Dean: Dennis H. Dirks, Ph.D. Dean of the Farnlty: Michael]. Wilkins, Ph.D. FACULTY Profe..,urs: Anthony, Arnold, Gmi._, Dirks, Dollar, Fmley, Holloman, L-..'iler, Moreland, Pierce, Rigsby, Satk.)', Sunukjian, WilkiIL'I A-N>ciale Pruf~>rs: Boersma, Cot:, Cox, Flury, Garland, C.eiveu, Comt'S, Huiehi'lon,Jolmson, Lawson, Mdn1nsh, Rae, RtL'!'el! A'1Sis1an1 Professors: Cunningham, Lt'Wis, Leyda, Rhee, Ten Elshof, Tolbert Admini.'11.rative A-...,.K·ia1e: Dt'1111is Gaint's OBJECTIVES The purpose of Biola University, in a broad perspec1ive, is to t'duralt' Q1ristian men and women in ordn 10 produce gradualt's who are: I) rnmpt' lt'nl in their field of study; 2) knowl e<lgt'able in biblical studies; :I) eamt'sl Qiristians equipped lo sezve tl1e Chris tian community and socit'ty at large. Both the nature and the purpost' of Talbot School of 1l1eology are elabo rated more specifically in tht' following paragraphs, and further expandt'd a1 var ious places througho1tt tilt' ra1a!og a'I noted under each !lt'ading. Theologically Talbot School ofll1eo!ogy i.'I inlt'r denrnnina1ional by nature and is thor oughly committed to the prodama1ion of 1he greal historic doctrint's of tilt' Q1ristian church. It defini1t'ly and posi tively affinns historir orthodoxy in tht' framework of an evangt'lirnl and pre millennial theology which is derived from a gr.unmatinshi.,1orirnl interpre tation of the Biblt', ii t"Jmestly endt'av ors to make these great doctrinal mtt!L, a vital reality in the spiritual lift- of this present generation. llte seminary aims to train su1den1s who belit'Ve and pro1> agate the grt'at doctrint'S of the faith as they are summariz.ed in our S1a1emen1 of Doctrine and te-Jching position. Spiritually It is the purpose of Talbot 10 dt'Vdop in Ult' !ivt'S of its students a spi11- 1tta! life which is in harmony with the great docuint'S taught, in order Utat 1!try may grow in the grace a, well a, in U1e knowledge of our Loni and Saviorjt'StL'I 01ri.'II . Specifically, the goal i., 10 e<lura1e and graduate smdenls cl1arJrterize<l by practical Christian se1vire, missio11a1y and evJngelislir zeal and au adequalt' km'-l'!e<lge of U1e Srript11res. To arrom pli.,h thest' objft:livt'S U1e St'mina1y con-
d1u·1s a rhapd pn>f(r.1111 a11d givt'S allt'll· tion to its Sltlllt'nts' se1vin' "JljX>l'lllllilit'S. Academically It i., tht' p1tq.x1st' of lltt' St'llliua1y to pn~•ide its st11den1s with l! lt' ilt'st in lht'<> l<>!(ical e<luration in ordt'r 1!tat U1ey may lit' t'Cptippe<l i11tdlif(en1ly 10 pre-,1rh and tt'ad1 U1e Word of Cod and prt'St'nl it zealously to Ult' world . In kt't'ping wiu1 thi., goal, t'Ve1y depa11111enl i., f(eared lo t'lllph,L~t' Ult' dear and arnnalt' exp< ► sitio11 of the Snip1111·t'S. 1l1t' bihliral la11- p;11a)(t'S art' 111ilized to t'XIX>St' 1he inner lllt'a11i11y; of tht' inspired lt'XI, Bible t'X position, wl1t'tht'r by syn1!1t'sis or an;1 lysis, presents a ro11nt'l'lt'd and rt'latt'd i11tt'rprt'ta1io11 of 1l1t· i111'.tllihle Book. Syslt'lllalir th,,olop;y llll>Vt'S Inward a well orwmiz,·d aud s1nir1111·,,d an.mp;ement of hih!i,al tn11l1. Histo1iral tllt'o!o)\y t'IIWl)lt'S itsdf to anp1aillt tilt' sl1Klt'11I with l!t t' pn'f(rt'~~ of 1l1e iuen;mt Word a111011!{ tht' l1011st'11old of faith throuf(h011t il1e Cl11istia11 t'Ja. Pl1ilos<> pl1y of rt'lihrion furni.,l1t·s the t'lt'lllt'nts whneby Il1e se1va111 ofU11is1 may p;ive a Wt'll-111,ushallt'd rea.'ll>ll fi,r 1h, faith t!ta1 is wi1!1in. Mis.,io11s, Cl1ris1ia11 millisuy a11d 1,,adns!1ip. aud Cl1ristia11 ,,ihu:11io11 suive lo llt'lft'<·t i11 1lw-sllldt'nt a skillfitl and wi11son1t' prt'St' Ill ,llion of li>t' tr111h, p1i,•,11dy and p11blidy. Tallx,1 s1a11ds for Ol\t' faith, <lilt' inlt'!(ra1ed rnrrirnhll11, one t'lt'rnal Word of (~~I alld i1s d!t'<.·· tive pnK·~1111a1ion 10 a 1111Kferu f(t'llt'1:1- 1io11 with ils 11111hiplirity of llt'<'<IS- Practical/y It is tht' puqx>St' of lht' St'll1i11a1y lo prt'pare fi,r the f(ospd mi11ist1y 1!t0St' who helit'Ve, live and prt'arh the f(l't'al hislorir dortrint's of E1i1h whirh have bet'll ro111111it1t'd lo 1l1t' d1urrh. To realize theSt' l1r11.1d ol~t1·1iws, 1he St'llli nary offt'rs eip;ht dt'p;rt' t' prop;r.111ls, earh wit!t its own distillrtiw purpoSt'. DEGREES OFFERED Tall>ot Sd1ool of Tl1t·olo)\y offns lht' li,llowinp; dep;n·t' pro!{1:111ls: ■ Maslt'r ofDivillity ■ Maslt'I' of Aris: Bihlt' Exposi1ioll, Old Tt's~ltllt'lll, Nt'WTt'stall>t'lll, Tht'ology, P!tilosopl1y ol'Relif(io11 and E1hirs, and Bih!ir,,I and Tl1t'olop;iral Studit's/Diversifit'd · e111phaSt's ■ Masi er of Arts ill Chris1iall Ed11ratio11 ■ ~fa,lt'I' ofAns i11 C:hristi,111 Millist1y and Lead,· rship ■ Masin of Arts i11 Miuisuy
proct's., through which God takes lead ns and Ilm,ugh which He ha, already 1ake11 lhemSt' IVt's, students are able to clarify their h1111re 111inis11y directioll. A, a part of Talbot's program of l11te11tional Character Formation, st11- de111s are challengt'd to formulate their lift' and ministry purpose sta1e- 111e111 which will empower a vision for their f111ure . This, we hope , will be rla1ified thro11!(ho11t their entire semi nary experience, and be encouraged 1hrouf(h clas_,room instruction, men-
Candidates for dt'gret's 11111st dt'111onstratt' an t'Xt'111plary Christian d 1arnr 1n, a rn111111il11lt'llt to ro11111111- llira1e tht' tntlh of 1!1t' Word of (;od and 111a11ilt-st pro111iSt' of 1Lst'fuh1t'ss in Christian se1vire. Additional ed11ratio11al op1io11s/ prop;ia111s of!t-rt'd 1hro11f(h Talbot are
l1ip;hlif(lttt'd bt'low: Talbot After Hours
Latt' aflem<sm, t'Vening and Sat mday classes are rt'!{lllarly ollert'd at the La Mir,1da ramp1L,. T!ti., arranp;e mt'n I provides au oppor1uni1y to oh1ai11 St'Vt'rJI rnmst's t'arh St'mestt'r, wi>t'll otl,er rt'spo11s ihi lities prt'Vt'Ilt t'11rollmt'11t as a full-1imt' studt'nl. Courses of!t-red art' idt'llliral i11 rn11- 1e111 10 ti>oSt' providt'd i11 lht' d;1y1imt' sd1t'dlllt' a11d art' applirnhle toward the dt'Wt't' prof(ra111s of 1!1e St'mi11a1y. Holy Land Studies Talbot Srhool of Tht'olo!(y will transft'r up to 12 llllils of t'lecliVt' <Tt'dil for p;r.1dua1e level l'Olll'St'S 1ake11 al the Jt'rnsal,,111 ll11iVt'rsi1y (~1llep;e, Jernsalt'lll, Israel. S111dy toms for rredi1 ;ire also ollt'red. DISTINCTIVES Intentional Character Formation Program S111dt'11ls adll1it1t'd lo TallH>I rn111e from a variety of barkp;ro1mds and dt'Vt'lop111en1~l t'Xpt'rie11rt's. This ;1rray of t'Xpt'rit'nrt's providt's a rirh fo1111da1io11 upon whirh 111inis1ry IHt'paration is l>11i!I. Ft'w p;rad11alt'S slrnp;p;lt' in 111i11ist1y !lt'rallSt' of i11ahil i1y 10 study, think , tearh or prearl1 • the skills and rnnlt'lll 1ha1 lt'lld lo l>t· lht' forns of seminary t'd11ratio11 . l11slt'ad, diflirnhy ill 111i11is1ry is most of1e11 linkt'd 10 issues ill rl1 ,1rarlt'I', rt'latiouships, t' lllolions, spiritual lllal11ri1y and olht' r rnurerns. Efli,nive mi11is11y !lows 0111 of /,i111; L>rl1 st1Klt'11I al Tallx11 St'I\St'S (;,Ki 's .:111- inp; 1ow,ml lt'adnsl1ip. Lt'adership is i11f111elllial, and c;,Kf!y i11f111t'llrt' ('()l\lt'S froll1 a lt'<tder 's spiri1ual ;1111hority. Lt~1d t'rs whowill llt't'f!t'rtiVt'will !tave leamt'<I lo hen11l1t' in1enlio11al al,0111 their 1)t'r so11;,I walk with Cod. Tht' lonf(·l t' l'lll fruit of a ministry is rela tt'd to the lmd.. r's ~viri111al li>nllatioll . EVt'I)' lt'ad,,r ll<'t'ds tht' enrn11rap;e- 111t'lll of 11nders1;1111li11p; how c;,K! l1as l><·t·ll al work in l1is or i>t'r lift' - 1110S1 of It'll ill ways of wl1irh 1!1t·y Wl'rt' 11l1aware ,II 1l1t' 1imt', yt'I h11lilli11p; His p11rpost•s and shapinp; their dt'stinit's. lly 1111d,·1s 1a11di11!( 1!1t' dt'Vdoplllt'Illa!
tors and group proress. Chapel
Tl1e purpose of chapel is to pr< ► vidt' oppor11111ilit's for worship , i11strnrtio11 and exposure to currenl is.Slit's, ministrit's, 111is.,ions and gifted individuals. Chapt'I is an important part of a s1uden1's educational experi enre, rolltrihu1inp; significantly to individual spiri111al fi1r111a1ion and the 1111ity of lht' se111ina1y COllllllllllity. Chapd St'Jvirt's are c,mdtll'le<l eac!t Tues,.lay in Calva1y C!ta1)t'I a11di1ori11111 . Addi1io11al s1)t'rial chapels are held as a111101mrftl. Special chapel se1ie;. such .1, t!tt' Lyman S1ewart Lecture. and il1e fa 111 ty St'!'it'S (Fall and Spring), are held T11t'sday 1hroup;h 1l1ursday. Joint uni vetsity-wide d1apel St'IVices are held sev e1~1I 1imt'S a ye-.ir. Smdt'nts are re<p1irt'd 10 allend Tut'Sday rl1apel se1vict'S if Ult'Y havt' das.'11:'s either immediately before or af'le r 1he d1apel hour. 1l1is rt'rp1ire lllt'llt also applies lo each day of the spe rial rhapel St'ries. Participation in lhe rl1apel st'lVires of lhe 1111iversity COllltllll· 11i1yart' hi~h~ t'nuHU"Jged. Prayer Groups Vol1111ta1y small prayer groups are fom1t'd earh sd1ool year, and meel al a ti111t' delt'rmined by Lite group. Each )\l'Ollp is It'd by a farnliy member. Student Christian Service 1l1t' se111i11a1y rt'C<>!(nizes tht' neres sity of artivt' St'IVire ill Christian work wl1ile s1ude111s are pursuing their ,·omst's of s111dy . From the time of enrolln1t'11t st11de111s are asked to t'll)f,>!(t' in s,. •me 'Yllt' of approved weekly mini.,uy. 1l1e hi~h population density of S0111hem (~1lifomia creates exlt'nsive St'lVire op1x•J11111i1ies of many types. Field Education Fit'ld t'd11ra1io11 is that part of the st11deu1's arnde111ir program in w!tich 1hert' is artive paniripa1io11 in a super vist'<I t'Xpt'rit'nre wit!tin a d1urrh sell ill!(. A f11ll-ti111e M.Div. student 111\L'II re!(ister li,r fit'ld t'dura1io11 each St'mestt'r. (A part-1i111t' M.Div. studelll 1111Lsl register
■ Mastt·r ofTht'olo)\y ■ Dor1orofEd11ra1ioll ■ Dorlor of Millisuy
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