



PROGRAM PLAN TI1e TorTey Honrn~ Institute progrnm, when completed, is the most rigorous general education course of studies available at tl1i., Uuiver~ity. These da.o;ses will replace (for Toney Honm~ Institute srudeuts only) rlie following liberal arls recp1ireme11ts for a four-year degree al Biola University: Couununication, Eni;lish, Litt'.r,llure, Fiue Arr.,, History, Phi­ losophy, and Bd1avioral Scieuce. These account for 29 units of material. Toney srudenls will replace the.o;e com~es with :12 unils of honor~ lnnnanirid cmmes (including tl1e tl1e­ sis) . Torrey will also replace the staudard 30 units of Bible in the cunicnlum with 32 units. To gain a four-year degree, studenlo; will be respousible for all otl1er academic, social , and spiritual recp1ireme11ls ofBiola Uuiversity. COURSES 110 Foundations of Thought (4) Inrroduct'.s the stmleur tn such works a., Ejiic of Gilgamesh, Iliad, Odymry, Hi.11mies , Pew/101111,,..sian War, Meno, Symjiosium, Republic, Pliy.1irJ, Nironuulumn EJ/ur..s, and Cirr.rn'J On llie Good Life. Credit giveu for ARTS JOO and COMM J(XJ. Fall, freshman year. 111 Biblical Foundations (4) lntmduces the srudt'.uls to Biblical lirerntme and includes: Gnu.sis, ExodUJ, readings from the Apostolic Father~, Barl.aam and Joseph, and Crwl.i of lhe Church Credit given for BBST 101 . Fall, fresl11na11 year. 120 Fonnation of the Modern Mind (8) Exanullt'.'i such wnrk., a., : Divine Comedy, PamdiJe Lost, Pil(ri111.1 ProJ;IW, C,rnler/,ury Tales, The Prince, Praise ofFolly, Don Quixole, aud exteusive sdectious from Shakespeare. Credit given for ENGL 11 0A/ Baud ENGL 2:>0. Spring, freshman year. 121 Biblical Poetry and Wisdom Literature (4) Explores AlllnLJ, jul,, Prou~·bs , and & c/e.i ia.1ICJ. Credit given for BB~T 120 and BB~T 121. Sprini;, freshman year. 210 Modern Western Thought (4) Delves in such wri tiui;s as : Leviathan, select.ions from Descartes, Suond Tmilise on Gavernmenl, Discourse on Meta­ physir..s, Dialo!;W, Conrernin1; Nlltural Rtdij;I.OIIJ, Social Conlracl, selections limn Samuel Johnson, Wea/Jh of Nations, Critique of Pim &asou, Pride aud Prejudice, and Wutlumn1; Heights . Credit

Director: John Mark Reynolds, Ph.D. FACULTY ~istant Professor: Reynolds OBJECTIVES

TI1e Torrey HonOI~ lnsrirure is a two-year progr~m in the liberal arLo; for undergrnduares at Biola. Students accepted in tl1e program represent outstanding undergraduates in terms of academic ability, Cluistian char.icier, and potential for leadership. lnsu1rction is in small tutrnials. TI1e cunicn­ lum contains tl1e master works of Western civilization, with a special emphasi.o; on Cluistian texlo;. Studenlo; come from a variety of ~jors. TI1e tr.iins studenlo; in a rigorous discussion group fonnat. Ir teache.o; high level writing and critical thinking skill,;. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Admi.o;sion to Torrey i.o; by invitation only. Students are invited to apply afler a review by the Ollice of Admissions and tl1e Director following their making application to Biola University. The aver~e applicant is in th" top tt'.11 percent of all students planniug to attend Biola Uuivt'.rsity iu term,; of academic , social, and spiritual leader~hip. High school students wi.o;hing to apply to Tom1 should take four years of each of the core cli.o;cipliue.o;. It is expeckd that the successfol Torrey student will have successfolly completed some honor~ or Advanced Placement work, if such i., avail­


able at hi., or her high school. ENGLISH REQUIREMENTS

Student.,; wi.,hing to enroll iu any coum,s iu the Torrey Honors Institute mmt have oulstal)(ling writtt'.11 and S(k>keu Engli.,h skills. TI1is will be demonsu~ted by the prospectiw student in a paper submirted witl1 the TorTt'.y applicatiou aucl by a personal interview with the Director. ADVANCED PLACEMENT CREDIT It i., anticipated that a majority ofTorrey srudeuls will have earned Advanced Placement credit iu high school. Studeuts will not, however, be exempkd fmm any Toney Honor~ Insti­ tute required dassi::s a., a result of Advanced Placemeut credit. A.P. credit i.o;, therefore, hdpfol iu Lt:iui; admitted to Torrey, but not et1uivalent to Toney da.,"it'.s iu style, coutent or rigor. TORREY CERTIFICATE A student who complelt'.s tl1e full Toney progr~111 ((i4 credit,; iududing thesis) will he awarded the Ton")' Ho11011; Institute Certificate. Astudeul ueed nor gr~duale from Riola University to receive thi., Cerrilicak. Applicatiou should be made with the Director follnwiug the succe.,sful ddi;,use of the Torrey thesis. TRANSFER STUDENTS Accepted Toney srudenrs will uni llt'. exempted from any Torrey cla.o;se.o; ba.,ed 011 tl~usli;,r nee Ii I.

f;iVen li,r Hl~T 20:i. Fall, sopl10111ore yt".ar. 211 Christian Origins and Early Thought (8)

t,iusider~: The Four Go.1/N<L1, Acts, Comolation of Philosophy, City of (rl!d, Selc11io11s /run, the Pliiloknlia, and selections from John Cluysostom. Credit givrn for BB~T 110 and PHIL 214. Fall , snphon11m, yl'.ar. 220 Modern Western Thought II (8) Srudeul will react and disrtLss lxw)ks sucl1 as: Federalist PajlliTJ, Thr. United .'itllfrs Co11stitutio11, Philo.10J1hy of History , Faust , Dr.mocrary in Amen·ca, Pliilow/1hical Fraf;17tl!nt.1 (Kierkegaard ), C011mmni.1t M1m1/eJto, The Co11.1titution of Slave,y, Waulen, Ci-ui­ liwtion and Its Di.1contmt.1, The Trial, W1J.1t~land, and Ash Wr.dnr.sday. Cn,dir given for Hl~T 10:i and Behavioral Sci­ eure recp1iremen1. Spring, snphnmnre year.

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