


PRE-CHIROPRACTIC Biola's new Pn-Chimpr.ictic Pmg1am is a 3 + I cooperative degree completion pmgr.irn leading to a Bachelor of Science clt-{;ree in Human Bink'b'Y· TI1e n=l, of society for health rare p1ac1itione1s are d1a11ging. Doc.tOIS of 01imp1actic are provi,J ing legilimate, ahernative treaunenl st1-a1egies lo client, botl1 cliret:tly and tlmmgh HMO's. 01imp1ac1it: metlicine ha., long Leen known to have a holi.,1ic emphasis. Binla pmvicks a context in which to p1epare a n1< tl1<)101tgl1ly eclucaletl doctor ofchiro p1ac1ic whtN: faith i., tmly inlegialed with her or hi., pmfes.-.ion. TI1is program is ottered in coope1a1ion with Los Angeles (~,liege of Chiropraclic. Students allend Biola for three years taking courses in biolob'Y, chemisuy, physics, Biblical studies and the liberal arts. The upper division biology courses are taken while enrolled at Los Angeles College of Chiroptactic (LACC) chuing the final year. Upon successfol rnmpletion of the program, the student receives the B. S. degree from Biola. Upon succex,fitl completion of the entire chirop1actic program and exami nalions die studenl would receive 1he Doctor of Chiropr.u:lic degree from LACC. LACC i., h :aled jml three miles from Biola, in Whittier, (:,\_ II is a professional school , accredi1ed by the We.,tem A,sncialion of Schools and Cnllq;es, and ll1e Council on Chi- 1np1ac1ic E<hu:alion. Stuclenls inleresled in tl1is program should major in Human Biolob'Y· Specific re<p1iremen1s for tl1i., program are li.,le<l under thi., heading in the CA1mse Dt".scriptions seclion of this Catalog. Further infonnalion may be ob1ained from die Deparlmen I of Biological S..:ienc:e. PRE-PHYSICAL THERAPY Studenls interesletl in a career in physical the1apy have the np1k >l"lunity lo pursue one of lwu program op lions al Biola. B<,1h nf1hese op1io1L, are designecl lo meel tl1e enuance retp1ire- 11tenls of Ma.,1e1s Deh•ree pn >);lam, ir1 Physical TI1e1apy. (A Ma.o;­ lers Degree ir1 Physical TI1e1apy would be recp1irecl lo work ir1 tl1i., tiekl.) TI1e optioIL, rnnlain a rnnunon rnre of romses, hut difler in die courses which complement 1his core. TI1e choice between die two op1io1L, ckpemL, on a slrnleni's interests, abili­ ties, arnl uhirnale career goal,. Physical tl1e1apy can be practiced ir1 a v.uiety ofse11ii1b'-', finm spnrts to sd100Ls lo hospital,. The core comses common 10 both oplions include selerted cnmses in hiolnb'Y, d1emist1y, physics, mathematics aml p~yd1olob'Y· Pre-physical thet-apy slmlents typically major in Slkllts Physioloh'Y in the Departmenl of Physical Edur.alion and Sporls S..:iences, or tl1ey major in Human Biology in the Departtnenl of Biological Science. Consult wi1h eit her of these deparUnents for lhe spec·ific clelail, of 1l1is prngr-am. OTHER POST-GRADUATE HEALTH PROFESSIONAL PROGRAMS Many slmlenls are inlt'.reslecl in caree1s in area., such a., veterina1y medicine, pharmacy, np1ome11y, medical technol­ <"'h'Y, lKKlia11y, loxicolob'Y, pnhlic healtl1 and nulrition. Enuy into many of these prog1-am, does not necessarily re<1uire a BA/ BS degree, hut ii i., ofien a<lvised or is the norm. Each of these area., ha., ils own re<ptired ha.,ic science and gener-al

Many opportunities exist for Biola students who are actively seeking professional education and training. Several agreement, currently exist (Chiropractic and Engineering) tl1at allow Biola students to participate in degree comple tion program, leading to specialized Bachelors degrees or botl1 tl1e Bachelors degree and a first professional docto1,lle. Addi­ tional opportunities are available that prepare 1l1e Binla graduate to enter tl1e professional education/ U-aining phase with confidence. Asignificant 11111nber of Biola gr-a<luales are currently se1ving in professional capacities. They routiuely cite their excellent undergraduate education program, as predictors of success in their prn!t·..•;sional endeavors. Students who are interested in pursuing prnfessinnal degrees after attending Biola should plan carefully and con­ sult with potential professional schools concerning their requirement~. In some cases, assistance from a major adviser should be supplemented by other advising n-_som-ces avail­ able at Biola. The Ollice of Career Services a. .,is1., s1uclenls in v-ariou.~ ways. If a stlldenl is unsure ah<mt pre-professional advising, help should be sought from 1he Offo:e of the Vice-­ Provost for Undergraduate Eclucalion, )ocalecl in Metzger Hall. The following provides some basic infonna1ion ah<ml pre-professional educalinn at Biola. PRE-MEDICINE Students who wish to pursue a rareer in medicine sluml<l plan to build a strong founcla1ion in tl1e srienn·., and malhe­ matics. Courses in biok'!,'Y, chemisuy and physics fonn the core of this prepar.ilion. While 1mst Slll(lenls at Biola whn are preparing to enter medical school m~jor in bin!, l);ical sci­ ence or biochemist1y witl1 a pre-med empha.,is, oilier majors are pos.,ible if tl1e student compleles all of the core science courses required by the medical scl1onl. Medical school, also expect a hrnad backgmuncl in the Iii ► era! art, such a, is provi<lecl by Bio)a' s program in gener-al ecli ► cation. In addition, Bio)a's biblical and thenlngical sluclies requirement, and its in1eg1atinn of a biblical pe1sperlivtc in all courses, equips the prospective Ch1is1ian heal1l1 pmfi-ssi,mal in mind and charncter to impacl the world forjesm Cl11i,t. A Pre-Medical Advisory Commitlee helps In prepare stu­ dent~ for the rigormL, proces., involved in applying to med­ ical school. In particular, slmlenls are a,si.,te<l in their prepa­ ration for medical school inte1views. Infonnatinn alHHII the Pre-Medical Advisory Committee all(! Me<lical College Admission Test (MCAT) i., av-.iilahle frnm the se<Tda1y in the Science Building. For furtl1er info1111ation, plea.,e consult with either the Depart111t:nt of Binlngical Science or the Department of Physiral Science. PRE-DENTISTRY Prepar.ition for enl1ance inln dental sd1nol is similar to preparation for medical school. Student, should contact 1he school, of their choice for specific enllanre re<ptire­ ment,. lnfonnalion on the Ame1ican Denial Associa1io11 Dental Admi.,sion Test can be nhlained from the senetary in tl1e Science Building.

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