423 Counseling Theories and Issues for the Christian Worker (3) l11troduc101y investigation of selected COUIL't'ling theorit's employed by staff members of cl111rch and parachurch agencies. Tht' examination of each theory will indude: historical back ground, ba~ic concept~, process, mech anisms, cast" examples, evaluation and appl ication to specific counseling Ls.~ues. Offered fall semester. 424 Techniques ol Counseling for Use In the Church (2) Distinctives of pa~toral counselors in a church or parachurch agency, their cpialifiration and nere.-..iry counseling teclmiques. Spt'cial emphasis will be placed upon t.he student's develop- 111ent through expt'riential practice of "people-helpinl( skills" from a Christ ian perspective. Ol!t-red spring semes ter, altt'ruate years. Prerequisitt': 423. 428 Family Ministries In the Church (2) Bibliral ronrepts of tht' family; su1wy of tht' needs of whole and fragmented families in the cl111rrh; reso11rces and technicptes available 10 lllt'et these net'ds. Offered sprinl( semester. 430 Camp Leadership (2) Study in the philosophy, objectives, leadt'rship , prol(ram and administra tion of tht Chris1ia11 camp. Investiga tion into the trtnds of camping, both rentralizt'd and derentralized. Tech ni<p tes in organizing anti dirt'rting a camp program, inrluding counselor traininl( . Emphasizts utilization of camping to euhanre rhurch 's ministry.
412 Missions Education In the Church (2) Basic administration of a prol(ram within the rhmrl1 's ednrational 11tin is11y throul(h whid1 missions is taught to all age levels. Offered sprinl( semester, alternate years. 413 Women's Ministry In Christian Education (3) An examination of the biblical, hL~tori cal, and contempora1y pt'rspertives of women in leadership roles within a ministry. A!..~ment of role expecta tion, relationships and vocational opporumities. Prere<ptisite: 1:,0. 415 Organization and Administration ol Christian Education (3) An introdurtion 10 the biblical prinri ples and rnrrent prartire of 111ana1;e ment: planning, organizinl(, stalling, direning, and ev,1h~11ing with sperial emphasis upon the appli<dtion of these functions to rhmrh and pararhurrh administration. Prert'cptisites: 1:,0, 2:, I, 2!i0, :lRO. Ol!t-red fall semester. 416 Curriculum Development (2) E.=ntial prinriples in rnrrirnh1111 fi,r mulation including evolution of exist ing rnrrirnla and rnrrirnh11n writing experit'nrt'. Prereq11isi1e: <Hit' of the age level rnurses: :172, :i7:i or :174 . Ol!t-red spring se111es1er. 422 Singles Ministries In the Church (2) L~ues and needs of never-married and formerly married persons, inrh1di111; identity cri~L~, role definition, self:,HHj> tanrt' and the development of intimacy. Resourres, pnl!(mllls and skills fi,r min L-;tt'ring to these nt't'ds art' t'lllph,L'iiZt'd . Offt'red spring St'mestt'r, alternate ymrs.
Transportation fee may be required. Prerequisite: Upper division status. 461 Vocational Practicum I (2) Structured experiences in teaching the Bible in a field setting with a selected age group. Le=n prepara tion, execution and evaluation with an emphasis on developing speaking ski lls a<MCiated with professional min istry positions. Christian education majors only. Prerequisites: 380, 252. 462 Vocational Practicum II (2) Structural experiences in the supervision of a limited educational ministry pro gram in a selected vocational setting. Gia~ experiences will focus on helping the student to apply personally his/ her own leadership and management skill~. For the 01ri'-lia11 education majors only. Prerequi...ite;: ~. 461. 470 CurrenlTopics In Christian Education (1-3) Designed for upper division student, in C.E. who want to study specialized topics not currently covered in catalog cnmse offerings. May be taken two times with different emphasis. Fee may be required. Admission by acade mic advisor approval. 480 Independent Study In Christian Education (1-3) Development of skill in independent study of topics in the field of Christian education . Offered both semesters. Prerequisite: Senior level Christian education majors only and depart mental approval. May he repeated.
371 Evangelism and Discipleship (3) An overview of the biblical principles of evangelism and disciplesh ip. The class will seek to develop the skills of personal evangelism and explore bil> lical teachings regarding discipleship as they apply to local church and para church agencies. Prere<1uisite: 2:,1. Offered fall semester. 372 ChrisUan EducaUon ol Children (3) Discovery and evaluation of methods and materials appropriate for achiev ing learning objectives which meet the physical, mental, social, emotional and spiritual needs of children (birth through grade six). Students may choose 373 or 374. Prerequisites: 150,261. Offered spring semester. 373 ChrisUan EducaUon ol Youth (3) Examination of the adolescent in om culture with emphasis upon designing a ministry to this age level within the context of the local church and para church agencies. Each student will prepare a model ministry to this age level Uunior high through college) for use in enlistment and training of workers and parents. Students may choose 372 or 374. Prerecp1isites: 150,261. Offered fall semester. 374 Christian Education ol Adults (3) Focus on understanding the needs and development of contemporary adult~. Discovery of the unic1ueness of ad ult learning and investigation of design , curricula, methods, and implementa tion of educational programs for the church and other agencies. Student~ may choose 372 or 373. Prerequisi trs: 150, 261. Offered spring semester. 380 Ministry Planning and Development (3) Personal and interactive evaluation of the student's calling to Q1ristian min istry, including character, gift~, inter est~. and abilities. Field observations and other experiences designed to give perspective and aid in subsecptent placement in vocat ional practicum and future employment in Christian education agencies. For Christian education majors only. Prerequisites: 150,251,252,261. Fee: $l!i. 382 Hlmrtcal and Phllosophlcal Founda tions DI Education (3) Introduction to historical and philo sophical foundations of Q1ri~tian edu cational ministry. Ead1 smdent will be expected to analyze his <Mn view of the teaching and learning proet·ss to estah lish the framework for a personal and biblical ph ilosophy of Q1ristian educa tion. Prerequisites: l!i0, 2:>l, 2:,2. Offered spring semester.
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