

CHRISTIAN •=i•J•I-DH•U• A DIVISION OF TALBOT SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY Dean: Dennis H. Dirks, Ph.D. Dean of the Faculty: Michael] Wilkins,Pl1.D. Chair: Kenneth R. Garland, Ed.D. FACULTY Professors:Anthony, Dirks, Issler

ministry options in this !it'ld. The diversified specialization allows the srudent to design a pro)(ram that bt>st suits his/ht'r vol:a tional irllt'l't'Sls. 17u: l(l'M'al trlucatio11 '"l'un""'" for a f orew• l,mguag, far t/,o;e "lllJ°'i11g i11 Chro­ tian td,uation deperids upo11 the n11111J,er of ye,ars tl,at = annpkkd in higli ,chool of tlie same foreign l,m~. Spr.afu "'l',im,,mJJ art /ist,n under "general ed,1wli1m mrure- 17,m/J "far t/,e barJu,.wr of mt,, tkg,re. All specialization course$ are sul>­ ject to departmental approval. Stu­ dents may choose a )(eneral B.A. in Christian education or dedare an area of sperialization. If a general degree is sought, the studenl may choose elective rourses from arros., the Uni­ versity to satisfy tht' total n11mher of 11nits nt'eded for grad11ation , wirh tl1e approval of the st1tdt'nt's arademir advisor. If the studenl chooses to identify a specialization, t'Videnre of that fonL, should rnmt' thro11gh a lisr of 10 units of sperializarion rnurse­ work approved in consulta1io11 wi1l1 tl1t' sllldent's advisor. Elementary Teaching Credential Program The Christian edura1ion/ lt',1<fo11g emphasis majors must rnmplt'lt' a n>rt' of !l, uuirs, of whirh 24 musr ht' uppt'r divisiou and iurludt' : l!iO, 2!i I, 2GO, 2fil, :m, 37'2, 380,382; Eduratiou :iOO, 330,420, 430, 440, and 442. Bi bit' :i20 mtL,t be taken as !ht' Bi hit' elt'rtive. Eduratiou 440 may be t1kt'l1 bdi,re grJduariou in !it'll of CE 4Gl and 4:,~. Certain sperifir gt'Ut'ral t'dttcatiou courses are abo re<ptirt'd wltirlt': P,ydtology 200, Physiral EdtK·atiou 201, and Math 111. This option combiut's tht' C:.E. major n>rt' with studies rnttrses. This specialization mp1irt'l> mort' units than the others do but some units in tl1t' C:.E. core are substilttlt'd for <Tt'· deutial rt'<\uirt'meuts. Stttdt'uts must pa.,;,, rhe flt'llt'rJI kuowlt'dgt' sertiou of the National Tearhers Examination (NTE) prior to student lt'ad1i11p;. TI1t' student mtL,t rnusult wi1h tltt' Dt'part­ mt'n ts of Christian Eduratiou and Ed11cation for SJJt'rifi,x 17w:.e intm,,t,x:l in t/ti,, 1etuhi11g mder1- tial ;/umld Le that all ;ingit mldr.ct teaching mdenlial program-1 art ,mdngvi11g rcvi.lion. <:onm/J TLit/1 t/,e &lucatum dqxat­ mmt for detail, 011 cwre,iJ progrmm. Children Vorarional opportuuitit's wirh rhis opriou iuchtdt' rhildrt'u's dirt'rlor or

minister in a local church, a staff mt'mht'r wirh organizations that minis­ tt'r 10 children in the United Slates or on a mis.,iou field, a wri1er of materi­ als 1<,r tL'it' with rhildreu. Youth Vocational opportunities for youth specialization would iucludt' a local rhurch yourh dirt'rlor or minis­ tt'r, a club dirt'rtor for youth para­ chttrclt agencies, a youth camp direc­ tor, a Christian education director in a clrurclr that emplta.,izes youth or an assistant or associate pastor with responsibilities for youth. Adult and Family Voratioual opportuuiries with this spt'cializariou iuclttdt' direrlor / pa.,ror of adult and family miuisrrit's or as.,o­ riatt' pastor witl1 rt'spousihliries in tltt'se art'as. lntercultural Vocational opportuuiries with this oprion include servirt' 011 a foreign mission fit'ld or servire in one of the many suhrnlturt's in the Unilt'd States. Diversified ThL, option is for those who wish 10 dt'sign a spt'cializatiou unique 10 lht'ir iutt'J't'Sts, such as rhurch-rdated ramping, rnuuseling, comm1111iratio11, lm,iut's.\ m1Lsic, rnmptttt'r scieure, t'lr. Pre-Seminary Preparation For those who dt"sire 10 pursut' p;radttatt' work, lht' 1111dergradua1e major has ut't'II dt'signt'd to prt'pare tilt' stttdt'ut for rn111i1111t'd academic an d profrssioual dt'Vt'lopmt'll t through enrollment in a tlu,ological semiuary. Tht' srudt'nt graduating with a Barhelor of Arts in Christian Ed ttrar ion may ht' ahie to rake advm1- tagt' of arcelerared Ma.,rer of Arts or ~fa,rt'r of Diviniry programs offered al Talhor Sd1<•1l of Tltt'oloi,ry. Several spt'rializatious are offrrt'd wi1h lht' M.A. degrt't'. Spt'rific information and 1p1alifirations for tl1est' dt'grt'e pro­ p;ra111s may lJt, sernred through au aca­ dt'mir advisor in tht' C:.E. depart111t'nl or from tht' Talhor admis.,ious of!irt'. MINOR A Chri:.tian &l,ualion Mirwrrt'(1uires tilt' rnmpletion of 18 units incl11ding tilt' fi,llowiug rn1trst's: 2:,2, WI and one of lilt' agt' level !'OUrst'S (372, :n3, 374). Niut' additio11al uppn divisio11 unirs art' also rt'(prirt'd whir It may lit' selerlt'd by 1l1t' s111dt'11I from a11y C:.E. depart-

menial offerings. Bible 320 must be taken a, the Bible elective. SERVICE LEARNING COURSES Ceriain courses in the major will be designated and marked in the course schedule as "Service Leaming Courses," which meet the university's service learning requirement. These courses will include the three practicum cla"St's: 380,461 and 462. COURSES 150 Foundations or Minisby (3) An overview of the discipline of Chris­ tian education. Topics of study include tl1e historical and theological uarure of the church, principles of t'Vangelism and edification, spiritual gifts, training and equipping lay lead­ ership, and an examination of con­ temporary career opportunities and para-church ministries. 251 Foundations or Leadership (3) Basics of biblical principles and lead­ ership theory and development of personal leadership qualities. Offered fall semester. 252 FoundaUons or Teaching Mlnlsby (3) Major empha.,is upon learning the< ► ries and their application to teaching the Bible within the context of the local church and parachurch agen­

Associate Professors: Garland, Lawson Assisiant Professors: Cunningham, Leyda, Ten Elshoff, Tolbert PURPOSE The Christian Education major is designed to prepare iL, graduates for professional ministries in church and parachurch agencies and to provide foundation for seminary or other graduate education. OBJECTIVES At the completion of this major, students will have: realized their iden­ tity in relation to their position in Christ and their spiritual gifts and abili­ ties related to Christian ministries; demonstrated the essential knowledge and skills to study the Scriptures induc­ tively and to communicate biblical truths effectively; established a ba.1ic philosophy of Christian education which incorporates the biblical con­ cepts of discipleship and leadership; demonstrated tl1eir ability to be sensi­ tive to others a1 per5ons, umler5tand­ ing how people function in both indi­ vidual and group learning experiences; developed and demonstrated their ability to function successfully in teach­ ing roles and/or in leadership roles. DEGREE PROGRAM A Bachh of Arts degrte in Christian Education is offered upon completion of the university baccalaureate and major requirements. The Christian education major requires tl1e comple­ tion of a core of 37 uniL,, 24 of which must be upper division and include: 150,251, 252, 260, 261,371,380, 38'2, 415,423,461,462 and one of the fol­ la.ving: 372, 373, 374. Bible 320 mtL,t be taken as the Bible elective. In addition to the 37-unit core, each student is encouraged to select a specialization of 10 uniL~ to be taken either witl1in or outside of the C'Jirist­ ian Education and Biblical Studies DepartmenL1 to fulfill his/her elect.ive reiiuirements. There are six special­ izations from which a student may choose that reflect a broad variety of


cies. Offered spring semester. 260 Foundations or Interpersonal Relationships (3)

Fornses on development of relation­ ships and communication skills between individuals and within small groups. Includes conflict resolution in minL,try. 261 Foundations or Development (3) Introduction to human development. A,pect., of developmenr will include the physical, intellectual, social, per· sonal , moral and spiritual, covering the whole lifespan as a base for a more holistic Christian educat ion ministry. Offered fall semester. 319 Media In Ministry (2) Skill development in the design and tL,e of audio-visual technology for use in ministry to all age levels and in a wide variety of teaching settings. Offered fall semester. 320 Inductive Bible Study (3) Essentials of inductive study applied 10 biblical narrative and epistolary literature.

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