

THE COMMUNITY OF LA MIRADA ll1e city of La Mirada is in Los Angeles County, 22 miles llOUU1east of do.vnlown In. Angeks, and i., sunuunded by such citie; a, Whittier, Norwalk, Buena Park, La Habra and Fulkrton. La Mirada i., a suburlxm residential conununity wiu1 a population of 40,<XXJ. Incl1Kkd wiu1ir1 U1e vi<:ir1ity are sever.ii major shopping an-..t, in addition to many otl1er business i:srabli,hment,. La Mirada i., situated near many of u1e out,ta.11ding attr.ic­ tio1i, of Souu1em California. Downtown In. Angelt:S is a half. hour's drive from tl1e camptLs. Di.,neyland i., 12 miles to U1e southeast and famed Knoll's Berry Fann i.~ six miles away. Within an hour's drive are such popular beach cirii:s as Long Beach, Newpor1 Bt"..K:h, Huntington Bt-.ach and Laguna Beach. Recreational facilities are easily accessible. An 18-hole golf course lies a mile east of the camptLs and 0U1er parks in the area otltor opJXlrlunity for activirie.s and relaxation. An hour's drive will rake one into the nearby mountains where winier sport., are available. Cultural and opportunities abound in the area. Several mar)r universitie.s and libraries are within ea.,y driving di.slam:e of La Mirada inducling the University of Calili.m1ia, In.;ek-..,; U1e University of Southern C'.1lifomia; the Uniw.rsity of C'.1lifomia, Irvine; and several other slale and private irLstitutiorLs. THE BIOLA UNIVERSITY CAMPUS llre camp1Ls i., bounded on the west by Biola Avenue and nn the by La Mirada Boulevard. It i., located between U1e large thoroughfares of Rosecrans Avenue and Imperial Highway. Approximately tlrree miles to the south­ west i., the Santa Ana Freeway (Freeway 1-5). Students coming tn the campus by au101nobile should fol­ low the.,e directions to tire main entrance on Biola Avenue: I C',onting from the northwest, leave the Santa Ana Freeway al Rosecrans and Iravel easl to Biola Ave ., then tum north on Binla Ave. I Omting fmm the soutlw..t,t, kave the Santa Ana Freeway at Valley Vrew and uavd north to Rosec1ans, then tum right on Rosenans In Binla Ave., then tum nor1h on Binla Ave. I Coming from tl1e via San Bernardino Freeway (10) turn south on the Orange Freeway (57) to Imperial Highway and travel west on Imperial Highway (approxi­ mately nine mile.,) to Biola Ave., tum south on Biola Ave. llre campm consi.,ts of95 acres with 700,000 square feet of bnildint,; space in 30 major buildings. Jnsl under half of tl1e space is dedicated to nine student residence complexes, housing nearly 1,5(XJ students in a tine variety of living quar­ ters. Livint,; <prarters rant,;e from the traditional residence hall In hrlly independent apartments, and special hmLsing is availahle for both manied students and graduate students. The rest of the buildings house dassrnorns , laboratories, auditorium,, ollices and students services. Highlights of the buildings include Soubirou Hall , containing specialized cla.,s­ room, for nnrsint,; instrnctinn, aloni; with nu1-i;ing depart­ lllt'.llt faculty ollices; Lansing Auditorium, a 450-seat concert hall with a line pipe organ and excellent acoustic,; tlre Rose of Sharon Chapel, a small chapel exclusively re.served for silent prayer and meditation; and a gymna.,ium-swimming complex with a sl1ort-rnlJIJ;e Olympic pool.

Though there may be many fillings of the Holy Spirit, there is only one baptism which occurs at the time of regen­ eration. The gift~ of the Spirit are given to believers accord­ ing to the Will of God for the purpose of building up the Church. During the foundational era of U1e Church (i.e., the time of Christ and Ute Apostles) God gave special mani­ festations of the overtly supernatural and miraculo1L, gifts (e.g., tongues, healings, miracles) as "signs" that witness to the validity of tliose bearing new canonical revelation (c.f. 2 Cor. 12:12; Heb. 2:3-4). Beyond the foundational era, God in His sovereignty may grant any spiritual gift ancl work miraculously for Ute benefit of His Church at any time. The Bible is clear in its teaching on the sanctity of human life. Life begins at conception. We abhor the destruction of innocent life through abortion-on-demand. Confession before men is viewecl as tangible li11it of salva­ tion and not a~ a qualifying condition for salvation. Biola University does not necessarily deny employment to persons merely for lack of !im1 personal convictions on any teaching pa,ition in these explanatoiy notes. However, Binla University does weigh carefully the understancling and pet' sonal convictions of employment applicants on these points a~ well a~ the nature of tl1eir prospective work assii;nnlt'.nls, in determining their suitability for employment. TEACHING BIBLICAL STUDIES Academic study of U1t: sacred Scripture difle1s from 0U1er disciplines in a univer.;ity setting in that the primaiy text is God's Word, which underscores U1e impor1aiJCe of making i1Lslnk:linn relevant to fuiu1, learning and living. At Biola every t:fll)rt is made to be academically credible, theologically ortl1odox and practically relevant WheU1er eng-at,;ed in a nilical cli.s<:m,,inn nf the text, or a Utt:0logical debal.e alrnu a parfrular ch:uine, U1e disc1r.sion mtL,t finally come to U1e 111F.. ming li)r lite today. Though faculty members in tl1i, clepartmenl share a cnnuni~ nvc:nt to Ute convictiorLs rellected in U1e University 1h:t1inal slatt> rn:nt, d1ey reflect a ht".a!U1y diversity r"t:g".uding otl1er cnnlempo• rary issues and interpretation of spt:t:i!ic pa.,,;age.s. Whe1her a divergent view i. hdcl by 0U1ers on campus or not, can: i, taken to represent oppo;ing po;ition., fairiy, so U1at stmknt, can clet:i<le for U1emselvi:s in a genuine edtk,llional environment. In practice, the task of teaching biblical studies is not lim­ ited to U1ose within U1at department. Rather, the in1q;ra1ion of Christian tl1ought into all liellls of inqui1y is the i;oal of U1e entire teaching faculty. In thi., sense it is desirecl 1ha1 every course contribute to the development of a Christian worlclview for the Biola graduate. CHAPEL University chapel, and conferences are intenclecl to brint,; U1e Biota community togeurer regularly for worship, spiritual nurture and education regai·cling relevant i~nes facing us in our lives. The overall program b1ings a unilple dislinrlion to Ute ethos of Biola as a Christian university. Due to the cen­ tral and significa.11t nature of that ethos, allendanre al chapel is required of all students.

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