rft1uirement, of an additional 4<) units. l11e core w1Lsist, of tl1e following: 11:l Aand W, 114 Aand W, 200 (four sen1..s ters), 21:l A and W, 214 A and W. '.iOO {thret' semestm), :l07, :-\08, :\QC.I , :i l2, :11!',, :12:1, 410,440. Smdent, interestt'<.l in pursuing ont' of tht'se dt'grt't'S must dt'monslrJle a high lt'Yd of perti,nnanre pott'Illial and wmmitmt'nt ~• m1Lsic a, a proft'l,.'sion. Specific additional requirements for the Bad1elor of MtLsic degret's art' a, follows: Music Education 102C (t'Xcept voirt' principal SIii· dents), 118 and I El (exrepl keyl~~ird prinripals) , Hi!, lfi2, 2G3 , 2fi4, 311 and/or :140 (Ii units), :\20 A-F, '.{24, '.{:14, :l<i5, :\C~i. 420, 41i7, 41i8, 470, Ense111l1le - instr11111en1alis1s (8 se111eslers), E11St'mble - pianists (4 St'Illt'Slers), E11se111blt' - organists (fi semesters). Pianists 1111Lsl take 2(i0 A/B, 280, '.-IGO. Org;111is1s 1111Lsl take 2(i0 A/B, 280. Pn~ fessioual t'd11ra1io11 rnurses: 12 1111i1s Eduratiou 300, :l:lO, 4:l!',, 425. 77uu st,ulmL, inmatnl i11 a t,,,uhi,1g crtdenti,u ,lumld i.,, ,ul,,i.\l'll t/1111 all ,ii1gu ,ubject teachi11g crede11ti11l progrm,c, are 111~1gn:ui.,io11. <:o/l.\1u/ tl,e&1,u:ation Depart11umJ for drl11iL, 011 cum11t /m1grnm:.. Performance Plano 102C, 171, I 72, 21i0 A/B, 27:>, 274, 280, 31 I, :\40 (4 1111i1s), :l:,O A, :\GO. :no, :i7r,, :111;, :~o, 420, 4:10, 477, 478, 4!10, Cha111ber Musir E11st'111hle (4 selllt'Slt'J'S), IIIILSir dertives (:, 1111i1s) Organ 102 C, 171, 172, 180, 2fi0 A/ B, 27:1, 274 , 280, :m. :HO (4 11ni1s), '.{!i0 A, :\70, :m, :mi, '.-180 (2 units) , 4'.10, 477, 478, 4!10, Eusemhlt' (f, se111es ters), 11msir elt'rtives ('.{ units) Instrumental 102 C, 118, I I !l, I 71, 172, 27:l, 274, :lll or :\40 (2 1111i1s) , :\40 (4 units)' :-170, :17!', , :mi. 420, 4:10, 477, 478, 490, Ense111ble (8 st'mesters), nmsir dt'rtives (Ii units) Voice 118, ll!l, J!',J, !!'12, 171, 172, 2:,1, 252 , 27:l, 274, :\40 ((i units) , :170, :l7!i, :17G, 4:\0, 477, 478, 4!l0, Ensemble (8 selllt'Slt'rs), IIIILSir dertives (5 units) Note: Voice p,.ifmllinnce ,t,ulnit; who pla11 further grndu11te .111uly arr. mwur age,I to t,ik COW)l:., i,, Frl'lich, <:en111m or Italian ,ince proficiency i11 two of tl,P.\i' i., m11nl/_y rl"]11inxl for entnmce i11to grnd1111t,, progr1111L, in 11owl /mfarn1m1u.
Prior study in the areas of nmsic theory, keyboard skills, and individual performance will be validated through placement examinations. Advanced standing may be gained through placement examinations in the area~ of music theory, keylx,ard skills, and individual performance, how ever no unit, of credit will be allowt'<.l for waived cour.1es. Waiver of wurses on the basis of placement examinations without comparable prior course crt'<.lit will increa'ie elective unit~ available. Credit for courses taken at a 11011- accredited college or university will ht' granted only through placement or
10'2 C, 131, 1:12, 233, 234.311, 324, :13.'i, 3'.-lfi, :140 (8 units), 437, 438, 4<l0, Applit"d Piano (8 1111i1.s), Ensemble (8 St'Illt'Slt'rs), m1Lsir dt'ctivt's (2 1111i1s) Note: C0111pleli011 of the 11111.1ic major fulfill:, the g,mernl educati011 re,piirement for both deg= program:, in fi11e mt,. Stu d,mt; in both ,kgree programs mu.I 111ai11- tai11 a 2.fXI (;PA i11 the nu,jor a11d receive a nunimum grade of "C-" in each course. Candidates for tlie .Bachelor of Mu.ic degree are exempt from the gmeral educa tion requim11enl i11 foreign langua~, liter ature and need take only five units in mathematic; and/or ,cimce. Special Programs/Opportunities Ensembles The Mnsir Dqiartmt'nl provides opportunities fi,r t'Xpt>rit'nce in severJI types ofv1K·al and instnm1en1al eusem hlt's, i11cl11di11g tht' Biola Chorale, Chamber M1Lsic Ensembles, Chamber Ord1t'stra, Symphonir Winds, Jazz Ensemble, and Haudb.. 11 Choir. All art' open to nrn1-1111tsic majors a., well as musir majors by audition at tht' b.. giuuing of each semt'ster. l11divid - 11al performaure opportnni ties are offt'rt'd through weekly s111de11t reritaL, and junior and senior recitals. Concert Series The Musi c D.. part111t'11I concert series features ou1s1;111ding guest artists a, well a, its own widely-known farnlty. Masterclasses and Artist-in-Residence Program Opponunities ti,r partiripating in masterdasses with guest artists are available a111111ally. Of sperial note is the ongoing series of masterclasses and recitals by the world-renowned artis t, Meuahem Presslt'r, pianist, Artist-iu-Resid..nce al Biola. Opportunities OIi Campus The slalllrt' of Los Angt'lt's a, a musir centt'r provides exreptional opportunities for hearing 1!1e world's leading artists, as wdl as 0111s1anding rnllege and d111rrh m1Lsir org;mizatious. Service Opportunities 1l1e Los Angeles metro1k1li1a11 area h1mi.,ht's many op1x1rt11ni1ies for remu nffdlive se1virt' in n11Lsic. 1l1ere are fre cp1en1 openings ti,r rnmpt'tent org;m ists, rhnrch rhoir direl'lors. soloists, arrnmpani.sls and i1ts1rnmt'nla!i.,1s. Scholarships M1Lsir awards in va1ying amounts are available to qualified students. Complete information is available by writing: Chair, Musir Srholarsliip Com minee, Biola University, UR()() Biola Awnue, Li Mi rad~. (:,\ <l0G:i!l-0001
Note: Music fees are attached to all applied instruction courses, and also to the folU1Wing: JOO, 102, 104, 118, 119, 281, 370, 470, 490. &fer to catalog SH:tion on financial information for specific charges. 100- Basic Keyboard Technique (1) For the non-music major, designed to develop general keylx,ard facility. Also for the mtLsic major as preparation for entrance to M1L~ic 118. (Units earned by the music major may not apply toward music degree requirement~.) 101 Introduction to Music (3) Elements of music and media of per formance in historical perspective. Provides ba~ic background in music literature . For the non-music major. Offered each semester. 102 A, B, C-Volce Class (1, 1, 1) For tht' student with no previotL~ voice training who desires to study applied music. (Section C is designated for m1Lsic majors.) 104-Guilar Class (1) For the student with no previmL~ train in!( in guitar. Survey of different styles of playing , together with m11~ic tl1eory as related to the instrument. First posit.ion chords, bar chords, righ I and left hand technique. 107, 108, 109, 110,207,208,209,210 Applied Music - Private (1·2) Applied instruction for non-music majors and for music majors, sec ondary instrument. Instruction in piano, organ, harpsichord, voice, brass instrnment~, string instrument~, woodwind instruments, percussion instnnnents, conducting, composition and hymn improvisation. 113A Music Theory: Aural (2) Sight-singing, rhythmic studies, ear training, simple dictation . 113W Music Theory: Written and Keyboard (2) Scales, intervals, triads, notation, key signatures, fundamentals, keyboard Iheory skills. 114(A) Music Theory: Aural (2) Sight-singing, rhythmic studies, ear training, simple improvisation. 114(W) Music Theory: Written and Keyboard (2) Part-writing, non-harmonic tones, cadences, figured ba.,;.~, Roman analysis. 118 Keyboard (1) Kt'yiK1ard technic1ue literature for the non-keyboard major. Prerequisite: Gradt' of "B" or belier in M1Lsic 100 or permis.sion.
challenge examinations. DEGREE PROGRAMS
1ne .&chdm- of Arts degree in Mmic is offered upon completion of the univer sity baccalaureate and major require ments. Major requirements include: 10'2C, 113 A and W, 114 A and W, 118, 119, 121,122,200 (four semesters), 213 A and W, 214 A and W, 2'23, 224, 300 (three semesters), 307, 308, 30!1, 312, 323, 32!',, 326, 427, 428, 410, 440, Ensemble (six semesters), Electives (S- 10 unit~) . Total units: 55. Note: Voice principal student, are exempt from 102C. Keyboard principal students art exempt from 118, 119. Note: Candidates for the BacludM of Arts degree in Music are exempt from the Fine Arts Tt'{Uirement. By tl~ing the elective 1mit, available in the BA M1Lsic degree program, sill dents are able to effect an emphasis in churh m1Lsic with special fonLs on eth nic or multi-cultural settings. Churrh mu~ic co1m;es are offered l,y the M1Lsir Department that are designed to meet the needs of student, for whom English is a second language, and who art' preparing to work in the field of church mu~ic in ethnic or multi-rnl tural 11ettings. Such courses are also intended to prepare students for entrance into a graduate degrt't' pm gram in church mtt~ic. Smdents seht ing this emphasis will be directed to enroll in the foll<Ming courst'S: 381 (:\), 382 (3), 383 (3), 384 (2). S111dt'nls completing these courses will not be required to complete the commonly required course in church nllLsir, 440. The Bachelor of Music degrees are offered upon completion of the univer sity baccalaureate and major require men ts. The major requirement includes completing a basir con· of '.ii units of music and spt'Cific de!(ree
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