


Bioclumii.,try i, the ,tudy of ti~ chem­ i,try oflivi,11; .1y.,tc11c1. Thu i111erdi1Ciplinary program drm,,. upo11 liology a11d c/u,,1u.1try. OBJECTIVES Tht' major is desig1lt'd especially li,r th<.-;t' sllldt'nLs planning a carttr in the health proft's.sions. The requirt'• ments for srh<K>ls of medicine, phar- 111a1y, dentisi1y and medical technology are met within this major. This pro· gram also prepares one for graduate sd1<K1l in a variety of biosrienct' pro­ grams. There are excdlent oppon1111i­ tits for careers in bioterhniral, pharma­ ce11t ical and environmt'tllal related lm~in.-sses and gc ,wm1nt'11tal agencies. DEGREE PROGRAM A &die/or of Science degree i11 Bit>­ dumw,try is ofli,rnl upon mmpletion of the university lrnralameale and major mp1ire111t'11ts. Tht' biochemi.st1y major rt'<]Hirt's the completion of f>4 units rnnsisting of tht' fi,llowing: Chemis1ry IO!',, J()(i, 301, 302, 3:iO; Bioloi,,y I I I , 112,281,282, '.{12, 322 or 422,411, 412; Math 10!',; Physic, 111 , 112 (or 132,233), 4(i0 or Biology 470. Note: 17,e ge,llml td,uation mpiiremenl /or mntlumuitir~ mu/ ,cima i1 met UJithi11 th, major. The forei~,-,1 lm1gw1g1: r"{t1irc­ me11t i,, nl.f.t lty two year., in high !>Choo/ or /mu uniLI ofco/lwforeig:11 lmig,"'l,re, COURSES (Chemistry and Biochemistry) 90 Basic Chemistry (2) Designt'<l to prepare students !'or taking CJ1t'111istry 10!', or 112. l11d11des: unit ronvt'rsions, d1t'111ical formulas, 110111e1Klat11re, equations of reactions, stoichio111t'try, sol11tions , gas law and aridi1y. Two hours lt'rtllrt' . No unit nedit towJrd graduation recp1irements. 100 The Material World (3) ll1e ba.,ir principles of chemislly for tht' non~rienre major. Uses materials of modt'rn soriety as a tht'me for exploring the propertit's and structure of mattt'r as well as the lllt'thods and rn11sec111enres of transfonninl( natural resourres to cons11111t'r prod11CLs. 105 General Chemistry I( 4) Prinriples and theories of the struc­ tllrt' and properties of matter includ­ ing atomir theory, stoirl1t'mistry, mol­ ernlar SITllrtllre, IK>lllling and stale of mattt'r. Prerequisite: high school rhemistry and 111,11h SAT grt'ater than !',!',O or passing gradt' on Clu, mist ry Plart'ment Exam or Cht'mistry !10 . Fall St'lllt'Ster only. Lah ft'e : $40.

615 Field Study (4) 1l1e Field Study will be offered durin!( June/July. This will be a fo11r-1111i1 module, with the student spending six weeks in a cro!&:ultural setting. l11t' Study will include cla,;ses, an internship in a for-profit or non-profit enterprise, and opportunities for visits to areas of interest. There will be a btLsiness fac­ ulty in residence during the field study. 620 Independent Study (1-4) In-depth investigation of a topic under the guidance of the family, using standard research proced1m,s. Topic selection and course enroll­ ment by advisor's approval. 625 Seminars (1 ·3) May be repeated with different topirs including international development, regional issues, or specializations in international business concerns. Business Foundations Coursework Graduate students without a bu.si11LSs dtgm lxicJwound may be mpiirtd lo take IM following additional 4 unit, of intr<>­ ductory and accounting cour,,e,. Tkse are leueling courses, which will not

106 General Chemistry II (5) The principles and LIJeory of chemical reactivity including kinetics, equi libria and thermodynamics as applied to acid/base, redox and other ionic lo/fir terns. Prerequisite: Chemistry 105 . Spring semester only. Lab fee : $40. 110 Chemistry Topics (1·2) Various topics in introductory chemistry. Prere< department approval. 112 Pri nclples or Organic and Biochemistry (5) Chemical bonding, structure, proper­ ties and reactivity applied to organic and biochemical compounds. Includes ba~ic metabolic proce~s and nuclear chemistry with application to medicine and healtl1 . MeeL~ the Nurs­ ing requirement in chemis try. Four hours lecture and three hours lab. Prerequisite: passing grade on Q1em­ istry Placement Exam, Chemistry 90 or 10!', with at least C+. Lab fee: $40. 301, 302 Organic Chemistry (5,5) Structure and reactivity of carbon-con­ taining compounds; emphasi.~ given to mechanisms of organic reactions . Second semester includes structural biochemistry. Laboratory empha~izes analytical organic chemistry. Three hours lecture , six hours laboratory. Prereq11isi1e: 106. Lab fee : $60. 350 Analytical Chemistry (5) A survey of clas.sical chemical methods of analysi.~ such a~ titrimetric and gravi­ metric along with varimL~ instrumental methods including electrochemical, spectroscopic and chromatographic. Three hours lecture, six hours labora­ tory. Prerequisite: 301. Lab fee: $60. 411, 412 Biochemistry I, 11 (3,3) Fundamental concept~ of metabolism, bioenergetics, biosyntl1esis and other chemistry of life processes. Three hours lecture. Prere<iuisite: 302. 420 Special Topics In Chemistry (3) Short subject~ in such areas as the chemical literature, varioll~ instrumen­ tal methods, polymers, organometallic:s and ind 1Lstrial cl1emi.~try. Prerequisite: departmental approval. 422 Laboratory In Biochemistry (2) An integrated laboratory course to accompany 41 I. Modern technic1ues in molecular genetics, metabolic processes, bioenergetics and enzyme mechanisms. Six hours laboratory. One hour discussion/ quiz. Prerequi­ site: Biology 312 and Q1emistry 41 I. Alternate years. Lab fee: $60. 480 Special Project In Chemistry (1-3) Rt'search or industrial internship. Requires a written report. Prerequi­ si1e: deparunental approval.

Proft'ssor: Rynd As.,ociatt' Proft'ssor: Lin lnstmctor: Johnson OBJECTIVES

Whilt' primarily providin!( st'1virt' roun;t-s for otht'r programs, tilt' dt'part· ment does offer two programs with chemistry a.s tht' major compont'nt. These art' Biod1e111is1ry and Physical Science with a chemisuy emphasis. Since chemistry is the study of matter and the changes it undergot's, sequences of WIITSt'S are dt'signt'd to meet the needs of students a.s they prepart' for a varit'ty of diflt'rent majors that rt'q11irt' an undt'Tslall(Jing of tht' nature of matlt'r. TIit' objertive of these ro11TSt's is to providt' tht' sill· dt'nt witl1 a b,tsir 1111de11;1anding of tht' l;iws of 1heorit's of rhemis11y s11rh 1ha1 the student will lJt' ablt' (I) to t'Xplain tl1e ba,ic physical and chemiral prop• t'rties of mattt'r in terms of its strnr­ ture, (2) to do quan1itativt' problem solving, (3) to gain some lt'vel of pro­ firit'nry in laboratory 111ethodolo1-,,y, and (4) to ht' anp1aintt'd with hasir resollTCt' material in rl1emi.s11y. DEGREE PROGRAM A &cludor of Scu·11r.f. Deg,·re i11 Phri• cal Science UJitl, a C:/u,,11ut1y Empha.1i, is offrred. Tht' re<p1irt'ments for this major are givt'n under tht' Physiral ScielH't' Dt'partnlt'nt. Tilt' Biorhem• i.stry Program is given ht'low. MINOR A (1U111u.1try Minor rt'<p1irt's the mm­ pletion of the ti,llowing rnurst'S: Chen~ i.suy 10:i, JO!i, :IOI, :\0'2, 3!'.0. Six disiinrt cl1emis11y minor units apart from any <~ht'r major or minor.

count toward tM ma,ter's degree. 501 Principles of Accounting (1)

An introduction to financial and man­ agerial accounting. The courst' includes a review of financial state­ ments and their ll<;e. 503 Principles or Finance (1) Reviews some of the basic tenninology related to financial statemenLs - both their general overview and tl1t'ir spt'· cific line items. In addition, issue; will be examined surrounding financial statement analysis, (short-term) work­ ing capiLal management, (long-tenn) capiLal budgeting, and other selectt·d, managerial and investment, topics . Prerequisite: Principles ofAccounting. 505 Principles or Management (1) Introduction to the basic functions of management with a focus on the goals and structure of organizations, feed­ back and control, change and innova­ tion, organizational decision making,

and managing in Christian love. 507 Principles or Marbling (1)

Introduction to, and evaluation of, tht' fundamenLal elements of modem mar­ keting with an emphasis on tht' markt't· ing environmental framework and tht' ethical Ilse of marketing mix variablt's. For more detail,, see the School of lnterculturnl Studie, about ti~ M.A.U:.s. in lntmiational Bw.iness.

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