

General Articulatory Phonetics (3) Intro to Phonology (3) Intro to Syntax (3) Intro to Socio-linguistics (3) Field Methods in Linguistics (3) /Sn· the TESOL & Af'l'lied Li11g11i, tio .wtiu11 uf the wt11lo1; fur d"'cn/1lim1 uf the n/JuVt cow~.) 322 Interpersonal and lntercultural Adjustment (3) Is.,11es rt·latin!( to illlt'tTultural living with forns on pers,111al and i11tt'rper­ s,111al adj1t,1t11t'11l.s with nationals aud olht'r 111is.,ionari<'s. 331 Peoples of Ethnic America (3) A study of 11011-ra11rasia11 t'll111ir gr1111ps in A111t'ri, ·a iu li!{hl of their l1is- 1oriral a11d s,1rio-n1lt111~,I harkgrn1111tl. l'raniral li,· ld exp1·rie11rt' i11 ,111t'll111ir rn1111111111i1 y. Ft·t' : $'.i:, (Spri11!{ & Fall st·11wslt·rs ONLY) 332 Peoples of the World (3) Sjlt'rilir art'a s111dit's with t't11ph,1,is 011 rns10111s, soria I sl rllrl lllt'S, reli!{ion, ans, his101y a11d i11lt'IT11!u1ral rn11111111- 11ira1io11. May bt' n·pt'alt'd wi1h diflt>r­ <'111 rnurse rnntt'III. 333 Foundations for Ministry in a Global Context (3) Expl01.11io11 of tl1t' li,u11da1io11al is.silt's n·lalt~I 111 glol~tl 111inist1y, e111ph,tsizi11g rl111rrl1 plantini-: st1,11egies t,,r t'lllerin!{ and leal'ing ,111 art',I. A holis1ir appro...-11 111 111i11 is1ry desii-:nt'd 10 t'lllj>IIW!'r na1io1i.tls for 111i11is1ry aud ILsin!{ lt'.IIIIWllrk witl1 tl,t' i11Vt'sli!{:lli1111 of spi ri 111al gihs, skills and lilt> t'Xperit'ure. 334 Church Planting Models and Strategies (3) A s111wy and analysis of 1l1t' slren!{ths and Wt'aknt'SSt'S of various rl1mch pla111i11!{ s1r.1lt'l(it's. E111p l1asizi11g kt'y fartors wl,irl1 tilt' rl111rrh planter ran i111ple111t·111 i11 a !-(il't'n nos.,rnlt1u.1I rn11- 11·x1wi1h s1ralt'gy li1r 111rni11i-: owr tht' lt'adership 10 lilt' 111«11 rl11irrl1. l'rert'<j­ uisi1,·s: '.i:i:i or rn11St'11I of profr·s.sor. 338 Urban Church Planting Models: L.A. Excursion (3) l'anirip,1111s !{" heyond 1!1e rl,tssro11111 111 ar111al 11rha11 rhmrh pb111s in tht' grealt'r L.A. an·a, and they visit ;ind dialt'!(llt' wi1!1 1h11st' involwd iu pla111- i11!i rl111rrl,es nossntlturally. Th<'St' r,Lst' s1ud it·s prnvidt' prnrtiral 1v;1ys pas- 111rs, lay pt'ople, p,irarhurrl, people, aud 111issio11aries pr<'p;ire tht'IIISt'IVt's ;111tl tl11·ir rnn!{r<'ga1i1111s li,r inlt'lllional rl111rrl1 pla111 in!{ in eil1nir,1lly diverse rn1111111111i1i1·s. S11n1111er only. Ft't': $40.

342 Contemporary International Christianity (3)

Bioh1 aud the S11111111er l1i,tit11te of Li11h111is1ics (SIL) ,II Biola providt' a 1111111- her of lini-:uistir rn11rSt's 1l1a1 r.111 rn111- priSt' a r1111rt'tllr,1ti11n li,r !11lt'!Tllil111,1l S111dit'S 111 :u111~ illlt'resled iu la11i-:1t1i-:e analysLs/Bii>lt' u,111sl.11i1111. St't' TE.'iOL and Applit'd Lill)(llis1irs st'l·tion of 1l1e t,llaloi-: lilf tl1eSt' rnnrSt' dt'>«Tip1i1111s. Field Internship Every l111errnl111ral Studies 111.uor must participate in a rross­ rnlt11ral/owrseas learnin!{ pro!{ram. This may be fulfilled by takiu)( an ,1pproved lidd internship whirh pro­ vides opportunity to apply skills s111dit'd in lht' rl,t,--<n•1111 i11 a li,rt'i!{II t'IIVir011- 111t'11t. (Surh an expt·rienrt' may !1t' 1ake11 for tTt'dit as INCS :i ',O) S111- de111s 111ay also hdlill this r<'<p1irt'1111·111 i,y par1iripati11g i11 <lilt' of lliol«'s St'lllt'Slt'r ahrnad progra111s. Wi,irl,ewr optiou a s111de111 rl1<K1St'S 10 fullill 1his rt'<Jllirt'lll<'III 11111st he prt·-appn,v,·d hy tilt' s111dt'11l's aradt·111ir ;ulvisor. MINOR An Inti-rwlturnl Stwlir., i\fowr is olfrrt'd wi1h tht· rn111plt'tio11 of 18 1111i1.,, 12 ofwl1irl111111s1 he upper divi­ sion, inrludinli :iOO. Tht' s111de111 is t'Xjlt'Clt'd to take BB~T 4',8 li11 Bihlt' ei<'rtiw. S111de111s 11111,1 rn11sult witlt dt'par1111e111 advis,:r. COURSES 300 General Cullural Anthropology (3) Tl1t' 11a1ure of peoplt' in rnlllllt'; worldview and pt'rrepti1111 ; ntltlllt' rl1a11!{t'; ;1 study of tht' suh,-ystt'IIJS of rnltmt's, i11rh1di11g S< ►rial 11rga11iz.11io11, rt'lii-: i1111, la11!{11'1)i<' aud rt'laied topirs. 310 General linguistics (3) l111rodurtio11 to the l,asir rnnr<'pts in tltt' s,·ientilir study of lan h111age, 111ajor areas of li11~11is1ir analysis, and s,•veral subareas of tl,t' !it'ld, i11rl11ding lan­ !{llagt' i11 S< ► rit'ty. M,11 ,· ri,,i fro 111 E11g­ lisl1 and a vari,·1y of ol!lt'r la11g11a!{t·s is 1t,etl to pnn•idt' a hroad pt'rs1wr1iw. 313 Language & Culture Leaming (3) Tt'rhni<plt'S and artivitit's 10 l1t·lp a pers,1n he a 11111rt' s11n-t·s.sh1l i11dt·pen­ den1 Je;1rnt' r of a spokt'II lang11age and tl,e rnltllle within wl,irh it is used. Prartiral t'Xp<'rit'nre in la11- !i11a!{t' and rnlturt' learning in a for­ t'i!{n-spt',1kin!{ rn1111111111i1y. Ft't·: $11:,. Othn· li11gi1i,tir .1 wur.v.1 wl,ir.l, cm, r,0111/111.v· tJ ronr.r11trntio11 fur l,itrrr.11/t11rnl St11tlu:.1major., i11d1ulr:

an~wer inquiries concerning missions and encourage student, and farnlty to pursue academic excellence and spir~ tual maturity so that they can cany 0111 with competence the Lord's progrJm

An i11trod11ct.ion lo the rnlllemporary worldwide Christ ian movement., focrn;­ in)l on s,,cial political issues, interna­ tional relations and religirnt, movemenL~ as they relate to mL,~iol11gical i!>'<ltes. 350 Field Internship (3)

ofdi.~ipling all peoples. DEGREE PROGRAM

A Bar.helur of Arts degrll! in lnkrwl­ tural Studies is offered upon complt'­ tion of the university baccala11reatt' and major re<ptirernenL~. lntercultural Studies (36 units) The intercultural studies major re<ptires the completion of 36 units of which 24 must be upper division. Tht' 18 unit core includes: 300, either '.110 or 313, 322, 333, 342, 446, 4!i7 or 4!i8, with ll1e remaining ]:, units rl10St'11 10 support 1he partirnlar't'r inlt'rt'sl of lhe student. Interdisciplinary (36 units) A personalized interdisi:iplinary program may be designed by lht' sin­ dent and the student's adviSt'r. TI1t' JR. unit core inrludt'S: :\00, 322, 446, t'ilht'r 3!0or 313,340,420. For tl1e itllt>rdisri­ plinary program, six 11ni1s of in1nrnl­ tural studies dectivt'S and 12 upper divi­ sion units are to be dtoSt'n from 0111- side of the major in a discipl ine 1h a1 supports the student's rart'er objt'cliws. All s1udt'11ts in the major are re<ptired to take Biblical Studit's 4:,8 Tht'ology of Mission as a Bi bit' elt'c­ tive. BBST 46:, Integration Seminar: Gospel and C11lt11rt' is mptirt'd in tht' senior year. Students with senior standing may takt' !i00 levd c01trSt's (see School of Intercult11ral S111dies graduate offerin1;s) by permission. Note: For the lnterculturnl Studie., majors anly, lnterwltural Studies J(X) i; frrmt11usite to all 1111thropology couneiwrk. Students who de!.ire a cimceritrnti,m/ urtificaJe in 1ESOL (Teaching Engfo.h to Spea),m of Ot/u,r Lo,ii.,,wg,,s) ore odvi:,etl to cliuk the 1ESOL and A/11beti Liu~,,,i.,tic.1 sectian of the catalogfor ffl{'tirro11mfa.

Fit'ld i111erusl1ip provides au opportu­ nity to develop cross-cult11ral cnnfi­ dt'llrt' and competence in a field env~ ronmt'nt whil<' exploring specific ge<► ~

!{rnphiral, rult11ral and career areas of inlt'rt'st. TI1is course may not be taken in rn1u1111ctio11 with a semester abroad s111dy prngrJm. Prt'req11Lsite: 300, 322,

'.'>-10, and two other JCS courses. 400 Comparative Folklore and Mythology (3)

Major 1radi1io11al aud recessive ele- 111e111s in Western rivilization and rnl­ lllrt' fr0111 1he time of an l11d1 ► E11ro­ P<'an u11i1y to 1!1e prest'nt. Crossrnl- 111r.ll i11ll11e11rt's; rt'lationship of his- 1111y, myth aud Bible; 1111iversali1y of son1t' 111y1!,11l111;iral mauifestations. Major srhools of i111erpretatio11 and tools of reSt':m:h. (See HLslory 4:,0.) 401 Magic, Witchcraft and Sorcery (3) A tm11111en1 of cnm:eptions nf the super- 11,11m~1I, the fu11rtio11 of religion in soc~ ety, rt'ligion and social control, tl1e nature of religious ri 1ual and paraphernalia, saned plarrs am! religious practi1ioners. Prert' 'JIILsiw approvJ! of 1ead1er. 403 Economy, Society and Values (3) Exploration of theor-y and methods for the study of economic and S<>cial rdati1111s ,Ls they impact human VJ !ues, wit!, e111phasis 011 analytir tools for u1111para1iw rest'arrh and crossc11l- 111ral mi11is11-y. Prerequisite: '.100. 420 lntercultural Communication (3) Prinriplt's and of comm1111i­ cat i11 g fro111 <lilt' c11lt11re to another. Fonts 011 diflt>rt'III perceptions, ways of 1!1i11ki11g, values, uon-vt'rbal expres­ sion, l,ml(uag<' expression and s110- grn11ps within a rnlt11re as they relate to Iht' lllt'dia and the mes.sa1;e. (See Co1111111111iratio11 472.) 430 Seminar. Topics In lntercultural Health Care (3) May bt' rt'pmted with different contt'nl. Cm.1 C:11lluml Hr,allh Care Delivery. Theori<'s and skills relatt'd to health lt'arl1i11g , physic;il assessment, prepa­ ra1i1111 and 111iliza1io11 of i11di1;e11ous l1t'altl1 rart' .

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