

War, tl1e Gvil War lo the New Deal, and 1!1e Nt'w Dt-,u 10 Ute pr=n1. Prere<p1~ site: 2:,0, 2:>l, or 2:i2 or consent. 370 Studies in English Literature (3) Spt'rilir eras and movements in En!i­ lish li1er.t1ure. Two or more sections olfrred t'Vt'fY year. The sections inrlude: Medieval literature, Renais­ sanre li1era1ure, I 71h-<:ent11ry lilera­ lllrt', Roman1iris111, Victorian li1era- 1ure, Early 20th-<:en111ry literature, and Coult'mporary literature. Prerequi- site: 2:iO, 2:,1, or 2:i2 or.consent. 380 Studies in Children's Lileralure (3) Rt'adings in rl1ildren's literature, i11rl11di11!( ronsideralion of forms, lht'llles and rriliral approaches. Pre­ rt'<p1isilt': 2',0, 2'>1, or 2:,2 or ronsenl. 400 Introduction lo Shakespeare (3) S111dit's 111';1 sekclion of Shakespeare's pl;iys, providing an ove1view of Shake­ spt',ll'e;m 11:1gt'dy, rnmt'dy, and hislori- ral drallla. Premp1isi1e: 2:,0, 2:, I, or 2:,2 or rn11se111. 420 Studies in Comparative literature (3) Comparative studies of a sperilir cu~ lural li1er,1111re. Sertions offered in areas s11rh ,Ls: Afriran, Spanish, R11,-s­ ia11, _jt'wisl1, Cen11an literature. Pre­ requisite: 2',0, 2:, I, or 2:,2 or consent. 430 Special Studies In literature (3) S111dies in f);t'llt'fal areas of literary in1eres1 s11rl1 a., lilm and li1era1ure, sci­ t'll<'t' firt ion and folklore or in such spt'rilir li1era1y 1opirs a., women 's li1- t'r,1111re or lik writings. Prerequisite: 2:,0, 2:, 1, or 2:,2 or consent. 440 Studies in Major Authors (3) Alt i11-<lep1h s111<ly of the work., of one or rnort' sil(nilicanl authors with a11en1ion lo the rhm110!0¢ral dtvelopment of Ult' a111hor's style, main themes and rdatiorr ship lo the li1era1y tradition. Sections offered i11rl11de such authors as: Chaurer, Mil1011, Word,worth and (,,J.,ridl(t, Faulkner and Heminhiway. l'rert'<p1isilt': 2:,0, 2:il, or 2:i2 or co11sen1. 451 History or Critical Theory: Plato lo T.S. Eliot (3) A l1 is1oriral ove1vit'W of literary and ni1iral lht'ol')' from ils origi1Ls in Greek 1ho11gh1 1hrn11gh U1e late !!Ith ct'nllll')'. The rnurse will tiK:1Ls on the cl1anl\ing deli11i1ions of li1era111re as wdl as the t'Vol111io11 of critical approaches and dehalt' aero,-, 1i111e. Prerequisites: 2:,1, 2',2 and junior s1,mdin!l. 452 Contemporary Literary Theory (3) An ove1view of 1l1e rnapr roncepls in lilt' 201IH·e111111y li1era1y 1heo1y and an i111rod111·1io11 10 the major approaches i11 rn11lt'llljloi.11y niliral tht'Ol)', i11rh1d­ i11f( f11rm;ilis111, 111y1h criticism, l1t'r111e11t'1llirs, dern11s1rne1ion, kmi-

silt' t,,r ;idv,111rt'd s111dit's in li1,·r,1111rt'. St'lt'rlt'd wrilt'rs a11d 1!1 t'ir work., fn,111 lht' 1!1111 and ~(ilh n·111111i t'S. Rt1111ired for E11glisl1 and H11111a11i1ies / E11!(lisl1 1ll;ij111x i'rt'rt'1Jllisi1,·: HXI or 110A; I JOB. 320 Studies in Grammar and Language (3) J111rul11r1111y la11g11a!it' rnurst' li,r ed11- ra1io11 s111dt'11ls: his1111y of language, g1am111a1iral >')'Slt'lllS, 11s.1ge/co111posi-

100 Basic Studies in Criticism and Composition (3)

2:12, 340,351,300,370,400, 4:il, 470 aml Communication 2W. lliree additional 1mi1s m1Lst be completed in any one of U1e following co11=: 3:,:i, 3:,4, 3f.0, 370, 420, 430, 440, 4:i2 or 4f.o. Six uniLs must be cnmple1ed in any of the following co1in,es: EngfoJ1 342, C111n1111r nication 3.9,0, 3.~l. 3.¾ 388,431, or4:i7. English/Communication Secondary Credential (33 units) l11e English Depanment in rnopera­ tion with the Communication Depart­ ment provides a program leading 10 a Sin­ gle Subject California Tead1ing Cmlen­ tial in English/Commu11ica1io11. l11i~ pm­ gram provides rnnsideral>le f1exibili1y for those planning to teach English iii high sd1<X1I. Student~ who rnmple1e this pn>­ gram are able to waive U1e sul~en mailer examinations (see Department of Edura­ tion), whid1 othe1wise would be re<111iml fora California Tead1ing Credential. In addition to the general educa­ tion re<p1iremenl of 12 1111iLs in English IIO A/B, English 2:.0: AI11erica11 Li1ern­ ture and C,mummiration 100, an Eng­ lish core of 2'2 1mi1s (English 2:, I, 2:i2, 320, 3!i I or 3:i:i or '.{:,4, one 1111i1 of English 470, and nine units 111 he selected from English 340, 342, :{(i0, 370, 400, 420, 4W, 440, 4:,1, 4:,2, all(! 4fi0) i.s re<p1ired. For a 101al of :i:{ 1111i1s in U1e major, an additional 11 1111i1s are ~• be selected from arms in C,11111111mi­ cation: (I) drama, (2) speed1 ro111m1r nication/forensi<~s, ('.{) Sjlt't'ch comm1r nication/voca1io11al. The st11de111 111\L'it consult with the Departments of Eng­ lisl1, C'i,mmunication and E<l11ca1ion for specific courses allowed in the four areas li.ste<l above. 77wse students interested in a te11d,i111; cmlmtial slumld he advistd that all .,inglr subject teaching credential program., 11re undtrgoing revi.lion. Comult the Ed11wtio11 Department for details on cmnml fnv1,rr1111c1. Humanities Major/English Concentration The Department of En!ilish ol!t·rs an English concen1ratio11 for the H1unanitie. major (see Hmna11i1ies ser­ tion for Sjlt'citic.s). Ii is basiGilly a minor iii Englisl1, b111 more flexibility is po,,,;i­ ble u1ro11gh department a<lvi.semenl. MINOR Ali Engli,h Minari., ollt'red with rom­ pletion of 18 uniLs, 12 ofwhirl1 lJl\LSI llt' upper division. 1l1e s111de111 seln·1s 1111i1s from lhrt't' or more of lht' rourses !islMi abo\le umln the dt'parl!llt'lll m,~or. COURSES Note: l/1,/e;s otlurniise statc;( a cow.,;:may Ix· npmkrl with tliffimu am/ml (s1Xtio11 titb ). ·

Rt',11li11!l and disrnssi1111 of id,•;is a11d 111eliHMls in writinl(. s11t-,,.'Si11!i f1111da111t·11- 1als of l(l,lllllll'1r, p1111<'1tt11i1111, Sjlt'!linl( and p,11,Jg'1,1pl1 wrililll(, ;ilonl( with ni1id tl1i11ki11!( pt'l,l~Lsion and t'V,tl11a1i1111. s11~ dents sn1ri11!i hdow 480 1111 tht' wrl,al sen ion of lht' SAT II (a11d I mdt'r :, 10 011 Ult' SAT II Wri1i11!( Exam, if applirnhlt') 1111L'if take ENCL 100 within the lina 1e1111 of residenre. llirt'\' hom, oflM·nire, IWo l111111, of !,tl1. l'rerMJlli,ile lo I !Oil. 110 AStudies in Criticism and Composition (3) Rt'adin)\ ;ind disrnssion of idt'.JS ;ind 111t'll1rnls in writing. slrt'ssin)\ ni1ir;il 1hi11ki11)\, pers11;isi1111 ;ind ev;d11;i1i1111; t'Xpnit'lll't' in writing ;i v;iri<·ty ol t'Xposi1111y ;ind pers1tisiw t',-s;,ys. S111- de111s srnrilll( 48(1 or !1i!(l1t'r 1111 1l1e wr­ h;il ser1io11 oflht' SAT or :,10 or l1i!(l1n 0111h1· SAT II Writing Ex;,111111;,y ,·111011 in ENCL l lllA. l'n· re<!'lisilt' 111 l lllB. 110 BStudies In Criticism and Composition (3) A ro111i1111;i1i1111 of]()() or I IOA, this rolll'St' IISt'S litl"'f';JI)' works as n>lllt'III for rt';idill)\ ;ind disrnssi1111 of idt';is ;111d lllt'lhods i11 wri1i11!\, slrt',-,i111; nili· r;,! 1hi11ki111;, pers11;isi1111 ;i11d 1•v;,!11;i- 1i1111; t'Xpt'l'it'lln· in wrilill)\ t'SS.l)'S ;ind 1l1l' rt'st',nrl1 p;ipn . R1·'111ired. l'rt'l't'ljllisile: ](XI or l lOA. 210 Writing !or Competency (3) !11lt'llsive p1;1nire in writ ill)\ ;ii llie rnl­ !t');t' kvel. Dt·si)\llt'd li,r lilt' s111de111s who l1ave 1101 s.11isl,1r1<11ily f11lfillt-d !heir deparllllt'lll's WCR (Wrilill!( Co111pe­ lt'lll')' Rt'1111ire111e111) ,L, dt'S!Tiilt'd in tl:1· Ct·1w1;1! S11ulit's serlion. Al(I:1de of C+ or heller will fullill lht· rn111pt·lt'lll')' rt'<111i rt'lllt'lll. 1'1nt''Jllisi1e: 111'11 lll1SIH'­ n-,;sli1! allt'llljll,s lo rnlllpit'lt· CNRC :{0(1 ;ind i11s1r11r111r's si!l11a111n· . F,~·: $~:,. 250 Literature in Context (3) Desil(lWd lo t'llilill lht' 1;<·1wr;il t·<h1r;i- 1i1111 lilt'I:11\lrt' rt'ljlli1t·111t•111 ;111d ;1 p1t·­ rt'<111isilt' for ;idvann·d s111di,·s i11 li1t'r­ a111n· . Ser1i1111s o!l'n,·d t'l't'r)' s,·111t·s1,·1 in spnil'w an·,L, : A111nic111 Li1,•1;111m·, World Li1e1;1111n·, Li1,·r;i11m· a11d Fillll . l'rne<p1isilt': 100 or 1lOA; I !OB. 251 English lileralure lo 1798 (3) Dt'sil(llt'd lo J'111lill the )\t'nt'r;i l ed11ra- 1i1111 1i1er;i111re rt'<p1ire111t· 111 and " pre­ requisite for ad\~111n·d s111dit's in li1,·i.1- 11m·. Sd,·r1ed wrilt'rs ,111d their works frolll lilt ,·arly Middlt' Ag,·s 1l110111;h lilt' !81!1 l't'llllll)' . Rt''Jlli1ed lor E11g­ lisl1 a11d l-h1111a11i1i"s / E111;1isl1 11i;1_j111 s. 1'rt'n·<p1isi1e ](HI or I Ill.\; I IOB. 252 English lileralure since 1798 (3) lksi);llt'd lo li11fill lilt' g,·11t'1;d t1l111;11i1111 liitrallllt' r,·,111in·111t·111 '1lld a lllt'lt'IJlli-

1i1111; learhill)i ;1pplira1i1111s. 340 Advanced Composition (3)


1 354 Introduction lo TESOL- K-12 (3) Ex;1111i11a1i1111 of r,uion;de. lllt'll111ds and 111a1,·ri,ds !i,r lt'arl1 i11!( E11!llisl1 in t'lt'Illtlll,ll')' ,lltd St'rondary 111111iili11- g11al r!a,-srorn11s. A,-se,-,111e111, lht rolt' of the pri111ary lanf(llage, and lerh- 11iq1lt's for 1earl1illf; oral ;111d wrillt'll L111!i11agt' are ;>lso rovert'd. (Set' T[~OL a11d Applied Lill)lllis1irs 422) 360 Studies in American Literature (3) Sp..rili<' ,·1;cs ,111d 1111,v,·111e111S in AI1wri­ r;111 lilt"r;1llllt' . Two or 111011:' St'rtinrts ,,!frr,,I t"l'<'l)' y<·,11. The s1:r1i,,11s i11rhule A111t·rira11 li1,·1a111r,· 11111 Colo11ial .-\11wrira, 1!1t· (,,11s1i1111i1111 lo lilt' Civil !111rnd11r1i1111 lo l11t· li;L,ir rn11rep1.s in sri,·111ilir s111dy of L111g11agt', lllajor ,11 "'L' of li11g11is1ir analysis, and seve1:d s11li;1rt'as of lilt' lit'ld. Al1!11111!lh lilt' pri111;11y e111pl1,c,is is 1111 Engl isl 1, 11i;llt'r­ i;il fn1111 01lwr l,111g11al(t'S is i111n<l11red lo provide a hroad ptrSJlt'rliVt'. (See TES< >Land Applied Li11g11i.,1irs 4(XI) 353 Introduction to TESOL -Adull (3) Basir ro11rep1s, mt·lhods and lt'rh- 11i<p1es of lt'arl1i11!( En)\lish (ESL or EH.) lo spt'akns of 01l1n l,llll(llagt's. l111nHlllrt's prinriples ol St'rond lan­ gmg,· lt';irni11g along wi1h lt'rl111iq11t'S lor lt',ll'hing h111h st•p;,r;ilt' and illlt'­ gr;itt'd skills lo ad 11!1s or poslst'r- 1111tl.1ry s111de11ts. (St·<· TESOL and Appli,·d Li11g11is1irs 4~ 1). S111dy of lht' 1l1t'<>ries of wri1i11!( and rl1t'loriral llHHlt'ls. Ex1t'11sive JH.ll'lirt' i11 wri1i11g. 342 Creative Writing (3) !',,·11y and !inion workshop. S1llde111s will n·ad and ni1i1p1t' t'ad1 other's work, s111dy selt'tkd 11111dern and rn11- 11·111p,11a1y pom1s ;111d sl111n s111rit'S, and iuwsli)i',llt' lilt' <Tt'.llil't' w1i1i11!( Jllfft'~'S. l't'rn1i,-si1111 of i11s1r11r1or re<p1irt1I. Pre­ n-•quisitt': ~!',O, ~!'i 1, or ~!',tor ro11s,:11L 350 English: Past, Present and Future (3) His1111 iral am! s,,·i,d s111wy of lilt' dewl­ op111e111 of lht' E11f;lish la11g11agt' from a s11"11l 1ribal !,11 1g11a!(t' 10 iht' widt's]Jrt'ad illlt'nlalion;d i'1lll(llag,· ii is llHL1y l'o~,;i­ bk !11111rt' 11 e11ds are also disrnssed . (( :n,,-s-lisl<·d wi1l1 INTE 4[-;0) 351 General English Linguistics (3)

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