

BIBLICAL •l·Ut?i•ttdil?•

FACULTY Profes.,.,rs: Arnold, Curtis, Finlt'y, Ri11sby, Wilkins

412 Old Testament Theology (3) Method, practice and history of the discipline. May emphasize selected writers, themes or eras. Prerequisitt!.s: IOI, 110, 120,121,200,251,304. 430 Advanced Study: New Testament (3) Independent student research and writing in addition to a seminar s1ylt' classroom atmosphere for the study of selected text!, and/ or topics. May be repeated with difTerent content for a maximum of six llllil!, counted toward graduation. Prerequisites: IOI, 110, 120,121,200,251,304. 440 Advanced Study: Old Testament (3) Independent student research and writing in addition to a seminar style classroom atmosphere for the study of selected texL~ and/or topics. May be repea ted with difTerent content for a maximum of six units c01u11.ed toward graduation. Prerec111isi1es: IOI, 110, 120,121,200, 2!il , 304. 450 Advanced Stud\': Christian Thought (3) Independent student research and writing in addition to a seminar style classroom atmosphere for the study of selected texts and/or topics from either or both testaments, themati­ cally arranged to emphasize biblical , historical and/or systematic theology. May be repeated with different con­ tent for a maximum of six units counted toward graduation. Prem111i­ si1es: IOI, 110,120,121,200,251,304. 455 Pauline Theology - Romans (3) Study of Paul's theology and worldview a~ contained in the book of Romans, wirh special attention given to introduc­ tory and historical matters. Prerequi­ sites: IOI, 110, 120,121,200, 2:il, :',04.

403 Hellenistic Greek (3) Readings from the Jewish , patristic and pagan writers of the Hellenistic period, including the Septuagint, with atten­ tion to literary analysi.~ and comparison with relevant biblical authors. Oppor­ tunity may be given to use the GRAM­ CORD and lbycus computer project~. Prerequisite: 202 or equivalenL 405 Advanced New Testament Textual Criticism (3) A survey of the materials, history and theories of New Testament textual criticism . Prerequisites: BBST 201 and IWo years ofGreek. 407 Advanced Greek Grammar (3) An advanced study of syntax focusing on nuances of grammar and style. To facilitate this st11dy, in addition to tl1e use of advanced grammar, special studies and articles, extensive use is made of examples drawn from biblical and extra biblical literature. Prerec1ui­ si1e: 304 and 30:i. 480 Directed Research (1-3) lndividua·I research and writing for advanced students by special arrange­ ment. Study may include concentra­ tion in New Testament literature, hi.<r tory, textual criticism, specialized grammatical or lexical prc~ecL~, intro­ ductory mail ers, or New Testament theo logy. Prerequisite: 202 and at least six units of upper division Greek and/or consent. May be repeated with different content. Hebrew 101, 102 Elementary Hebrew Grammar (3,3) Introduction to the language of the Hebrew Bible: morphology, syntax, a~ well as reading and translation of bit>­ lical texts. 201, 202 Intermediate Hebrew Grammar (3,3) Advanced grammar and ~rntax with emphas is upon rapid reading a~ well as the development of exeget ical skills. Prerec111isite: 102.

458 Theology of Mission (3) Study of God's redemptive acts in Scripture in behalf of mankind, with application to the mission of the church today. Prerequisites: 101, llO, 120,121,200, 2:,1, 304. 465 Integration Seminar (3) Relates Cliri.,1ian rnnvir1ion 10 acadt'mir imp1i1y. May f"<x·1Ls on a spKilir area or include a mriety of topit~. Often team­ taught and rniss-lisit'd uelWt't'n dt'part­ menL,. Usually involve:; a 111ajor rt'St'.ird1 paper / pn~t'cl and preSt'ntation. May be repeated with difl~rt'lll COil It'll! for a maximum of six units countt'd toward graduation. Prt'mp1i.,i1e:;: 101, 110, 120,121,200, 2!',!, :',04, 470 Biblical Studies Research Seminar (3) Mt'tluxb of rt'St'arrl1 in Bihli,; il Snalit'S. ln-<.leplh s1<1dyof i.ssi1t'S rnlmina1in)l in a rest'arr h paper. Required of llihle 111ajors. Prt're<1uisi1es: IOI , 110, 1:/0, 121 , WO, 2!',!, :·104. 480 Directed Research (1-3) Guided indt'Jlt'lldt'nt re,1ding, rt'-'t'.11"d1, problem-solviu)l and preparation of a liir111al paJlt'r or pn~rl done in rnnsul­ tation wi1l1 a St'ierted prolt>,-·,or. May be repeated with dilfrrt'nl contt'nl for a combi1lt'd total of si.x units of 4RO and fl() rmmtt'd toward p;raduation. Prt'ft'<j· 11i.,i1es: IOI, 110, 120,121,200, 2!',I, :104. 490 Practicum (1 -3) Supe1vi.sed t'.Xjlt'rienrt' in te;K·hing bibli­ cal siudit'S. lndttdt'S rn111se preparation, ohsnvation ;rnd t'V;rluation . May he rt'jJt'alt'd with difft'rt'nl ronlenl for a rombi1lt'd total of six units of 480 and 4\IO rormtt'd l<Mmd graduation. Prert'<j· iii.sites: IOI, 110, 120, 121,200, 2!',I, :',04.

A,socialt' Prolt>sS< >r: Rus.sell As.,is1an1 Proli:s.,.,r: Rhee Greek

Tht' purpost' of thest' rourses is lo introdure students to the Greek language in order 10 enhance their pt'rsonal und ers tanding of the New Testamt'nl and tu prepare those who dt'sirt' to pursue graduate bibli ca l studies. The plan is to provide st\1- denL, with tools which will enable them to utilize the Greek text in future ,111dy, in1erprt'1a1ion, and expo­ sition of lht' Word of God. Upon rn111plt'tion of 12 units of Gret'k, i1 is inlt'nded that the student 's prolirien,y in lht' Creek lan)lUa)lt' will enahlt' him / lier 10 read and lranslalt' a Crt'ek lt'XI wi1h arrnrJty using a stan­ dard lt'Xirnn and grammar; lo explain 1l1e signilicanre of tenses , cases and important gram111a1iral strnrturt's; to t'Xt"gt'lt' a bihliral text arrnratt' ly; and to undt'J'!Jkt' individual research in bihlirnl and t'Xtra-bihlical Greek. The roul'St'S Greek IOI, 102, 201, and 202 will fulfill tl1e ge1lt'ral educat ion for­

eign langna)le rt'<Juirt'ment. 101, 102 Elementary Greek Grammar (3,3)

An intnxluc101y sllldy of the basic elt'­ men ls of New Testament Greek , t'lll phasizi ng ,yn tax and dt'Vt'lopmen t of v,x·al111la1y. Translation of sdt'cted por­ tio1Ls of the New Tt'Stamt'nl, with t'.Xlen­ sive lrJtLslation of a selected Nt'W Testa­ lllt'nl bo,k in the sen ind St'lllt'Sler. 201, 202 Intermediate Greek Grammar and Exege,is (3,3) Acompreltt'nsive siuvey of New Testa­ lllt'nl Gn·ek grammar and vocalntlary which builds upon tht' first year of study. ln1rnd11r1ion to textua l criti­ ci sm and t'Xegetical methodology whirh will aid s111dt'nls in in1erpre1in)l the New Tes1a111t'nl. Reading in selerted portions of the Nt'w Testa­ mt'nl. Prt'requisite: 10'2 or t'<p1ivalen1. 304, 305 Studies In Biblical Greek (1-4, 1-4) Exegesis of biblical Greek tex ts for advanrt'd s1udt'nls, with allention to translation, grammar, barkgro1mds, interprt'tation, and prohlems of analy­ sis. Study may inrlude one or more portions of New Testamt'nl literature. Prert'<jUisilt': 20~ and/ or wnsent. May !lt' rt'JW~led with di!It>rent ronlt'lll.

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