr.insfer stucknts may follill !heir general education mp1ire­ ment, by completing Biola Unive1siry's General Educalinn Cur­ ricuhun or, p1ior to enmlling al Biola, rn111pk1ing rhe h11e1seg­ men1al Gener.ii Educalion Transfer Cunirnlum (IGETC). The IGETC model for 1!1e California Stale llnive1si1y (CSU) ~-ysrem is accepled by Biola Unive1sity wirh rhe follllW· ing provisions: l. l11e ClllTenl foreign language requiremenl Ii ,r all bache­ lors degrees will be rdainecl. 2. l11e minin111m of13(J unit, foq;1.1dua1ion will stay 1!1e same. 3. In addition to the IGETC, all prerequisiles and supporl courses for existing m~jors mus I !lt'. mel. 4. Transfer studenls following lhe IGETC m1Lsl cnmplelt'. ir before tl1ey enroll al Biola University. Srudenls wlw do not complele it before 1l1ey enrnll will follow lhe Binla Gener.ii Education cun-iculum. Th, J(EI'C j&r tilt Univtni!J of C:aujUITIMI (Cl(.) >JSltln is N<rr ,un,n,nnu/111. ADVANCED PLACEMENT PROGRAM Biola University, as a member of lhe Collq;e Enrranre Examination Board, recognize., rhe 111e1ils of lhe Advanced Placement Program and will g1.1n1 cre<lir for Ad1'.1nced Place­ ment courses taken in higl1 scl1nlll. Cre<lil will be given when recommended by 1l1e high school and when lhe Advanced Placement examinalinn is i;rade :l or helleL COLLEGE LEVEL EXAMINATION PROGRAM Biola University suhscrillt'.s tn the O,llege Levd Examina­ tion Program (CLEP) of tl1e Collq;e E1111.111re Exa111inalio11 Board. Biola Unive11,ity encm11.1i;es lrnnsli::r sllHlenls from non-accredited schools lo validalt'. cerlain creclirs on rhe ba.,is of tl1e examinalions provided by rl1is prng1.1111. High srl1<H1! sludents wilh supe1ior records are encournged Ill lake the general examinalions prior In allendini-: Binla U11ive1sity. Credit for CLEP general examinalinns will be awanbl only in tl1ose areas where a ge11e1.1l ecluralion n,quin,111e111 ha, not been mel by previmLs college cou1sewmk and on~• up to lhe amounl needed In romplete rhe require111enl. (For example, a minimum of only eighl uni ls in rhe srienres

and malhemalics will he relea.,ed if rhe sludenL, have no credits in tl1ese areas.) Elet:rive credil will nor be given for tl1e genernl exa111i11a1ions ofCLEP. Cml il will be awarded for CLEP suhjecl examinations in an·...i., not covered 1,y CLEP general examinations, provided no colki;e c1edit, have been allempled or e.amed in the same field. Stuclenls shoukl nol lake Engli.,h compnsilinn rluuugh aEP. Srudenls are advised lo take the CLEP lt'.sl a, early a, pO!i­ sihle in rheir college pmgr.1111 to receive lhe maximum value from tl1em. Binla University re.se1ves tl1e 1igh1 lo deletmine 1J1e score al which creclirs will be released and rhe amount of cmlil awanled. l11e Regislrar's 0llice ha., final aulhmity for tl1e ofCLEP cmliL, i1110 Binla Unive1sity. CHALLENGING ACOURSE In addilion to lhe Advanced Place1nenl Program and tl1e College Level Examination Program, borh of which may 1dea.,e aclual units of nedil Inward i-:1adu,11ion, it i., pnssible for a sl1Hlenl 111 cl1allenge a parrirnlar cmuse or rec1uiremenl. If rhe sluclenl clenumslrales by his jlt'.Jformance on a compre­ hensive examinalillll rhar he h,L, a grK)d gra.,p nf rhe cou1-se c:onlenl he can !lt'. i-:1.1111ed exemplinn from lakini; the com-se bur 1w or credils will be allowed. However, lhe R.N. or L.V.N. ancl s111vey Bible units or cieclils may be gra111ed based 1111 d1alle11ge exan1i11a1in11s. Sj>t'.cilir information reg-.trcling these examinations i., amilable from lhe Deparlmenl ofNurs­ ini-:. Fnr h111her inli,rmalilln see rhe unive1sity regi.,rrar. ACADEMIC STANDARDS A11unu111nn g1.1cle point al't'.1age of"C" (2.00) i., uecessa1y lo i-:1.1<luale. Wirh rhe e.xceprion of l11Lsi11ess, eclucalinn, foreign lu1i-:uage all(! 11111-suii-: depa11menls, a g1.1<k of "D" i., accepted a, a pa.,sing 1,,>1-.ide u1 a singk rmuse. H<Mt'.Ver "D" <p1ality ofwrnk in ge11e1.1l is normally insuflicienl In allow lhe sludent lo [>l"l)f:J"ess from level lo level. Hii-:her GPA mi11imums are n,i1uued bdi,re achni.,;.sion In 1e.acl1u1g all(! n111sini;. Nmsing slu­ denls should see lhe deparllnenl for GPA aclmi.,sion recp1in:,- 11w.111s. S1tKlenls 1tt·eiving less tl1a11 a "C" g1.1de u1 any m11si11g crnuse m1Lsl n,1wa1 rhe co111-se 111 pntress in nm-sing. S1tK!enls who U.1mkr unit, li11m other u1s1i1u1in1Ls 1111Lsl mau11ain an aver­ age g1.1de of "C" in all work co111ple1ecl al Biola Unive1-sity a, 1tt1uut,1nen1 li,r gradua1i11n. All sltulenls 1111Lsl have a nunimum ofa "C"a\'t'.l.Jgt'. (2.(X)) UI rheu·111ajllr tide!. Academic Probation Any sltulenl wh"se c:innulative g1.11k poinl ave1;ige in Biola U11iw1sity falls bd"w "C" (2.(Xl) is placed 011 aca<knuc prolo tic 111 . Prnbarion uHlicales a peri, Kl of trial an<l lhe slmknt mtLsl ad1ieve heller than a 2.(X) ave1;ige rhe subse<p1rn1 senlt'.sler or fuc:e lhe p<~sil,ility of11ei11i-: di.sc1ualilied. Asluclenl i., reslticlt'.d frllm parliripalilln in e.xl1.1rmrirnlar u11ive1-sity aclivilit'.s ancl rhe academic !"ad will llt'. linult'.d dming rhi., peri<Kl of pmbarion 10 a maxi11111111 "f l:l units e,k:11 senlt'SleL Srudenls on academic pr"lialilln 1111Lsl pa11iripale in lhe Learning Skills Pmgram. Academic Disqualification AsllHlenl 1nay be disqualilied al any rime if his i-:rncles are hdc~v a 1.00 GPA in one semester Ill" ifbe has achieved mi11i- 1111n11 g1.1des li,r 1w11 sucressive se11iesle1-s. A srudenl who is

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