415 Number Theory and the History ol Mathematics (3) The history of mathematics from Euclid through the 19th century a, seen by exploring development~ in number tl1eory including congruences, Diophantine equations, divisibility, the orems of Fermat and Wilson, primitive roots, indices , quadratic reciprocity and the di.,tribution of prime numbers. Prerequisite: 112. Alternate years. 420 Modern Geometry (3) Prr~ective geometry, cross ratios th= rems of Menelaus, Cevas, Pappus, Desargues and Brianchon. Hyperbolic and elliptic geometries. Differential ge1,metry, rnrvature, torsion. Prereq uisite: 341 or consent. Alternateyean;. 435 Mathematics tor the Physical Sciences (3) First order differential equations and second order linear equations, series solutions, Laplace transforms, numeri cal methods, partial differential equa tions and Fourier series, boundary value problems and Sturm-Liouville tht'oty. Prerequisite: 20:,, 2<Jl or con sent. Alternate years. 440 Complex Variables (3) CA1111plex variables, analytic functions, complex integral theorems, power series, confonnal mappings. Prerequi site: 20:, or consent. Alternate years. 450 Topics In Abstract Algebra (3) Topics from groups, ring and fields. Galois theory . Prerequisite·: 31:1 . Alternate years. 480 Research Seminar (1·3) Sµecial studies in mathematics. Pre re<ptisite: senior standing or consent. May be repeated for credit.
solutiotLs of ordinary ditkrential equa tions. Prt'ft'<jUisites: 291. Computer Srit'IICt' 10!"1. A!tt'rnate yt'ars. 331 Probability (3) Samples spart's, axioms and elementary tl1eorems of probability, combinatorics, independence, conditional probability, Bayes' Tht'orem, one and higher dimensional random variables, special and muhiv-ariate di.,tributions. Prerec1- 11isitt'S: ll2, 20:,. Altemateyean;. 332 Statistics (3) E.stimation: consistency, unhiasedness, maximum likt'lil11Mid, w11fidt'nre i111er V-Jls. Hy1x1tht'si~lt'sling; typt' I and II errors, likdihood ratio tests, test for lllt'ans and varianrt's; rt'!(ressio11 and rnrrt'lation, C:l1i-S<Jllart' lt'sls, Ut'cisio11 tbt'OIY, non1w.1111etric statistics; appli l.tlio11 of s1a1i.,1i,.il methods. Prne11ui sitt': '.-ti! or ronSt'nl. Aht'rnate yt'ars. 333 Operations Research (3) Matht'matiral foundations of model lrnildi11i;, optimization, lint'ar pro Ji!"alllllling lll<Hlt'ls, gamt' theoretic n11Mlt'is. Prt'Tt'<JUisilt's: JO!i, O,111pult'T Srienrt' JO:,. 341 Classical Geometry (3) Tht'Oft'ms of Pythai;oras, incente rs, rirc11111ct'nlns, cirrlt's, Euler lint', Ft'r- 111a1 ct'nlt'f. Compas., construrtions. Solid f{t'ometry. Spht'riral f{t'Ollletry of arrs. Crnirdinalt' f{eOlllt'Lry . Pre rt'<juisire: f,insenl. Altt'rnate years. 370 Readings In Mathematics (1) Rt'adin!( of matnial in a spt'Cial topic Coll,wp1i111n partiripation. Writing and or.ti prt'St'nta1io11 of a research paper. Prnt'<jllisitt': C:onst'lll of the depart lllt'lll. May 1... rt'jX',ilt'd li1r rre<lit. 410 Topics in Advanced Calculus (3) l111plici1 funr1io11 tht'<>re111s , main tht' OTt'lllS in intt'i;r,tl calrnhts. Jawbian 1ra11sli,rma1ions, inti11itt' St'rit's. Prt' mp1isitt' : 30:,. Alternalt' years.
COURSES 90 lnlarmediala Algebra (3)
binary arithmt'tir and other bast's, methods of pnM>f. Prt'rt'<Jllisitt': thl"t'le years of hil(h srhrn,! malht'marirs or consent. Spring. 120 The Nature ol Mathematics (3) Selected topics in mathematics with consideration of historical dt'vt'iop ment and relatt'd phi!oS<1phical i~ut's. Designed to mt't'I tht' general t'dura tion re<ptirt'mt'nl in matht'matic, ii,r liberal arts students. Ca nnot llt' rnu111ed toward the mathemarirs major. Fall, spri11v; . 190 Business Statistics (3) Collt'rtion and prt'St'lllat ion of lJ11si llt'SS data, rentral tt'lldt'nry and dis JJt'rsion measllrt'S for h11si11t'~ analysis, sampli11v; and infrrt'lll"t' for ro11fi dt'11rt' i11tt'1v,1ls and hy(X•lht'sis lt'Sli111;, lmsillt'SS fort'rasting with simplt' and multiplt' rev;rt'~ion, i11dt'X numl>t'rs. Prert'quisilt': ronst'lll. Fall, spri11i; . For busi11t'SS major-i; only. 205 Intermediate Calculus ( 4) F1111r1ions of two and rhrt't' v.1riahlt's, partial difft'Tt'lllia1io11 , 11111l1iplt' intep;ra1io11, rnrvt's and smfart's in thrt'e di111t'nsional sp,trt'. Prt'l"t'ljlli sitt': 106. Fall . 21 O Introduction to Probability and Statistics (3) Nantrt' of s1a1is1iral lllt' ll1<Mls, deS<-rip tion of samplt' data, h111da111en1al rnn rt'pts of µmbahility, prohahility disrri lmtions, sampling, t'Sli111,11io11, rotwla tion and rt'f{rt'ssio11, appliration of sa111t'. Fall, sprini;. 291 Linear Algebra (3) Topirs from matrirt'S, <klt'1111inan1s. lin t"ar tr.msii,nnations and Vt'rlor spart's. Prert'Cpti.,ite: J()(i or rn1L-;en1. Fall. 305 Advanced Calculus (3) The real 1111111l>t'r ,ystt'III, t'lt'lllt'llla1y topoloi;iral rn11rt'pts in Cartt'sia11 spart's, n>IIVt'fl(t'lll"t', rn111inui1y, dt'riv arivt's and inlt'f{t.tls. !'rt'l"t'<JUisitt': 112 and 20!", or rnnSt'nl. Altt'rualt' yt'ars. 315 Modern Algebra (3) lntrodurtion to abstrart alJit'lll.t with topirs from t'it'mt'11tary rinv;, lit'ld and group tht'<>rit's. Emph,Lsi., on rillJi of integers, ro11i;rnenrt's, µolynomi,11 domains, jlt'rt11u1a1ion i;n>11ps. Prt' rt'<JUisilt': 112 and 2'll or ronsent . Alternalt' yt'ars. 321 Numerical Analysis (3) F1111r1io11s of Ollt' V-Jri.ihlt', approxi111alt' ltlllllt'i"ical S<1l111ions of 11on-lint'.tr t'<jll;~ 1io11s and ,yslt'111s of li11t'ar t'ljll.itio11s, inlt'fjX>hllio11 lht'oty, ltlllllt'Ti«tl diffn t'ntiation and illlt'f{r.tlio11, n11111t'firal
Review of elementary algebra, graµhs and polynomials. Study of linear and quadratic equations and ine<1ualities, factoring, fractions, exµonents and radicals . Prerequisite: one year of high school algebra Not counted for general education requirement or toward graduation. Fall. 101 PrecalculllS Mathematics (3) Sets, the real number ~ystem, re!atimLs, functions, graphs, algebraic µrocesst's , inequalities, trigonometric functions, exponential and logarithmic functimLs, introduction to sequences. Prerecp1i site: three years of high ~hml mathe matics or consent. Cannot be countt'd toward the major. Spring. 102 Topics In MalhemaUcs (1 ·2) Selected topics in mathematics . Arranged in conjunction with tht' individual needs of the student. Pre reqttisite: consent. 103 calculus lor Management Sciences (3) Fundamental µrinciµles of differential and integral calculus. Apµlica tions chusen mainly from the managemt'nt sciences. Prere<ptisite: µassing µroli ciency exam administert"d by Matht' matics Deµartrnent or receiving a "C" or better grade in Math 90 the µrior
year. Fall, sµring. 105 Calculus I (4)
LimiL~, differentiation and intt1iration of ratiunal and trigonometric funr tions, with aµµlications. Introduction to use of Mathematica. Pren:cptisi 1e: four years of high school matht'111atirs
or consent. Fall. 1116 Calculus II (4)
Differentiation and irllt1lrJlion of log;1- ritlunic, exµonential and inverse uigom~ metric functions; various methods of integration; infinite Sftp1encts and seritS; parametric equatiorn;, (X•lar c,x,rdinalt'S Prerequi..ite: IO!i. Sµring. 111 Fundamentals ol Mathematics for Elementary Teachers (3) Set theory, relatiuns and functions, number systems and algebraic strur nires, numeration ~-ystems, elementary number the<1ry, infon11al geomeuy, 1L-;e of manipulatives. For elementary edu cation majors only. Cannot be co11111ed toward the mail1ematirs major. Fall. 112 Dlscrela Structures (3) Elementary µroµerties of st'ts, diS<Tt'lt' probability and combinatorial analy sis, graphs, relations, orderings, f1111r tions, simple algt'braic s1rnr111rt's,
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