


ogy and education. Our faculty set tJ1e example in tJ1eir prer fessional practice, and through rigorous research, inslmc­ tion, and practical internships. Members of the faculty, staff, board of trustees, alumni ancl studenls all contribute in sub­ stantive ways to societal and church neells. Oiaracter. Strength of char.icier is our uust. Members of tJ1e faculty, staff, administration, ancl board of trustees covenant as a community to model Cl11istian character in our daily lives and work. We tilrtJ1er aspire to mentor and serve our students in a manner tJ1at nurtures Cluistian minds and character. Our alumni shall be recognized a, men and women of character, who work and serve with integrity, humility, wisdom, and commiunenl. Evangelism. Our graduates bear wiuiess to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Biola has played a major role in furnishing Cl1ristian leaders and workers for the cl11m:h, society, and the cause ofworld evangelism since iL, founding in 1908. We anticipate that the ministry of "making disciples" will be expanding throughout the closing years of this centmy and well into the next. Biola understands it, Goel-given mission and remains dedicated to tJ1e task. Our planning, liscal poli­ cies, and commitment to academic excellence are all directed toward the ongoing pe1formance of the mis.sion we have successfully pursued for more than eight clecades. THE OBJECTIVES OF THE UNIVERSITY Biola University seeks to instruct Christian men and women in order to procluce gr.icluates who are: 1. Competent in their lielcl of stucly; 2. Knowledgeable in biblical studies; 3. Earnest Christians equippe<l to se1ve the Christian community and society at large. With particular reference to the undergracluate pro­ grams, tl1e intention of the University is to seek to prncluce a graduate who is: 1. Broadly educated in the arts and sciences with a bihli­ cal perspective a, tJ1e foundation. a. One who has broad exposure to the ideas tJ1at have shaped man's tJ1i11king. b. One who knows how to tLse reasoning'-s: (1.) who can use tl1e'-' of investigation, (2.) who can reason logically, (3.) who recognizes tl1al man cannot rely on reason and expe1ie11ce alone but must also exercise faitl1. c. One who can communicate and defend his* idea., on tJ1e basis of eviclence. cl. One who has a well-conceived ~rstem of vah1t'_, and belids which are biblically based and which mediate behavior. e. One who understands and appreciates ethnic and diflerence_,_ f One who unclerstands him.self, has a good sell; image, ancl is suiving to realize hi., pntential. g. One who unclersfall(ls the various creative expn,i;­ sions of man's iclea, and feelings in art, drama, music ancl liter.iture. 2. Competent in his major.

a. One who i., competently prepared for service in those programs that lead directly to a vocation or proft'_,sion, witl1 all program., having the potential of preparing studenls for Clui.,tian minisuies. b. One who is thoroughly preparecl for graduate study in those programs where graduate degrees are oflered. 3. Knowledgeable in biblical studies. a. One who has a clear understanding of the con­ tent of the Bible earning units witJ1 an uncler­ g,acluate minor. b. One who has integr.itecl biblical thought into his ma~)f fields of interest. 4. Able through hi., vocation, church and community to make clistinctive contributions to mankind and to enhance the spi1itual well-being of tl1ose whom and with whom he se1ves. a. One who has clevdopecl and maintainecl high stamlanl, for his own henelit ancl in 01der tl1at he might se1ve a, a wholt'S11ne t'.Xample ancl kacler. b. One who expresses through his life a clear com­ mitment to Christ, who is able openly ancl wisely to share both his knowleclge of the Bible ancl his commitment to Cl1rist with others , ancl who demonstmtes Clui.,tian love toward others. c. One who is prepared to fulfill Cl11ist 's commii;­ sion to make disciples of all nations. cl . One who i., sensitive to the total neecl, of hi., fe J.. low man and who is equippecl to contribute to tl1e meeting of those needs. e. One who holcl, to the conviction that the Clui.,tian i., to he a goocl citizen of the state, who respects authority, suhmits to tl1e laws of the land, and seeks constrnctive change thrnugh legal channels. *All third person pronouns are 11ml generically. ACCREDITATION AND AFFILIATIONS Biola University holds institutional accreclitation by tJ1e Accrediting f,:,nuuission for Senior Colleges ancl Universities of tl1e We.stem Association of Schools and College., (1961) . In addition, tl1e institution and certain of its program., are accredited by the American Psychological Association (I 1 180), the Association of Theological Schools (1977) , tl1e National Association ofSd1ools ofMtLsic (1970) , tl1e State of California Board of Registered Nursing (19(ili), the National l.rague for Nm~ini; (I <)72), ancl tl1e California O)mrnission

for Teacher Prepa1ation ancl Licensing (1%0) . Noll : Dlltes in ( ) re/led the initial aJ11rmml date.

Biola University is autho1izecl In train students uncler the Vete1a11 's Bill of Rights. In adclition, the Unive1'ity is affili­ ated witl1 a nurnher of professional organizations, of which the following are representative: Ame,ican Anthropological Association; Ame,ican As.,ocia­ tion of Colltcges for Tt'"..1cl1er Ech«:atinn; American Association of Collegiate Registmrs ancl Admission Oflicers; American As.,ociation of Health, Physical Education ancl Recreation; Ame1ica11 Council nu Ech«:atinn; American Gnikl ofOrgani.sts;

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