384 Public Relations (3) The nature, methods and responsibili ties of pul)lic relations in rnntemp< ► raty society. 385 Persuasive Communication (3) Tedmiques of persuasive speaking and comm1mication persuasion theories. Experieuce in the preparation aud delivety of spttcl1es. Prert'lpti.~ite: 100. 386 Forms ol Public Communication (3) Application, practice and aua lysis of selt'l'ted commuuiration !,,nus from a rhetori cal perspective. Sections offered in rdigi01L~, p<>litiral aud S<Kial issues commuuications. May be repeated witlt diflt>rent rourse rnutent. 387 Organizational Communication (3) The dyuamics of orgauizational com munira tion centering iu systems , strnrt11res and pallerns; the role of com1111tuicatiou iu organizational developmeut. 388 Principles ol tnlormation Gathering (3) Fuudameutals of )(atheriug informa tion for the ma"" media. Strategies li,r liuding aud utiliziug iuformatiou sourres, ted111icp1es aud p,ychological dyuamics of iutetviews. Emphasis 011 learning by doiug. 391 The Director as Perlormer/Author (3) Art of dirertion, examining prinriples of script analysis, staging, pin11riz;1- tion, rhythm, dra111atir an ion , style, meaning, and <>titer relevant issues faring the dirertor. Prere<ptisite: C,in sent oflnstnirtor. 409 Production Practicum 2 (3) Advanced pr.irtirnl experienre in dr.i matir process of a work. Credit for perfonning in a play, set rnnstrnrtion, rost11me rnnstrnrtion, puhlirity or otl1er aspect~ of the theatriral pn~·ess. Permission of itL~tntctor recp1ired. M;1y not be repeate<l for arademir t'ft'dit. 421 Organic Disorders (3) C',ommuuiration dis,1nlers rdative to cleft palate and otllt'r rranial-farial anomalies, cerdiral p;1by, and mental retardation . Prerecptisite: :121 , :124, or pem11ss111n . 422 Adult Language Disorders (3) Study of rom11J11J1iratio11 disorders GIIL~ by stroke and otht'f neurologi cal problt'ms and inj11ries. Classilica tiou, ev.tluation techuicptes and tl1er.1py priuriples ind11de<l. l'rere<pti.,ite: :12 I. 423 Voice and Phonological Problems (3) Problems of voire phonology and artirulation . Areas of etiol<>f,'Y, diag nosis, ;md remediatiou rovered . Pre requisite: :121, :124, or permission.
424 Aural Rehabilitation (3) Review of management procedures \L~d by profes.~ionals for the rehabil~ tation/habitation of persons with hear ing impairment~. Includes speech reading, auditory training, hearing aids and other comrmmication ,ystems an as.,istive listening c.levin,s. 425 Audiology (3) Anatomy and physiology of tht' ear; hearing problems, tt'sting and rehabil itation . Practical experienre in pme tont' threshold testing. Lab lt>e: $15. 426 Diagnostic and Therapeutic Methods (5) Methods of evaluation and a'ise..ssment of speerl1 voice and language prob lems. Introduction to therapeu tir app roarhes and specific techniques rehired to spet'l·h and lat1hr11age habil~ l.ition and rehabilitation. Prerecptisites: :121, :124 or permi..,,,ion. Lab lt>e: $1:,. 428 Audiometry (3) Advanred study of proct'd11res and problems in hearing measmement. Areas covt'rt'd will inrlude speerh audiometry, masking , recruitment, dia11nostic testing and amplilii:ation.
450 Communication Practicum (1-3) Directed practical experience in the varioll, fields of communication. Per mission of the department must be sernred the semester prior to enrolling for course. May be repeated Ii ,r a maximum of six uni Ls. 451 Advanced Audio Production (3) Advanced techniques in miking, mix ing, recording, processing and rein forcement of sound. Both technical and artist ic a,pecL'i are covered, with a stroll!!; lalK>ratory empha'iis. Prerequi sit e: 2:, I. Lah fee: $:,0. 452 Motion Picture Post-Production (3) 1lte final course in a tliree-course furn production sequence (358, 359, 452). Emphasizes editing, music, sound ellt'Ct>;, mixing, laboratory coordination, attd di.,uibution. Prerequi.sites: 352,358, 3:,9. Lab fee: $.'iO. (Alternate Springs) 453 Advanced Television Production (3) Tht' course gives intensive experience in profes.~ional level television produc tion. Prerequisite: 353. Lab fee: $50. 455 Broadcast Media Management and Sales ( 4) Covers management strategies as applied to media companies, includ ing radio ai1d television stations, cable ,ystems, motion pict11re production companies and companies in the emerging technologies. 456 Senior Media Project (3) Student produces a project with advice and guidance from faculty. The project will represent the stu dent's highest achievement in media production. It can be used as evi dence of ability when seeking employ men t. Project~ can include scripts, audio, video, motion picture, and other media. Lab fee $50. 457 Communication Theory (3) Social 1eientific theory in interpeoonal attd ma,s communication with empha sis on practical tL<;efulness of theories. 458 Methods ol Communication Research (3) Methodology for communication research, including sampling, ques tionnaire design , introduction to sta tistics. Students conduct survey research project. A major goal is to become adept at reading and evaluat ing research report~. Lab fee: $10. 459 Practical and Ethical Issues In Communication Careers (3) Covers ethical and moral problems related to employment, current issues in the industry, ai1d career planning.
352 lnlroducHon to Television and Film Production (3) Introduces student to scripting form, film and television cameras, lighting, editing, composition, much more . Lab fee: $40. 353 Televlslon Production (3) Students will write and serve on pn ► duction teams to produce a variety of formats of television programs. Pre requisite: 352. Lab fee: $50. 355 Broadcast Programming and Pro motion (3) Includes audience analysis and consid eration of various programming the< ► ries and techniques. Also promotion technic1ues for audience acquisition and retention . Fee: $2:,. 356 Screen Writing (3) Writing of dramatic script~ for televi sion or film production. Fee: $25. 357 History ol Cinema (3) Survey of the development of the motion picture (1890 to the present.) Films screened in the course will be analyzed from perspectives of art, genre theory, technology, and rhetori cal intent. Lab fee: $20. 358 Motion Picture - Pre-Production (3) The first course of a three-comse sequence (358, 359, 452) in which a dramatic film will be produced. This course emphasizes the essential pre production aspecL'i including script development, budgeting, casti ng, set construction, and/or location s111veys, and develops skills in using produc tion equipment. Prerequisite: 352. Lab fee: $50. (Alternate Falls) 359 Motion Picture Production (3) Principal photography will be done for the film project begun in 3:,8. Emphasizes lighting, camera opera tion, sound recording, directing, etc. Prerequisites: 352, 358. Lab fee $.'iO. (Alternate lnterterms) 363 Acting (3) Introduction to acting technique rang ing from solo and ensemble imprnvii.i tion to basic scene work with theatrical texL~. Prerequisite: Comm 2!i3. 364 Acting lor Film and Television (3) Use of acting skills in front of televi sion cameras using scenes from actual television and film script~. Include$ critiques of acting methods. Prerecp1i site: 2!il or permis.~icm. Fee: $25. 383 SUIYIY ol Rhetorical Theories (3) Major theories of rhetorical and pub lic addres.'i from cla'isical to contemp<>· rary periods.
429 Clinical Practicum: Blola Speech/Language Clinic (1-2)
Supetvised experienre working with the spet'dt handicapped p<•pulation in the Biola Speed1 Clinic. Permission of the department m1tst be sernred the semester prior to enrolling for th is rnurse. May be repeated for a total of six 1mits. Prerecptisite: :112, :121, :12G, 42(i, and departmental ronsenl. 431 Advanced Reporting (3) Puhlir affairs and investigative report inl(. Use of l«)('al government, rnurts and rnrmnuni ty S<>Ufrt'S in developiug
storit's. Prere<pti.~ite: ,t-11. 433 Mass Media Law (3)
Legal a~pects of the ma~ media: con stitutional freedom of expression, news gathering, access to public rerords and proceedings, libel, pri vary, ropyright, advertising, brrntdca.,t regulation, and antitntst. 435 Writing lor Periormance (3) Creation of original material for solo or rorporate dramatic pt'fformanre. Work.~hop for tl1e presentation of cre ated oril(inal matt'fials for the stage. 440 Communication Internship (1-3) Limited to <ptalilie<l j11niors or seniors who wish lo gain practical experience IL~1tally off camp1L, in a work situation. Departmeut J1t'rtui..,,'iion rt'lptirt'd. May he repeated fora maxim11t11 ofsi.x 11nits.
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