460 Nursing In the Community - Clinical (5)
2. Nursing in the Community (4fi0) and nursin!( courses (441, 442) must be taken. Adrnis.,ion to these courses is contingent on successful com pletion of all components of the chal lenge prc><:ess. 111e following courses may be challenged: 201, 202, 204, 303, 340, '.{42, 344,362, 3M, 3fxi, 450,451 and 4:,2. Additional Policies: Licensed Vocational Nurse I. The applicant rna~t hold current registration in the U.S. Graduates of regionally accredited nursing programs in 1l1e process of obtainin!( licensure will be admitted on provisional status. 2. The applicant may take the 30 unit curriculum or tl1e transfer·d1al lenge wrriculum. Option/: Thirty Unit Curriculum I. This option permits the L.V.N. to take nursing and related sci enrt' courst's in order to qualify for tl1e California registered nurse licens ing examination. Transfer into the de!(ft'e program is possible. 2. The applicant's portfolio will be t'Valuated on an individual ba.~is. Aradt'mir credit t'amed in regionally arnedited institutions of higher edu ration for corn parable prelicensure rourses will be accepted for transfer. 3. Tht' following courses must be completed prior to taking the R.N.
364 Advanced Nursing ol lhe Client/Family - Clinical (2)
by tht' Depart111t'I1 I of Baccalaureatt' Nursinv;, transfer <Tt"dit will be granted. 7. All candidatt'-~ will partiripate in a transition st'minar courst' (Nurs ing :100: Proft'ssional Nursing Semi nar) dt'signt'd to farilitate socializa tion into baccalaureate profes.~ional nursing. This course must be succes.o;. fully rnmplett'd prior to t'nrollmt'nt in any rliniral nursinv; rnufSt'. 8. It is rern111111t'I1dt'd that all tran'4t'r-{·hallengt' st1Klt'11ts take Nursing :lO:l Asst'ssment of tht' Client-Tht'ory and Clinical; howt'Vt'r, students may rlr.tllt'll!lt' tht'se ro111i;t-s by t'Xa111inatio11 if tllt'y fttl tltt')' haVt' a knowledge of the rn111w rnnlt'III. Co111parahlt' rn11rst's will be t'V,iluated fi,r U;u1'4·er rrediL ~. Students rereivinv; finatK'ial a~1Lo;.. tanre may llt'td lo take 12 unit., while they are rl1allrn!ling mu~ing romi;es. 10. Followinv; notifiration of ,HTt'j>lanrt' into tht' Dt'part111t'I1I of Nmsi ll!(, the randidatt' 111ay bt'!(in 1l1e rhallt'll)(t' prort'S.,. Tl 1t' plfft'S.~ consists of t'Xa111inatio11 wi1l1 1l1m1y and rliniral fOllljJ<lllt'lllS. C,111t;1rt tht' 0.-partlllt'nl ofNursing fi,r SJlt'rifir dt'tails. 11. Prior to v;oin!l to 1l1t' rliniral ,l!(t'llry, all rhallen!ie stllllt'nls 11111st h,1Vt' a rnrTt'III CJ'R rt'rtilir.llt'. Tht' Ot'partmt'nl of Nursinv; ilt'alth for111 rt'<jltirt'd of all nursinv; 111ajors IIIIL~I ilt' suhmittt'd prior to cliniral challt'n!(t' and admission to rlinical nursing rnurst's. This is llt'l't'S.saty for Biola lo mt't'I av;t'1try rnntract rt'r1uireme111s. 12. Candidatt'S for tht' challenge pn~·t's., haVt' tht' option of sd1t'lli1li11g tht' t'X,1111i1wtions in surh a way that if llllSllfft'SSful, sUhst'<jUt'III t'llfolhnt'nl in tht' rnurst' is pos.,ihlt'. 11 Co11rst' <Tt'dit will ht' 1;ra11tt'd UjXIII SIKTt'S.,ful ro111plt'tio11 of tht' rhal lt'lll(t' ex,un. Courses 111ay ht' rl1allt'nv;t'd <lllt' timt' only. (C*) dt'IIOlt'S that a cl,L,~ cm he rl1,tllt'J1gt'd for tilt' units listt'II. 14. Spt'rifir polirit's rdatt'<I to R.N .'s, L.V.N .' s or L.P .N.' s follow . Transft'r challenv;t' studt'nls from otht'r nursin!( programs or other ht',tith proft's.sion barkv;rounds will be tv.dualt'd indi_vidually. Additional Policies: Registered Nurse and Students Transferring from RN Programs I. Applirants must lllt't'I <lllt' or n1or t' of tht' followiug rritt'ria: a. Hold rnrrt'lll lirt'nsurt' in tht' Unitt'd Stalt's. h. Bt' a v;raduatt' of a rt'!lionally anwditt'II program. r. Bt' a studt'nl in a rt'gionally anTt'd itt'd pro!\rnm. d. Providt' proof of mm plt'ted nursinv; t'd11cation from outsidt' tht' Unitt'd States.
Clinical application of tht' nursinv; process with individuals, familit'S and rouummitit'S to promott' and maintain adaptive t'rp1ilihrium. To be takt'n ron rnrrt'ntly with Nursin!l-4!i0 Tht'ory. Graded on a credit/no crt·dit basis. MtLst earn at lt>a.~t a "C" (2.00) ti>r credit. TRANSFER/CHALLENGE POLICY For transfer nursing st11dt'11ts, rt'l( istered nurses, lirt'IISt'd vorational nurst's and otht'r applirauts with llt'alth proft'ssion barkgrounds. General Policies I. TrJ11'4<'r sllldt'nls who havt' 1101 yt't sta11t-d nursinv; rour.;,-s sl101tld apply as any otht'r s11ult'11I fi,r tht' prov;ram, mt't'ting all prt'rt'l1uisitt's a, outlinfti in tht' UniVt'rsity ratalov; and S1a11dard C11r rirnhnn CJ1art fi,r tltt' mirsin!i ma~,r. 2. Applirants plannin!i to rhal lenge nursing rn11rst's must first ht' a!Tt'ptt'd hy and fulfill ,1 1! 111a1 ri rnla- 1ion rt'quirt'mt'nts of Biola llniVt'rsity. Tht' Depart111t'nl of Nursing sl1ould ht' rontarlt'd at tht' 1i111t' 0L1pplin11io11 to tht' UniVt'rsity. '.t St-parntt' applir,1tion 111us1 ht' 111adt' to tht' Dt'parllnt'nl of Nursin!i· A $20.00 11mtrt'ft111dahlt' applir atio11 kt' madt' payahlt' to Biola UniVt'rsity, Ot'partlllt'III of Nursinv; 11111st arrnm pany the application. It is rt'rom lllt'tHlt'd that this ht' dont' rnnrnr ft'lllly with applirat ion to tht' lJniVt'r sity. Final a!Tt'ptanrt' into 1111rsin!i will not ht' 111adt' 11111il ollirial ,lrrt'p tattrt' to tht' llnivt'rsity is v;r.111tt'd. 4. To ht' ronsidt'rt'd for arrq1- 1anrt' into tht' nmsin!i prov;ra111 , all applirants must havt' a 111ini11111m rn111ulatiVt' GPA of 2.8 (111ay ht' ad111i1- tt'd provisionally with a CPA of 2.:,- 2.7!} if spart' is av.iilahlt'). :,. Tra11sft'r-d1allt'll!\t' sllldt'nls who haVt' lllt'I prt'rt'<p1isitt'S rn111para blt' to tht' gt'nt'rir s11tdt'11ts will haVt' t'Cjltal an-t'ss for opt'n spart's in all Ill 1rs111g collrSt'S. 6. Env;lish I JOA and I JOB must i!t' ro111plt'tt'd bdi,rt' st.trtin!i tht' rh,1~ lt'n)(t' pron-s.,. It is rt'rnm111t'I1dt'd that tht' otht'r rt'<juirt'd 11011-1111rsi11v; jHt' rt'<j11Lsitt'S art' rn111plt'tt'd as outli11t'li in tl1t' s1,111danl rnrrirnh1111 rhart for th t' nursin!i major hdi,rt' 1·111ni11)( rliniral nursing rnurst's (t'xrt'pt '.{O 1111i1 option). Trn1L,f<'r <Tt'dit fi,r 11011-111111r in!\ rourst's will ht' !,rr.Ullt'd hy tht' Rt'l( istrnr's Ollirt' as indiralt'd in thl' u11i Vt'rsi1y ,·atalo!\, If a )(iVt'n nursin)( rourst' fro111 a rt'v;ionally ar<Tt'di tt'd nursing prog1;1111 is ro111parahlt' in rnn lt'III and it'Vt'l lo a v;ivt'n rn11rst' olft'rt'll
Clinical application of the nursing process in providing complex care to multicultw..l clienL~ in the acute med ical-!rugical setting. To be taken conrnr rently with NURS 364 - Theory. Graded on a credit/ no credit ba~~. Mw,t earn at least a "C" (2.00) for crediL (C') 366 Critical Care Nursing ol the Client/Family- Clinical (2) Clinical application of the nursing process in providing complex care to multicultural clienL~ in a critical care setting. Graded on a credit/no credit basis. MuM earn at lea~t a "C" (2.00) for credit. (C*) Prerftptisite: 3f>4. 441 lntroducUon to Nursing Research (2) The research process applied to nurs ing includes problem definitions and basic research design . Each student works on developing a ba.~ic research proposal. Prerequisites: 340, 342, 344, 362, 364, 366. Statistics. 442 Applied Nursing Research (1) Opportunity to criticpte literaturt', continue work on research proposal or participate in a research projert. Prerequisite: 44 I. 450 Leadership/Management In Nursing - Theory (2) Combines theory of leadership and nursing care delivery ~ysterns with issues and trends in nursing. Prerequisites: 340,342,344,362,364,366. (C'). 451 Leadership/Management In Nursing: Team Leading - Clinical (3) Clinical application of leadt'rship / rnanagernen t theory in giving and directing care for a group of clients. To. be taken concurrently with Nurs ing 450 - Theory. Graded on a credit/no credit ba.~is. Ma~t earn at least a "C" (2.00) for mdit. (C*) 452 Leadership/Management In Nursing: Elective Selling-Clinical (2) Clinical application of leadmhip/ man agement theory in a clinical setting selected t,, the student in collaboration with facu lty. Examples include critical care, emergt'ncy room, intensive cart', pediatrics, maternity, medical-surgical, rnissio11~. To be taken concurrently witl1 Nursing 4:,0 - 1l1eory. Graded on a cred it /no credit basis. Musi earn at
lirensure examination: Biology 281 Physiology• Biology 282 Microbiology•
4 uniL~ 4 uniL~
Nursinv; 300 Professional Nursinp; Seminar 3 uniL~ Nursing :140 Mental Healtl1 Nursing of the CJient/Family 4 uniL~ Nursing 344 Nursing of tl1e Older Adult Client 4 uniL~ Nursing 364 Advanced Nursing of the Client/Family 4 units Nursing 4:,0, 4!',J, 4:,2 Leadership/ Management in Nursing 7 uniL~ 30 units "Tram/er credit will be granted. Option II: Transfer-Challenge I. Just as AON students must demonstrate comparability of transfer courses, LYN studenL~ will be given the same opportunity. However, LVN's will be allowed to challenge lower division rourses if unable to demonstrate com parahility from a regionally accredited acadt'mic irLstitution. Nursing 201 and 202 m1Lst be challenged in sequence. 2. Otl1er courses rer1uired for licen sure may be challrnged baled on indivi<~ ual ponfi~io evaluation. Nursing in the [,immunity (4fi0) and nursing research rorn~es (441, 442) mmt he taken.
lea~t a "C" (2.00) for credit. (C*) 460 Nursing In the Community - Theory (3-4)
Nursing theory related to the health of communities. Prerec1uisites: 340, 342, 344, 362, 364, 3(,6. Note StudenL, entering infall 1996 and laur must ttw NURS 460 for 4 ,mifa while all past studentl take it for 3 ,mifa.
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