DEVOTIONAL LIFE TI1e University belit'.Ves the spi1itual lite of the indiviclual stu dent io; ofutJna.t importance. TI1erdim::, t'.Vt'JY studeut is 111i;ed to set aside time for pe1i;c:mal <kvotirnLs. In addition to tJ1ese per sonal devotional peti(l(L,, undergraduate student, meet each Monday, Wednesday and Friday in C' Gymua.,ium for a ~minute chapel se1vice ti1r wrnship and p1m. TI1e graduate school, plan separ.ite chapel prng1am,. TI1e d1apd prog1am, include speakers cl11N:n tiom faculty, alumni, students, vi.siting guests; miLsical groups; C'Juistian films; d1ama; aml other spe1:ial events. Eacl1 full tJ1ere is a Spi,itual Emphasis Week. Ouce t"..1d1 semester tJ1e school obse1ves a planned 0-Jy of P1aye1·and infr>r mal prayer group; meet a, a 1tgular part of residence hall lite. TI1e Torrey Memo1ial Bible G.1nlerence and the Mi.s.,in1Ls C'.on rerence are high point, in tl1e devdnpment oftJ1e spi1itual lite of tl1e st1Klent Attendance is requit"t,(I at all of these ~nts. STUDENT GOVERNMENT FOR UNDERGRADUATES All registered unde1i;1aduate stuclents are memhe1s of the Associated Students, Biola's unclergraduate student govern ment TI1e stated pmpose of this oq,Jnization i.,: 'To dt'.Vdnp a community that is seeking God, tl1al i., rnnunitkd to one another and that i., impacting the wndd forJt'.sus C:liri.,t." TI1e A.S. President presides over two bodies that rn111p1ise tJ1e student g0\lm1me11t, the Executive Council and the Ser vices Council. TI1e Executive C',·mncil, which holcl, the legisla tive power oftl1e A.S. i., chaired hy tJ1e President ancl rn1Lsi.,1s of elected senators, tl1e Vice President, C',omptmller, and St:cn, tary. TI1e Se1vict:!I Council, which plaus activiti.-., and 111i11is11ies for students on and off camptLs i., chaired by the Vice President and consi.sto; of tJ1e elected leade1s of each board: Studeut Mi.-.. sionary Union, Social Board, l11tra111111al Board, Studeut Rda tion,, CJiapel Boan), CJub Director and Puhli1:atin11s Board. St1Klents are wekoIDt'. to alleud tl,e weekly lnLsiness meet ings of Loth council, as well a, participalt'. nu the VJri<11Ls l•ianl, and work witl1 senators. Th" A.,sociakd Student's ollires are kx:att:d upstairs in the Stnclenl Uniou Building aud ail'. opt'.ll Monday tl1rough TI1111i;clay, I 2 1,, !, p.111. , and F,iclay, I 2 11, 2 p.111. STUDENT GOVERNMENT FOR GRADUATE STUDENTS Each graduate school ha., an appmp1iak student govern ment program which provides leadership and activities appropriate for graduate students. For additional inli,nna tion contact the respective graduate sd1no] nl!irt'.s. STUDENT MISSIONARY UNION TI1t: Sn.dent Mi.s.,iona1y Uniou is a part of the a.s." •·iated stu dent ~emment. An~jorhmction ofSMlJ is toprnvi<lt:npfM>r· tunitit's for students to share their faith in Christ hy various means of evangdi.,m. 11,ese opfM>rnmities take plare h :ally in mini.~trie., to Ea~t Los Ani:;des, Watts, La Mirada and tlw Sill' roun<ling vicinity. In addition, many snuleuts spend their sp1i11g break~ and s111rune1s panicipating in VJJiotts 111i. .,in11 pn ,j,,cts. SMU sporn;ors specific d1apds hy which sllklents all'. rl,a~ lenge<l and infom1t'.<I nmct'.l11i11g mi.ssi<,11 op1xn1unities, arnl t"..1d1 year SMU presents tl,e atmual Mi.ssiom C',mle1l'.11re. Otllt'.r artivi tit:!I include mi.ssio1Ls multi-111edia pn·.sentations, 01ga11izi11g mi~ sion, prayer group; aml huuhai.,iug for VJrious nii.s.sion projt-t·ts.
ATHLETICS lnkn:ollegiate athletics al Biola ll11ive1sity provide men and women with intert:!11 atHI ability in athletic, au oprx:>rtunity to comrlt'.te with otl,er i1Lstitutio1Ls of hight:r education whose size a11d atliletic policie., a1·e similar. lnten:nllegiate competi tion for men i., conducted in the foll<Ming sports: La.seball, La.-.. kethall, J.V. basketball, cros.-..cmmuy, soccer and track and fidd . S1x1ns for women include basketball, cros.,;-counuy, ten ni.,, Uack a11d fidd , soccer a11d volleyball. l1111a111111al activitit'., are organized in both team and in<li vidnal sports for men a11d women. STUDENT PUBLICATIONS The underg,~duate student body spousors two student puhlicatinns: a weekly nt'.\vspapt,r - the Chimes - and a year bi x,k - the Biola11 - wl1id1 also contains a line a1·1s section. TI1ese se1ve to lla1Lmiit news, keep a reconl of school lile and pmvide furtl1er outlet for student cn·..itivity and t'.Xpres.sion . DRAMA PRODUCTIONS 11,e Theatre Arts empha.,is within tl1e Communication Depart111e111 provides a fall d1ama production, a Chri.stma., (:.,Jduate the Son prrxluction aml a sp1i11g d1~ma pmduction !i,r the ca111p1Ls aud inune<liate co1111111111ity. Every otl1er year a mmiral theatre prndurtinn is sponsored hy the Music ·and TI1eatre Arts Depal'lments, with rd1ea1sals during l11terte1m and the flt'.lfonnances in t"..irly Fd,111a1y. These pmductio1Ls are npt,11 for audition lo campus cn1111111111i1y members . Vennes include stc1i01Ls chama, comeclies, ,uiginal student and farnlty prr•luctin1Ls and mmiral theatre nlfrri111,•1;. FORENSICS lu Il'.Ct:111 yea1s Binla University ha., llt'.eu 1a11ked in the top ten flt'.rrenl nf sun:es.sful speech s<p1ads auKmg college., and u11ive1sities natiouwide. A., an active 111e111llt'.r of the Pacific Southwest Collegiate Foreusics A.,sociation, Biola regularly attends debate and individual eveuts speech tournaments thmughonl the Wt:slr.m statr.s. Each in tilt'. fall, Biola hosts intt:iroll~iate spt'.t,d1 lrn11ua111e11ts 0111:a111p1Ls. STUDENT MINISTRY A key rn111po11ent in the spi1itual lite of a Clui~tian is the call of 011r Loni } .,.1Ls (Jui~t to service. A., an part of our academic prng,~m, the faculty of tl1e lJ11ive1sity and the student nuni.,uy staff have _r1i11ed together to provide signifi. 1:aut nprx•l'lunities for se1vire aud 11ii11is11y. The intent of the 11u11is11ies prng1a111 i., that t"..ich student shnnld select at least one cou1St'. or an t'.Xl!a-nm-i<:ular activity involving community se1vire t"..1d1 senlt'.ster. The Student Mini.,uies Office i., av.ii~ ahle to se1ve the students iu an~nging ministry rdatio1Lships with d11111:h, pa1a church and conununity organizations. The se1vire bm1ing co111ses, with their SJlt'.cial rn111pi>11e111 of set' vire m ot1Ul'.ad1 a.~sig11111ents, are designated a., s11ch in the prt,- 1l'.gis11alio11 and r~isllatinn sd1t:el11le of rlas.~ hnoklet.~. Stu dents are e11co111-.iged In paniripatr. in a VJ1iety of ministries dnring their yt'.a1s al Biola. Biola ha., llt'.en a lt"..ider in rec111i1° ing 011t1l'.ad1 in St'.Jvice a., pan of its umleig,~duate educ:atiou. lfyrn1 have a11y <Jllesti01ts, ple.a.~e contact tht: Student Ministries Ollire or your mar>r's depa11111e111 a,:adenuc advi.sor.
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