Cii=Uiil;tJ• STUDIES OBJECTIVES To provide student, with cc►eurric ular and extra-curricular opportunities to learn , exercise and refine tl1eir aca demic skills. Expos11re to practical learning experiences, which can lead 10 personal growth and development. COURSES GNST 001 College Study Skills (0) Instruction in effective study tech niques and reading skills. Emphasis on 1he incorporation of skills with cur- rent academic work. Fee: $60. GNST 003 Multicultural Mentorshlp Program (0) This twc.-semester prograrn, Cultural Encounters, is designed to equip stu dents from diverse backgrounds IO better serve tl1e Biola Communiiy and socieiy at large lJy exp<Nt1g tl1em In tl1e basic con cepts of leadership, diversity and multi rnl111rism. Grade is awarded on a credit/no credit basis. Both semesters re<11lired of all SURGE Scholar.;hip recit Thi., trntltic1tltural experience foci~ on tl1e training in, and perforrnance of, con lemp<>raty and traditional Gospel music. Membership by audition. Petfonnance grade is awarded on a credit/no cre<li1 lnsi.s. Si!(lrallrre reip1ired. Fee: $.'.O. GNST 005 Leadership Mentorshlp Program (0) This two semester program, Setting New DirectiOIL'i, focmes on leadership, dia.rac Ler development and service. Participants will be challenged iu a variety of ways by small group mentoring meetings, a lead ership conferen<:e and seminars. Grade i'i awarded on a credit/no credit oosis. Botl1 semesters refJUired of all Leadership Scho larship re<ipient,. Signature ref1uired. GNST 99 University Lile (1) Au i111roduction to basic issues con fronting first time university students. Topi<:s iudude: tramition strategies, skilh ue<:e&,ary for academic and personal suc c:es,, and exposure LO community service and 1:areer exploration activities. Instruc tion by arademic advisors. Rec1uirefl of all first lime students during the first semes ter al Biola who do uot have 12 transfer able units at. a college (uot indudiug AP, CLE!' or IB). Not counted toward total uumber of uuits In graduate. GNST 101 Introduction to Career Planning (1-2) Understanding of the world of work and an individual's place in it. Empha.sis on a biblical perspective of work, understanding of self as it relates to career opportunities and ient& Signature recplire<l. GNST 004 Gospel Choir (0) how 10 sucressfi1lly pursue them. GNST 105 University Internship (0) lntt'mships designed lJy va.rirnL~ Univer sity rnrricular and cc ►eurricular depart-
355 Medical Sociology (3) Sodologiral descriptiou and analysis of the health and medical i11s1i1utio11s; cu~ rural factors iu co11cep1io11s of disea,e, health and tl1e heali11!( profess~111. Social structure and the role of persouuel iu medical facilities; rela1io11 of illuess to i11mme, hm1,i11g, on:upa1io11, phk:e of res ideure and oilier S()(io-ffo110111ic fai:lors. 362 Social Problems (3) Major problems of sorial maladjust ment from the vit>wpoinl of the underlying prort'SSt'S of individual and social disorganization; dt>vianl behavior, such as mt>nlal disorders, crimt> and ddincpit>nry, suicide, drug and alcohol addirtion; SIK"ial disi1rga niza1ion , such as population prob lems, family, powny and war. 367 Field Instruction (3) Opponuniiy lo i111egr.11e da,;srm111 lea111- inp; with artual 011-1J1eJoh 1t:1inint; i11 a social work agem-y. Va1ie1y of avJilalile at;enry srllin!{s with plaremenl based up<ijl in1eres1 ,u1<l a«J<lemir lrJrkt;rou11d . 402 Religion and Society (3) Analysis of religio11s prarlirt>s 1ha1 aflt'rt socit'IY and sorial fartors 1l1a1 aJlt>cl religiotls pt.irtires; U1ris1ia11 a11d non-Christia.JI hdids and i11s1i1111io11s. 441 Development ol Social Thought (3) 0111s1anding sorial 1hi11kt>rs lo lht' l!hh cen111ry; idt>a.s art' rnmpart>d and con1ra.,1ed within the vJrious si>eit>tit>s as harkgro11nd lo lht' dt'Vdop111t>III of co11lt>mporary sociologiral tht>ory. Prneciuisiles: Psyd1oloi;-y 210. 442 Contemporary Sociological Theory (3) S11tvt'y of sociolot;iral theo ry with t'mphasis 011 20th re111111-y rn111rihu- 1ions; S1al1Ls of lll>eiol<l\iiral it1CJUi1y and lheOJ-y; rda1ionsl1ip of ll!K·iology lo s11d1
allit>d fit>lds as a111hrop<1logy, p,-ychol og-y, t'l:onomics, ed11cation and p<>lilical science. Prereq11i.sil.t-'S: Sociology 441. 443 Methods ol Sociological Research I (3) S111wy and eval11a1io11 of methods of pla11ning, collecling, classifyi11g and analyzing social research data. Dt>tailed s111dy of the scit'ntific mt>lhod of inq11i1-y, i111roduc1ion lo the use of experimental designs in sociological research. Prert><JUisites: P,-yrhology 210; 18 11ni1s of siiciology. 444 Methods ol Sociological Research II (3) A con1inua1io11 of lht' Methods of Soriological Rt>search I courSt' where lht' s111den1 will be involwd in plan- 11i11g a11d ronduc1ing a minor rt'St'ard1 projt'rl. Prert>qt1isilt>s: P,-y choloi,ry 210; 18 units of socioloi,ry,
335 Deviant Behavior (3) Theoretical orientations to social as well as personal disorganization 1ha1 result from the role conflict, social conflict, normlessness or alienation; individual and social deviance that relates to group processes and struc tures will be presented and discu&<;t!d. 340 PoliUcal Sociology (3) Analysis of the social processes of poli tics and government; including democ racy, tota.lita.riani1rn, socialism, fall:ism, Marxism, communism, conservatism and liberalism. Power authority and voting behavior of social groups, issues and influences on political procei..-ses in the United States will be stre..-.;ed. 342 Ethnic and Minority Groups (3) Analysis of ethnic, racial and cultural minorities in the U.S. and seleclt>d world cultures and societies through use of basic concepts of race, racism, prejudice, discrimination, stereotypes; theoretical a, well a, practical applica tion of concepts and effect, on selected minority-majority relationships and racial, ethnic and rultural groups. 344 Sociology or Education (3) Education as a social process and social institution; the relationship between education and other social institutions, between education and sociology; analy!is of the social functiOJLS of edu cation and the socialization proce&s, the school and the community, lht' school a, a social institution. 346 Urban Sociology (3) The urban community and urbaniza tion; its growth, institutions, values and problems; scientific study of p<>fr ula1ion from the spatial patterning and mobility viewpoint; effect of urbanization upon institutions; social relations and national economy. 34B Social Change (3) Sources and corLsequenct-'S of d1ange in society: cl~cal and contemporary the« ► ries of !lX.ial cl1ange and illlerpretation of social trends; historical , economic, political and social factors shaping national and international dt'Yelopmenl; the dynamics of planned and unplanned change and the effect on politics, ec< ► nomics, religion, culture and iucie1y. 351 CollecUve Behavior (3) An analysis of the nature, elemt'nls, and theories of collective behavior: cr™1d behavior , mass contagion, civil disorder and collectivt' violence, disas ter behavior and panic, diffiLse collec tives, behavior in public places and selected social movement,.
i11cl11ding Sociology 44:t 460 Topics In Sociology (3)
Variable offt>ring lo i11ch1de a critical analysis of St'lt>rted lopirs s11cl1 a., lll>Ci olog-y of rnllmt>; mrnlerni1y, 111orali1y and s<Kit>ty; the churrl1, rn1n1111111i1y and si,rit>ty-, rdigion and siirial d1a11gt>. 465 Integration Seminar (3) lss11es i11 lht' ro111e111porary world addressed from an i111erdiscipli11at-y siwial si·ienre and bihlirnl perspe<:tive. Prm'<pti.silt': J1111ior or St-nior standing. 470 Independent Study (1-3) Prt>re<p1isi1e: se11ior slallls with si>eiol oi,ry major and prior lo rt>gis1ra1ion, rnt1st'III of a prolt>&sor 10 acl a, sponsiir. Tht> s111dt>nl must havt' the ahili1y 10 <1.ssu111e rt>s1J<1nsihili1y fi,r indt>pendt>nl work and lo prt>part' wrillt>n and <>rJI rt>JJ<>rts. Pn~t'<·t St>lt'rted in rnnft>rt>nrt' with farnliy spom;or btfort' rt>gistralion; progrt>ss mt'elin!(s held rt>gularly.
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