C-C•1;1;1•1:1C-t·i ik•i: ■ CJ1air: To<l<l Lewis, Ph.D. FACULTY Professors: Lewis, Nash A,;s,>eiate Proft'.'i.';(>rs: B. Cavin, M. Cavin, Gonzales, D. Shanebeck
p;ired ti,r ernploy111e111 iu fields where exrellenl i111erperso11al aud group rom1111111ira1io11 skills are especially i111porta111. 1l1is rn11re1111,11io11 is also exrelle111 preparatiou t,,r gradu;11e 1rai11ing !i,r careers iu fields surh as lhe mi11is11y, edura1io11, or J;1w. Oh1ai11i11g a dewee wi1h 1his rn11- re111 ra1 ion re<Juires :-l(i unils, 27 of whirh m11s1 be upJH· r division, ;111d indude 270, :lit-\, :-18:,, :-11·\li, 4:,7, 4r,il, 478. S1nde111s are re<Jllired lo lake c.. 1111111111ira1io11 ](HJ Ill fulfill lhe f(ell er;il edura1io11 rt'<jllire111e111, Ulll ii does 1101 rn11111 toward 1!1e 1·011re111J,1- 1io11 rt'<Jllirt'mt'lllS. TIit' remai11illfi If, 1111i1s 1111Lsl he sele!'led from 1he follow ing rn11rses: 170, 181, 220, 21il, 280, 282 /:-1.~2 . :l:,7, :-IM, :-1.~4. :,87, :-1.~8. 440, 4:,0, 4r,11, 4(i], 4(i8, 470,472,474,480. Theatre Aris Tht' Thealre Arts e111pliasis fornses upon dra111;11ir pnl'11r111a11n· , wri1i11!-( for 1l1e s1age, ;111d dra1n;11ir 1h1·01y. ( ;1;,dm1,·s 111;1y JJJJJ 'Sllt' c1n·,·rs in Iheal re ;1r1s, grad11;llt' wo1 k i11 1l1e a1re ar1s, or 111 i11is1 r ies wi1hi11 lhe rl1111Tl1 1h;11 inrnrp11ra11· d1;1111a1ir arts wi1h worship pla1111i11g. Tl1is t'111ph;1sis is i111erdisripli11;11y wi1h rourse 11ffer i11gs trorn Co1111111111ira1io11, Ari, E11glisl1 a11d ~fo,iL Oh1;1i11i11g ;1 1lt·gree wi1l1 1his e111ph;Lsis recp1ires :,4 1111i1s, 44 ofwl1irl1 musl he 11pp1·r division. ~bjor recp1 ire1 1H·n1s i11rl11de: 10 11, 21i:-l, :-Ill',, :w,, :\Ii:-\, :-I'll. 40 11, 4:-l\ ·1',7. 41i8, ,17il; ARTS:-\~',; ENCL :,,f~; WISC Ii 1111i1s (fron, :\11 11, :,8,J. :,'10, :-1(11, :-l!l~. :-1 11:-1, -I-Ill. or 481). The re1n;1iui11g 11i1J<' 1111i1s (sL\ of wl1irl1 n111s1 lw 11ppn divisio11) 111a)' Ill· rhose11 from: ~~0. ~82. :,:,Ii, :-Iii-I, :-1.~2. 440, 4:,0, 41i I. 41i:-l, -170, 47 I. 480; ARTS :HS; EN(;L 440 S111di1·s i11 ~fajor A111l1ors: D1;1111a1ir or l'erfi,nualil'e. Nott': H1·w11111uwh/ r.o111·.11·.1 Ji>r TJ,,.. ntr·,, 1/llUor for w·w·ml n/11wtiu11 i11d11tl,·: <:OMM 2.1'0 Om/ h,t,·r/11rt111io11; EN<:L 250 Lilm1/111r i11 l:011k,I: Mcw/,.111 lu l:011- ~w/n>m1y lim11111 ; 1'1-1/L 2/1, Ai:.1//,rlir..1; INCS >!Xi (;,,uncl !,'11/J11ml A11tlcro/1ol11!!,_\'. Radio-Television-Film When yo11 rn111ple1e 1l1is rn11n·11- 1ra1io11 )'1111 should h;1v1· ar'l11irt·d e11 1ry lewl skills s11i1;,i,I,· for e111ploy me111 i11 1he hro;1dr;1s1 or liln1 i11d1Ls- 1ries. !11 addi1iou you slu>11ld l1;11•e ;1 dt'pih or hark!-(l<>llnd whirl1 will e11;1hl1· you 10 rn111i1111e 111 gruw a11d devel11p, lt'adin)\ 111 pro111111ion lo highl'r levels of respo11sihili1y. Your skills will lw s11i1;il,le ti,r 1·i1lwr Cl1ris1- ia11 or s,·rnL,r 111,·dia.
of study to suit your particular need& If you cl1oose 1l1i.s option, l~in by com,ult ing wi1h an a<lvi.-;c,r from the C'mmntmi ca1io11 Depan111e11L Yom advis,,r will help you choose appropriate courses, wl1irh may include courses from other depanme111s. Y<>11 will tl1e11 rn111ple1e a forrn (available from 1he C'llm1111111ica- 1io11 Deparu11e11t) iu which you de~ribe Y"' II' Gll'eer ~oals aud give a ralionale for earl1 of the rnurses selec1ed. The fi,rm will be suomilted 10 a co111111i11ee made up of yom advisor, 1!1e Corn1111111ica1ion Department rl1ain11a11, and a IJ1ird faculty member. Tl1e rommitlee may accept the pro- posal as s11lm1i11ed, rn ake minor 111odi- fira1io11s ht'fi,re arcepting i1, or rt'jecl it. If arrep1ed, the proposal bernmes pan ol'your graduation recp1irernen1s. In rnakiug i1s dt'cision lhe rnm rni11ee will rnnsider the fi1llowi11g: (1) The proposed rnurses sl1ould prepare you well for your s1a1ed career ohjec- 1ives. (2) Tl1e should forns s1udy 10 a li111i1ed area which ran oe rnvered i11 depth. (:-\) The academic rigor of 1l1e proposal should be at le;Lsl t''Jlla l lo thal expened of other rorn m1111 iral ion ro11ce11tra lions. (4) If. iu lhe judgmenl of the com111i1- 1ee , 1hese fioals can be met helter 1hroufih a1101her major or rnnrelllrn tiou 1l1e propos.11 will he rejected . Oh1,1i11i11g a degree with 1his rnn ce111ra1io11 requires a minimum of 3fi uni1s, 21 of wl1irh 1111Lsl be frorn the Depar11ne111 of (,,m1111111ira1io11. Two speril'ir rnmses, 4:,8 and 478, are re11uired. A mi11imurn of 27 units 11111s1 1,.. upper division . The i111erdi), ripli11ary proposal llllL<I he suhmi11ed a11d approved 110 later 1ha11 the first se1u eslt'r of 1he junior year. No exrep1io11s will he made. Special Programs/Opportunities Los Angeles Film Studies Program 111 addition lo our film production rnmses offert'd 011 rampus, Biola is ahle lo offer a ti1II semei;ter of in1emive study of film a11d the film industry 1hrough 1l1e Los Angeles Film S1udies Prog1;u11 of the C!1Tis1ia11 C'llllep;e (',.aJi- 1io11 . S111<le111s live and study in the Hollywood area for eilher the fall or spring se111es1er. Courses include , ' lnsidt' Hollywood, the Work and the Working ol' 1l1e Film l11d11s1ry ' (t, ,m se111es1er u11i1.,), 'Keeping Co11st:ie11re: Ethi«il Cl1alle11ge in the E111enainmen1 !11,hLs11y' (fi,ur 1mi1s), and 'Film iu Cul- 1ure: Exploring a Cluis1ia11 Per,pective 011 1l1e Na1ure and l11tlue11ce of Film' (four u11i1.s) . E,;1ri1 s111de111 is alS<> regi)r
Oh1;iini11g a dt'!ift't' wi1l1 1his rn11- l't'lll ra1io11 recp1ires 3(i unils, 24 of wl1irl1 11111s1 he uppt'r division . Musi indude W2. 2!i I, :-1:,2, 440, 4:,fi,4:,7, 4:,8, 4:,!l, 478 ;i11d al le;Lsl one of 2:-10, :mi, :,:,Ii. The re111ai11i11g (i 1111i1s are lo he rn1111111111ir;11io11 elel'liws. Broadcast Journalism Tliis rnun·1111.i1io11 is designed ti,r s111d1·111., wishill)\ 10 e111er broadrasl IJ!'Ws ;Ls field reponers, news a11rl1ors, st·g111e111s proch1rers, aud news wri1ers. Ol11;1i11i11g a defiree wii11 1his rn11re11- 1ra1io11 recp1ires 3!1 1111i1s of w]1irl1 24 11111s1 lie upper division . The recp1ired ('()llrSt'S are 2!i]. '.-\%, :-\:,]. :-1'>2, 388, 440, 4!i7, 4:,8, 4r,!1, 478 and ei1l1er 230 or 3:-11. 1l1e remain in!-( six 1111i1s art' 10 Ill· selerled frolll :,r,:-1, :,r.r,, :,li4, '.-184, 4:-10, 4:-11, 4', I , 4:,:-l, 4:,:, and 470. Broadcast Management Wl1en y1111 l1;1ve compleied 1l1is rn11< ·e1111;11ic>11 y1111 will 11<.· prepared fi,r ;1r;,rc·er in 1l1e 111a11age111e111 side 11f l>rnadr;1s1i11!-(, i11rl11di11 g ;1Jv1·r1 isiug sail's, sales 111a11;1!-(1·111e111, prog1,1111111i11g 111a11;1)\t·111eu1, or ge11e1;d 111;111;cge111e111. Ol>1;1i11i11g a degre,· wi1h 1l1is rn11- ,·,·111 ra1 io11 re<Jllires 42 llllils, :-\0 11f whirh 111us1 he 11ppn division wl1irl1 i11d11de 1he followi11g n111111111- 11ira1i1111 ro11rses: 202. y,r,, 4:i:,, 4:,7, 4:,8, 4:, 11, and 478. 111 addi1i1111, 1he following h11si11ess ad111i11is1ra1io11 rn1uws ;ire re<Jllired: 11 I. 2:-10, 3:H, 4:-l] ;ind 41i4. Cl11111se ;111y 111•0 11f 1he !i1ll11wi11!-( l>11si11!'ss rnlU'S!'s: IOI. ~11, :,18. :-1:-12. :-\:-Iii, -1:-lli . Take ~L11l1 ](l:-1 ;1s p;1r1 11 ! y11ur ge11n;,I ed11r;11io11 111;111i / sri1·11re rc·cp1ir1·111e 111. Public Relations/Advertising Wl11·u y1111 have 1·c>111ple1t1I 1l1is rn11- n·n11:11iou you should ),.. prepared fi,r 1·111ploy1111·111 i11 e1111y lt·wl puhlir rl'la- 1ions a11d S<>III<' 111arke1i11g reL1it'<l posi- 1io11s. This 1·011re111ra1io11 romhines h11si11t·ss and ,·01111111111ira1io11 rn1uws i1110 a11 i1111·rdis, ipli11a1y progi,1111. Oh1;1i11i11g a degree wi1h 1]1is rn11- ,·,·111ra1i1111 re<juires 4:, u11i1s , of whirh :,o 11111s1 he upper divisio11, a11d i11rhule : 202, t-10, 270, :-184, 440, 4:,8 ;111<I 17il, :,il:-1 or 4:,7, :-1.~7 11r B11si11ess ,w, , B11sines.s ~ 11 and 2:-10 or :-1:-1~. :-1:-1 I, :t-1·1 ;111d :-\Iii. Tl1e r1· 111 ;1i 11i11!-( 1l1ree 1111i1s 11111s1 Ill· 1;1ke11 fro111 1l1e fi1ll<>1v i11!-( rn11rs,·s: Co1111111111ira1i1111 :HI, :H2, :-1:-\'l, :,8',, 4:i!l, Ari :l]:-1, ;111d Business 4:-l~. S111de111s are rt'<JUired lo lake (,11111111111ir;11i1111 100 111 h1llill lilt' gen er;,I t'd11ra1i1111 n·cp1ire1111·111. Interdisciplinary 11,is rn11n·u1r;11io11 will provide you m;1xi11111111 la1i11ule in ne;11i11g a rnurse
Instructor: Hill OBJECTIVES
It is the pmpose of the Com1111mi ca tion Department that when you complete our major you will have : (I) well <levelope<l personal commtllli cation skills an<l be able lo think, write, and speak clearly and etlectiwly; (2) Leaming skills whid1 will enable you to rontinue lo develop personally and profrssionally after graduation; (3) enuy level skilb for employme111 in yom chosen field or else have sui1ahle preparation for graduate s111dy; (4) at least the beginnings of a workable world view which unifies yom life 's work and your C'J1ris1ian faith. DEGREE PROGRAM A Bachelur of Arts degree in l:011111111- nicaticm Disurrlen is otfored upon rnrn pletion of the university baccalaureate and cornmunication disorders rn;1jor recp1iremenL~. The major in comm1111icatio11 di), orders is a pre-professional def(ree that provides tlu.• student with a fouu dation in normal comm1mica1io11 aud an understanding of the cornplexities of communication proolems. It is the aim of the department lo set this knowledge wi1hi11 the frnrnework of a Chris1ia11 perspective aud a forns on 1he individual ralht!T than tilt' disor der. Student.< romple1.i11g this major should be fully prepared li1r 1he g1,Hl ua1e work necessary for the certitira tion or credentials in this area. Oh1ai11ing a degree with this major recp1ires 42 units , % of whid1 must be upper division and indude: :m, 324, 321i, 327, 42!i, 42fi, 4r,o, 4!i8, 478 and TAL 401. 1l1e remaining 12 units must be selected with farnliy advice from the following romses: 220,223,224,328,421,422,423,424, 42!1, 470,472, !CS 310; ,me of the fol lowing: P,yd1ology 320, 321, 322. 111 addition, Biology 31 l or P,yd1ology 412 is re<jllired as a support rnurse. A Bachelur of Arts d,·gree in C:011111111- nicaticm is offered upon romple1io11 of the university oaccalaureate aud rnrn muniration major re<juirernents with one of the following rnncenli,Hions. Communication Studies When you have comple1ed 1his concen1ra1ion you should he pre-
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