221 Development and Division: Christian Doctrine ( 4) Includes the following: ProJlogium, Sunmia Theologiw, seb: tions from Luther, and the Pauline EjnJt/eJ. Credit given till' BB~T 200. Spring, sophomore year. 310 Advanced Biblical Concepts (4) Explores: Institutes (John Calvin), P=, selections fiom John Wesley, selections tiom William Blake, Brothm Knramawu, and Tale ofTwo Cities. G-txlit gM:11 for BB..'iT 251. Fall.junior yt".. 11'. 320 Advanced Biblical Concepts II (4) Includes: AJonaihan Edwards Reader, The Chronicles of Narnia, other readings from C.S. Lewis, What'J Wrong With the World, Father Broum, Oithodoxy, Purtrait of an Arlut as a Young Man, A &um Merry, and sdeclions from Walker Pen,y. Credit given for B~T 304. Sp1ing,,iunioryear. 410 American Evangelical Writings (4) Readings will place a special emphasi., nu the 11·.ulitinn that fonned Biola University. W1i1ings will include tl1e fonuative and best contempora1y works in dispensalional theology. Credit given for upper divi.sion Bible electives. Fall, senior year. 465 Eschatological Writings (4) Includes: Daniel, Revelau·on, I and {I. Peter, Johanine Ej,utiJ'J, and hi.storical selec1io11, on Biblical pmphecy. 1l1i., is rt'.l1uired only
if your major dOtS not l1ave an Integration re<1uirement Creclit given for BB..',T 4f,!\. Sp1ing, senior yt" 480 Torrey Honors Thesis (4) The last lenn of the senior year will be devoted to writing a 1u1or-supe1vi.sed thesis of 1101 less than 12,000 word,. These required units are counted toward the total number needed for graduation from Torrey and Biota University. A student may substitute an inlt:mship in their m~jor field. 1l1is i111t:m,hip woukl replace tl1e final paper and must be appmvt'.11 by tl1e T01rey Director and student's major advi.sor. All 1]1t-Sis and iu~mships shoukl make a significant contribution
In the sllKlent's •~j<.)r fit:kl nf sllKly. 490 Selected Readings and Topics (4)
Desiguecl for upper divisinu student., in Toney who want to stucly specialized topic, 1101 covered in catalog course offer ings. May be taken up lo three limes with different readings. Admis.sion Ly appmval of the Director. 491 Independent Study (4) Independent readings on a topic chosen Ly the student. Offered Loth semc:,slers . Prerequisite: Director approval. May 1101 be repeated.
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