

Lapt>-', CDs, laser di.,c, aJl(l film, are open IO ttse, a, well a~ tl1e lalesl p1tsentalion e<1uipment and a p1tsentation preparation lab. Tht'.se physical resources are available at no charge. 1l1e Me<lia Cenler i., also available lo work dim:tly with faculty and students so tl1al they will have tl,e infonnalion and the training to cw..ile optimized presenlations. TI1e art of quality commlllli­ <:alion is also furt.l1e1-ed by tl1e Metlia Center's ha.sic Quaulilialile investiga1ions, infonnal feedback from faculty and s1udenls, and dialogue wit.Ii outside educational expert~ are ~yulh.-,;izetl lo creale new presenlalion tool, and me1hod~. THE ROLE OF MICROCOMPUTERS IN THE EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS OF THE UNIVERSITY Biola Unive1sity believes 1ha1 I.he compuler i.~ an increa.,;.. ingly valuable tool and that one of our educalional goals should he lo prepare sludenls for a world in which tl1e com­ pult'.r will conlinue lo play a signilica111 role. Acconlingly, ii i., our <bin: lo inlegiale oomputer tLse inlo lhe unive1siiy rnnirnhun. Tiut,, lhe Unive1sity provides access 10 compule1s ti,r eve1y snl(knl and rt:(juires d1eir llse in freshman English. hi, 1he inlenl of die Unive1siiy, over time, lo re(juire the use of these cn111pu1e1s r...,er a wide speclnun of the cuniculum This p1iority is forther supported l11rough computerized and media-rich da.,srnoms which allow faculty to lal<e advan­ lage of lhese emerging tet:l111ologies in their clas., presenta­ tions as well a., pennilling slll(lenls t.he harnl,-on expe1ience ofleaming wilh lhese 1nols. The <:amp1t, nelWork Gm be reached lhrough lhe on-cam­ pm compuler labs, any on-rnmpus rt'.,idence or tlirough a ba11k of m(J{lem, 1l1al suppnrls off-campus connections. All buildint,'S on camp1t, are connected through a local-area ne~ work supported by high-speed lilx:r-oplic cable. Many services are av.iilable through thi., nelWork. A computerized camptLs lmllelin hoard ~-yslem alfonls all memlx:rs of lhe Biola com- 1111111iiy die opportuniiy 10 share !heir idea.,, exchange com­ puler lips and even get cmnse infonnation from tl,eir instruc­ tms. A high-speed lnlemet conneclion facililales research, die t'.Xd1ange of scholarly infonnalion aJHl allows electronic mail In be exd1angetl wilh inclivicluals all over lhe world. BOOKSTORE The Binla Book.slore is open Monday through Saturday for the convenience of the sludenls, faculty, staff and public. All re'luirecl tex1hook.,, a., well a., general hook., and supplit's, are available. The Book.,1ore has a large seleclion of Chri.,1- ian book., aiHI offe,~ Bibles in a va1ieiy of siyles and bindings. Du,ing school hreak.s ancl, tl1e Bnok.~tore has short­ ened limns. Plea.,e ,:all (!'i(i2) 90:l-488:1 for info1mation. Computer Store Localed wi1l 1in the Bookstore, the Compuler Store is designed to met'.! lhe mmpuling nee<Ls of lhe academic com­ munity, ottering compuleis, software and accessories for pur­ chase. Software, such as Micrnsofl, Aldus, Adobe, Lotus, WonlPe1frc1, are availahk The Computer S1ore keeps dif'. ferenl hmm lhan lhe hook.slore. Fnr store ho111s and more infonnalinn, call (!'i(i2) 90:1-4884.

On the eastern side of tl1e campus lie tl1e athl~tic liel<k Included are a crnshed-brick, <1uarter-mile tr.ick; an excel­ lent baseball diamond; a soccer field; and lighted tennis courts. In addilion to more tl1an 15 acres of recrealional facilities on campus, !here are off-campus facilities in the 105-acre La Mirada Regional Park, jusl across La Mirada Boulevard from the Biola ca.mp1Ls. THE LIBRARY The Rose Memorial Library se1ves Biola University as the central libraiy facility on campus, supporling 1he neetl, of all the undergraduale and graduate progr.ims wi1h exlensive resources and a wide vaiiety of seivices. In addition to more tl1an I%,000 hooks, the libra1y cur­ rently subscrihes 10 more 1ha11 1,100 tides, wi1h a number of bound journal back files da1ing from the nine­ teentl1 century. Special holdings rdlecl Biola's enthmia.,m and scholarly inleresl in Bible hislmy and 11,rnslation, the hislorical rools of limdamenlalism and evangelical Chrislian­ iiy, and die worldwide wilnt'ss ofCl11i.,1ian missions. Auxiliary colleclions emhrace exlensive rnicroform resources; sekcled Bible sludy tool, in B1aille; comp1d1e1tsive pamphlet files inchKling maps, d1a11s, mission rt',rnun-;;, am! a wide Y.uieiy of lopic, in the liheral ai·t,; aml special hoklings of lt:XI and cuniculum n:-;;oun:es appmp1iak lo ,.....,J1er ed1K:al~ 111. To facililale slu<ly and lhe use of lihraiy resomces, lhe Rose Memorial Libra1y provides access to ils holdings hy SCROLL, the on-line puhlic access calalog and cin:ulalion ~ystem, and an increa.,ing numher of CD-ROM index dala• ba.,es available for palrnn searching. These inilial sleps in libra1y automation reflect the Unive1siiy's commitmenl lo providing qualiiy se1vice aiHI expanding resources thrnugh the electronic exchange of ideas. In addi1ion , copy machint·s, coin-oper.iled typew1ilt'.rs, microfrmu reacle1s and reader-p1inle1s facililale resomce use. Slu<ly lahles and in<li­ vidual carrel, can accommodate approximakly 2!i0 patrons. Libr.11y se1vices oHer u-ained rekrem:e help al all 1ink"S, with special eH011 ma<le lo relale sludents aiul !amity 111 c~l,er imprn' tant libraiy resoun:es of die soulhem CaWi ,mia an·..i, tl1e nation, and d1roughou1 the wodd. Ret-iprcx:al bom11ving p1ivi½;.-,; ai-e av-.iilabk tor w1derg1adua1e and graduale snuknls to afft-xS lhe impressive resoun:es at Cal ifornia Slale Unive1sity al Fullenon and Domingut1 Hills. Tmlilional in1edilx-a1y hrn !l'.1vic.-,; ai-e available. In-ho1tse and ne1Wo1k compuler se1vic.-,; help Biola schoM lo access tl,e lnlemet and inlemational hiLlingraphical <latal:iases tl1rough OC1..C Fusi and DIALOG. Five professional lihra1ians, suppnrled hy a wdl qualified paraprok,sional slaff and ma11y sludenl a.,si.,1ants, a libra1y work force dedicated In se1vice more lhan 70 hmus per week d111ing lhe rei-;ular semester wi1h adj 1t,1ed sdwd­ ules of se1vice available year round. MEDIA CENTER TI1e Unive1sity Media (:en1er olle1s a v.uiety of audic ►visual lool, and meth0<L, lo enhance tl,e <1uality of rnnununi<:alinn by faculiy and sludenls. Among these mt'.lh(J{Ls are lhe Meclia Center's physical 1-esoun:es. 1l101tsall(L, of compuler ill(lt'.xed


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