

t-J•i3fZit SCIENCE

t-J•i31•1!•idi# Chai r: Rirhard W. Flory, Ph.D. FACULTY A,i;istan l Proft'ssor: Flory OBJECTIVES

414 Readings In Psychology (1-3) Reading and bi-weekly di..;<:ussion with profem:,r of record in a topic of the st11- dent's choosing. The studen I is expected to work out, with u1e prof't-s­ sc,r's supe1vision, a detailed course pr< ► pc&tl and bibliography and submit with a Leaming Contract form available from the departmental office. Prerecp1isi1e: upper division statu;. 418 Seminar In Therapeullc Techniques (3) Emphasis on core facilitation skills. .!J Supportive, re-educative and recon­ structive U1erapies considered. Per­ sonal growth activities incorporated . Prerequisite: consent. 426 Seminar In Group Process (3)

complete 300 and '!l:J7, with the remain­ ing courses to be selected from 320, 330, m, 335, 342,346.355, '!l:J2. MINOR A Sociology Minor L~ offered with the completion of 18 units of sociology, of which 15 mrn,t be upper division coun;es. A Social Wom Minor is offered with the completion of 18 units, of which 15 must be upper division; 300 and 367 are required, with the remaining cour.;es to be selected from 320, 330, 333, 33!',, 342, 346, 355, '!l:J2. COURSES 22D Sociology (3) S1Kiological concepL~ with emphasis on 1;roup life, culture, socialization, sc)('ial institmions, social proc= and cl 1ar1ge. Theoretical a~ well a, practi­ cal application of interaction and iLs effect on individuals in groups. 30D Social Worlc: An lnlroduclion to the Helping Professions (3) This course is designed to famil iarize students with the ba~ics of generalist S<Kial work practice from a systems per­ spective; an overview of social work f'llnrtion and roles in response to the needs of at risk populations will he pre► vided . histruction in the helping inter­ ventions of assessment, problem solv­ ing, counseling and resource coordina­ tion through a variety of techniques, including cla,i; lecture, case study and role play; current systems of service and the ablity of the social worker to positively impact both individual and communities will al"° be explored. 32D Marriage and the Family (3) Preparation for marriage through proper mate selection process; bene­ fits, challenges and problems of the marital dyad; economic, legal, physical, sexual, social, p~ychological and spiri­ tual areas of analysis of American courtship and marriage pattem~; Orris­ Lian arid non-Christian perspectives. 33D Juvenile Delinquency (3) Character, extent and cause of juve­ nile delin'luency; both personal and environmental. Past and current tht,, ories of youth crime; modern meth­ ods of incarceration, control and treatment. 01anging response of the laws, police, court.~ and the public. 333 Criminology (3) Social and psychological factors in criminal behavior; criminal law and criminal justice; prevention and con­ trol; trends in theory and correctional pn,cedures, probation, parole.

C'J1air: Dietrirl1 Buss, Ph.D. OBJECTIVES

l11e social !11.:ienrc major is an inter­ departmental progrJm of!t·red by the deparunents of hLsto1y, political scienre arid sociology. Upon rnmpletion ol' the social sdence major, it LS intended that U1e student will haw a wider pe1,pt1.·tive m u1e nature ol' man; remgnize that his pr~nt perspt'(·tive LS I.used on U1e exp.,. riences of hLsto1y; be aware Uiat vdiue ,ys­ tems liave definite implicatio1is li,r !/1.)(.'i­ ety as a whole; be able k> u1ink analyti­ cally and develop ar1 under.aanding of, and a commiuuent to, Qui.stian values; have an awJreness of hLs owi1 sc)(.·ial and politiral responsibilities; haw ar1 apprt1.·~ ation fi,r U1e wonh of a free s,)(,·iety, and be prepared for gi~x.lmte or c.ireer opponunities in ed1K'alion, law, 1l1e ser­ vire pro(t,,.-.;ions. rt'St-.irrh, l,1 Lsines.,, gov­ emmelll or 01ristian se,vire. DEGREE PROGRAM A Bache/ar ofA ,t:. rl,,~~n in Sacial Sci­ ,mce is offered upon rnmplt'tion of th,· university barralaurt'ale and majo r recp1iremt'nts. The sorial srienre major n·cp1ires rnmpletion of :II units, 24 of whirh must be upper division . Within the major, the student must d1<K1se a conrentrJtion of IR units in Histrny. l'olitiral Srienre, or ScK·ioli')\')', uiree units of whid1 must 1,., 1l1e disri­ pline's research rnurse (History 480, Political Srienrt' 470, or Soriolo!,ry 44:1). In addition lo !ht' rnnn•nlf~ll ion . Politiral Sc·ienn· 20!', and anotli,·r tl1ree unit uppt'r division l'oli1iral Sci .. nrt' rnurse are r..q11irt1.I. l11t' appropriate researrh rn111~e to ht' cit'termint'd in rnnsulta1ion with the arad,·111ir advis.,r. Public Sector Employment Preparation Students interested in puhlir se1vire at the muniripal, rntnlly, state or ft'<l­ eral level are advLsed to takt' a rnnren­ U-Jtion in poli1i«1l !11.·ienre. l11e !!',unit rnnrentr.Hion should i11d11dt' l'olitiral Srienre 20!',, and l'uhlir Ach11i11is11~11io11 301. '.-\()(i, 470, and 488. lntt'mship in Publir Adminis1ra1io11 should he taken in the puhlir sertor. For advisement set' U1e Politiral Sc·it'llre Depanment. Social Science California Secondary Teaching Credential l11e History D..partmenl in rmp­ eration with the Eduration D.. p,nt­ ment providt's a sero11tl,1ry tearliin!; pro1;rJm in S.)(,·ial S.·ienre. 77,rue :.tudrnL, i1u1.m t1rl i11 n t,•,uhn,g cn:dmtinl .Jumld I,: ndi,i,11,/ tluu ,Ji .,i,,gl,, ,,,J,jed teaclu711; mrle11ti,,i pmgrmm llU tl1UU!!'!;On1gmn'.,i1m. (mL1111l ,,,, E1bwui011 D,,partmnu for tld,iil, 011 c,mnit fnvgrmm.

The sociolc'!I)' major is designed to accpiailll the student with the prin­ ripal prohlt·ms and Ls.sues in S<Kiology; lo teach the application of knowledge lo occupations arid professions arid to prepare for further gradtiate study. Upon rompletion of the major in lli'.)(.'iology, the sllx.lent should be able lo identify the foremost individuals, Uteir work arid the major ideas of any given period of the development of social U1ought; IL'<' in a mt",1.11inl\fi1l wJy the ter­ minoli')\')' of sc,cioloi,,y and other scKiai !11.·ienres sci as to evJlmte the wntenl of learned 1)t'ri1Klirals and wnverse with others in the related fields; fttl a deep Jlt'rsc111al ro1Kem for human need due to a ,ystematir exposure to the pres.sin1; u·ial dilemm,ts that fare 1Ls daily; ,1pprt­ ria1e U1e rel1.,,..111re ol' sc,·iological insi!;lll to the Ouistian who would ht' aware, GIT· ing, pro!, 1 Tt's.sive and produrtive; rlarify the ha.sir le1tsio1L~ ilt'IWt't'n S<)(.'ioi<')\y and theology (both artual and imagined); deft>nd the of Sl)(.'ioh')\y as a desir­ able ChrLstian libe1al arts major arid as a nt1.· prerecp1Lsitt' fi,r awide r,mge of pn~t,,.,ional fields; participate with sc>Cial and religi,ms agt'urics on a paraprofts­ sional lewl 1hro111\h Jirert involvemt'nl in vJrious s,1rial ag ..nries; formulate s,,und nitic.1! j1x.lg111t'nl of rnrrenl Sl)(.'iai l't'St".1rd1; rn11ci1K·t i11clt'jlt'lldenl stmly or rese-Jrrh and produre sri1olarly results; al\CI be prepared for grJduate study or rareer opportunities in V'Jrio1Ls public and private sorial se1vire ap;enries, researrh, h1Lsi11ess or UirLstian se1vire. DEGREE PROGRAM A Bachewr of Am degree in Saciology LS offered upon completion of the uni­ versity bacralaureate and major recp1iremen1. The sorioloITT' major r..cp1irt's Lht' rnmpletion of :10 units, 24 of whid1 n111s1 ht' upper division, inrlucling 220, 441. 442. 44:-1 and 444 . In addi tion , Psychology 210 1s rt'cp1ired as a supporting rnurse. Social Work Concentration l11Ls LS orhr;111i2t1.I as a lm,ul preparn­ tion fi,r sl\\dt'nls who desire lo entt'r the helpin)l prolt>s.sions. Recp1ired fi,r this nwjor rnnrentration is :-IO units, 24 of whid1 m1tst be Upflt'r division. In add~ ion to the re'luired rnur.;es, 220, 44 I , 442. 44'.-I, 444. the st1klt'nl Ls rt'fp1ired to

Technicp1es for forming groups, ana­ lyzing processes, leadership facilita­ tors, measurement of behavior and methods of stabilizing gains over time. Prerequisite: consent. 45D Directed Field Worlc In Psychology (1-3) Supervised experience in mental health, educat ional, correctional or related facility. Open only to upper division studen Ls. Prerecp1isi1es: '.-l()(i, 309 and consent. 47D CurrenlTopics In Psychology (3) Reading, research and disrnssion of selected topics in Ult! field of p,ychol­ ogy. Prerec1uisi1e: consent. 48D Research In Psychology (1 ·3) Research activity consisting of assisting doctoral level researrh unde r the supervision of the primary rese,1rrl1er or self-directed research under the supervision of the professor of m-ord. Prerequisites: 210 and consent. Note: The following graduate level counes may be taken lrj senior p:.yclwwgy majon with consent of the depanmnital chair. For course description lee Ro:.emead section of catawg. 502 Advanced Slallstics (3) 515 Personality and Psychopathology I(3) 530 History and Syslems of Psychology (3)

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