


G.E. Requirements


Ot,an: Edward H. Norman, Ed.D. DEGREE COMPLETION PROGRAM llu: Sd11K>l of C<>11ti1111i11g Studies offers a Barhelor of Srienre uewee in Organizational Leadership (BOLD) de;igued for the working adult who plans to rnmplt'tt' his or her 1111der­ grad ua 1e degree. BOLD is an acronym for Biola Orlia11izatio11al Leadership Degret'. The degret· in Organizational Leadership is au inter­ disciplinary m~jor including the lields of Business, Ethirs, Co1111111111iration, P,yci1oloh'Y and Bibliral Studies. DEPARTMENT OF INTERNA· TIONAL STUDENT EDUCATION ll1e Department of l111ernatio11ai Student Ed11ra1ion (!SE) under the Sd1<K1l of Continninli Studies offers programs related to ed11ra1io11 of inter­ national st11dt't1ls. For this purpose, !SE presently provides the EuglLsh Lm­ guage Studies Program (EL'>P), the lnternatioual St udent Exchange Pm­ grJm (!SEP). Biola E11glisi1 StudyTour Program (BEST) , and the l11terna­

DEGREE COMPLETION PROGRAM (BOLD) Director: E<lward H. Nonnau, Ed.D. As.,ociate Dirertor: Dean Kroeker, B.S. OBJECTIVES Bioia University, through the School of Co11ti1111i11g Studies, offers a major in Organizational Leadership to adult students who are returning lo rnmplete their tmdergraduate degree. ll1e BOLD major offers students upper-division course work dt'.,il(ned esperially for adult., who wish to earn a deliree while working full time . Course work is aimed at developing students' ski lb in l111111an relations and leadership, to improve their effertive­ nes, ,t, managers and in other roles. Extension rampuses are in lnglt'­ wmd and A!L,o Viejo. As11ppleme11r,.uy p11biicatio11 provides more detailed information 011 this program. For more i11fon11a1io11, rnntart Ute BOLD Ol!ire. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS AJ1 applirant to the Orga11izatio11al Leadership prolir,ur1 must be at least 2:, years of age and l1avr f,() semester l111u rs of transferable college credit from arrredited i11s1i1u1io11s before l1egi1111i11g the BOLD Program. These units can iurlude the College Level Examination Proliram (CLEP) and Advanced Plareme111 (AP) u11it1 . An appliratiou form must be rompieted and the application lee paid. Otlicial 1ra11scripts from each institution previ­ ously attended and rompleted refer­ eu res must he sent to the BOLD Pn~ gram, Biola Un ive rs ity. Applira11L1 to the extension rampuses may send their dornments to the campus to

ments to provide supervised and spt'­ cific learning experiences. All intern­ ships will include personal supervision ~ Academic or Special Appoinuuenl Faculty, opportunities for para-proft'S­ sional career experience and corLstruc­ tive mentoring and evaluation. Intern­ ship grade is awarded on a credit/no

Fine Arts

3 3 6 3 8


English Composition



Western Civilization(4) United States (4)

credit oo.sis. Signature required. GNST 300 Writing Competency Requirement (0)

Behavioral Science•

3 3

Philosophy* Math/Science


Before graduation from Biola, every st11- dent must fulfill the Writing Compe­ tency Recprirement with a pa."Nng !Core. llus requirement tesL, a student's ability to write clear and correct English pn~. This re<Juirement will not be given sepa­ rately from the standard rnrriculum . Instead, each deparunent ha, designt'!l iL, req11ireme11L~ to suit the particular demands of it, own di~ipline. Students with more than one major mttst fullill the requirement in each major. The Writing Colllpetenry Rec1uirr­ ment should be met during the junior year. Studen ts with junior status should enroll in at one of the writing compe­ tency courses offered by their depart­ lllenL Most department1 list their writing competency courses in the schedule of cla.o;ses. Several departrnent1 offer more dian one writing competency cour.;e. If a student enrolls in more than one writin)( competency course in one department , d1at student may choose the course in which he or she will attempt to !irllill die requirement for that major. Some departmen Ls recprire a stu­ dent to submit a portfolio of the s111- den t' s written work from St'Vt'ral upper-division courses. Studt'nts should check with their departlllent abolll iL1 rec111iremenL,. S1udenL1 who do not pa1-1 the Writing Competency Rec1uireme11t m1 their iirst attempt must re-;i11empt to pa1-1 it during a sul.r;equent selllester. After their sernnd failure, students must take English 210, Writing for Competenty. A grade of Gt or higher in this course will sa1isfy u1r Writing Competency Rec1uirement. S111- dent11nay not enroll in EnglL1h 210 unless they have failed their department's requirements twice. Delaying the !irllil~ ment of the WritingCompetencyRequire­ ment mayjeopardize the stude111's graclu­ ation. Anotation will be made on Uie stu­ dent's transcript onre u1e Writing Compe­ tency Rrc1uirement has been Jl<llSe<I. It is strongly recommended that students plan to fulfill the Writinli Competency Requirement by the time they turn in their Senior Petition. Student, will find it helpfttl to take u1eir papers to Ute Bio~J Uniwrsity Writ­ ing C.entt'r before submitting them 10 u1eir dt'partrnents

Mathematics (3)* Science (3) Math/ Science (2)

Foreign Language 4 (77,e general triw;atwn ra-puremmt far a fareii,m la~ may l.e met bj two -p11S of tlie same high school la~ ar f= 1111its of a college lmiguagr. ) •r WO of tJu requirenamts i11 t/,e fo/Juwi11g thrr,e areas Behavioral Science, Matht'­ matics, and Philosophy may be me! by course, i11 the BO[l) progra11c E. Completion of the BOLD biblical

studies requirement. Foundational Courses

BBST l:i0 Old Testament Survey 3-4 BBST I10 New Testament History &Literature 3 BBST 200 Early Christian History -AcLs 3 Elective Courses BBST 300/400 Bible Book Elective 2-3 BBST '.',()()/400 Bible Book Elective 2-3 Information about the biblical studies re<prirerneut is available in the BOLD oflice. Note: Writi11g Competency is met by c011,pletwn of t/,e Smiar Project. Some ccmrse re;ptiremerits may l.e met by Credit Jar Priur Leami11g (CPL). GRADUATION HONORS For graduation honors, BOLD stu­ dents who have earned a minimum of 48 graded units at Biola University and who have completed their pro­ gram with a 3.9:, GPA are graduated with high honors. Those completing their program with a 3.8:i GPA are graduated with honors. CURRICULlN The major coIL,isL~ of 18 required courses. Obtaining a degree in this major consists of 41 uniL, of which 24 units 11111st be upper division in the BOLD program. M1t,t include 210,220, 240, 3IO, 320, 330, 340, 3!i0, 360, 370, 380, 4IO, 420,430,440, 4:,0, 470,480.

tio11al Pastors Progrnm (ll'P) . English Language Studies

The En)(lish La11g11ag,· Studies Prol(ram attrarls Christian st11de111s from all rn11111ries of the world . The English Laulimge Studies is ,111 it1tt't1- sive English program desigu,·d to dt'Velop students' prolirienry in the English language and to help them arhit've their degree at Biola. International Student Exchange Program Tht' l11ternatio11al Student Exd1ange (!SEP) is desigut'd to provide Biol.t Students wi1l1 the opport1111ity to study at a Christian university overseas. See Speriai Pn~ l(I"alll sertiou of the catalog. Bio/a English Study Tour Program ll1e Biola E11glisi1 Study Tour Pro­ gram (BEST) is offert'd to i111erna­ tio11al collegt' students who would like to study Enlllish lat1!,l'llalie and Ame1i­ Glll rnltme during the s11111111er. See SJ-lt'cial Pn'lir.lln sertiou of the ratalog. International Pastors Program ll1e International P,L<tors Progr.1111 (IPP) will ht'llelit i111ernatio11ai p,t,tors in their pr.1r1iral theology and related lields and will l1elp 1l1em in 1l1eir miu ­ i,;uy at their l,x: 11 d111rd1. Lffllll't'S will he given hy world re111~1•ned theologians and preachers through i11te1pretatio11.

whirh they are applyinli- DEGREE PROGRAM

A{vr of Scie11a dq,"u i11 Orgn- 11iwlio11nl Lmdmhip is oi'it-red upon tltt' rompletion of the university bac­ ra iaureate requirements and the Organizational Lt'adership major. ll1ey iurhtdt' the following: A. Satisfartorily rnmplt'te a minimum of 120 St'111estt'r units for p;r.1d11atio11. B. Cmnplt'tion of the Organizational L,adership (41 uni ts) major at Biola Unive1,i1y. C Ol11ai11 a "C" averJge (2.(X) G.P.A.) or above on all work 1ake11 within the ma~>r aml at Biola Uuiver~ty D. Completion of the general ed11Ca- 1io11 n·cp1ire1ne11t,.

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