PROGRAM PLAN TI1e TorTey Honrn~ Institute progrnm, when completed, is the most rigorous general education course of studies available at tl1i., Uuiver~ity. These da.o;ses will replace (for Toney Honm~ Institute srudeuts only) rlie following liberal arls recp1ireme11ts for a four-year degree al Biola University: Couununication, Eni;lish, Litt'.r,llure, Fiue Arr.,, History, Phi losophy, and Bd1avioral Scieuce. These account for 29 units of material. Toney srudenls will replace the.o;e com~es with :12 unils of honor~ lnnnanirid cmmes (including tl1e tl1e sis) . Torrey will also replace the staudard 30 units of Bible in the cunicnlum with 32 units. To gain a four-year degree, studenlo; will be respousible for all otl1er academic, social , and spiritual recp1ireme11ls ofBiola Uuiversity. COURSES 110 Foundations of Thought (4) Inrroduct'.s the stmleur tn such works a., Ejiic of Gilgamesh, Iliad, Odymry, Hi.11mies , Pew/101111,,..sian War, Meno, Symjiosium, Republic, Pliy.1irJ, Nironuulumn EJ/ur..s, and Cirr.rn'J On llie Good Life. Credit giveu for ARTS JOO and COMM J(XJ. Fall, freshman year. 111 Biblical Foundations (4) lntmduces the srudt'.uls to Biblical lirerntme and includes: Gnu.sis, ExodUJ, readings from the Apostolic Father~, Barl.aam and Joseph, and Crwl.i of lhe Church Credit given for BBST 101 . Fall, fresl11na11 year. 120 Fonnation of the Modern Mind (8) Exanullt'.'i such wnrk., a., : Divine Comedy, PamdiJe Lost, Pil(ri111.1 ProJ;IW, C,rnler/,ury Tales, The Prince, Praise ofFolly, Don Quixole, aud exteusive sdectious from Shakespeare. Credit given for ENGL 11 0A/ Baud ENGL 2:>0. Spring, freshman year. 121 Biblical Poetry and Wisdom Literature (4) Explores AlllnLJ, jul,, Prou~·bs , and & c/e.i ia.1ICJ. Credit given for BB~T 120 and BB~T 121. Sprini;, freshman year. 210 Modern Western Thought (4) Delves in such wri tiui;s as : Leviathan, select.ions from Descartes, Suond Tmilise on Gavernmenl, Discourse on Meta physir..s, Dialo!;W, Conrernin1; Nlltural Rtdij;I.OIIJ, Social Conlracl, selections limn Samuel Johnson, Wea/Jh of Nations, Critique of Pim &asou, Pride aud Prejudice, and Wutlumn1; Heights . Credit
Director: John Mark Reynolds, Ph.D. FACULTY ~istant Professor: Reynolds OBJECTIVES
TI1e Torrey HonOI~ lnsrirure is a two-year progr~m in the liberal arLo; for undergrnduares at Biola. Students accepted in tl1e program represent outstanding undergraduates in terms of academic ability, Cluistian char.icier, and potential for leadership. lnsu1rction is in small tutrnials. TI1e cunicn lum contains tl1e master works of Western civilization, with a special emphasi.o; on Cluistian texlo;. Studenlo; come from a variety of ~jors. TI1e tr.iins studenlo; in a rigorous discussion group fonnat. Ir teache.o; high level writing and critical thinking skill,;. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Admi.o;sion to Torrey i.o; by invitation only. Students are invited to apply afler a review by the Ollice of Admissions and tl1e Director following their making application to Biola University. The aver~e applicant is in th" top tt'.11 percent of all students planniug to attend Biola Uuivt'.rsity iu term,; of academic , social, and spiritual leader~hip. High school students wi.o;hing to apply to Tom1 should take four years of each of the core cli.o;cipliue.o;. It is expeckd that the successfol Torrey student will have successfolly completed some honor~ or Advanced Placement work, if such i., avail
able at hi., or her high school. ENGLISH REQUIREMENTS
Student.,; wi.,hing to enroll iu any coum,s iu the Torrey Honors Institute mmt have oulstal)(ling writtt'.11 and S(k>keu Engli.,h skills. TI1is will be demonsu~ted by the prospectiw student in a paper submirted witl1 the TorTt'.y applicatiou aucl by a personal interview with the Director. ADVANCED PLACEMENT CREDIT It i., anticipated that a majority ofTorrey srudeuls will have earned Advanced Placement credit iu high school. Studeuts will not, however, be exempkd fmm any Toney Honor~ Insti tute required dassi::s a., a result of Advanced Placemeut credit. A.P. credit i.o;, therefore, hdpfol iu Lt:iui; admitted to Torrey, but not et1uivalent to Toney da.,"it'.s iu style, coutent or rigor. TORREY CERTIFICATE A student who complelt'.s tl1e full Toney progr~111 ((i4 credit,; iududing thesis) will he awarded the Ton")' Ho11011; Institute Certificate. Astudeul ueed nor gr~duale from Riola University to receive thi., Cerrilicak. Applicatiou should be made with the Director follnwiug the succe.,sful ddi;,use of the Torrey thesis. TRANSFER STUDENTS Accepted Toney srudenrs will uni llt'. exempted from any Torrey cla.o;se.o; ba.,ed 011 tl~usli;,r nee Ii I.
f;iVen li,r Hl~T 20:i. Fall, sopl10111ore yt".ar. 211 Christian Origins and Early Thought (8)
t,iusider~: The Four Go.1/N<L1, Acts, Comolation of Philosophy, City of (rl!d, Selc11io11s /run, the Pliiloknlia, and selections from John Cluysostom. Credit givrn for BB~T 110 and PHIL 214. Fall , snphon11m, yl'.ar. 220 Modern Western Thought II (8) Srudeul will react and disrtLss lxw)ks sucl1 as: Federalist PajlliTJ, Thr. United .'itllfrs Co11stitutio11, Philo.10J1hy of History , Faust , Dr.mocrary in Amen·ca, Pliilow/1hical Fraf;17tl!nt.1 (Kierkegaard ), C011mmni.1t M1m1/eJto, The Co11.1titution of Slave,y, Waulen, Ci-ui liwtion and Its Di.1contmt.1, The Trial, W1J.1t~land, and Ash Wr.dnr.sday. Cn,dir given for Hl~T 10:i and Behavioral Sci eure recp1iremen1. Spring, snphnmnre year.
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