■ :H•J!•iiO+t·!I s CI ENCE
IO:,, l()(i, :,0]. :-102; l'l1ysirs 111 , 112; 1·itl1t'r ~lath 101, 10:,, or 210; l'l1ilos,~ pity 21 :, E1hirs is s1rnnf(ly rt'rn111- 1111·111led . Tltt' uppt'I' division l,iology rn11rse re<p1iremt'1tts to ht' tak t'n at LACC are Ct'11t'ral Anatomy I and II, His1ology, Ne11rosrit'tll't'., Hu111a11 Physiology, aud H11111a11 Biod1e111is11y. Pre-Physical Therapy Emphasis (68 units) A B,uhelar of Scienre 1u·1,m,e i11 Human Biolo1-.~witlt au emphasis iu pre-Physiral Tht·r,1py is offered upou tht' rnt11ple tio11 of 1111· 1111iwrsi1y lr.1n;ila11rt',Ht' aud 111 ,\j<>r re1p1iren11·11ts: Biol,'!-\Y l I l, I 12, 2:,2. 281. :rn' :, 12; Cl1t'lllis11y Ill',. !(Xi, :,o I. :,02; l'hysirs 11 I. 112; M,11 I12 IO; l'l1ysir;,i Ed11ra1io11 :-IOI. :,02; l\yrl1ol ogy 200, :-1m, :,20 Tl1e s111d1·111 sl1111ild he aware thal 111os1 grad11a1e pro1;ra111s i11 pl1ysira l 1l1erapy hav,· a mi11i11111111 C:l'A or :to, lilt'( t·fo re, 11/1 ('O\ll'St'S m11s1 he rn111- plt· lt·d with a "C" grnde (2.0 011 a 4.0 S( 'alt·) or higher. Not,·: All Riulogiwl Scin1rr m11jar.1 1111fo- 11111tiwlly 111n:I //,, 1;i: 11n11/ !'li11wti1111 nv111irr11u-ut uf l'iglit u11iL\ of ~a"1:11w mul 11111tl11·11111tic.,. T/11· for,i1;11 /1111g1wge ,.,.,p, irr11u·11l i., mrt l,y twu year.\ i11 high .vho,il or/int jt,11r 1111il.\ i·,1 r:ollrw·. MINOR A /li11/11giw/ Srir,w, Mi11"r i.1 offered with tht· rn111ple1ion of 20 uni1s, 12 of whirl, 1111ts1 l>t' 11pp<'r division . (-.·11t'ral lliology (111 ,111d 112) are re'111ired . 1111· n·111ai11i11g elt1·tiw uuits art' to he appmwd l,y a d1•1i;1rt111e111 adviser. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Hif(II S("l11•1I re'l11 ire111t'nls art': <>llt' y«1r 11f biology, 011(;' y(;';<r of d1e111is11y, lillt'(' )'t·ars or n1ai11t' tllat irs, a11d two ye.11~ or li,reif(II bllf(llaf(t' - ( )(It' )'t'ar of pl1rsirs is dt'sirablt' . Del irit'11ries ran h,· l11llill1·d wi1l1 t"'n11iss io11 lr11111 1he Dt"11;1111111·111 ol ll i11l11giral Srit't1re. ENGLISH REQUIREMENTS S11ult·11ts wishit1!( to t'uroll i11 auy rn11rS(·s i11 1!1e lliologiral Srie11res n11Lst bt· ,· ligihle to takt' Euglish I JOA or 11111s1 havt' tht' pt'rmissiou or the i11s1n11 ·1or lo take tl1e ,·011rse. COURSES 100 Biological Principles - Lecture (3) llnil)'i11g prinripl<'s of biology wi1l1 1·111plusis on 1111111.111 organ ')'Slt·1ns. No lab is ll'<p1i1t'd, lu11 lliol<'!-\)' I 10 LS the l;,h ro\llW dt"s ignt'l! lo ;11-r11111p;1n y 100. ll iol11gy I 00 wi1ho111 lilt' l,1b ( 100) will
1101 rt'ct'ive 1m11sfer credit at most ou1er 1mivet~ities. Not opeu to biol<'!;Y majon;. 110 Observational Biology - Laboratory (2)
ral S(·ienre major re<ptires tl1e rnmplt~ tio11 of rite following l1ours.
Qiair: Raphad Payne, Ph.D.
Professor: Payne Ao;s<iciate Professors: Kul<l, Lin,
Ol1snvatio11al and iuvestigative approach u, si11veying a range of biologi cal orgauisms and examini11g selected l111111an ,ystems. 17iree !10un; laboratory, 011e hour le.-tllrt'/ dL',('tls.-;ion dt'!iigne<l to he taken with Biol<'!;Y 100. Lab fee: $40. 111 General Biology I (4) !1111wlurto1y rourse for majon; empha sizing tht' priuciples of cellular aud l!!..
Biological Science (72 Units)
Forry 1mi1s fro111 the Dt-panmelll or Biolo!(i<;il Srie11n.,;, i11rh1di11g I11, I12, 2'L2, 281 or 282, :-112, :l't2, :-1-12 , 401. 4'~l or 470, aud a 111i11i11111111 or 11 1111its of
A-.sistant Proft'~or: Ebeling
The biological science major, su1r ported by chemistry, physics and mathematics, incorporates a breadth in the major areas of biology to serw
1tppt'r divL'ii< 111 t'!t'l-t ive:-
Thirty-two uuits of supportill!( S('ieur~ from tltt' O.apan111e111s of Physi
ral'tH·~ aud Mathe111<1tic1I Srit'1tr~ a, a base for a<lvanre<l or more spt'are also re<111irt'd i11rludi11f( Che111ist1y cialize<l study. The curriculum is 10:,, !(Xi, :-IOI, :1<r2; Pl1ysirs 111. 112; a11d designed to prt'part' students for the Ma1h IOI or ]0'1 or 2!0, a11d 1l1e n·111ai11- following: (1) furtht'r study i11 tht' i11!i u11i1s lr111111he s11p1>011i11!i s ·ie11re:- health rdate<l fid<ls of me<liri11t', dt'll lliol1'!4y :-112. 401. 4',0 aud 470 haw tist.ry, veterinary 111t'<lici11e, pharr11,1ry, ht't'II desig11a11·d .Ls 111,· wri1i11g rn11q><- medical tech11ology, physical tht'r.1py. 1e11ry rn11rses. 01l1n upper divisio11 a11<l physicia11's a:-sistant, (2) gra<l1tllt' biology rn11rse work 111ay be \Lst·d wi1h study in various <liscipli11es of biologithe ('<>llst'III ol lht' dep;ir1111e111. cal S("it'nce, (3) sec<m<lary eduratio11, Notr The right 1111it., of gi,wml 1'1111- (4) careers in applied bioloh'Y rt'latt'd catiou 1cir11a· rn111irr11u·11l arr 111.rt l,y tlu to agricult ure, industry, missio11s, t'lr. cu111plt.tio11 of t/11· 11111j11r. Upon completion of the biologi«il Otltt·r pro1;1~1111s / optio11s i11 rn11- S("it'lll"t' m;~,r. it Ls i11ten<lt'd u1at tht' stn_j1111r1io11 witl1 this 111ajor aw <lent be able to: (1) understand a11d Science Teaching Credential apply the sde11titic mt'thod to historiral Tlw.v· .,1111/1'11/., iutm,tnl i1111 lmrhi11g and current pmblt'm.s in tl1t' vJriotLs biocnrlr11ti11/ .J11111bl I,· 11,l,,i.vrl thnt nil .,i·11gl,· logical <lisripli11es a11<l rt'latt' tltt'III to .,11l,j,•rl /l'lld1i11g 1ml,·11ti,1/ J1nigm11L, 1111· broadt'r appliratio1Ls in life, (2) i11tt'!(r.llt' wuln~vi11,1.[ 11,,i.\lu,1 . ( ~m.\11/J tlll' £,'1uatiu11 pt'rtinent scriptural principlt's with lJ1t11u1llu•11/ for 1L•t,1J., 1111 r11m•11/ Jml/,ry'f//1L, . known biol<l),rical facts, (::l) <lL,rnss tht1 ► Pre-Chiropractic Emphasis (77 units) ries of evolutio11 and origi1Ls withi11 tht' A lforhdur of Srzr11rr 1L·1-.m·,· i,, H111111m co111ex1 of a ~riptural vit'W of rre.1tion, Biolog,y (4) k11ow Ute basir biologiral fu11rtions wi1lt au emplusis iu pre-Chim prartir is off1·1t·d i11 rrn,pn1tio11 wilh of livi11g org;mLsirLs and rdatt' tht'St' f1111r Los Augelt's C:ollef(t' of C:hiroprartir tim1s to Ult' lt'Vt'LS or biol<'!;iG1.I 011;a11iza upo11 rnt11pl,.1io11 of 1111· u11iversi1y 1~1 r tiot1 (hit'rarchy) a11<l to a ht'ttt'r 1111dt'l' r;da11reatt' a11d major re'l11ir<'111e11ts. stan<ling of himself, (!i) <lemo11st1,llt' S111de111s atlt'lld lliol,1 li1r thret• ye,irs writing cornpetemy and co1111rnmi<;1tio11 takillf( ,·011rses i11 biology. rl11·111is11y, skills while \Lsing ~it'ntifir tt'm1i11ol<'!-\Y, physirs, 1,ihliral s1111!it"s a11d 1lw lihe1~1I (fi) un<ler.;tand Ute rdatiotLship of rht'm;ll'ts . Tl1e 11ppt'r divisio11 l,iolof()' Lsuy, physics and 111atht'matirs to tht' hi< ► rn111ws ;,re t;ikt'II ,11 Los A111;,· les C:ol lo!(ical scit'nces, (7) deS(Tibt' !(t'lletir lt'!(t' ol Chiropr,1r1ir 1he fi11 ,d y,·ar. pr<x·~= al molernlar anti oq;a11is111al Upou Slll'l'essliil ro111ple1io11 ol 1l1e levels. (8) explain cdhtlar <>rg-J11iz;1tio11 , pm!i1;1111, the s111d,· 111 n·n·il't's ,1 ll .S. fimctio11 a11d rt'guh1tio11, (9) u11de1~1a11d degree witl1 a 111aj111 i11 l-111111;111 lliology energy dynamics at the VJrio1Ls levels of fro111 lliola . Upo11 s111n·~f11I rnn1ple biol<'hric;il orga11iL·11io11, (10) dt's:tilx· 1he tio11 or Ult' t' lltire rh irop1:1rtir prog·1;1111 integrated regulatory ,ystems of pla11ts and exami11ations tl1e student rt'reiVt'S a11d animals, (II) Ilse (and u11dt'rstand rite D.C. degree fi11111 Los A111;eb Col tilt' tht'oty of) selt'l'te<l S("it'ntifir i11strnlt·f(" of Cl1i1op1:1r1ir. me111ation and r=m:h tt'd111i<plt's. The stude111 sl1ould he aware tl1at DEGREE PROGRAM U\CC h,1s a 111ini111u111 CPA re<p1ire me111 of:! .:,, a11d tl1 ;1t ,,II transfer A Bache/m- ofScienu Degree i11 Bio/111;rn11rS(•S n11Lst he rn111plet1·d wi1 h ;1 "C" ical Scienu or a &uludor of Science D,'R"'' gradt· (2.0 on " 1.0 S( ·;ilt') or higl1n. in Human Biology is offt'rt'd upo11 rnmThe 1ni11i111111n t "'Ill ired pre-rhiro pletio11 of the 1111ivt'rsity harrala11reate pr;1rtir ro111 ses 1;ik<'n al lliol ,1 ;ire: and major rt'quirt'mt'nts. l11e biologi- lliology Ill. 112, 2',2. 281; Clw111isny
111olt'rnlar biology, genetics, tlevdop ln t' II I, ,ystt'matirs au<l natural selec- 1ion . Laboratory (4 hours) dividt'd ht'lll't't'II ohse1vational and expt'ri111e11- tal apprmrl1es, witl1 emphasis on col lenio11 a11d in1erpreta1ion of 'luan1i1a- 1iw ,Lita . Frt'<p1t'11t lab discw,sion or rdt'v-,1111 issues and liter:1ture will be inrhult'd. Fall semester. Lab fee : $40. 112 General Biology II (4) Co11ti1111a1ion of general biology t'mphasizing the priuriples of human pl1ysiology. t'COl<>!(Y and homeostatic 1nerhanis111s. Laboratory (4 hours) will iuvolvt' dis.sertion as wt'll as exper imenta1io11. Frt'1ptent lab disrns.siou of relt'vaut rnrreut iss11es and litera lill't' will ht' iurluded. Prere<ptisite BIOS l I I or signature or instructor. Spring St'lllt'Slt'r. Lah fee : $40. 120 Current Topics in Biology (3) Selt'rlt'd topirs of rnrrent interest a11d rn11rnn are studied. St'.ctions are o!Ter t'd each year upon su!Tirit'nt demaud . Topics are tht' followiug: H11111n11 Ecolol:)' . An introtlurtion to n1111en1pora1y environmt'ntal prolr lems e111ph,Lsizi n!( man's role in their rause a11d r<'spousiblt' stewardship or 11a1111~d rt'S<IIIIWS, including s11ch top irs as hiolo1;iral diversity, cyclt's in 11 ;11111·,. , population dynamirs, pollu tion , pro!(res.s, en<'rgy s,,urres, natural resourres, t'ndaugered species, a11d ,111i111des row·,1rd tht' earth. Human Bioloia. Selected lx><.ly ,ys lt'ms a11d / or diseases will be studied ill dt't.1il. Nuhitiu11. A dt'tailed s111dy of the hasir 11111 ritional llt't'ds of humans: watt•r, rarhohydratt's, lipids, proteins, vitamins and mint'rals. AIS(> included is rnveragt' of certa in nutritional i:-s1ws surh :Ls health l<H><.ls, me!(3Vita- 111ins, ohesity, and food additive.,, as Wt'll as a rnmp11ter-aided personal dit'l-a11alysis a:-si g11111e n1. Pl11nt /A11im11/ St,ulie.,. An investiga- 1iw a11d / 11r ide11tiliG1ti1111 approach to
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