

History 8 units To fulfill the eight-unit hi.,tOiy re<1uire111ent, History 205 is re<1uired as well a., eithn History lO!i or Politiral S<:ience 205. History 105 Unit.eel States Hi.story (4 units required) or Political Survey ofAmerican Govenu.nent Science 205 (4 unit, required) Students who may have completed three units of Unite<! States History or United States Govemment are advise<! to take Hi.story l 15, Per~pectives on American Hi.story (I unit) or Political Science 215, Per~pectives m1 American Govem­ ment (1 unit) to complete the requiremmt. HistOiy 205 TI1e West and the World (4 units re<1uire<I) Students who may have completed three units of Worl<l Civilization are advi.,ed to take Hi.story 215 Perspectives on Western Civilization (I unit). Note: An al/emale route fur 11U'di11{{ t/JL 11',piiremnll fur HiJta,y 205, Histury 105 ur Pdi1iml Science 205 is to take tlJL aJ1,roJrriate HiJtury departmt:ru frrofirienry exa11u·na1ion. The l':(aminlltiam are /{i,tJen t1ii17. a year in Scjilcml,er a11d Felm.lllry. Fur tlirue siwlnUJ, who /um tlut exm11i­ naticm, ufrfier diviiion His/o,y cou1:ieJ iii/1 Le ml,Jti1ull'.d in lieu ofHistory 205, History 105 and Poli1ical Scimce 205. A/1/nv/nulil., u/1/ier di11iJi011 WU1sework is detemuned in c011Jultaiio11 uilh t/u, HiJtory dij1111tme11/ . Phiu1s11j,hy 3 uniL~ Any one of the follnwing will meet this requimnent PHIL 2IO lntnxluction lo L)gic PHIL 211 lntrndm:tion lo Ancient Philosnphy PHIL 212 Introduction lo Me< Philosnphy PHIL 213 lnlJTxluction lo M<Klem Philosophy PHIL 214 Introduction to Philnsnplry PHIL 215 ln11-rxluc1ion to Ethics PHIL 2Hi Introduction to Philnsnphy and At'.slhetir., Physical Education 4 acti11ilil's Each student is l"t'.!JUired to mmplt'.le limr activiti<~ of physi­ e<luralion to be dih,jl,k, for h'l ·aduatinn. Sdert~,n lium tilt'. folkming skill chsst'li (110, 1:10, 140, 150) . S111<!t'.n1s nwy St'hl one unit of r"t'.!Tt'.atinn skill In meet tire f; edrn:ation mp1i 1t>­ ment Note: Fint Aid and CPR dona com!/ as PE. ,utirtiJy mdil. A student may enmll for one activiiy and repeat once at a higher level if olleml (inienne<lialt'. or advanced) for gen­ eral education puqmses. Exam/ile: A Jtwu11l who haJ lllke11 beginnin{{ 11olley/,all once may take it at th, level ancc. /11 addition, two diJ!mnt arli11iti,J are "-qui,r.d to fulfill the faur activit_J {{"MTal acti11ity 17.quirmumt. Stuclenls 21 al the time of enll.ince lo Riola are exempt fro111 the physical edu­ 3 uniLf lntercultural Studies 300, P,-ychnlob'Y 2(X) or S.x:ioloh'Y 220. Check the catalog In clet ennine which m~j,m re11uire P,-ychology 2(XJ a., a suppon com~e. Note: Piydwlof;J 21/0 iJ required f 01· llll 111111on lmdi111; to a teaching crede11liaL Science/Mathematics 8 units cation requirement. Behavioral Scimc,e Eight 1mils are I"t'.!JUiml in science a1Hl/nr nwthematical sc~ enct'li. C.ompuler S<:ienct: emu= nwy 1101 he ILSt'.11 lo tiillill the Science/Matl1ematir., I"t'.!JUirenrent. A111ini11111111 of tlutt units in


nwlh am! rlntt unit, in science Ls re<111iml. Biology HX)with 110 am! Physical S<:ience IOI have Loth been cl<'liigned for tl1e stu­ dent witl1 a limited hac4'1nund in s,.:ience. TI1e courses in Sci­ ence/ Matl1ematir., appmve<I for Gene1al Edur-..1t~n credit are: Options: BiolnbT HX>, I IO, 11 I, I 20, I~O, 2<)() Che111is1ry: HX>, l05, 112 Ma1he111a1ical Sciences (IOI or ahnve) Physical S<:ience: 101 , I02, 10:1, l07, 110, Ill , 132,250 Nob,: Matlumullu"J 111 iJ fur lilieml st,uiie.s majurs anry. Biolq:j 252 Human A1111wmy and 281 Plrpiolo!!:J ml fur nunini human UOU!f!:j a11.d filtyJic,il edualli011 11111)01"! onfy. CJumrutry 112 is fur nursing majOTJ. Fur t/UJ!Ji itw/mt.i who 111!1,d to com/1/i,te mie ur two units remainin{{ in tluir maJh/w.,ue ir1uiw.me11J, COT1q1uler .'icimm 104 is aa-eptable. ELECTIVES Nnrmally a student has consicle1.ihle freedom in the choice of electives in addition to the LiLlical studies and rl1eology, gen­ er.ii education and nw~)r re<p1iremenls. However, in addition to the note given al the encl of the hihliral studies and rl1eology re<1uire111enls, the non-m1tsic majnr i.~ limited to a maximum of eight units of cre<lit in applied m1tsic (including ensembles) and tllt'. non-physical education major i., limited lo eight units of cmlit iu physical education or skill cour1't'.s.

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