Sum,,..,. Sessum
St:.uster Audit Fee PtrUnit*
Annual Tuition
Semester Tuitwn
Ptr Unit
Ptr Unit
(12-18 units)
(12-111 units)
(1-11 , 19+) $:,9:,
Ulld1rgrad111l1 Tullloa (including A.S. fee)
$7,143 $14,286 English Language Smdies (102·109) - No course may lw a1uli1ed.
special Student Tuition (non-degree seeking) Undergraduate Special Student~ 7,143
14 ,286
Continuing Studjej Adult Degree Program English Language Institute (100-101)
:m ~07
Graduate Tuition (inclmling A.S. fee) &hool ofAri.I and Sciences & Graduate Special Studmt.s (post baccalaureate except Rosemead) &hool oflntercullural Studies (indmling A.S. fre) Master's Programs and specials
:l07 prr unit
:l07 prr unit
:,0 per unit
:l07 prr unit
307 per unit !i!i9 per unit !i!i9 prr unit
307 per unit :,9!i prr unit !i% per unit
!i0 per unit 59!i per unit !i9!i per unit
:l07 prr unit !i%pt'funit !i9:, per unit
Doctor of Education Doctor of Missiology
Talbot &hod of Theology (including A.S. fee) Master's Programs and specials Doctor of Education
:,0 per unit !i9:, per unit 1146/ course
307 pt'runit .r,~);J J>t'f 1111it 1146/ coursr
'.l07 J't'f unit :i:,9 J't'f uni I 1146/ rnursr
307 per unit :,9:, per unit 1146/ coursr
Doctor of Ministry
114&/ course
1146/ course
Rosemead School ofPryc/1010/il (including A.S. fee) Master ofArts and special~
(1.8, 17+ llllits)
(9-IG units)
(9-IG units)
14 ,9'.{4 14,9:\4 14 ,9:\4
:,116 :18[1 :,IIG
7,467 7,467 7,4G7
622 &22 622
622 622 G22
622 622 &22
Doctor of Philosophy Doctor of Psychology
*Semester Audit Fee chargt:d regardless of cn:dit anme load.
Riola Univer.;ity seeks to provide a cptality echu:alion for all iL~ studenls at the most reasonable cosl pos.sible. A, a pri vate, non-profit inslilulion, Riola University receives no suir port from taxes or other public litnds. Tuilinn paid hy 1l1e student, does not cover Ll1e cost, of providing a c1uality edu cation. Consec1uently, eve1y sludenl who allends Binla Uni versity receives a subslanlial suhsidy made pnssihle hy 1he gift, of alumni, individual friends, inlen·.,ted cl111n:hes am! , in a few case.,, hllsinesses and corporalions. TI1e expenses ofstudenls al Riola University are shown in the following schedules. The University rese1ves lhe righl In change all student charges, modify ils se1vices, or change ils programs of study should economic concli1ions, cuniculum revisions or national emergency make ii necessaiy lo do so. APPLICATION FEE An application fee of $:l!i musI accompany each applica tion. 11,is fee is non-relimdable. Applicalions for spring received afier Januaiy 1, or for fall received afkrjune I 111ml be accompanied by a fee of$4!i 1.illter lhan $:l!i. ROOM Per year in residence hall . ........ .....$2,:142-$2,8:,4 Per semester ...... .. .. .... ........... .. ..... ...... .. .........$1,171 -$1 ,427
Meal Tick.els (rec1uired for all mulergt.iduale residenl slndenls) Per year ..... .... . ... ..$1,9:i[>-$2,470 Per semesler .. ....... ... ..... .. ....$978-$1,23:i APARTMENT RENT Ont~bedm >Ill, nnfitmLslied (family lum,ing up lo 3people) $({,0/ n~)nll1 , all 111ilitie:-s indtKled Twn-hedrfM)lll, fi1111Lshed (single slndenls) $:l(XJ/ persnn/ mon1h, all u1iliries included, ha.sec! on four-person occupancy AJ1artmmt rent.I are NOT billed to student.! ' accounts, they are due separately the first ofeach rmmth. GENERAL FEES (In addition In 1ui1ion, only a.~ applicable 10 the individ- ual student) *Enrnllmenl Deposit (non-refundable) Undergrndnale .. .. .... ...... ...... ... ...$HJO.OO Gt.idnare P~yclinlnh'Y- · ..... .... ..... ... ........... 100.(JO All 0Ll1er ... ... ... .. ........... ..... ....... ...50.00 *U/1011 1wtire of acceptanu, a11 wrollnumt rkpoJit is required. This amount is aJ11limUe toward the tol1il exj1e11ses durint the stu rk11t 'J 1ml sem11ster ofmrol.lm,mt, but iJ f llTfeited if the aPJllica11t fail.i to re/1orl for the semeJter fur which aJ11limtion was mark.
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