

CREDIT FOR PRIOR LEARNING Undergraduate studenLs working for a degree in Organizational Leader­ ship have the opportunity to earn credit ta.rard graduation through the evalua­ tion of prior learning acc1uired outside an institution of higher learning. Credit is awarded with the approval of the fac­

330 rnm1111mira1ion . Attenlion will Ix, !(ivt'll to tht' biulical dt'snip1io11 of l111111an i.x,iugs as dt'siglit'd arid nt'alt'd uy G,KI, lht' consecptt'nrt's of lht' fall, and lht' impacl of rt'demp1ion 011 human l.x,ings. Spt't·itic paSSJgt's illustrating­ ious a"{Jt'Cts of wi~om in intt'rpersonal communiration will Ut' s111dit'd and lht'ir practical implications li•r l111111an i111erac1io11 <lL'l:IL',,;ed. Examplt's will Ix, 1ake11 from uoth case studies and tht' t'Xperience of the studt'nts. ORLD Theology and the Christian Lile (3) A considt'ration of God ' s Pt'rson, existing as one God, yt't manift'stt'd in three Persons, Falht'r, Son and Holy Spirit arid the bt'lit'Vds rt'sponsibili1y lo the (J111rrl1, Christ 's body, a.s Wt'll as to tht' world at largt' as au a!(t'lll of rt'rnnriliatiou in God's broadn king­ dom program in tht' t'lld timt's. ORLD Group and Organizational Behavior (3) 340 350 This m,>dult' is a study of )lr<Hip hd1;1v­ ior and how groups hmrtion t'ffrr­ tiVt'ly. Emphasis is pbrt'd on dt'rision makiuv; and rt'solvin!( ronflirt in v;roups. Students dt'vdop stratt'git's for dTirit'UI and produrtivt' !(rmtp mana!(t'ment and dt'tnmint' wl1irl1 ta.sks are haudlt'd by groups or individ­ uals. The St'nior Prnjert is llt'!(1m in Wt't'k thrt'e of tltis mod1ile. Ft't': $IR:-\. ORLD Management Information Systems (3) SnKlt'Uts will bt'lumt' arcp1ai111t'<l with tht' latt'st tt't:huoh'h'Y bt'in!( llSt"tl to dt'Vt'lop i11fonna1io11 ~ystems, and will explort' manaf(t'ment tt't·lmi,p1t's and stralt)!;it'S which, rnmhint'<l with tt't"l111oh~it'S. lt".KI to dfrrtivt' solutions lo or!(anizational prohlt'ms. Additionally , s11ult'nts will bt'l·ome ium•a-;iugly skillt-d in tht' 1 !St' of tht'ir IJt'™"1al rnmputn. ORLD Statistical Methods and Research (3) 360 370 Prohlt'm ana lysis and t'V"J luation terh­ niqut's art' preSt'tllt'd. S1udt'11ts art' shown mt'tlu>ds for defining, rt'St'arrh­ iug, analyzing, and t'Valua1i11g proh­ lt'ms tht'y would solVt' in tht'ir work t'nvironmt'nl. Spt>ritir s1a1is1iral infor­ mation rnvt'rt'd in tht' rnufSt' iurludes idt'nti lyin!( and mt'asurin!( ol~t'rtivt's, collt'rtill!( data, working with si!(niti- 1-anct' lt'Vt'ls, aualyzin!( varianrt' , and constmrtinv; cptt'Stionuairt's. ORLD Interpersonal Communicalian (3) This m,>dult' inVt'stil(:llt'S ron11nu11ir;1- tion and rt'lationships in crt'atill!( a pnKlurtivt' work t'nviro11111t'11t. Ellt·r­ tiwut's.s in personal and sorial rda ­ tiouships is also n...,t'l"t'd throtil(h read-

ings and t'XerciSt's roncerniug 11011-wr­ llal ft'edback, dt'alin!( wi1h angt'r, and rt'solvin!( rnuflirt. S1udt'11ts dt'Vt'lop a 111odt'I !i,r effrctiVt' rdationships. ORLD 380 Managerial Accounting (3) Au ,...,e1view of linaucial tmls available to lht' manager in derision-making. lurludt's a study of income statemenLs, halatirt' sheets, cash flow, budgeLs, d1aJt!(t'S in linartcial position and ralio analysis. Emphasis is 011 reading arid understanding arcountiug documenLs rJtltt'r than upon tht'ir preparation. ORLD 390 Independent Study (1-8) Portfolio-bast'd assessment of advanred collt'!(t'-lt'vel lt'rl111iral and prolessional traininv; !hat rt'flt'cls tht"­ ory, da1a rnllt'rtion and analysis, and appliraliou surh thal it adv-anrt's s111- dt'11I mastery of the principles and prar1ict's of org-Jnizatioual lt'adership. ORLD 410 The Leader and Decision Making (2) This ~-011rSt' is designt'd to formulate t'thiral va lut's with forns on biulical priuriplt'S with relt'v.111rt' for org-Juiza­ tions. This rnufSt' will analyze the fuu­ damt'ntal moral principles and rnl- 1111, 11 t'Xprt'ssious as well as the bibliral basis for vJhtt'S and morality. S111de111s will do studies in the meai1i11g of God, man and lifr with relev-Jnrt' to t'thiral rhoirt's as tht'y t'Xamillt' tllt'ir proft's.sioual and pt'rsoual livt's. ORLD 430 Human Resource Management (3) Studt'nls will explort' the key elemt'nts of tht' human rt'sm1rrt' managt'mt'nt fiu1rtion from pt'P.i<lllllt'I plauuinv; and fort'castiug through tht' search and St'lt't·tion pnn·x,;, rnmpt>tlsatiou, orit'tt­ t1tion, pe1forma11rt' t'Valuation, traiuinv; and dt'!(rt't', rnrrertiVt' artiou progra111s and lt'rmiuatiou. Spt"t:itir allentiou will ht' giwn as lo how bibliral principlt'S imparting refa1io11ships with people should l.x, inlt'twoven thro11!(ho111 the human rt'so11rre mauav;ement proce:,K ORLD 440 Principles of Management and Supervision ( 4) S111dt'nts will study tht' nature of managt'ment priuriplt'S arid tlteir appl~ cation throuv;h Ult' Ilse of biblical rnn­ rt'pts. Motiv-Jtioual tlteory and applica­ tion, lt'adership <ptalitit'S aitd styles and Ut'!(Otiation will rect'ive s1x,tial alleutiou . ORLD 450 Organizational Ethics (3) Tht' rapstone rollfSt' in whirl1 tht' s111- dt'11I for111ulatt'S a philosophy of life, providinii; lht' llaSt' for surh ronrt'rns as tthirs in organizations, arco11111abil­ i1y in goVt'flllllt'lll , rt'spt'rl fi,r human rights, and a rt'sponsihlt' lifestyle in om ro111t'mpora1y world. Ethiral tht"-

orit's and personal values are exam­ ined through readings, analysis of the work place and clao;.sroom discll1Sion. ORLD 470 Senior Project I (2) The student is ao;.sisted in selecting a topic, tlte Ilse of a computerized data base, research techniques and writing. Emphasis is on Utt' integration of bib­ liral arid other sources in u1e research which is related to a specific issue, problem or opportunity. ORLO 480 Senior Project II (3) This final portion of u1e Senior Pro- _jt'rt gives the student opportunity to write a document detailing the con- chlsious and recommendations. ORLD 499 Continuous Enrollment (0) Rt'cptired for BOLD students who have finLshed their tltree regular BOLD tenn.1 but will not Ix, grJduating. Fee: $.',O. ENGLISH LANGUAGE STUDIES PROGRAM Director: Sung W. Lee, Ed.D. FACULTY A.o;.sistant Profe.o;.sors: Cole, Ba11man OBJECTIVES 111e EnglLsh Language S111dies Pro­ gram (EL.SP) is designed to develop students' proficiency in English and to llt'tter prepare them to achieve their dtWees at Biola All non-native English speaking 01ris1 ian students are invited to participate in this intensive English program at Biola University. ADMISSION All non-native English speaking sttt­ deuts who pursue degrees at Biola mllll take the Biola EnglLsh Placement Exam (BE.PE). Ba.,;ed upon the result of the tt'st , students will be placed into the appropriate English Language clalseS . Students wh1,e,e tell ~ores are in the lower levels will take English cla'f;eS only in EL.SP, but they may move to higher lt'Vt'Ls after adtieving !.lti!iactory compe­ tt'nce in the EnglLsh language. Su1dents who are placed in middle or higher lev­ ds may take other degree along witlt the EnglLsh courses with permission of the ELS program advisor. While working u1rough u1e program, students can continue to pursue Biola University degrees without taking the TOEFL exam. Graduate students admitted tltrough EL'W who are 111.M. candidates llt'ed a !'.00 Tom to be accepted into that program. 111e application deadline li,r entrance into the fall seme.1ter is J uue I. Spring semester applications sl101tld i.x, filt'<l by N1,.,ember I.

ulty of the University. SENIOR PROJECT

Each student will complete a &nior Project which will emphasize researrh related to a real problt'm in the work­ place or community. Along with the knowledge and perspective gained while complt'ting the prc~ect, tht' stu­ dent will develop skills in thinking, researd1, writing and effecting change. The prc~ect is developed over a cour..e of nine months with the ao;.-;istance of a senior prc~ct advisor. COURSES ORLD 21O The Leader and Worldview (2) This cour..e will introduce the concept of integration of faith, learning and liv­ ing to help studenLs come to a more accurate understanding of reality. 111t' cour..e will emphasize the importarirt' ofOiristian thinking in order to equip students to analyze issues and effrrt solutions that are workable, intellerttt­ ally viable and consistent with bibliral truth. Students will exarnine stud­ ies taken from group and organiza­ tional behavior that demonstrate both the method and dilliculties of integra­ tion and app lication . They will be encouraged to apply the principles of integration to their own experience in order to develop a mindset of OtrLst­ ian thinking as an essential compo­ nent of their life arid education. ORLO 240 Foundations of Ulelong Laaming (2) Consideration of life development thf'­ ory/ career patterns and future trends a, foundations for lifelong learning. Specific empha1L1 will be placed upan ar1alysis of experiential learning outcomes. Guid­ ance will be given for preparation of a partfolio which docwnent1 prior learning. ORLD 290 Practicum (1-8) Portfolio-ba,;ed assessment of college-­ level technical arid professional train­ ing that reflecL1 theory, data collec­ tion and analysis , and application such that it advances student ma1tt'ty of Ule principles and practices of oq1a­ nizational leadership. ORLD 310 The Leader and Wisdom (2) ThL1 course is designed to identify bihl~ cal concepts that are relt'vant for human relationships and interpersonal


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