202 Nursing of the Client/Family II - Clinical (4) Clinical appliration of the nursing process with adult clieJ1ts in acute medical-surgical and community set tiJ1gs. To be takeJ1 conrnrrently with NURS 202 - Theory. Graded on a credit/no nedit basis. Must earn at least a "C" (2.00) fi1r rredit. (C*) 204 Essentials of Clinical Nursing Pharmacology (2) Use of the J1UrsiJ1g process in the administrJlion of mediration. To be taken co11r111TeJ11ly with NlJRS 202 - l11eory. (C*) 300 Professional Nursing Seminar (1-3) A lrJJ1si1ioJ1 semiJ1ar designed to facil itate s1K·ializatio11 iJ1to b;1rcalameate profrssioJ1al nursiJ1g. DesigJ1ed for lrJJ1sfer-d1a!leJ1ge students. 303 Nursing Assessment ol the Client -Theory (2) lmpleme11ta1io11 of nursing to rerngnize problems affec:1iJ1g adaj> tive e<jl lilihrium in the client. (C*) 303 Nursing Assessment of the Client - Clinical (1) CliJ1iral applira1ioJ1 of 11ursiJ1g ment with adult dients in inpatient and community se11i11gs. To be taken rn11rnrre111ly with NlJR~ 201 and 30'.i - l11eory. GrJded OJI a credit/no credit lxisis. Must earn at least a "C" (2.00) li>r credit. (C*) 320 Directed Individual Studies (1-3) Permits students to p11rsue special interests related to the professioJ1 of J11trsiJ1g. Open to rlinical nursiJ1g m;1jors only wi th writteJI roJ1se111 of instrnrtor. May be repealed with dif'. lt'rent rnJ1te111. MaximmJ1 of six units may be takeJ1 li1r nedit. 321 Clinical Enrichment (1-4) Opportunity for additional applica tion of the nursing (Jr<Kess in selened llt'alth care settings. Offered Inter term aJ1d Summer Sd100I. May he repeated with differeJ1t coJ1te111 and writteJI rnJ1sent of instructor. Open to rliniral J1llfsiJ1f( 111ajors only. Graded 011 a rredit / J10 rredit ba.,is. Must earJ1 at least a "C" (2.00) fi,r rredit. Prerec1- uisitt': Nmsing 201. 340 Mental Health Nursing of the Client/Family - Theory (2) Conrepts related to family ('t'lllt'red nursing of adults with 111eJ1tal health problems. F<K·us is 011 appliration of tht' nursing pro(:es., to restore adaptiw e<p1ilibrium. Prerequisite: 202. (C*)
340 Mental Health Nursing of the Client/Family - Clinical (2) Clinical application of the nursing proces.~ with clienLs in mental healtl1 settings. To he taken concurrently with NURS 340 - Theory. Graded on a credit/ 110 credit basis. Must earn at least a "C" (2.00) for credit. (C*) 342 Nursing of Iha Childbearing Family -Theory (2) Implementation of the nursing process utilizing a family cemered approach to childbearing and mater nal health promotion. Prerequisites: 202, 303, BIOS 282. (C*) 342 Nursing of Iha Chlldbearing Family - Clinical (2) Cliniral application of the nursing proces., in providing family centered 111aternal health care in acute and com m 1mity settiJ1gs. To he taken concur renlly with NURS 342 - Theory. GrJded OJI a credit/no credit ba~s. Must earn at least a "C" (2.00) for credit. (C*) 344 Nursing of the Older Adult Client -Theory (2) Implementation of the nursing proces., to facilitate adaptive equilib rium in the older adult client. Prerff1- uisites: 202, 303, BIOS 282. (C*) 344 Nursing of the Older Adult Cllent - Clinical (2) CliJ1ical application of the nursing proce.,s in promoting adaptive equilib rium in the older adult client. To he taken concurrently witl1 NURS 344 - Theory. Graded on a credit/no credit basis. Must earn at least a "C" (2.00) for credit. (C*) 362 Nursing of the Childrearing Family -Theory (2) Implementation of the nursing process utilizing a family centered approach Lo childrearing, child health promotion, and care of tl1e ill child. 20'2, :-\03, BIOS 282. (C*) 362 Nursing of the Childrearing Family - Clinical (2) Clinical application of the nursing process in providing family centered ch ild health care in acute and commu nity sellin~. To be taken conrnrrently with NURS 362 - Theory. Graded on a credit/no credit basi.s. M1LsL earn at least a "C" (2.00) for crt'dit. (C*)
gmd standing will be n,admilled OJI a space-available basis. Transfer-rhal lenge studenL, have ecpial acres., fi,r opeJ1 spaces III nursing rnurses. It is recommeJ1ded that minol1iol ogy (Biology 282) be takeJ1 prior to Nursing of the ClieJ1 t/Fa111ily I aJ1d II. Students will not he advJJ1red to level II without microbiology. Mandatory NLN achievelllt'JII exams will be takeJ1 1hrough0111 aJ1d at tl1e rnmpletion of tile nursing prngrnm. DEGREE PROGRAM A Bacludor of Science degree in Nw·.,i11g is oflered 11poJ1 completion of the uni versity barcala11reate aJ1d major rec1uireme11ts. The JIUrsing m;1jor rec1uires tl1e rn111pktioJ1 of: Biologiral Scienre 2:12, 281, 282; Chemis11y 112 (totaling Hi srieJ1rt' UJ1its); NmsiJ1g 201, 20'2, 204, :;m, :HO, '.'>42, :144, :\ti2, 31i4, :'l,C,, 441, 442. 4',0, 4!i 1, 4:,2 a11d 4W. Supporting rn111ses: One unit of fin,1 aid aJ1d three units of earh of 1l1e fi1llowiJ11;: P,yrl1ology 200, interrnhur.11 studies or s,,·iology, and statistirs. Note: The f(e741'rtd r,luwti,m rrqu iri,- 111,mt for a furei1;11 ln111;1tnf(e for II uni"!( nuijur, i., hw ymn of the '""u: hij;l1 ,.,Jwul lm1g,uige or four unit, of a cul/w l,m~~mgr.. Ntming nwjon are exempt from gmernl wiucatum ""fl'inm,mL, of lildature (3) n,11/ lii.unry (fuur ofeiglit ,mil, '"'l''i,.,,J). The aJ1J111al C.1mmi1111eJ1t aJ1d Pi11- J1iJ1g &,1vire i., li11aJ1red hy a.,-,ing earh diJ1iGi1 m11,iJ1g st1Kle111 $1'i pery.-;1r. COURSES 201 Nursing of the Clienl/Fat:1ily I - Theory (3) lmpleJ11eJ1tatio11 of the nursing pnK·.-s., to farilitale adaptiw t'<p1ilihrium in the dient/family. l11rh1des normal grnwth and developmeJII of tl1e adolesrent thro11gh the older adult. (C*) 201 Nursing of the Client/Family I - Clinical (4) CliJ1iral appliratioJ1 of the J11trsi11g pro<·ess with adult rlieJ1ls in inpatienl aJ1d rnmm1mity selliJ1gs. To be t;1keJ1 rnnrnrrently with NUR~ 201 - The ory. Graded OJI a nedit / 110 nedit basis. M11s1 earn at least a "C" (2.!Xl) for rredit. Lib ft'e: $1:,. (C*) Upon completion of Nursing 201, st11deJ1l.s may d1<K>St' to do a self learning t11<Kl ule to be eligible fi,r rertifiration as a l.('rtified Nursing A,sistaJlt (CNA). 202 Nursing of the Client/Family II - Theory (5) Contimtation ofNlJRS 201. Implemen tation of the 1111rsing pnx·t'!>..., to farilit;lle adaptive ec111ilihrim11 in the dient/faiJl ily. Prere<jllisites: WI. '.-\01 (C*)
and work experience. A depanmental application fonn is to be completed and filed in the deparunent with an applira tion fee of$20 liy January l!i. l11ere is an additional late fee of$10 for applicati01Ls received after the established deadline. DecisiorL~ regarding student acceptance into clinical nursing are made by the nursing faculty. Before starting clinical mlfSing, students will be required to sub• mit completed health forms and prmfof rurren t certification in cardiopulmonary certification for health care proft'!>.~<mab. 2!l ApplicanL~ whose educational and
professional experiences qualify them for advanced standing are welcome . l11ose intending to chal lenge nursing courses should make an appointment with the Department of Nmsing as soon a~ accepted by the University. After Being Accepted Into Bio/a 's Clinical Nursing Program Astudent is required to have, al his own expetL~, a yearly phr,;jG1l examina tion and specific laboratory tests and imrnunizatimLs by June l:1. Late fees are ~,;e.~. Students will not be penJ1itted in the clinical agency witl1ou1 thi.,. Earh student i.s assessed for liability insuraJ1re tlrrough tl1e University when participat ing in clinical courses. l11e UJ1iversity and cooperating agencies assume no responsibility for illness or accidents occurring during tl1e schml progr.1J11. StudenL, must arrange for their own transportation Lo clinical ageJ1- cies a, the University does not provide transportation. StudenL, must have a valid driver's license and have access to a car at the beginning of the rlini cal nursing program. Valid CPR certification is recp1iml and mtL'il be rent!Wed a111t1L'llly tlmmgh out tl1e clinical nursing program. Theory and clinical must be taken concurrently in courses witl1 a clinical component. Due to tl1e importance of course and clinical orientation, aLtendance is mandatory Lo proceed in nursing courses. A s111de111 must earn a minimum grade of 2.0 in microbiology, statistics and in earh nursing course, and maintain a n111111- lative GPA of 2.0 in order to progres., in nursing. S111dents will be penniued to repeat nursing courses one time only. Stu denL~ withdrawing more tl1,m once at a railing level (Cr or below) or failiug two courses may be dropped from the n1111r ing program. Unsafe clinical nursing practice, regardle~ of GPA, is ground for di.smi~'ial from the nursing progrJ.m. Student, who withdraw from nursing in
364 Advanced Nursing of Iha Client/Family - Theory (2)
Implementation of the nursing proce;s using a family centered approach with adult clients experiencing complex dis turbances in adaptive ec111i lihrium. A prima1y forns i., on patlmphysiology in the physical sub~r-,tern. Prerequisites: 20'2, 303, BIOS 282 (C*)
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