■ :iM!it-t.i• STUDIES A DIVISION OF TALBOT SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY Dean: Dennis H. Dirks, Ph.D. Dean of the Faculty: Michael Wilkins, Ph.D. Chair: Walter B. Ru.~ell, Ph.D. FACULTY Profes.'iOrs: Curtis, Pierce Associate Professors: Cox, Flory, Hutchison, Rae, Russell Assistant Profeswr: Lewis OBJECTIVES A strong emphasis in Biblical Stud ies has alwar.; been at the core ofBiola's curriculum. It is intended that all st11- <lents regar<lle.~ of major will graduate with a working knowledge of the Scrip ture., an<l a Christian worl<lview, inte grated with academic learning as well as personal an<l professional living. GENERAL BIBLE REQUIREMENTS All students must complete :10 units of Biblical Studies inch1<ling I 01, 110, 120, 121, 200, 2r.J, 304, 4fi:, an<l two bible elective.,. Majors other than Biblical Studies or Christian E<l11ca tion may count a maximum of 3.0
200 Early Christian History -Acts (3) B(K>k of Act, emphasizing missionary philosophy, activity of the early church and rnrrenl app lication to mis.,ions. Prerequisites: 101, 110. 251 Christian Thought I (3) Bibliml, historical a11d ,ystematic rati< ► nale for understanding God's Person a11<l work, the Person a11d Work ofJem, Christ, al1111g witJ, the doctrine of Ma11 an<l Sin, set in the broader context of church history and rn11te111porary CJiristianity. Prerequisites: 101, 110. 304 Christian Thought II (3) Biblical, historical an<l ,ystematic rati, ► nale for 1mderstandi11g tl1e doctrines of Salvation, the Holy Spirit, the 01urcl1, and h11ure events, set in the broader rn11- tcxt of clmrd1 histo1y and coutemporaty Christianity. Aservice IF<1rni11g comp< ► neut is i11rn11J<11att1I into 1l1is cl;tss. l'rt" requisites: IOI, 110, '.t,l. Electives 220 Guided Study (1-3) For those llt'eding units to complete tl1eir llihle re<p1irement. Readinp; witl1 writtl'n rcJJ<•rts 011 hihlicd awl / or tl1<' ological sul~ects. Prt'rt'(jllisite: rnn,,.-ut of undergraduate BihliGJ! studies chair. 311 Biblical Backgrounds (3) Co11tril1uti1111s of ard1eolo~y, geogra phy, rnlt11re, and histo1y to biblical interpretation. May indu<le abroad study in lancls of th e biblical world. Prere<p1isites: IOI, 110, 120, 121. 312 Principles of Interpretation (3) Methods and principles for interpret ing Scripture througl1011t d111rd1 his t111y and the present era. Theory is applit'<l to texts with an emphasis 1111 th,· gra111111at ical-historical 111et hod. Prere(p1isites: IOI, 110, 120, 121. 320 Inductive Bible Study (3) Incl uctive method applied to selected hihlical texts. Specific fonL, indicated itt setttester sd1t'dule. Prere<ptisites: IOI, 110, 120, 121. 330 Jesus' Lile and Ministry (3) Chronologital study of th e gospds, similarities and dilfrrences between the writers, as well as tl1e his1oric;1I , rnltur.1I and theological factors aiding in interpreting events and teachings. Prert'f1uisitex 101, 110, 120, 121. 340 Guided Study (1-3) ln~lrpth study of a specilic bmk or bmk.1 of thr Biblr including written report 011 the rt' levanct' oftl,e bmk to the student 's life. C',mrse offered to fulfill BOLD pn ► g1a111 rrquire111ent. Prere<JUL1ite: rnnsent of the BihliGJI Studies dept.
341 Pauline Literature (3) Authorship, occasion of writing, th emes, theological issues, literary structure an<l content of Paul's writ ings. May foc11, on a smaller unit such as Prison or Pa.1toral Letters. Prereq-
to receive credit for the challenge exam. Grades are rerorde<l on a credit or no ne<lit basis on ly. New Testament Histoty & Liter;1t11re (:l) O!<l Testament Histo1y (:l)
11isites: 101, 110, 120, 121. 342 Johannine Literature (3)
Authorship. occasion of writing, themes, theological issues, literary structure an<l content of John 's writ ings. Prerequisites: 101, 110, 120, 121. 343 General Lelleri (3) Authorship, occasion of writing, themes, theological i.~ues, literary struc lllre an<l content of non-Pauline letters. Prerequisitt'l<: 101, 110, 120, 121. 360 Pentateuch (3) Mosaic authorship, historical and cul tural backdrop, themes, theological issues, literary structure an<l content. Prere,p1isites: IOI, 110, 120, 121. 371 Early History of Israel (3) (';inquest through the establishment of David's kin!(dom, focusing 011 histori ral, rnltural and theological L'-~11es that aid in interpreting event~ and texts. Prere<JULsites: 101, 110, 120, 121. 372 Later History of Israel (3) Kings and prophet., from Solomon through the return from exile, empha ~izing historical, cultural an<l tl1eological L-.,11es that aid in interpreting evenL~ and texts. Prere<JUL-;ite;: IOI, 110, 120, 121. 380 Wisdom and Poetic Literature (3) Authorship. <late of writing, historical and rnltural backdrop, tJ1eme.~. theo logical issues, literary structure and rnntent ofJob through Song of Songs. Prerequisites: 101, 110, 120, 121. 391 Major Prophets (3) Authorship , <late of writing, historical an<l rnltural backdrop, themes, theo logical L-.,ues, literary structure an<l con tent. Prerec1uLsites: 101, 110, 120, 121. 392 Minor Prophets (3) Authorship, date of writing, historical an<l cultural backdrop, themes, theo logical L-.,ues, literary structure and con tent. Prerec1uLsites: 101, 110, 120, 121. Advanced Study Electives (Descriptions often provide general framework for fomse<l elective-. Specific titles for 4?,0, 440 and 450 appear in the semester schedttle prefixed by "Adv St";
Jointly sponsored by the Biblical Studies an<l Gnistian ~lu(:1ti11n depart ments, this pn'!,rrain LS desi)(t1t1l for tl1ose desiring a rnncenttate<l year of llihlica! Studies an<l 01rLstia11 minisuy, without a baccalaureate degree. It involves 33 semester uniL, of regular university coursework an<l meets the standards fi,r organizatiotLs relptiring one of Bible training. Spt·tific m111ses indu<le BllST IOI, 110, 120, 121. 200, 2:,1, :\04, a:ID F,0, pin, eitht·r Bll.~1· :lW or CEED :18:1, tlirec 1111its of BllST or CEED deoive, an<l three units of llll.~1· or (EEO i11<l t" pencle11t stucly ;rncl/or practirn1n . A ro11rse of study leading to a11 M.A. is ava ilahl e through lliola's graduate sd100I, Tai hot Srl11111I of Theology. PIF<l"t' see g-1:1<h~1te ,,.-r1io11 li,r (It-tails. COURSES Core Curriculum 101 Foundations of Christian Thought (3) Ce11eral and special revelation, the nature of biulical literature, alo11!{ with principles for its i11 1erpret;1ti1111 and i11tt'gratio11 into otht'r fit'lds of academic learning. Develop111t'11t of ;1 Christian worldview !i,r Jll'rsonal a11d professional living is emphasiH·t.l. Should be rn111pleted first year. 110 New Testament History and Literature (3) An overview focusing 1111 persons, events, literary structm·t' and tht'111es, with a disnLssion of theological issues
units toward graduation. DEGREE PROGRAM
A Bachelor of Arts in BiUical Studies is offered upon the completion of the uni versity baccalaureate an<l major require ment,. Majors m11,t complete generJ! requirement~ (excluding the two elec tives) p!u., 311,312,411,412, 4r,r,, 470, nine unit~ of 300-leve! BBST electives, nine units of 400-level BBST electives, HIST 321, 12 units of either Greek (BLGR 101/102, 201/202) or Hebrew (BLHE 101/102, 201/202). In addition to the major requirement, student, are encouraged to select a specialization of 9-12 units out,i<le the department to ful fill their non-pr&ribe<l electives. BIBLICAL STUDIES CHALLENGE EXAM Challenge exams are designed for those who have a working knowledge of the course content as a result of attending a Christaian high sc!1CM1!, for example, but were not able to transfer that work to Biola. Infonnal, personal study normally will not prepare one adequately to pa.-.~ these exams. Exams are given in two parts, writ ten an<l oral. Succes.~ful performance must be attained 011 the written an<l oral portions in order for the student
and application for living. 120 Old Testament History (3)
All ove1vit'W of C'.enesLs- E.,tl1er, empha sizing persous, eveu ts, and themes, with a disc1Lssio11 of tl1eol11gical isSllt'S an<l applicatio11 li,r livin!(. 121 Old Testament Literature (3) An 11ve1vi.-w ol'Joh- Mal;1chi, eutplu,iz ing literJI)' structure aud the111es, with a <lisc1Ls.,ion of theological iss11es ;111d application fi,r living. 150 Old Testament Suivey (4) An ove1view of tht' Old Tt'sta111e11t fornsinp; 011 hook outlines, kt'y the111es, persous and events in hihlical history, along with personal application. ludu<les one unit of small group dis c1Ls.sio11. For BOLD students only.
sectio1Ls of 4!i!i, by "Integ Sem:"). 411 New TestamentTheology (3)
Method, practice and history of the discipline. May empha.,ize selected writers or themes. Prerequisites: 101, 110,120,121,200, 2:,1,304.
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