*Cimvmatio111il lanj;Ullgt courstJ may lie used toward tlu: B.S. requirm~t but nal tlu: B.A. requirim~t. If you take a classical language far your foreign language you must t,ike it through the 102 Imel far a B.S. degru. S1mle11ls wi1h IWo ye= of a high schml language must take the 102 and 201 sections of the same language in order to c:omplele lhe B.A. rec1uiremenl However, !he instructor of t"..id1 class may l't'.ll'lire ai1 unpt-epai·t'.<I sludenl lo change to a lower levd das.,. Eurollmenl in Spanish da.•;se., will be deter minecl on thi, ba.,is of a mandalmy placement exam. Siu dents who cln 1101 mainlain co111jn110tts enmllmenl in tl1e pro i;ram 11ntst be rt'.lr.skcl and placecl acconlingly. If the student neecl, lo review prior rnlllJ;t'.WOt-k, lie slinulcl auclit the appro priale lower-kvd co111se. Repealing a levd for cmlil will for foil all p1inr experience creclit for 1hat levd ancl above. Exceptirn1.s In ll1is 1~ilicy are nnlecl 1111cler lhe appmptiale ckparlnient, (pk.1.se nnle ll1e llllil clitlerence per sen~kr for classical lai11,uai-;es). l111ema1innal slmlenls li)r whom Engli.sh is a St'.<:n11cl lai11,uai-;e neecl not lake a foreign lmguage uncler cer- 1ai11 cin:umslanres. 111 aclcli1in11, slnclents who have acq1urt'.<I a St'.< '.<)llc( lani;uai;e witluml lakini; hii;h school nr college cla.s.ses in ii may llt'. eligible for a waiwr of lhe m1uireme11I. (For advi.sc me111 see li lt'. Foreign Lani;uage Department.) AU nan-native ;/"'ak,,11 of Engl.i.1h will be alh to count 12 unil.J ofE\l irutructian (/,otl, EU 1md E'iL counrJ at the 102 lmd and a/1a11t) toward ,radua ti,m. Fm· studeuts /nmuing tlu: B.A. degrre, the 12 units of fill un'/1 ;11.Ji;fy the fureif(II umgww re,Juinmumt. Fur ;/ud1.mL1 fnmuing the B.S. IU'l(l'l'I!, four unil.J will ;ati.ify the f0111il(11 lang11ng11 1'111/uinmumt, and an additiowil eiglll units m11 /,:rm.mu,d ILl ele1ti11eJ . Engli~h 6 units ENGL I IOA/ B S1uclies in Cri1icism aucl C,omposition All slmknls s,,:mini; les., 1ha11 480 on the verbal seclion of llw SAT (nr Hi AGT') nntsl enmll in English HXJ, unless tl1ey ttreive a s,,:ore of :ilO or llt'.ller on lite SAT II Wti ling Exam. TI1e1t will llt'. a lak make-up lcce nf$2:i when placenient exam~ are not taken 011 lite clales i11clica1ecl in lhe s1ucle111's accep ta11re Idler. Non-native English speaket, who clo nnl pa.ss lhe Riola Eni;lish l'lace111e111 Exam (BEBE) 1111tsl enroll in lite pn~ sc:rihecl E111,lish for Non-Native Speake,~ ccnme(s) prior In e11rnlli111, iu Eni;lish l(XJ or l lOA. Nok: lutmwtio11al ;tudent;, /1/ea;e ;ee the Engl.i;!, Languagt .'iludi,~ !.tdio11 of tlu: mi,wgfurEnglish 102, 103, 105, 107, and 109. Lit~mlure 3 units ENGL 2:i0 Llteralme in Conlexl ENGL 2:,1 Engli.sh Lilerallll'e lo 1798 ENGL 2:,2 English Lileralme since 17!)8 S1 wle11l.s may lake any oue of tl1e above com~es lo follill lhe lileralure requiremenl. W11h !he English Deparlmenl cha ir's pen11is.sio11, tilt'. sluclent may suhslilule any upper divi sion li1er.ill11·e cotme from Eni.;lish or !i,reii,11 languages. Fine Arts 3 units Any one of the following will med Ihis requirement : ARTS I (X) Ari Appm:ialion ARTS IO~ No11-Weslem Ari ARTS !(Xi Ari of tl1e Pa.,1 ARTS 1 ~O l111roduc1ion to Stnclio Arts COMM l(i(J ln1rndurtio11 to Dram.1 MUSC 101 l111rodnc1io11 lo Music
Arts and Sciences Requirement The studenl~ must make selections from the following COUl1K:S in the arl~ and sciences. University Life 1 uni! l't'.C1uiml {Nal counted toward total num/ier ofunits for r;radu.n.lion &,quired if aO mw studera.i and studm/.J tmrufming wiJh 11 unil.J or ks.s.) Communication 3 unils rec1uiri,d Foreign Language 12 u11i1s mp1iml Engli~h (i unils ri,c1uil't'.CI Llteralure :l unils rec1uiri,d Fine ArL~ 3 unils l't'.CIUil't'.CI
8 u11ils rec1uired 3 units l't'.C(lliml 4 u11ils l't'.CIUil't'.CI :I u11ils re<1uil't'.CI
Physical Education Behavior.ii Science
Science/Matl1ematics 8 u11i1s ri,c1uiml TI1e courses dial med !hi, general educalion require ment are the following: Communicati<m 3 unil~ Any one of the following will mi,t'.I !his rec1uim11enl : COMM 100 lntroduclinn In Puhlic Con11nunica1im1 COMM 170 Small Grnnp Comnmnicalin11 COMM 181 lntrnduc1jon lo Argumenlalion and Dd,ak COMM 280 Oral ln1eq1ri,lation foreign Language 12 units If you have cornplelecl: Yon will ht' reqniml lo ~1k (of the same language) (of tl1t' samt' laugnagt') BA *BS 1 year high school 12 units 4 units Elementaiy 1 and 2 and first St'.lllt'$ler Intennediatr. 2 years high school 8 unit, No11r.
Elemr.nta1y 2 and liI~I semeslr.r lnlemw.cliale
4 nnits Fii~I semeslt'.r ln1r.m1i,dialr.
3 years high school
4 years high school
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