



MAJOR Physical Education Secondary Teaching Credential {42-43 units) OIJtaining a dt'gree with this rnn­ renlldtion recp1irt,; 42 units fi>r men am! 4:1 units ti,r women , 24 unit., of upp,·r division whid1 inrlude 1l1,· following: men will wke 180, 20:,, :-101, :\02, :-107, :108, 400, 40 I, 408, 420, <lilt' t'lt'rtiVt' fro111 :-112, :114, :120, :-121: one elertil't' from '.-110, :Ill, :II'.-\, :117, :-It-\, :124, :-12:,; and one upper divLsion t'lenive fro111 till· alx>Vt' and ei!(ht 1111 i1s of skills artivity in addition to tlie li>11r st· IJlt'Sll'J' gent'ral t'd11rntio11 req11ire111en1. Wo111t'n will take 180, 20:,, '.-IOI, '.{()2, :-107, :-1(~1. 400, 401, 408, 420; a11d OJ\ t' ell·rlive fro111 :mi, :-1 1:-1, :-117, :-It-I, :-12',, :-121i; llllt' ehtive fr11111 :-1 12. :-1w, :-121, :-12·1; two uppt'I' divi­ sio11 ekrtivt,; fr0111 the ;1IMA't' and sewn 1mi1s of skills ;1rtivity in addition to tlit' four semesler gt'lll·ral edur;1tio11 J't'<jllirement. lliology 2',2 ,ltld 281 are rec111ired as supportin!( ro11rses ti, r all physiral eu11rati1111 111 ,1jors. For tl1t' lt'arhing rredt'utial progra111, Ed11<, 11io11 :-100, :tW, 42:i a11d 4:1', ar" r,·q11i1 l'd . lliology :-IW is tl·11uirl'd !or 1l1ose se,-ki11g aCilili,Jllia 1earl1i11g rn'(ll'11li;il. Tho.\l' .1/111/m/.1 i11hi,/n/ i11 11 tl'lld1i11.~ anL·11ti11/ .1 /11111M f,, 111/11,vrl t/111/ 111/ .1i11~/r .111!,ject tnuhi11g ani1"11li11I /m•~mm., 1m· wu/t,"j.!ni1~ reui.,iou. <:on.,1t/J tlwEdumtim1 l!t'fu~t,,,e11/ for 1L·tail1 011 r.,mml /nll/.,n-tl11L\ . Sports Physiology (45 units) Olitainit1!( a dt'gn·e witl1 this rnn­ rentr;ition mp1ires 4', uuits, 24 ofwl1irl1 nllLSI '"' 11ppl·r division . Rl'Cjllill·t11l'nts i11rl11dt' 20:,, :101, :-102 , ont' :{00-ll·Vt'I analysis rnmse, 400, 401, 4(~q. 420, 480 ti,r three 11nirs. lliology 2',2 ;rnd 281 . llw remai11i11µ; 12 u11i1s of l'il'l'liVl'S, of whirl1 llilll' u11its IIJILSI '"' lljlpt'I' divisi1111, 111;~• Ii,· rl1ose11 from: Biology IW (N111ri­ tion), Biology :q I, 1'l1ysiral Ed11ralion :{07, l's.yrl1ology :{22, or any :{!Hl ll' l'l' i r011rse i11 hiology, slalistirs or ro111p111,·r srieure. l's.yrlioh,gy 2(K) 111ay ill' USl'(I to fullill tl1e h,·h,1vioral srie11l·e reciuire­ meut. Requirt'd as support rn11rst's : Mathe111atirs IOI. Cht'111istty IO:, ,111d J{l(i; am! l'hysi,,11 Sri,·11n· 111 and 112. wl1irl1 may ht' IL'it'<i 111 fulfill gener, il t'IIU­ c11ion 111ath and ,,:ienn· mp1ire111ents. , Pre-Physical Therapy {45 units) Th is t't11pl1asis is to pr,.pare s111- dents who ll",1111 lo rn11ti1111e 1heir s11uly a11d t'a\'11 ;1lirs1 proli·s.,i1111;i I dl'!(ll't• ,,., :111 M.l'.T. Ol11:ii11i11g ;1 dt'gn·,· wirl1 this ronre111ra1i1111 n·quires 4', 11ni1s, 24 of whirl1 11111s1 hl· lljljll'r divisio11 physir:il ed11ra1ion rnmst·s. R,·c111irt'· ments i11ri11de :{(II, :',()2, 400,401, -11>~.

130 lnlennediate Physical Education Skills and Techniques (1) Intermediate skills, individual and team strategy and rules in selected activity classes. Lab fee: $1:i (excep­ tion: lx.wling, ran111etball, golf$3fi). 132 Adapted Physical Education (1) Individual program of activities to meet the physical development needs of a st11dent.

-120, 480 ti,r three 1111its, lliolo1,ry 2:,2, 281 and :{ I l. The rt·111ai11it1!( I:\ u11its of t·lt-rtives, of whirl1 11i11e units m11st lie uppt·r divisio11 (inrl1uli11!( <Hit' phys­ iral nl11r;1tio11 n>11rst·), may l>t' chosen from: PE 20:, a11d <Hit' :\()().!t'Vt'I analy­ sis rnurst' (rernn1111ended) , Bioloh')' 120 (nutrition), l's.yrhology :122 , or any :{( )().level rnurse in biology, st,llis­ tirs or rn11qrn1er srienre. Ps.yrl1ology 200 may ht' lLsed to fulfill the bt'liav­ ioral srieure requirement. Required ;is support rnmses: Matht't11atirs IOI, Cht'111is11y IO:, and l()(i; and Physiral Srit·n,·e 111 and 112, wl1icl1 may he \Lsed to !'11llill gent't,il t'duratiou math a11d si ·i,·nrt' requirt'111en1., . MINOR A l'hy.,ical &luc11tio11 Mi11or Ls ,,tlert-<I wi1l1 the rntnplt'tio11 of 18 u11its, of wl1irl1 12 u11its must ht' UJll>t' I' divisio11 rnmses. The rmrirnlum rn11sist., of: 20:,, :{O I or :{02, :·107, 400, 408 a11d a11y 1wo ro11rst's :{ I 0-:{ 17 and :{20<{21i. C11;1rhit1!( ~li11or : l'rimarily li,r tl1ose wl10 wish 10 rmrl1 i11 a li,rmal si'IH,ol si·tti11g. Recjitires 20:,. :-\01 or :-102, :{(l(I a11d a11)' 1wo rn1\l'si·s :-11(). :{17 a11d :{2(~ :{21i. Addi1io11.1I ;1nivi1y d;c,Sl·s are Sil!;• !;l'Slt·d ii,r 111i1111rs :LS si ·liedult's per111i1. COURSES 110 Physical Education Skills and Techniques (1) Frn1d;1111e11tal tt'rhni1p1t's of i11dividual skills, l•1sir sttalt'gy ;md rnles. Aerohirs, la1d111i11ton , IJ.Lsketl.ill , IH~1•li11!(, r1111di­ tirn1i11!(, lit'ld l11K'kt')', lit'ld sports, lla!( ti,11th;1II, ••tirst aid, golf, r;1n111ethall, S<MTt'J', softball, tr;1rk and field, tt'llllis, 111111lili11g and )\)'11111:LStirs, volll')'i•1II a11d w1 t'Stlill!(. May i>t' n·pt'ait-<I 011re if 1111 1:-10 or 1:,0 Sl'rlio11 oflned . *Rl'l'l't'· a1io 11 ri<L'-St'S otlnt·d art' IJ;H'kparkit1!(, 11111doo r smvival ;ind rorkdiml,inµ;. *Onl y 0111· rerr1•;1tion rl;1ss may he rn1111il'd ,L, a l'.E. ar1ivi1y rredit. **First Aid does not ro11n1 as l' .E. artiviry n1·di1. Lili lt·t's: $!:,, (exreption: rar­ tp1ell•1II, 1,,wli11g, 111111hlin!(/ gymn:,o;ti,~ and !(oil', $:-1:,); harkparking, 011tdoor

Q1air: Roger G. Soule, Ph .D. FACULTY Professors: Holmquist, Soule Ao;si,ciate Profei,,,;i,rs: Henry, Neal, Orr, Sarver OBJECTIVES TI1e objectives of the physiral edu­ cation program are: (I) to tt!:!rh tilt' fundamental sport~ skills for prest'nt and future years; (2) to tt!ad1 the ntt:es­ sity of the technicpies for a lifetime of physical fitna-;; (3) to provide wholt'· some recreational activities and intra­ mural sport~; (4) to conduct a program of intt'rcollegiatt' athletics; (:,) to pro­ vide Quistian pen;pectives on physi,dl filllt'SS, recreation and athletics; and (G) to provide a major with empliases in teaching and sporn physiol,'!,')' as well ao; a minor in physical education or a minor with a cmching emphasLo;. Each student is required to rnm­ plete four activities of physiral edur;~ Lion to be eligible for graduation. Selection from the following skills clao;ses: 110, 130, 140, !!iO. Studt'nt., may select one unit of a recrt'ation skill to meet the general eduration recp1irement. Note: First Aid mu/ (:PR do not count as P.E. activity mdit. A student may enroll for one artiv­ ity and repeat once at a highn levd, if offered (intermediate or adv-Jnred) for general eduG1tion purposes. Exam­ ple: A student wlio lias taken l,q;innin1p10l• feyball once may tnk it at the inten11edu1te/ advanced level ,mce. In addition, /ul{) dif­ ferent activit~ are Ttljuiretl lo fulfill the four activity gmeral education rw11urc111enl. Credit for varsity sport., may be suhsrj. tult'd for two regularly schedult-<l phys­ ical education clao;ses. In aduition to the four semesters of physical edura­ tion activities required for general education, the student may rnmplete four more semesters for credit (a max­ imum of eight) for graduation. Stu­ dent~ 21 at the time of entranre to Biola are exempt from the physiral education requirement. Students studying for the multiple subject teaching crt'dt'ntial lrnt no t selecting physical education as a minor area of concen tratiou, should selert P.E. 201 and two other physiral education activity classes to fullill the general education recp1ireme11t. DEGREE PROGRAM A Bacliewr of Scima: dcgrre in l'hy.,i­ cal Education and Sporfa Scienm is otlt•red upon completion of the univer­ sity baccalaureate re,ptiremeuts and one of the following major emphases.

133 Games and Rhythmic Activities (1) Games of low to high organization for gtddes K through 12. Bao;ic rhythmi- l!z,. ral and dance principles emphasis on

development of basic motor skills. 140 Physical Education Skills and Techniques-Aquatics (1) F11ndamental and advanced tech- ni'l11es of i11divid11al skill,. Swimming, lilt·!(11ard training, water safe ty inst111c- tio11. Prere'luisite ti,r Lifegitird train- ing: Fit~t Aid/ CPR. Nau: Fint Aid nnd (:PR do 110/ count n, P.E. activity crtrlit. Prert''luisite for WSI: Valid EWS or Life!(Uaru Training. Certitiratt' or t'<111ivJlt't1I. Lih lee: $1:i. 150 Advanced Physical Education Skills and Techniques (1) Advaured skills, i11divid11al and team sl ratt')\)' and rules in st'l erted activity d ; Lib lt>e: $ I:, ( exception: bowl­ it1!(, ranjllt'tball, golf,$:\:,) . 1BO Recreation Leadership and Programming (2) Basic <jllalili cat ions of the succes.~ful leadt'r of rerreational groups; aims of a surressfiil program; techni<jlles of organizing and supt'rvisiug the pro­ gram. Rt'rnm111ended for youth dub leaders a11d directors, and playground ;mu ra111p assistants. 201 Elementary School Activities (2) (;;1111es, hasir rhythmic skills and phys­ iral ;ir tivities designed for the elemen­ tary d1ild; prt'paration for the upper divisio11 proles.,ional methods course iu tht' teacliing of physical education. (Eduratiou majors only.) 205 History and Philosophy of Physical Education (3) A historical rt'l'it'W of physical eduration and sports; olijt'ctives of physiral educa­ tion; development of a basic philo,;ophy and hark!iro1md for proles.sioual e<lura­ tiou . Ollerecl alttrnate years. 301 Kinesiology (3) Human moVt'lllt'tll with emphasis on tl1e strnrtme ant.I function of the skeletal, musrnlar and nervous sys­ tems, wi1h simple mecl1aniral princi­ ples iuvolved in movement skills. Pr~ l't''luisite: lliolo!l)' 2:,2, 281 (st'e pr~ r1·q11isites) . Offert'd alternatt' years.

s111vi1\1I am! nx'krlimhi11g, $!,O. 117 Junior Varsity and Freshman Alhlelics (1)

For i111nrnllt·!(ia1e athletir teams at ,i1111ior varsity a11d frt'sh111a11 lt'Yt·I. E.1110111111·11 1d11ri11g n·gis1r,11io11 period

1ll·n·ss.11)' . Lil, r,•,·: sir,. 118 Varsity Alhlelics (1)

Rt'st·J'Vt·d for i1111·rrolkgiate a1ltletir 1,·:11ns. Enroll111,·n1 durin!( the l'l'!(is- 11,11i1111 pt•riod t1t'res.s;11y. Lih t.-e: $!:,.

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