

4411 Topics In Computer Science (3) Course may be repeated for credit with different content (section title). Prerequisite: 106. Topics are selected from the following: Compiler Theory. The theory of Ian• guages and their implementation. Systems Programming. Design and implementation of language transla­ tors and ~rstem utilitie.,. Theory of Computation. ConcepL, from theoretical computer science, finite state concepts, decidability, computabi lity, and Turing machines. Cmnputer Graphics. wmputer inter• active graphics, software structures, screen display, graphical techniques. Artificial lntdligmr.e. wncept, and techniques of artificial intelligence, representation, search strategies, rnn• trol, communication and perception, and applications. 480 Research Seminar (1-3) Special studies in computer srienre. Prerequisite: senior standing or co1lo;ent.

The Single Subject Credential certi• fit's the s111den1 to lt'arh a single sul>­ jecl frorn kindeq;arten through the 12th grade, I.nil is especially appropri· attc fi,r grades 7-12. The Mulliple S,Jiet:t Cr,,Ie,uial cer· titi ..s the student 111 tead1 in a self-n111• tained cla.,sr<K>m from kindt'rgarttn through tht' 12th grade, hut is espe­ rially appropriate for gr.ides K...f, , The Department of Education and the Departmt'lll of TESOL and Applied Linguistics have designed rnursework which meets the Califor• nia Commis.,ion 011 Teacher Crtdt11- 1ialing mp1irements for the rertificate in Cros., Cult ural Language and Arad­ t'mir D..velopment (CLAD), provid­ inv; te;1rl1ers wirh the k1111wlt'dv;e, skills a11d attitUdt's needt'd to t'fferriwly rearh and h'llidt' s111dt'nts from rnliur• ally, lin)lllistirally and S<K'i< ►ernn11111i­ rally diverst' barkgrounds. The Deparllllt'nl of Education is in tilt' pnK·ess of developing rne;ms hy whirl! CLAD rertiliralt' rnurse work ran ilt' rn111ple1ed in rnnj1111r1ion with under· )(rJdualt' programs. Cot11ar1 tht' Edu-­

All candidates for the Preliminary Multiple or Single Teaching Creden­ tial must complete the following undergraduate education courses: LEDU 300, 330, 420/ 425, 430/ 435 and 440/ 442 or 450/452. Students who plan to participate in student teaching the semester fol-­ lowing graduation should take 4:\0/ 435 (Elementary/Secondary Cur­ rirnhnn) in the undergraduate pro-­ gram unless they are planning lo con• 1in11e in a graduate education pro-- gram. A student who plans to con- tinllt' in a graduate program should romplete ASED 505/506 (Elemen- tary/Secondary C11rrirnl11m) in the la.,1 semester prior to graduation. All education and competency rnurses must l,e completed with a grJdtc of "C" or higher with tl1e excep­ t ion of Student Teaching LEDU 440/ 442 and 4:,0/ 452 which must be completed with a grade of "B·" or higher for thtc candidate to be recom­ mended for a teaching crt'.dential. U.S. Constitution Requirement The California Commission on Tearher Cre<ltntialing re<111ire., that a teaching credtntial candidate must havtc completed a minimum 2 unit rnnrse that covers the lJ. S. Const it11- 1ion or fulfill the requirement by examination. Biola University SIii· dents can complete this requirement by taking HIST I 0:, lJ. S. History or POSC 20:, Survey of American Govern· me111. Transfer student~ must either show prmf of lJ. S. Constitution in a transforrtd course or will need to com­ plete POSC 480 lJ. S. Constitution (I) lJy arra ngement with the History Dtcpartmtcnt (see History Deparunent for infi,rmation and exam details). Professional Clear Teaching Credential Requirements In order to qualify for a Profes­ sional Clear Teaching Credential, a s111de11t 11111st satisfy all of the require­ menL, for a Preliminary Teaching Cre­ dential pht, the following: I. 30 units of coursework past the lJachelor's degree in a pre-approved pr<trram. ll1e co1111KWc>rk 1111Lst iJe completed within :1 years of receipt of tl1t Preliminaiy Credential. 2. Complttion of the following: BIOS 300 Health Science, LEDU 410 Mai1tstreaming and LEDU 470 C11m-­ p111trs in tl1e Qa.wcx,rn. (See Gradu­ ate Ari.I and section ifcouneum i.l gving to le wmJJeurl post-degr!'t.)

Chair: Lucile Richardson , Ed.D. FACULTY A.<.-;(Kialt' Profes.-;(,rs: Menjares, Rirhardson, Sibold Instructors: Hetzc,I, Lm1prna11 OISTINCTIVES

Biola University ollt'rs hi)(h c11iality 1111<le111radua1e lt"Jdlt'r preparation pre ► grams. Stu<lents partiripalt in a lJroa<l general education prograrn, tlmrough sullject matttr competence st><1uences, and cliallenging classrmm obse1va1ion and participation experiences. These programs provide a di,1inr1 fi>1111da1ion fi 1r prof~-sional c"Jrttrs in education. In addition , Biola 's 11ndergrad11- a1e :10 unit hihliral studies and theol· ohry req11irernen1, with its ernphasis upon Snip111ral knowledge and the dynarnir i111egra1io11 of hiblir;il and academic thought, provides a stron p; foundation for se1vire in ho1h puhlir and priv-Jte sd1CH1ls. OBJECTIVE Thtc prirnary f1111rtio11 of the Departrntnl of Ed11ra1io11 is to pre ► vide exrt'llent preparation for profes­ sional tearhing . ll1e goal is for Biola grnduates (I) 111 rnanift>sl strong S<K·i;il and personal traits, e1l1iral standards, and a Christian philosophy of edura• tion, and (2) to posses., suhjecl lll ,lller knowledii;e, 1111ders1;rnding of pupil behavior, rnlll!lt'lt'll<)' in the skills of le,l('hin)(, and ahili1y 10 s1irn1ila1e nili·


ration Dt'parllnt'nl for details. Approved Majors for Single Subject Credential

S111d..11ts i11lt't1<li11g 111 rnmplt'te a sin)llt' suhjtcrt rrtcdenlial rn11s1 com· pl<'lt' an approved suhjerl mailer ,,xami11a1io11 or prograrn in one of tht' li1ll11wi11g areas: Art, S,:ienre, English (E11glish-rnm rn11n ira1ion prop;rarn ), matht'matirs, musir, physiral t'dnra• 1i1111, a11d S<K·ial scienre. Approved Major for Multiple Subject Credential Tht' Lillt'rJI S111dit's Major or the approvftl suhjt'l't mattt'r examinalion (s111dt'11ts must als,1 rnmplete !ht' fol-­ lowing rnurs..s: En)llish :iRO, Math 111, ~11L,ir :i!O, and Art :1(){i). Preliminary Teaching Credential Requirements Sllidt'nts who wish to rn111plt'te 1l1t' undergraduate 1earl1t'r preparation pro)lr<1m m1t,1 apply fi,r admission to the t'dllration program during lht' lntrodurtion to Tt'arl1ing rnurse (LEDU :100) . Arninirnum 2.7:, CPA i, rt'cp1irt'd . Other depar1rntc111al requirt'lllt'nts and rornpett'ncies are stated in the (~1ide for S11ulmL1 Enteri111; the Teaching Profwi,m, whirl! may he ohtaint'd from lht' Dep,irlmt'lll ofEd11- c;t1i11n O!Tire. U. S. C11ns1i1111i1111 rt'cp1i rt'n1en1: ·""' llXlicm /,:/(1U).

cal j11dgrne111 and nea1ivi1y. PROFESSIONAL TEACHER PREPARATION

Two Proft-s.'iional Te;1d1er Preparn­ tion Pn'hrrarns are av-Jih1hle: Single Sui>­ jt'n and Muhiple S11l~t'l-1. These rnrre­ spond with State of Califi,rnia Prelirni· nary Tead1ing 0-edenlial recp1ire111en1s wl1irh may he rnrnpl1,1ed in rnnj1111r· rion with 1rnderg1~uli1a1e degrees, and the Professional Clear Te;1d1in!( Cre­ dential deS<Tillt'd in the M.A. in Ed11«1• tion St'l'lion of tht, ratil•~· State of California Teaching Credentials The California Prelirninary Tearh· ing Credential r;111 he ro111ple1ed in rnnjunrtion with the 1111der)lrad11;11e 1ead1er pr<'para1i1111 program. !11 addi- 1io11, Prelirnin;1ry and Prof,,ssional Clt'ar rrt'dential rt'<p1irernen1s (,t, Wt'll as spt'rializa1i1111 rredt'ntials and rer­ tifiratt's) art' i11rnrp11 r.1 1ed in lht' M.A. in Ed11ra1ion sertion of this ra1al11g .

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