MAJOR Physical Education Secondary Teaching Credential {42-43 units) OIJtaining a dt'gree with this rnn renlldtion recp1irt,; 42 units fi>r men am! 4:1 units ti,r women , 24 unit., of upp,·r division whid1 inrlude 1l1,· following: men will wke 180, 20:,, :-101, :\02, :-107, :108, 400, 40 I, 408, 420, <lilt' t'lt'rtiVt' fro111 :-112, :114, :120, :-121: one elertil't' from '.-110, :Ill, :II'.-\, :117, :-It-\, :124, :-12:,; and one upper divLsion t'lenive fro111 till· alx>Vt' and ei!(ht 1111 i1s of skills artivity in addition to tlie li>11r st· IJlt'Sll'J' gent'ral t'd11rntio11 req11ire111en1. Wo111t'n will take 180, 20:,, '.-IOI, '.{()2, :-107, :-1(~1. 400, 401, 408, 420; a11d OJ\ t' ell·rlive fro111 :mi, :-1 1:-1, :-117, :-It-I, :-12',, :-121i; llllt' ehtive fr11111 :-1 12. :-1w, :-121, :-12·1; two uppt'I' divi sio11 ekrtivt,; fr0111 the ;1IMA't' and sewn 1mi1s of skills ;1rtivity in addition to tlit' four semesler gt'lll·ral edur;1tio11 J't'<jllirement. lliology 2',2 ,ltld 281 are rec111ired as supportin!( ro11rses ti, r all physiral eu11rati1111 111 ,1jors. For tl1t' lt'arhing rredt'utial progra111, Ed11<, 11io11 :-100, :tW, 42:i a11d 4:1', ar" r,·q11i1 l'd . lliology :-IW is tl·11uirl'd !or 1l1ose se,-ki11g aCilili,Jllia 1earl1i11g rn'(ll'11li;il. Tho.\l' .1/111/m/.1 i11hi,/n/ i11 11 tl'lld1i11.~ anL·11ti11/ .1 /11111M f,, 111/11,vrl t/111/ 111/ .1i11~/r .111!,ject tnuhi11g ani1"11li11I /m•~mm., 1m· wu/t,"j.!ni1~ reui.,iou. <:on.,1t/J tlwEdumtim1 l!t'fu~t,,,e11/ for 1L·tail1 011 r.,mml /nll/.,n-tl11L\ . Sports Physiology (45 units) Olitainit1!( a dt'gn·e witl1 this rnn rentr;ition mp1ires 4', uuits, 24 ofwl1irl1 nllLSI '"' 11ppl·r division . Rl'Cjllill·t11l'nts i11rl11dt' 20:,, :101, :-102 , ont' :{00-ll·Vt'I analysis rnmse, 400, 401, 4(~q. 420, 480 ti,r three 11nirs. lliology 2',2 ;rnd 281 . llw remai11i11µ; 12 u11i1s of l'il'l'liVl'S, of whirl1 llilll' u11its IIJILSI '"' lljlpt'I' divisi1111, 111;~• Ii,· rl1ose11 from: Biology IW (N111ri tion), Biology :q I, 1'l1ysiral Ed11ralion :{07, l's.yrl1ology :{22, or any :{!Hl ll' l'l' i r011rse i11 hiology, slalistirs or ro111p111,·r srieure. l's.yrlioh,gy 2(K) 111ay ill' USl'(I to fullill tl1e h,·h,1vioral srie11l·e reciuire meut. Requirt'd as support rn11rst's : Mathe111atirs IOI. Cht'111istty IO:, ,111d J{l(i; am! l'hysi,,11 Sri,·11n· 111 and 112. wl1irl1 may ht' IL'it'<i 111 fulfill gener, il t'IIU c11ion 111ath and ,,:ienn· mp1ire111ents. , Pre-Physical Therapy {45 units) Th is t't11pl1asis is to pr,.pare s111- dents who ll",1111 lo rn11ti1111e 1heir s11uly a11d t'a\'11 ;1lirs1 proli·s.,i1111;i I dl'!(ll't• ,,., :111 M.l'.T. Ol11:ii11i11g ;1 dt'gn·,· wirl1 this ronre111ra1i1111 n·quires 4', 11ni1s, 24 of whirl1 11111s1 hl· lljljll'r divisio11 physir:il ed11ra1ion rnmst·s. R,·c111irt'· ments i11ri11de :{(II, :',()2, 400,401, -11>~.
130 lnlennediate Physical Education Skills and Techniques (1) Intermediate skills, individual and team strategy and rules in selected activity classes. Lab fee: $1:i (excep tion: lx.wling, ran111etball, golf$3fi). 132 Adapted Physical Education (1) Individual program of activities to meet the physical development needs of a st11dent.
-120, 480 ti,r three 1111its, lliolo1,ry 2:,2, 281 and :{ I l. The rt·111ai11it1!( I:\ u11its of t·lt-rtives, of whirl1 11i11e units m11st lie uppt·r divisio11 (inrl1uli11!( <Hit' phys iral nl11r;1tio11 n>11rst·), may l>t' chosen from: PE 20:, a11d <Hit' :\()().!t'Vt'I analy sis rnurst' (rernn1111ended) , Bioloh')' 120 (nutrition), l's.yrhology :122 , or any :{( )().level rnurse in biology, st,llis tirs or rn11qrn1er srienre. Ps.yrl1ology 200 may ht' lLsed to fulfill the bt'liav ioral srieure requirement. Required ;is support rnmses: Matht't11atirs IOI, Cht'111is11y IO:, and l()(i; and Physiral Srit·n,·e 111 and 112, wl1icl1 may he \Lsed to !'11llill gent't,il t'duratiou math a11d si ·i,·nrt' requirt'111en1., . MINOR A l'hy.,ical &luc11tio11 Mi11or Ls ,,tlert-<I wi1l1 the rntnplt'tio11 of 18 u11its, of wl1irl1 12 u11its must ht' UJll>t' I' divisio11 rnmses. The rmrirnlum rn11sist., of: 20:,, :{O I or :{02, :·107, 400, 408 a11d a11y 1wo ro11rst's :{ I 0-:{ 17 and :{20<{21i. C11;1rhit1!( ~li11or : l'rimarily li,r tl1ose wl10 wish 10 rmrl1 i11 a li,rmal si'IH,ol si·tti11g. Recjitires 20:,. :-\01 or :-102, :{(l(I a11d a11)' 1wo rn1\l'si·s :-11(). :{17 a11d :{2(~ :{21i. Addi1io11.1I ;1nivi1y d;c,Sl·s are Sil!;• !;l'Slt·d ii,r 111i1111rs :LS si ·liedult's per111i1. COURSES 110 Physical Education Skills and Techniques (1) Frn1d;1111e11tal tt'rhni1p1t's of i11dividual skills, l•1sir sttalt'gy ;md rnles. Aerohirs, la1d111i11ton , IJ.Lsketl.ill , IH~1•li11!(, r1111di tirn1i11!(, lit'ld l11K'kt')', lit'ld sports, lla!( ti,11th;1II, ••tirst aid, golf, r;1n111ethall, S<MTt'J', softball, tr;1rk and field, tt'llllis, 111111lili11g and )\)'11111:LStirs, volll')'i•1II a11d w1 t'Stlill!(. May i>t' n·pt'ait-<I 011re if 1111 1:-10 or 1:,0 Sl'rlio11 oflned . *Rl'l'l't'· a1io 11 ri<L'-St'S otlnt·d art' IJ;H'kparkit1!(, 11111doo r smvival ;ind rorkdiml,inµ;. *Onl y 0111· rerr1•;1tion rl;1ss may he rn1111il'd ,L, a l'.E. ar1ivi1y rredit. **First Aid does not ro11n1 as l' .E. artiviry n1·di1. Lili lt·t's: $!:,, (exreption: rar tp1ell•1II, 1,,wli11g, 111111hlin!(/ gymn:,o;ti,~ and !(oil', $:-1:,); harkparking, 011tdoor
Q1air: Roger G. Soule, Ph .D. FACULTY Professors: Holmquist, Soule Ao;si,ciate Profei,,,;i,rs: Henry, Neal, Orr, Sarver OBJECTIVES TI1e objectives of the physiral edu cation program are: (I) to tt!:!rh tilt' fundamental sport~ skills for prest'nt and future years; (2) to tt!ad1 the ntt:es sity of the technicpies for a lifetime of physical fitna-;; (3) to provide wholt'· some recreational activities and intra mural sport~; (4) to conduct a program of intt'rcollegiatt' athletics; (:,) to pro vide Quistian pen;pectives on physi,dl filllt'SS, recreation and athletics; and (G) to provide a major with empliases in teaching and sporn physiol,'!,')' as well ao; a minor in physical education or a minor with a cmching emphasLo;. Each student is required to rnm plete four activities of physiral edur;~ Lion to be eligible for graduation. Selection from the following skills clao;ses: 110, 130, 140, !!iO. Studt'nt., may select one unit of a recrt'ation skill to meet the general eduration recp1irement. Note: First Aid mu/ (:PR do not count as P.E. activity mdit. A student may enroll for one artiv ity and repeat once at a highn levd, if offered (intermediate or adv-Jnred) for general eduG1tion purposes. Exam ple: A student wlio lias taken l,q;innin1p10l• feyball once may tnk it at the inten11edu1te/ advanced level ,mce. In addition, /ul{) dif ferent activit~ are Ttljuiretl lo fulfill the four activity gmeral education rw11urc111enl. Credit for varsity sport., may be suhsrj. tult'd for two regularly schedult-<l phys ical education clao;ses. In aduition to the four semesters of physical edura tion activities required for general education, the student may rnmplete four more semesters for credit (a max imum of eight) for graduation. Stu dent~ 21 at the time of entranre to Biola are exempt from the physiral education requirement. Students studying for the multiple subject teaching crt'dt'ntial lrnt no t selecting physical education as a minor area of concen tratiou, should selert P.E. 201 and two other physiral education activity classes to fullill the general education recp1ireme11t. DEGREE PROGRAM A Bacliewr of Scima: dcgrre in l'hy.,i cal Education and Sporfa Scienm is otlt•red upon completion of the univer sity baccalaureate re,ptiremeuts and one of the following major emphases.
133 Games and Rhythmic Activities (1) Games of low to high organization for gtddes K through 12. Bao;ic rhythmi- l!z,. ral and dance principles emphasis on
development of basic motor skills. 140 Physical Education Skills and Techniques-Aquatics (1) F11ndamental and advanced tech- ni'l11es of i11divid11al skill,. Swimming, lilt·!(11ard training, water safe ty inst111c- tio11. Prere'luisite ti,r Lifegitird train- ing: Fit~t Aid/ CPR. Nau: Fint Aid nnd (:PR do 110/ count n, P.E. activity crtrlit. Prert''luisite for WSI: Valid EWS or Life!(Uaru Training. Certitiratt' or t'<111ivJlt't1I. Lih lee: $1:i. 150 Advanced Physical Education Skills and Techniques (1) Advaured skills, i11divid11al and team sl ratt')\)' and rules in st'l erted activity d ; Lib lt>e: $ I:, ( exception: bowl it1!(, ranjllt'tball, golf,$:\:,) . 1BO Recreation Leadership and Programming (2) Basic <jllalili cat ions of the succes.~ful leadt'r of rerreational groups; aims of a surressfiil program; techni<jlles of organizing and supt'rvisiug the pro gram. Rt'rnm111ended for youth dub leaders a11d directors, and playground ;mu ra111p assistants. 201 Elementary School Activities (2) (;;1111es, hasir rhythmic skills and phys iral ;ir tivities designed for the elemen tary d1ild; prt'paration for the upper divisio11 proles.,ional methods course iu tht' teacliing of physical education. (Eduratiou majors only.) 205 History and Philosophy of Physical Education (3) A historical rt'l'it'W of physical eduration and sports; olijt'ctives of physiral educa tion; development of a basic philo,;ophy and hark!iro1md for proles.sioual e<lura tiou . Ollerecl alttrnate years. 301 Kinesiology (3) Human moVt'lllt'tll with emphasis on tl1e strnrtme ant.I function of the skeletal, musrnlar and nervous sys tems, wi1h simple mecl1aniral princi ples iuvolved in movement skills. Pr~ l't''luisite: lliolo!l)' 2:,2, 281 (st'e pr~ r1·q11isites) . Offert'd alternatt' years.
s111vi1\1I am! nx'krlimhi11g, $!,O. 117 Junior Varsity and Freshman Alhlelics (1)
For i111nrnllt·!(ia1e athletir teams at ,i1111ior varsity a11d frt'sh111a11 lt'Yt·I. E.1110111111·11 1d11ri11g n·gis1r,11io11 period
1ll·n·ss.11)' . Lil, r,•,·: sir,. 118 Varsity Alhlelics (1)
Rt'st·J'Vt·d for i1111·rrolkgiate a1ltletir 1,·:11ns. Enroll111,·n1 durin!( the l'l'!(is- 11,11i1111 pt•riod t1t'res.s;11y. Lih t.-e: $!:,.
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