



rft1uirement, of an additional 4<) units. l11e core w1Lsist, of tl1e following: 11:l Aand W, 114 Aand W, 200 (four sen1..s­ ters), 21:l A and W, 214 A and W. '.iOO {thret' semestm), :l07, :-\08, :\QC.I , :i l2, :11!',, :12:1, 410,440. Smdent, interestt'<.l in pursuing ont' of tht'se dt'grt't'S must dt'monslrJle a high lt'Yd of perti,nnanre pott'Illial and wmmitmt'nt ~• m1Lsic a, a proft'l,.'sion. Specific additional requirements for the Bad1elor of MtLsic degret's art' a, follows: Music Education 102C (t'Xcept voirt' principal SIii· dents), 118 and I El (exrepl keyl~~ird prinripals) , Hi!, lfi2, 2G3 , 2fi4, 311 and/or :140 (Ii units), :\20 A-F, '.{24, '.{:14, :l<i5, :\C~i. 420, 41i7, 41i8, 470, Ense111l1le - instr11111en1alis1s (8 se111eslers), E11St'mble - pianists (4 St'Illt'Slers), E11se111blt' - organists (fi semesters). Pianists 1111Lsl take 2(i0 A/B, 280, '.-IGO. Org;111is1s 1111Lsl take 2(i0 A/B, 280. Pn~ fessioual t'd11ra1io11 rnurses: 12 1111i1s Eduratiou 300, :l:lO, 4:l!',, 425. 77uu st,ulmL, inmatnl i11 a t,,,uhi,1g crtdenti,u ,lumld i.,, ,ul,,i.\l'll t/1111 all ,ii1gu ,ubject teachi11g crede11ti11l progrm,c, are 111~1gn:ui.,io11. <:o/l.\1u/ tl,e&1,u:ation Depart11umJ for drl11iL, 011 cum11t /m1grnm:.. Performance Plano 102C, 171, I 72, 21i0 A/B, 27:>, 274, 280, 31 I, :\40 (4 1111i1s), :l:,O A, :\GO. :no, :i7r,, :111;, :~o, 420, 4:10, 477, 478, 4!10, Cha111ber Musir E11st'111hle (4 selllt'Slt'J'S), IIIILSir dertives (:, 1111i1s) Organ 102 C, 171, 172, 180, 2fi0 A/ B, 27:1, 274 , 280, :m. :HO (4 11ni1s), '.{!i0 A, :\70, :m, :mi, '.-180 (2 units) , 4'.10, 477, 478, 4!10, Eusemhlt' (f, se111es­ ters), 11msir elt'rtives ('.{ units) Instrumental 102 C, 118, I I !l, I 71, 172, 27:l, 274, :lll or :\40 (2 1111i1s) , :\40 (4 units)' :-170, :17!', , :mi. 420, 4:10, 477, 478, 490, Ense111ble (8 st'mesters), nmsir dt'rtives (Ii units) Voice 118, ll!l, J!',J, !!'12, 171, 172, 2:,1, 252 , 27:l, 274, :\40 ((i units) , :170, :l7!i, :17G, 4:\0, 477, 478, 4!l0, Ensemble (8 selllt'Slt'rs), IIIILSir dertives (5 units) Note: Voice p,.ifmllinnce ,t,ulnit; who pla11 further grndu11te .111uly arr. mwur­ age,I to t,ik COW)l:., i,, Frl'lich, <:en111m or Italian ,ince proficiency i11 two of tl,P.\i' i., m11nl/_y rl"]11inxl for entnmce i11to grnd1111t,, progr1111L, in 11owl /mfarn1m1u.

Prior study in the areas of nmsic theory, keyboard skills, and individual performance will be validated through placement examinations. Advanced standing may be gained through placement examinations in the area~ of music theory, keylx,ard skills, and individual performance, how­ ever no unit, of credit will be allowt'<.l for waived cour.1es. Waiver of wurses on the basis of placement examinations without comparable prior course crt'<.lit will increa'ie elective unit~ available. Credit for courses taken at a 11011- accredited college or university will ht' granted only through placement or

10'2 C, 131, 1:12, 233, 234.311, 324, :13.'i, 3'.-lfi, :140 (8 units), 437, 438, 4<l0, Applit"d Piano (8 1111i1.s), Ensemble (8 St'Illt'Slt'rs), m1Lsir dt'ctivt's (2 1111i1s) Note: C0111pleli011 of the 11111.1ic major fulfill:, the g,mernl educati011 re,piirement for both deg= program:, in fi11e mt,. Stu­ d,mt; in both ,kgree programs mu.I 111ai11- tai11 a 2.fXI (;PA i11 the nu,jor a11d receive a nunimum grade of "C-" in each course. Candidates for tlie .Bachelor of Mu.ic degree are exempt from the gmeral educa­ tion requim11enl i11 foreign langua~, liter­ ature and need take only five units in mathematic; and/or ,cimce. Special Programs/Opportunities Ensembles The Mnsir Dqiartmt'nl provides opportunities fi,r t'Xpt>rit'nce in severJI types ofv1K·al and instnm1en1al eusem­ hlt's, i11cl11di11g tht' Biola Chorale, Chamber M1Lsic Ensembles, Chamber Ord1t'stra, Symphonir Winds, Jazz Ensemble, and Haudb.. 11 Choir. All art' open to nrn1-1111tsic majors a., well as musir majors by audition at tht' b.. giuuing of each semt'ster. l11divid - 11al performaure opportnni ties are offt'rt'd through weekly s111de11t reritaL, and junior and senior recitals. Concert Series The Musi c D.. part111t'11I concert series features ou1s1;111ding guest artists a, well a, its own widely-known farnlty. Masterclasses and Artist-in-Residence Program Opponunities ti,r partiripating in masterdasses with guest artists are available a111111ally. Of sperial note is the ongoing series of masterclasses and recitals by the world-renowned artis t, Meuahem Presslt'r, pianist, Artist-iu-Resid..nce al Biola. Opportunities OIi Campus The slalllrt' of Los Angt'lt's a, a musir centt'r provides exreptional opportunities for hearing 1!1e world's leading artists, as wdl as 0111s1anding rnllege and d111rrh m1Lsir org;mizatious. Service Opportunities 1l1e Los Angeles metro1k1li1a11 area h1mi.,ht's many op1x1rt11ni1ies for remu­ nffdlive se1virt' in n11Lsic. 1l1ere are fre­ cp1en1 openings ti,r rnmpt'tent org;m­ ists, rhnrch rhoir direl'lors. soloists, arrnmpani.sls and i1ts1rnmt'nla!i.,1s. Scholarships M1Lsir awards in va1ying amounts are available to qualified students. Complete information is available by writing: Chair, Musir Srholarsliip Com­ minee, Biola University, UR()() Biola Awnue, Li Mi rad~. (:,\ <l0G:i!l-0001

Note: Music fees are attached to all applied instruction courses, and also to the folU1Wing: JOO, 102, 104, 118, 119, 281, 370, 470, 490. &fer to catalog SH:tion on financial information for specific charges. 100- Basic Keyboard Technique (1) For the non-music major, designed to develop general keylx,ard facility. Also for the mtLsic major as preparation for entrance to M1L~ic 118. (Units earned by the music major may not apply toward music degree requirement~.) 101 Introduction to Music (3) Elements of music and media of per­ formance in historical perspective. Provides ba~ic background in music literature . For the non-music major. Offered each semester. 102 A, B, C-Volce Class (1, 1, 1) For tht' student with no previotL~ voice training who desires to study applied music. (Section C is designated for m1Lsic majors.) 104-Guilar Class (1) For the student with no previmL~ train­ in!( in guitar. Survey of different styles of playing , together with m11~ic tl1eory as related to the instrument. First posit.ion chords, bar chords, righ I and left hand technique. 107, 108, 109, 110,207,208,209,210 Applied Music - Private (1·2) Applied instruction for non-music majors and for music majors, sec­ ondary instrument. Instruction in piano, organ, harpsichord, voice, brass instrnment~, string instrument~, woodwind instruments, percussion instnnnents, conducting, composition and hymn improvisation. 113A Music Theory: Aural (2) Sight-singing, rhythmic studies, ear training, simple dictation . 113W Music Theory: Written and Keyboard (2) Scales, intervals, triads, notation, key signatures, fundamentals, keyboard Iheory skills. 114(A) Music Theory: Aural (2) Sight-singing, rhythmic studies, ear training, simple improvisation. 114(W) Music Theory: Written and Keyboard (2) Part-writing, non-harmonic tones, cadences, figured ba.,;.~, Roman analysis. 118 Keyboard (1) Kt'yiK1ard technic1ue literature for the non-keyboard major. Prerequisite: Gradt' of "B" or belier in M1Lsic 100 or permis.sion.

challenge examinations. DEGREE PROGRAMS

1ne .&chdm- of Arts degree in Mmic is offered upon completion of the univer­ sity baccalaureate and major require­ ments. Major requirements include: 10'2C, 113 A and W, 114 A and W, 118, 119, 121,122,200 (four semesters), 213 A and W, 214 A and W, 2'23, 224, 300 (three semesters), 307, 308, 30!1, 312, 323, 32!',, 326, 427, 428, 410, 440, Ensemble (six semesters), Electives (S- 10 unit~) . Total units: 55. Note: Voice principal student, are exempt from 102C. Keyboard principal students art exempt from 118, 119. Note: Candidates for the BacludM of Arts degree in Music are exempt from the Fine Arts Tt'{Uirement. By tl~ing the elective 1mit, available in the BA M1Lsic degree program, sill­ dents are able to effect an emphasis in churh m1Lsic with special fonLs on eth­ nic or multi-cultural settings. Churrh mu~ic co1m;es are offered l,y the M1Lsir Department that are designed to meet the needs of student, for whom English is a second language, and who art' preparing to work in the field of church mu~ic in ethnic or multi-rnl­ tural 11ettings. Such courses are also intended to prepare students for entrance into a graduate degrt't' pm­ gram in church mtt~ic. Smdents seht­ ing this emphasis will be directed to enroll in the foll<Ming courst'S: 381 (:\), 382 (3), 383 (3), 384 (2). S111dt'nls completing these courses will not be required to complete the commonly­ required course in church nllLsir, 440. The Bachelor of Music degrees are offered upon completion of the univer­ sity baccalaureate and major require­ men ts. The major requirement includes completing a basir con· of '.ii units of music and spt'Cific de!(ree

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