C-t•Ui;J•jj:j;• SCIENCE
MAJORS Computer Science (53 units)
461 Readers Theatre (3) Programming and presentation of prose, poetry and drama by two or more actors using the skills of oral interpretation as well as those of the actor. Methods of preparation , per formance and directing. 463 Advanced Aeling Workshop (3) Further in-depth study of char.ictfiiza tion, script analysis, and various stylt' of acting . Prerequisites: 263 and 3fi'.t 468 Per1onnance and Worship Techniques (3) Issues facing the Christian worship leader, with opportunities lo collert material~ for chancel and para-<:hurch dramatic presentation. Provides Ust' ful examination of the age-old con nection between ritual and theatre. 470 Communication Seminar (1-3) Various a~pecL~ and problems in tht' field of communication. 471 Semiotics and Per1ormance (3) Study of the various sign ,-ystems at work in public performance events. Issues of how contextualized mt',111ing is produced in society together with a study of the appropriation of cultural efTecL~ for performance. 472 lnten:ultural Communication (3) Relationship between communication and culture with emphasis on fartors affecting the c1uality and processes of interpersonal communication between persons of different cultures or subcul wres. (See all() lntercultural Studies 420.) 474 Advanced Studies In Communication Behavior (3) Selected communication topics vJrit'd by semester. Sections olfrred include: gender studies, peace rhetoric family communication, nonverbal comm1111i cation, listening, communication and decision-making . May be repeatt'd
techniques, dynamic storage allocation; applications. PrerequL-ite: IO:,. Spring. 202 Assembly language Programming (3) Basic concepLs of computer systems and computer architecture. Assembly language programming. Micros, pro gram segmentation and linkages. Pre requisite : 106. Spring. 230 Programming Languages (3) Organization and s1rnc1ure of prograrn ming languages. Run-lime behavior and recpiirernents of programs. lntro durtion 10 programming language specifications and analy~s. Study of var irnL~ alternative language. such a~ Ada, C+t and Lisp. Prerequisite: 106. Fall. 301 Software Engineering (3) Concepts, principles, techniques, and documents of software engineering. Emphasis on ,-ystemalic approaches to software engineering and !lie software life cycle . Team project required. Prerequisite: 230. Alternate years. 302 Computer Organization (3) Organization and strncturing of the major hardware componenL~ of comput ers. Mechanics of information transfer and control within a digital computer ,-ystem. Fundamental~ of logic design. Communicatiort~ ,')'Siems. Prerequi~te: 20'2 or consenL Alternate years. 311 Operating Systems (3) Computer operating systems; topics include time sharing, process commu nication, memory management, stor age allocation, interrelationships between the operating ,-ystem and the architecture of computer systems . Prerequisites: 106. Alternate years 40OTheory of Algorllhms (3) Various types of algorithms, analytic techniques for u1e detennination of algorithmic efficiency, NP-<:omplete problems , complexity hierarchies, intractable problems. Prerequisite: 106. Altemateyears 402 Database Management (3) Integrated database ,-ystems, logical organization, data description lan guage (DDL), data manipulation lan guage (DML), of hierarchical net works and relational databases , overview of selected database manage ment ,-ystems (DBMS). Alternate years 430 Computer Communications (3) C~mcepLs of computer rmnmunications, l<x-al area network.~, seven layers of com munication protocols, global network.~. PrerequLsite: l(Xi. Altemateyears.
CJ1air: Walter Stangl, Ph.D. FACULTY Professor: Tlnirher A-.s,~·iate Professor: Wm A,;,sistanl Prol"t-~•r: Seitz OBJECTIVES
This emphasis must complete: 10!',, HXi, 202,230,301, 30'2, 311,400, 430, 440 twil'e with two different top irs and one course (3 units) at the 300 or 400 level in Cmnpttter Science or Math. Math 10:,, 106,112,291 and :m or 333. Information Systems (57 units) This emphasis 11111st romplete: 105, ](Xi, 202 , 2'.',0, 301 , 30'2, 31 I, 40'2 , 4'.i0, 440, and <lilt' rnurse (3 units) at the 300 or 400 lt'vel in Business or Computer Scit'nt'e. Busine,-, 202,211, 212,370,415. Math 10'.{, 112and210. Nole: All C<mamlrntitm.1 11111.11 i11d1uk 24 u/1,ier divi.,ion 1111il.l. The g1meml edu c/Ilion r"'{'tirrnumt for II foreign l1111g,wi,, for thrue f ollowi11g II com/niter ,cimu major mny be met l,y two yean of higl, u hool la11- ~~wg,: or the [int four ,mil, of II rollege lan g,wge. Tiu, ;cie11ce/m11tlumwtic.1 retJ1lire nu11t 11wy Ir. met i"j t/11-,,,, 1111iL1 of scieuce. MINOR A (:omputcr Scienc.e Minor is offort'd with tht' rnmplt'tion of 21 units. Stu dt'nls pursuing a minor are required to take a core rnrrirnlum of 10:,, 106 and 202. Tht' remaining re<p1ire mt'nts are fulfilled arrnrding to inter est in consultatio11 with department adviser. At lt'ast two rnnrses must be at tht' :{00 or 400 level. COURSES 103 Computer Applications (1) lntnxl11rtio11 to rnmp11tt'r applirations \Lsing prol(ra111s surh as Word, Excel , or PowerPoint. Cannot be ILsed toward tht' major . Dot's 1101 count toward Gent'ral Edut'ation. May he rept'att'd with a difkrt'nt topic Fall, spring. 104 The Nature of Computing (2) The history of con1p11ting machines. Computer logic and bi11a1-y arithmetic Elemt'ntary conrepts of rompmers. Elt't11en1a1-y BASIC progrJmmin!(. Soci etal impart of computt'rs. Cannot be rrnmtt--d l<lll'ard tl1t' major. Fall, spring. 105 Introduction lo Computer Science (3) lntrodurtion to romputt'r hardware and S<>ftwaw Problt'm S<>lving meth ods. Elemt'n ta1-y rnnrepts of algorithm dt'Vt'lopmt'nt. C progrJmming. Thrt'e homs lt'!·turt', ont' ltrntr lah. Fall. 106 Data Structures (3) Llm:Jr lists, strings, arrays and orthogn nal lists; grapl1s, tret'S, hina1-y trees, multi linkt'd stmrtllft'S, st",1nfong am! S<>rtinp;
Computer ,l;it'nre studies the rt'prt- se111ation, stordl(t' and tmusformation of information utilizinl( rnmpttter ,-ystt'111, l11e Departmt'n t of Compt llt'I Srit'lll't' at Biola University providt's two prima1y areas of conrentr.ttion in addition to a basic rnre rnrrirnhnn. 111t'st' two art'as are rnmputt'r srit'lll't' and information ,ystems. l11t' dt'partmt'nt abo ol!t'rs a selt'ction of rn11rses ti,r those majoiing in <>lht'r tidds who WLsh a minor emph;~ sis in romputt'r S<'it'nrt'. Our stud,,nt lahs are e<ptipped with n1m1t'rolLs Pt'n tim11 and Apple PowerPC;1tio11s. Tllt'se rnmputns also havt' ,HTt'SS to Linux. Widows NT and SCO St'IVt'l'S. We also haVt' a Co111putt'r St'it'nl't' Alrnve equipped witl1 a Digital Equip mt'lll Coqxiration 2100 nmni11g Uhrix, the latest Pentium platli,rms nm11in)l eitl1t'r Wind,111',% or UNIX, a Pt'nlirn11 Pro rnnning Wind,~vs NT Work.S1a1io11 and a Pt'ntium rnnnin!( Sun 's Solaris xRli oper,1ting ,-ystt'm. l11e dt'partmt'nt t'ndt'avors to pm vide t'arh studt'nt with an 1111dt'rs1and in!( of tht' orl(anization and opt'ration of modern rntnputt'r ,-ystt'ms. Funda lllt'n tal vahtt'S and knowlt'd!(t' art' empha.,ized so 1ha1 s111dt'nts will ht' ahlt' to st.iy ahrt'ast of tl1t'il' !ield. At tht' s;1111t' tinlt' studt'nts art' t'Xposed to prartiral applil'ations a11d rnrrt'nt rnmputt'I' ,-ystt'ms so that tl1ey will have signilil':ml opport1mitit's in tilt' markt't plart" 11po11 )ll'ad11ation. Tht' pt'rvasivt' use of t'o111p11tt'rs t()(by allows the stud,,nt to pnrstlt' a raret'r in many difft'rt'nt art'as including aerospat't', ins11ranrt', tt'arl1i11g , tht' computt'r industry , and hankin!(, lo namt' a t"t-w. AIS<>, tl1t' stlldt'nt is prt- part'd to p11rs11t' htrt ht'f studies in grad1t11t' S<fox,I, typit'ally in rnmpntn scit'lll'e or husint'ss. Tht'rt' is a rnn certt'd altt'mpt by tht' dt'partmt'nt to integrate faitl1 and lt'arn in!( i11 tht' study of rnmputt'r srit'nrt' and its
with different coufst' content. 478 Pragmatic Social Theories of Communication (3)
Survey and application of social theo ries of communication, inrluding gen eral semantics, confrontations, rom munication to the grieving, humans as manipulators, gender studies and nonverbal forms of communication. 480 Directed Research (1-3) Individual research in an area of com munication determined in consulta tion with the instructor. May be repeated for a maxim 11111 of thret' uniL~. Prerequisite: consent.
impat't upon our s,~·it'ty. DEGREE PROGRAM
A Bncludor of Scieuce degree i11 <:0111- fn<ier Scie11u is offt'ft'd upon rn111 plt- tion of lht' univt'rsity hal'l'ala11reate and tht' rnm1rntt'r sl'it'nrt' lll,~jor in one of the
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