

By Hi.,; deatl1 on the cr<lis, tlre Lord Jesll'i made a perfect atonement for sin, by whid1 tl1e wrath of God against sinners is appea.o;,,d and a ground furni.,;hed upon which God can deal in men:y with sinners. He redeemed us from tlre curse of the law by becoming a CUilie in our place. He who Him,;elf wa~ ahiolutely without sin wa.,; made to be sin on our behalf that we might become the righteo1t,;n~,; ofGod in Him TI1e LordJesus i.~ com­ ing ag.iin to his e-.arth, personally, boclily, and visibly. The return of our Loni i.,; tl1e bl~·,;ed hope of ll1e believer, and in it God's pmpa;es ofgrace toward mankind will lincl tl1eir con.-;urnmation. The Holy Spirit is a person, and i.,; possessed of all tlre di.v­ tinctively divine atuibutes. He i.,; God. Man was created in the image of God, after His likene.'iS, but tl1e whole human race fell in tl1e fall of tl1e first Adam All men, until they accept the Lord Jesus as their personal Savior, are lost, darkened in tl1eir unclerslancling, alienated from the life of Goel tl1rough tl1e ignorance tl1at is in tl1em, hardened in hearl, morally and spiritually dead through their trespa.,;se.'i and sins. They cannot see, nor enter the Kingclom of God un1il tl1ey are born again of tl1e Holy Spirit. Men are justified on lhe simple ancl single ground of the shed blood of Chris! ancl upon the simple and single condi­ tion of fai1h in Him who shed the bk)()(( , and are born again by the quickening, renewing, cleansing work of the Holy Spirit, thmugh the insu1m1en1ality of the Word ofGod. All tha.e who receive JestL'i Clui,;t a,; tl1eir Savior and tl1eir Loni, and who conlt"Ss Him a,; such before tl1eir fellow men, become children ofGod and receive eternal life. TI1ey become heirs of God and joint-heirs with JeslL'i Cl1ri.,;1. At deatl1 tl1eir spi1i1s depart to be witl1 Clui,;t in con.,;ciOll'i blessedness, and at tl1e Second C'.oming of Chri.,;t tl1eir bodies shall be raised and tr,UL,;fonned into tl1e likeness of tl1e body ofHis glory. All tl1a.e who pe1sistenlly reject Jesll'i 01ris1 in the present lite shall be ,ai~d linm die ck-.acl ancl 1J11uughou1 eternity exi.,;1 in the slale of c:om;cim~, 1mut1e1abk, endless tonrent and angui.,;h. TI1e Clnm:h cort,;i.,;ts of all ll1ose who, in tl1i.,; present di.,;pen­ salion, tmly believe in JeslL'i C'Jui,;t It i.,; tl1e lxxly and bride of Chri.,;t, whid1 Cluist loves ancl for which He ha.,; given Himself There is a personal devil, a being of great cunning and power: '1l1e prince of the power of the air," '1l1e prince of tl1i.,; world," 'The god of thi.,; age." He can exert va-;t power only so far a,; God suffers him to do so. He shall ultimately Le casl inlo tl1e lake of fire and b,im,;tone and shall be tor­ mented day and night forever. Noll: This dodrinal slatemenl, pre.ientd. km a.s originally conceiud by the foorulm oft/,e orgnniullion, IUZJ 1-1 and c.ontin~ to be the slllied t/U!(}ll)j;iml pmilion of &dri Urriumit-J Wlum "man" is u.sed, ref ming to t/,e human mce, it includes both ~derJ. In addition, the following exf1l111111tury mks indimJe t/,e orgnniuuion 'sundmtandingand teaching j>oJitirm 011 amain J>oims which could be suJ1ea to various intqmtaiionJ: TI1e Scripn1res are to be interpreted accrnding to cli.,;pensa­ lional dislinctives wilh the conviction tl1at the return of tl1e Lord for Hi.,; 01111d1 will be premillennial, before the Tribulalion, and tl1at the Millennium is to be the Ja,;t of die cli.,;peJL,;ation.,;. TI1e exi.,;tence of the Creation is not explainable apart from the rob of God a,; the sovereign creator and smtainer of the entire nallual realm. C'.oncepls such a,; theistic or threshnlcl evolu1ion do not adequately explain creation.

American lntt:rcollegiatt: Athletic Women; As..;ociation; A,;sociated Collegiate Pre.'iS; A~iation of Ouisl• ian School,;, International; A'i.'iOCiation ofColl~e Union.,; Inter­ national; American A~iation of Higher Edur.ation; A._,;ocia­ tion of Independenl California Coll~es and Universilie.,;; Cal~ fornia A=iation of Health, Physical Educalion, and Recre• ation; California Council on the Education ofTeachers; C'J1oral Conductors' Guild (California); Christian Coll~e Coali1ion; Christian Scholar's Review; College Entrance Examinarion Board; Council on Pa.t-secondary Accredilation; Ev-angelical Teacher Training A~iation; Intercollegiatt: Press; Mll'iic Edu­ cator's National Conference; National A~ialion of lntt:n:olle­ giatt: Athletics; Western A~iation ofGr,l(luate School,;; West­ ern Council on Higher Education for Nur8ing; and Western Interstate Commi'i.'iion for Higher Education. DOCTRINAL STATEMENT Inasmuch a~ the University is interdenominational and yet theologically conservative, the Articles of Incorporation contain a doctrinal statement which is given below: The Bible, consisting of all the book.,; of the Old and New Testament,;, is the Word of God, a supernaturally given reve­ lation from God Himsell; concerning Himself, His being, nature, character, will and purposes; and concerning man, his nature, need and duty and destiny. The Scripture.,; of the Old and New Testaments are without en-or or IIIL'i.'ilalemeut in their moral and spiritual teaching and record ofhistorical fact,;. TI1ey are wi tl1out en·or or defect of any kind. There is one God, eternally existing and manifesling Himself to ll'i in tltree Persons - Falher, Son and Holy Spirit Our Lord Jesus was supernaturally conceived Ly 1he power of the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin - Mary, a lin­ eal descendant of Davie!. He lived and taught and wrnught mighty work.,; ancl wonclers ancl signs exactly as is recon!ecl in tl1e four Gospel,;. He wa.,; put to clealh by c:111cilixinn uncler Pontius Pilate. Goel raisecl from tl1e dead the lxxly 1ha1 had been nailed to tl1e cross. TI1e Loni Je.'ilL'i afler Hi.,; c111c:ilix­ ion showed Hilll.,;e(f to be alive to His clisciples, appearing unto tl1em by tl1e space of 40 clays. Alier tl1is, the Loni Jes1L'i a,;cended into heaven, ancl tl1e Fatl1er c:ausecl Him to sil al Hi.~ right hand in the heavenly places, far above all rnle ancl autl1ority and power and dominion, and every name thal i.,; named, not only in lhi.,; world, but al,;o in thal which is lo come, and put all tl1ings in subjection under His feet , and gave Him to be Head over all tl1ings to the 01urch. The Lord Jes1L'i , before His inr.arnation, exislecl in 1he form of God and of His own choice laicl a.,;ide His divine glory and took upon Hirn.,;df the fonn of a servant and was made in tl1e likeness of men. In His pre-exi.,;teut state, He wa.~ with God ancl wa.,; God. He i.,; a cliviue person posse.'i.'ied of all tl1e attributes of Deity, and should Le worshiped a.,; God by angels and man. '1n Him dwelletl1 all tl1e folluess of the Godhead bodily." All the words that He spoke clming His eartl1ly life were tl1e worcl,; of God. There is absolutely no error of any kind in them, and by the words ofJe.'ilL'i Chri.,;t the words of all other teachers mll'it be tested. TI1e Lorcl Je.,;us became in every respect a real man, pos­ se.'i.o;ed of all the t".'i.'iential characteristics of human nalure.

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