311 20th Century Art History (3) TI1e history of painting, sculpture and architecture from 1890 to 1970. Major aesthetic issues that shaped 20th cen tury art will be examined. Fee: $."15. 312 Typography (3) An introduction to the ~-ymbolic and communicative aspern of typography. Emphasis on typography as a design element. Pragmatic formulation of skills related to layout, copy fitting, and type specification, a, they relate to the graphic design process. Fee: $40. 313 Graphic Design I (3) Exploration of creative ideas and resources a<; related to graphic design. Use of tools, media, and terminology; includes development of layout skills. Prerequisite: 303. Fee: $40. 315 Contemporary Art Trends (3) A study of art produced since 1970, focusing on current movements within the international art commu nity. Fee: $65. 318 Technical Drawing and Rendering (3) Introduction to drawing as a basic organizer of thought progressing to the use of drawing a, a means of trans lating specific ideas. Rendering tech niques and composition formulation through the use of a broad range of media will be emplmized. Fee: $40. 319 Advanced Figure Drawing (3) Empha,;is on long pae; for serimL, tl10r ough investigation of the figure and the traditioTL<; of figure drawing. Fee: $[JO. 320 Illustration II (3) O:intimtt'<I exploration of ilhl,trJtion as a form of graphic wmmunication. fuielopment of per.;cmal vL,11al vocahu lary with tlte addition of new mt'<lia and advanct'<I techni<ptes. Conreptml dt'Vt'i· opment of solutions for both editorial and advertio;ing illrn;tration. Fee: $40. 321 Historical Development of Graphic Design (3) Investigation of issues and ideas in the history of graphic design and illustra tion from the icon to the logo. Indi vidual designers and periods
348 Art Video (3) Concerns of video art including formal, conceptual, and narrative approad1es. EmphasLs on the Ilse of video a, a cre ative medium for personal expres.,iou. Hands-on studio format focusing 011 camera work and edit ing. Students are re<p1ired to provide their own video ramera.,.Fee: $G5. 408 Advanced Drawing (3) Drawing with au emphasis 011 per sonal experime11ta lio11 . Fee: $40. 409 Secondary Art Worl<shop (3) U11i1s of study, motivational 1ech nicp1es, and instrnctional resourres specific to the art program in sec
package design . l11cl11des begin11ing production pnK·e:,.,;es covering one- and two-rnlor prescparJtion art. Fee: $40. 420 Graphic Design Ill (3) A consideration of adv-J nced desig11 concepts a11d production skills in four color process reproduction. Prepara tion for starti11g a profes.sioual career in graphic desig11, including promotional pieces, portfolio development and employment opportunities. Fee: $40. 425 Computer Graphics II (3) Adv-anred 111e1l1ods and desig11 rn11sid era tio11s as 1hey relate to computer driven graphic design and ilhLstration. Li11otro11ic output for most. projects. Fee: $fi0. 426 Introduction lo Art Therapy (3) A11 i111rod11rtio11 to 1he priuriples, meth ods, a11d the appliration of art therapy lt'd111i<ptes to the field of mental health. Tl1e client / therapist relatio11ship, media and melhods, rase studies, work ing with groups and individuals, aes thetic rn11sideratio11s as relatt'<I to ther apy, art as a11 aid in diagncisLs, and meth ods of defining therapeutic goals through an will he addre:-.,;ed. Fee: $50. 427 Internship In Studio Art (3) Appre11ticeship pro!;ram designed to give st11de111s firs1-ha11d exposure to profes.,io11al artists' studio experie11ces. l11ternships i11divid11ally tailored to
For graphic design majors, preparation and presentation in profe~ional portfo lio format of approximately 12 graphic design or illustration pieces. Full state ment of intent and VL<;ual samples must be presented, approved, and certified at the beginning of the semester. Culmi nation of project includes final portfolio reviews lJy at least three out~ide profes sional graphic designers. For pre-art therapy students preparation of 12 to 15 art pieces representing a wide range of media, with statement of intent accom panying the final presentation at the co11chl~io11 ofthecou~. Fee: $100. 444 Advanced Art Video/Senior Project (3) Senior~evel. Course designed to give stude11ts opportunity to complete work 011 individual projern. Students expand a11d refine skills acquired in prior courses. Culmination of semes ter includes professionally presented show open to public. Students are recp1ired to provide their own video cameras. Fee: $6:,. 445 Video Internship (3) Internship program with a profes sional art video studio. First-hand exposure to all aspects of video art production. Students are required to provide their own video camera~. 460 Senior Art Exhibit (3) Approximately 12 art pieces ua~ed 011 integrated theme. Full statement of intent must iJe presented along with visual samples of idea<; al the beginning of the semester, approved and signed by committee. Culmina tion of project includes profes.~ioually presented show i11 the U11iversity Art Galle1y. Required . of all majors with the exception of pre art therapy, film and video majors and graphic design majors who elect to take 4:15. Fee: $100.
ondary sd1CK1ls. Fee: $GO. 410 Seminar in Art (1-6)
halependent study in areas of rnnren tration und er farni'" direction with emphasis in history, studio and ne ative research. Premp1isite: tJJllsent. Seminars may be repeated. 411 Ceramics Ill (3) Advanced forming, i11rh1di11g swlp· tural limns in day, along wi1h co11ti11- ued exploration with glaze formula tions. Fee: $fi0. 412 Internship In Graphic Communication (3) Internship prc'!\rJm with local art stu dios, graphic design firms, puhlishiug companies and olher related fields. 413 Painting Ill (3) Extensive experimentation in studio proulems with emphasis on individual dirertion and expres.,ion. Fee: $40. 414 Painting IV (3) Exploration of specifir problems in each student's ;uea of ro11re111r;1tio11 and i11teres1. Fee: $40. 415 Sculpture Ill (3) Advanced sculptural rnurepts empha sizing individual developmt'III of s1yle, aestht'tic stance, and rn11ti1111atio11 of media l'Xploratiou. Fee: $/iO. 416 Sculpture IV (3) tA111re111ratio11 011 i11depe11de11t ne at ivity rnVt'riui; a wide ,~mi;e of 111t·dia a11d methcKls with au emphasis 011 1he formulatio11 of ideas of appropriate forms. Fee: $GO. 418 Ceramics IV (3) Experimental reramirs. Advaured i11dividual develop111e11t of style and aes1!1e1irs. l'rerecp1isite: 4I I. M;ijors only. Fee: $(i0. 419 Graphic Design II (3) A rn1Lside1~1tio11 of p~yd1ologiral, terh niral a11d aestlll't ir rnurems relating to v,1rio1Ls types of !;t.lphir desi!;II i11rh1d i11!; mailers, folders, brod1ures, and
meet the needs of tlte studenl. 430 Art Therapy Fieldworl< (3)
Tutorial offeriu!; studc11ts diuiral expe rience i11 mental health setting super vised by a liretLsed an thetapLst . O~r v.1tio11 and partiripatio11 included. 435 Senior Portfolio Presentation (3) Cul111i11atio11 projcri for majors with e111phasL, in pre-an 1herJpy and those ill )\l~1phir design who do 1101 e11roll i11 4fi0.
explored. Fee: $35. 322 Photography II (3)
Further study in technique of black and white and introduction to color photog raphy covering creative and techniral a«pecL,. Prerequisite: 2'21. Fee: $55. 325 Contemporary Art Forms (3) Interdisciplinary studio explorJtion in contemporary model. Multi-image projection, general video technology, performance theory - practice, and installation theory practice. Fee: $/iO.
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