


458 Peasant and Tribal Cultures (3) Analysis of tht' r11ltmal institu1io11s and values in tribal, pt'asaut and newly emt'rging t'conomit's, with spt'rial consideration as to their openne:-s or resistanre to d1aUf:e. 460 Urban Practicum (3) A program of rrossrnltmal in tern­ ships in the urban metropolitan area of Los An!;eles. By permission of instructor only. 461 Gender Roles In International Selling (3) The dynamics of male and female roles in Wt'stern, non-Western and biblical r11ltures. FonLs 011 responsi­ bilities, oblif:ations, expertations, lt'adt'rship and interrelationships as they relate to tl1e sorit'ty as a whole. 465 Integration Seminar: Gospel and Culture (3) Iss11es in th e rontemporary world addressed from a rross r11ltural and bibliral perspt'rtive. Field experienre and ra<t> studies tLsed to demonstrate in1e1;rative skills. Prere<J11isite: Seuior stand inf:. Re<J11ired of all majors. Non-majors by permi:-sion only. 468 Women In Missions (3) The dynamirs of 1111ders tandi11g the role of missionary women; historir,11, physiral, sorial, psyd1ologiral, spiri­ lllal. F<K'tLs on the issUt'S and opportu­ nities in rontempora1y world . 470 Semlnar/lntercullural Studies: Selected Topics and Issues In Missions (1-3) Womn, i,, /,,Im,,: l11t' tl1t'<1retiral and prartiral ronrenL< ofMuslim women. Short T m,1 MiHioni Pr,pnrnlion: Orit'ntation for short lt'Tlll missions prof:r.1111. 471 Introduction to Bible Translation (3) Au in1rod11rtion 10 the prinriples and problems of rro,,.,... language and rross­ rnltural rom1111111iratio11 with the spt'­ cial t'mphasis 011 translaring the llihle into indif:t'llotLs lallf:IGlf:t'S. 473-474 Practicum Seminar (1-3, 1-3) 475 Multicultural Education (3) Foruses on the need to understand the tech11i1p1t's of tearl1ing the multi­ rnlt11ral populations whirh our urhan sch<K>is serve. 480 Directed Resean:h (1-3) 490 Practical Mission Training (1 -6) Topirs in missionary preparation. Will not nedit to major.

A DIVISION OF THE SCHOOL OF INTERCULTURAL STUDIES Ot,an: Donald E. Douglas, Ph .D. Chair: Herhert C. Purnell, Ph.D. FACULTY Professor: Purnell Associate Profo:-sor: Purgason OBJECTIVES English has becomt' the most widely used language in the world u>day. l11e dt'mand for trained teach­ ers in lx,th ESL (English as a Sernnd Lan!i1iage) and EFL (En!; lish a, a For­ eign Language) rontin11es unaliated. l11t'Te are many opportunities for ser­ vire at home with immigrants, refllf:ees, and l<1reif:11 sllldents, «swell as ahrmd, esperially in developing co1mtrit's. To help meet these llt'eds, the department of TESOL and Applit'd Lin­ g11L'ili<); ollt>r.- rnllTSt'S whirh Gl.11 lt"dd to an undergrad11ate minor in TE.'iOL and the granting of a certiliratt' to reo'!,TJlire tl1e partirnlar signiliranre of tl1e ,peria~ ized trainini; obt;1im,d. l11e program, while especially applirablt' to students ma),ring in EnglLsh, interrnltural stud­ ies, or educ1tion, Ls opt'n to all intt'rt'stt'd 1mde11,rrad1iatt':- Oa,~l'IK>m ohse1vation and practice teaching art' re<p1ired. MINOR A TESOL Minor re<juires 19 semester uni ts of prescribed comse work with a grade of "C" or higher. A TOEFL score of !',!',O ( or the e1p1iva­ lent) phLs detmmstratt'd oral and writ­ ten profirit'nry is re<juired for non­ native speakers of English. Student.s 1111Lst rnmplete three units in each of the t,,llowinf: categories: ■ Linguistics: 400 or lnterrnltural S111dies :1 !O, English 3:,J. ■ Introduction to TE..'IOL: 421, 422 or Eni;lish 3!',:l, :1:14. ■ English Grammar: :\O!l. ■ l11terrnlt11ral Communiration: 441 or Interrnltural Studies 421. ■ In addition, student., must com­ plete 427, 4C.O and 4!)2. l11irteen units of the minor mtLst be rnmpleted at Biola. Upon rnmple­ tion of the !!) units, the student will he awarded a TE.'iOL cert ilicate. K-12 Teacher Preparation Pro­ gram In r<K>perJtion with tl1e E<lucation Dt,parllnt'nt, TESOL and Applit'd Lin­ guistics provides rnurses which can

Personal Health Maintenance Al1ro1UI. Preparation for living ovt'rst'as: healthy lifestyle, prevention of disea<t>, mental and spirit11al burn0111, initial treatment where there is no d<Klor. Anthropowgy of CrosscuUural Health Care. The anthropological study of problems of illness and health with emphasis on the cultural context of health care programs. Management Strat~s in Crosscul­ tural Health Care. Preparation for serv­ ing organizations involved in planninli and implementing health care ~ystems

enable K-12 teachers who are working toward or who already hold a Califor­ nia Teaching Credential to gain a sup­ plt'mentary empha~is in crosscultura.l, language and academic development (CI.AD). Those interested should con­ sult with both departmenii; for detail~. APPLIED LINGUISTICS Summer Institute of Linguistics al Bio/a The Summer Institute of Linguis­ tics (SIL) at Biola, together with the Department of TESOL & Applied Lin­ guistics, provide a number of linguis­ tics courses which can comprise a con­ centration for students of various major., who are interested in this field. COURSES TESOL 309 English Pronunciation and Grammar for TESOL (3) Study of major features of standard American English pronunciation and structure, with applications for ESOL teachers. Prerequisite: junior or senior level standing. 41 O Principles ol Second Language Acquisition (3) ThLs course prO\lides a comprehensive introduction to second language acqui­ sition. How people learn second lan­ guages will be approached from several perspectives including the research evi­ dence, the learner's program, and the learning environment. l11is is an inte­ grative theory course. Prerequisites: 400 and 421 or 422, or the equivalent. 421 Introduction to TESOL- Adult (3) Basic concepts, methods and techniques of teaching English (ESL or EFL) to speakers of other languages. Introduces principles of second language learning alonli with techniques for teaching both separate and integrated skill~ to adult or post-secondary student~. (Cross-listed with English 3!',3.) 422 Introduction to TESOL- K-12 (3) Examination of rationale, methods and materials for teaching English in elementary and secondary multilin­ gual clas.~rooms. Assessment, the role of the primary language, and tech­ ni1p1es for teaching oral and written language are also covered. (Cross­ listed with English 3!',4.) 427 Materials Evaluation and Preparation (3) Principles of ESOL materials design to enable teachers to (a) evaluate and adapt publL<hed materials and (b) pre-

at the district and village level. 441 Topics In Applied Cultural Anthropology (3)

Application of anthropo logir al insight~ to crosscultural problems. Co11rse may be repeated with differt'nt content with department permission. 445 New Religious Movements (3) Examines the role of religion and belief systems as they affect the appearance and direction of a vJriety of revitalization movements fo11nd in Africa, North America , Brazil, Asia and the Pacific. 446 History of the Expansion ol ChrlsUanity (3) l11e backgro1111d , origin, dt'velopment and spread of the Christian faith from

the apostolic period until today. 450 lntroducUon to the Theology ol Mission (3)

A study of the centrality of God's redemptive act~ in behalf of mankind from both the Old and New Testa­ ment~, with emphasis on their applira­ tion to the mission of the ('jmrd1 in modern times. (See BBST 4:i8). 451 Principles ol Church Growth (3) A basic understanding of ch11rch gr™'th concepts a~ related lx1th to tl1e local congregations and to the task of worldwide evangelization. 453 Christianity and Culture (3) Anthropological approach to Q1rist­ ian theologizing; interrelationships between s11pracult11ral Christianity and human cultures. 456 World Religions (3) The distinctive features of the histori­ cal ethnic religions, with spffial emphasis on their comparison and encounter with Christianity and their bearings 11pon missionary strJtt'!;ies. 457 Urban Research and Ministries (3) l11e ll~ of social science techni11ues to learn abo11t the people, tlt'eds and opport11nities for t"V,mgelism in tht' rity.

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