

MODERN ta:ca,,.tfl=I-» Chair: David Dickson, Ph.D. FACULTY Prof=r: R. B11o;s Associate Profe..<;0rs: Dickson, Dunbar OBJECTIVES The department's program ha~ two

201 Intermediate Spanish ( 4) Advanced grammar, compos ition , i111Tt''!I fariliiy in rt'adinli and con­ versation. Five hours earh week. Either semeslt'r. 310,311 Advanced Spanish (3,3) A<lvanre<l work in n,ading, writing and ronversation. Prerequisite: 201 or t1'ptiv-alent. Spring semester. 401, 402 Survey ol Spanish American Literature (3,3) A surv,q of literature of Hispanic America to modern times; reading and disrns.,ion of outstanding literary works and movements. Cimducte<l in Spanish. Premp1isites: 310, :Ill or t'll'liV'Jlt'll l and ('()IISt'III of inslrurtor.

202 Conversational French (3) Prt'rt1'jltLo;ite: French :101. Typiral aspects ofFrend1 daily life with ,pt'<.'ial emphasLs on idioms, t1,;efiII plua,;es and rnnve1~ tional pattem, Topin; <it-al with tme to lili:- situations au<l prartiral a,perts of tl1e lauwiage. lliret hottrs mrh Wetk. Not olli:-red on a regular bao;is. German Student~ desiring to enroll in Ger­ man should <lo so during tlteir fresh­ man and sophomore years. Student, with high sch<M>I German should con­ sult with department for placement. 101, 102 Elementary German (4,4)

CJ1air: Jack Schwarz, D.MA. FACULTY Profes.,;i1rs: Liesch, Lock, Schwarz, Unfreid, Wiebe, Wong Associate Profe,."i!irs: Owen, Robison A.-;.sistant Profe.o;sor: Feller Instructor: Hulling

levels of o~ective;: academic and practi­ cal. At a practical level, the objective is that each student will acquire a degree of proficiency in a foreign language. For all languages this entails an ability to read an<l write the language an<l a knowledge of the culture an<l literary traditions that accompany it. For the modem languages this al,;i, inclu<lt'S an ability to speak and understand the sp< ► ken language. At an academic level, as a part of the liberal arts portion of the general education curriculum, it also L~ intended that the student acquire: an appreciation for the role of language a~ an expreiliion of culture, skilb for 11~ing a foreign language a~ a research t()(ll, and a set of attitudes and learning skill~ for continued language learning after completion of the program. Note: To fulfill the fureig,1 language Tfl{Uimnent fur the &chewr of Arn degrre, it is n,:assary to complete three ~ of a modem la~ ur four semder.; of cumi­ cal langua~, far a total of 12 unit.I. See Bib­ lical Studits sectum fur other languagr,s. Competency Requirement In following the sequence of courses in foreign languages the sm<lent m11,;t have a minimum grade of "C" (not "C j to enroll in si11N-<p1ent cmirse;. COURSES French Students desiring to enroll in French should <lo so <luring their fresh­ man an<l sophomore years. It L~ imp<i!i­ sible to complete rerplirement for gen­ eral education (BA. degree) if student starL~ in his senior year. Student~ with high school French should consult with department for placement 101, 102 Elementary Franch (4,4) Ba~ic principles of pronunciation an<l grammar, vocabulary drill, graded reading . From the beginning, class­ room conversations in French. Five hours each week. 201 lntannadlata Franch ( 4) In terrne<liate grammar an<l conversa­ tion, with emphasis on reading for meaning an<l speed. Oas.~ con<lucte<l in French. Five hours each week.



(I) to provide opportunities for all student, to study music a~ an essen­ tial part of a liberal education; (2) to serve a., a professional sch<M>l prepar­ ing music specialists for teaching, graduate study , performance an<l 01her careers in music; and (3) to pre­ pare all of our graduates for effective rnntrihution to the 11111,ical life of the evangelical church. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS All students seeking admission 1111t,1 demonstrate musical background and performance strengths necessary for successful completion of tl1e slated rnrriculum. Admission into Biota Uni­ versiiy does not guarantee admission into 1he M11sic Department a~ a music major. A student will be admitted to 1he <lepanment of mt1,ic after: I Meeting of rerp1irernents for university a<lmL~sion 2. Completing a Music Depan­ ment applicalion with the required number of reference.~ supplied. 3. Completing a Music Depart­ ment audition, including a ba~ic m11,i­ cianship examination designed to demonstrate university level music study rea<lines.,. After acceptance and upon en trance, students will be given place­ ment examinations an<l auditions in music theory, keylx,ard skills and per­ formance. These examinations are given for the purpose of validating prior study and determining proper placement in music courses. Specific information concerning the content of these examinations and suggestions for preparation are available by writ­ ing the Mt1,ic Deparunent oflice. Transfer of Credit /Advanced Standing With the exception of courses in nmo;ic tl1t1'11y, keylxiar<l skill~, and ind~ vidual perfonnance, courses taken at oilier regionally accredited colleges and universities in tlte Uni led Slates will be acceplt1'1 on a comparable course basLs.

An intensive rnurst' developing the skills neressa1y for lit';iring and rt'ad­ ing rnmprel1ensi1111 and simplt' writ­ ten German. Five hours earh week. 201 Intermediate German (4) A grammar review wi1h readings in German li1erature. Collateral rt'ad­ ings in the lid<l of earh student's spe­ cial interesl. Five hours earh week. 320 Studies In Language and Literature (3) B01 h standard and specialized offrr­ ings; one or mort' seclions ofli:-rt'!l in areas such as: Co11versati1111, S1uwy of Literatme, Folklore. May he rt'pt';llt'd with diffrrent rn111ent. Nol olfrrt'd 011 a r.t'),'lilar basis. 330 German Civilization and Culture (3) Typical aspects of German civiliz;ttion and the sig11ilica111 historical events and major ro111rih111ions of the C:n­ man people. Readings in rt'rords of historical, literature and rultnral importanre. Cmtdurted in English. Spanish Students desiring to enroll in Span­ LSh are strongly advL-;ed to do so during their frt'Shman and sophomore years. Pl;nment in SpanL'11 da.,= will ht' based 011 a 111a11da101y dep;u·1111e111 exam. Students elllt'1i11g lht' progi~1111 with b, tl1an two yem, of high sd1ml Spanish or one semesler of rnllege Spanish will aut oma1irnlly be pbtred in the lirsl rnurse. Stll(len ts who <lo 11111 main ttin rn11ti11u011, enrollmt'lll in tht· program m11s1 lJt' relt'Slt'U and plared arrnrdingly. Note: Advancemmt from 011e cmtne in the IOWff diwion ,eq11ena to the 1iext will rlf]uire dei1wn.1trati011 of f1roficimcy. 101, 102 Elementary Spanish (4,4) The fundamentals of pr1111u11ria1io11, grammar, rnnversa1i1111 and reading. Taugh1 wi1h empktsLs 1111 co11u111111ira­ ti1111 , comprehension, reading and writing. Five h011rs earh w,·ek. Ei1hn St'mt'Slt'L

Nol olkre<l 1111 a regular lno;is. 403, 404 Survey ol Spanish Literature (3,3)

ASIIIVtj' of the Ii lerallire of Spain from t~1rlies1 1imt'S to present; reading and <fl,;. nt,'iion of 1he otllslanding lite1,11y works amt movemt'nts. C:011d11<·1e<l in Sp,mLsh. Prt"lt'Cjllisiles: :110, :111 or ec111ivale11I.

Nol olli:-rt'!f 1111 a rt').,fltlar l~ti,. 480 Directed Research (1-3)

ln<livi<lnal researrl1 and writing for adv-Jnred s111de11ts hy sperial arrange­ mt'nt. Prt'rt'<}'lisilt's: senior s1anding and rn11se111 (s111dt'11t m1t,1 have taken 401, 4(f2, 40:{, and 404 or t1111ivale111s). ~fay ilt' rt'fJt'.llt'd wi1l1 difli:-rt'nt content. Special Offerings 101, 102 Foreign Language (1-4, 1-4) The fim<lamt'nlals of pro111111riatio11, g1~1111111ar, rn11versa1i1111, and rea<lin!( in a <lt'Sih'l1alt'<l foreign lan1,r11age. (';,urse may inrhtde such languages as Chi­ llt'St', Japanese, Rus.,ian and Korean. May he repeatt'<l with <liffrrent wn­ tent. Nol offered on a rt'!(Ular ba.,is. 201 Foreign Language (1-4) l111ern1t'diate gt~unmar and composi­ tion wi1l1 e111p l1asis 011 rnmmu11ir:11io11 and reading. Course may includ e surh languages as CJ1i11ese, Japanese, R1ts.,ia11 and Korean. May he rt'peated wilh <lillert'lll rnnlent. Not olfrred 011 a rt'l,'1 ilar basis.

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