

322 Laboratory in Cell and Molecular Biology (2) Practical applica tion of traditional and rnrrent lalx,ratory techniques used in rt,searclt, including microS<·opy, histol­ ogy, rl1romoS<>mal analysis, iS<>lation and purifirati<111 of DNA, RNA, and enzymes, analytical biochemistry, and rell rnlturing. Six hours of lalx1ratory, one hour disrns.sionfciuiz. Prerequi­ sites: 112 and Chemis11y :'IOI. M1L~t be taken co11rnrre11tly with or subse,1ue11t lo Biology 312. Lab fee: $GO. 333 Natural History ol Baja Calilornia (3) Systematirs, distribution, behavior and eroloi-,,y of tl1e com111011 plants a11d a11i­ mab of ll;~a. Emphasi.s 011 desert ecol­ O\,'Y, a11d bird and whale migratiotLS. l11e co11Ise LS a three week field trip to Baja (~1lifornia, Mexico. Offered during i11terter111 only. Prerequisites: One course in rollegt· Biology. Trip l~: $:,00. 342 Genetics (3) Integrates principles of Mendelian and m<1lernlar genetics toward 1111der­ sta11di11g stmclltre and fllnct.ion <1f the 1;e11e. Emphasizes quantitative analy­ sis of genetic data and expl<1res cur­ rent issues of genetir engineering fr<1m techniral and ethical viewpoints. Prerequisites: 312. Alternate years. 352 Marine Biology (4) lutroducti<111 to oceanography, marine plant and animal di,.'ersity, and ecolog­ ical relati<111ships. Research tecltnol­ oliy emphasized through field trip observation and gro11p experimenta­ tion. 1l1ree h<1111"S leuure, four hours lalx>rJtoty. Prerequisite: 110 or 111. Lah fee: $40. 401 General Ecology (4) An introduction to the general con­ cepts of the erolo1,,y of populations, communities and eco~ystems, includ­ i111; physiological ernlogy, speciation and evol11tio11a1y theory. Lahoratory includes computer simulations, field­ work and a research pn~ert. Prereq­ uisite: 112 or 222. Lab fee: $40. 402 Parasitology (4) Taxonomy, life history, physiology, ernlogy, aud morphology of animal pai.Lsites with emphasLs on those aJli!ct­ i111; man . Three hours lerture, four hours lalx>ratory. Prere<ptisites: 112 . Alternate years. Lah fee: $40. 411 Biochemistry I (3) Strucllll"es and properties of biomole­ rnlar components of cells: i11cludi111; proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, 1111cleotides, nudeir acids, vitamins

and coenzymes, kinetics and mecha­ nism and regulation of enzymes action in biological systems. Prerequi­ site: Chemistry 302. Alternate years. 412 Biochemistry II (3) Matl1ematical treatment of bioener­ getics emphasizing major concepL~ and problem solving; principles of metabolic processes. Prerequisite: Chemistry 302 (Chemistry 402 recom­ mended) . Alternate years. 422 Laboratory In Biochemistry (2) An integrated laboratory course to accompany 411, 412. Modern tech­ niqu~ in molecular genetic;, metabolic processes, bioenergetics and enzyme 111ecl1anL~m. Six hours laboratory one hour discus.~ion / quiz. Prerequisite: Cltemi.~try 301 and Biology 411. OITered upon suflicient demand. Lab fee: $60. 431 Developmental Biology ( 4) Analyzes the molecular, genetic and cellular mechanisms which control development of body form and spe­ cialized cell types from a single fertil­ ized egg, and wh ich maintain stable difli!m11iated states in the adult. Lab­ oratory emphasizes gametogtnesis, vertebrate embryology, histology and directed experimental manipulation of embryos. Prerequisite: 312. Alter 0 nate years. Lab fee: $40. 440 Topics In Advanced Biology (2-3) One section offered each year upon suffi­ cient demand. Course may be repeated with different content (section title). Tnpics are tl1e following: Endccrinology. Disc11~ses molecular mechanisms of hormone ~ynthesis, relea.o;e and action on target cells, with empha.,is on mammalian neurosecre­ tory and endocrine systems, which rnordiuat.e specialized body function and inlluence behavior. Prerequisites: 112,281 and 312. Marine Ecology. Observation and field experimentation with marine organisms. Collection and analysis of ecological data using underwater tech­ niques. Prerequisites: 352 and scuba certification. One hour lecture, four hours labornt.ory. Lab fee: $40. Immunology. A study of tl1e stmc­ tures and functions of the immune system, humoral and cell mediated immunity and analysis of medically significant disorders of the immune ~ystem. Prerequisites: 282 or 312. Microscopy . Theory and applica­ tion of bright field, dark field, pha.o;e contrast, polariz in g, scanning and transmission microscopes. Prepara­ tion techniques of biological materials for , and observation with electron

parasite i11terartio11s; hurnoral and cell-mediated i1111111111 ity. Laboratory practire in ha11dli111; micn~>rganisms, including ide11tilicatio11 and rnlturt· tech11icp1es. Three hours lecture, four hours laborJto1y. Prerequisite: Che111 -

studying selected plant and/or animal groups. Transportation fee: $:,00 (if field taught). (See also Biolo!-,'Y 333.) 130 Seminar In Biology Science (1-2) Directed research (literature or lalx~ ratory) ·in selected areas of biology with written and/or oral presentations by students; intended to stimulate inquiry and creative thought. Not open to biology majors. 211 Invertebrate Biology (4) Taxonomy and morphology of inver­ tebrate phyla; laboratory dissection of invertebrates. Three hours lecture, four hours laboratory. Prerequisite: 100 and 110, or 111. Lab fee: $40. 222 Botany ( 4) The study of the organs, tissues, f1111r­ tions and responses to environment of typical flowering plants and the 111or­ phology and life history of the major lower plant groups. S0111e classifica­ tion of local forms is included, and limited use of the scanning dectron microscope is available. Three hours lecture, four hours laboratory. Pre­ requisite: I 00 or 111. Lab fee: $40. 252 Human Anatomy (3) An introduction to the basic stmrture and function of the human body. Lih­ oratory emphasis varies from section to section lo meet the needs of the dif­ ferent majors. Cadavers are used. Two hours lectures, one hour prt"-lah, three hours laboratory. Lab fee: $40.

i.,try 10:, or 112. Lab fee: $40. 290 Natural History ol Marine Mammals (1)

BioloRY and uaturnl histrny of marine 111ammals with sperial emphasis 011 the California f\!.IY whale. Tear hi111; terl1nicptes for marine mammal ro11-

servJtio11 and bioloi-,,y. 300 Health Science (3)

Fnltills the lt"JCht'r rertitii-Jtion require- 111enl in l1t·alth eduration. Proper nutrition and obesity; mental health and stress ma11a1;e111e111; suhstaure ahuse (drn1;s, toharro and alrohol); l111111a11 sexuality; physiral fitness and disease; first aid i11d11din!l CPR. Three ho11Is lec111re. Tl,e w111se i.s d,,siµ;ned for majors in physiral edurntion and/ or tmrhinµ; nede111ial «mdidates. Not for general education rt'!ptire111e11t in the S<·ienres. 301 Vertebrate Biology (4) The bioloi-,,y of vertt·l>r.ites, stressi111; strncture and fu11rtio11. Lalx,1:1to1y di.,;. section of representatiw vertehr;1tes (shark, mud puppy, rat) emphasizes romparative ;matomy. Prert'! I12. Alternate years. L1h lt'e: $40. 310 Proseclion (1-2) An introdurtion to the l111111a11 hody thnn1glt dis.section and de111<>t1stratio11 of a selerted portion of a !iu111a11 cadaver. Thirty holll"s of laboratory. Prerequisite: rnnsent. Dis.sertion fee $40. (May he repeated !or a rnaxi- 11111111 of two units nt,dit.) 311 Neurobiology (3) Analyzes neuroauatomy and ,ynaptir tr"JrLo;rni.,-sion al the 11euro1111L'l·ular ju11r­ tio11 and betweeu ne11rorL~ of the CNS. Emphasis 011 u11dersta11di11g rellular or1;a11izatio11 and ueurophysiology of m;~or suh,yste111s of the ver1e!JI,lle 11er­ v01Ls ,ystem, with 1~1rtirnlar at1e11tio11 to tl1e br.iin, VLsu;u ,ystem, spinal rnrd, ;u1d autonomir 11e1v<1us ,ystem. Altnnate yt".irs. Pre1-.1p1i.silt< ](X) or 111. 312 Cell and Molecular Biology (3) Discusses the m<1lernlar organization and fu11rtio11 of rells and 1heir orlianelles, with ,·mphasi.s 011 rhrom1r S<>lllt' stn1r111n·, geue expres.siou, 111,,111- brane stntrture and fi111r1io11, enerh'Y rn11versio11, and experiment;il methods tLse<l to study sulx·ellular romp<111e11ts. Prert'!ptisites: 11'.! and Chemistry :{01.

262 Natural History ol Southern Calilornia (3)

A field-oriented course to study and identify the common plants and ani­ mal~ found within the major plant and animal communities of Soutl1ern Cali­ fornia. Two hours lecture, four hours laboratory/field, including one or two extended field trips. Prerecp1isite.s: 100, 110 or 112. Transportation fee: $fi!i. 281 Physiology (4) Astudy of the ba.,ic concepts of physi­ ological regulation from the level of the cell to the integrated intact organ­ ism including neural, muscular, and ne1m~endocrine regulatory ~ystems. Laboratory including hmnan ~yste111s analysis and electrophysiology. Three hours lecture, one hour prt"-lab, three hours laboratory. Prerecptisite: CJ1ern­ istry 10:, or 112. Lab fee: $40. 282 Microbiology (4) A study of microbial organis111s with emphasis on bacteria and viruses, including their morphology, physiol­ ogy, metabolism and genetics; host

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