for field education once within t'l't'IY Hi uniL, completed.) For specifir COIIJ'St' munbers see the Oiristian Minisny and Leadership senion under rn111w dell:riptions. After complt'tinl,' (i4 uni1., of ciao;.~ work in tl1e M.Div. prc>f,>r.Un, stu denL, become eligible to registt'r li,r field education internship. This intt'n live SUpt'JVise<l practire of the minLslly is comp<)!;t'<) of Ulft'e dtLsters of lt"J.rning: J) sttpt'JVLSC:'d field experietKt' for a min imum of JOO hours in t:"1d1 of two st'mt's ters; 2) seminars witl1 other sllldents r"!( LStered for field education intt'rnship: 3) i11divid1L'l! cmuLse:-lin!( witl1 tht' dirt'<' tor of field t'<lucation on spt'rifir a.spt'flS of the studt'nt's experit'nre. The Bio/a Campus The seminary has rlassroom, chapel and administrative ollire farili ties !orated in Myers Hall and Ft'in berg Hall. Metzger Hall hmLse:-s Uni versity administrative oflices induding the AdmLssions and Re)(istrar's Ol!irt'. In addition, the semimuy sliar.-s tilt' lihra,y, ralcteria, cotltt shop, r.-si<it'nr.-s, gymna.sium, inlinnary and p1,1yt'r d1apt'I witl1 Biola University. Al-., availablt' art' a cm,hed brick quaner milt' trark, a ,u- cer field, a bast'ball diamond, lt'nnis court, and a shun wurst' Olympir ,wim ming p<•~ - 5ft, gt'neral inti,rmation St'l ' tion fora litll n11nptLsd.-snip1ion. Library Tite library contains over 220,000 vohtm.-s, induding bound journals and microlimns with tl1eir respt·ctive rt":uit'rs Spedal ft".,1tur.-s of the libra,y indudt' an exte11,iVt' index file of St'm1on outlint's and ilhLslratiom, an exrt'l lt'nl rnllt'l·t ion of bibliographic tools and journal indt'Xt'S and a munher of Sj)t'(:ial ('()llt'l· tio1L<t 111e principal tl1t'l1l<l)(iral journals in En1;1L-J Iare received regularly. Family Fellowship Seminary studit'S make signifiranl demands on the time of tht' sllldt'nl. A side-e!Tect is that family mt'mbt'rs may feel tltt')' are not a pan of the St'mina1y experience. Tallx1t ha., a dt't'p-rcu1lt'd commiunent lo tht' family, t'Spt'rially the famili.-s of its students. Awidt-1:m!\ ing variety of programs, t'l'ents, artivi ties, opp<1rttmi1ies, and St'J'l'irt's h,lVt' been dt'veloped k> li1stt'r family paniri ~tion in tht' seminaiy t'Xpt'rit'nct'. Aguide for families is av.1il.ihlt' 10 new studt'nls at Talbot. Tht' followin!( art" exainplt"s of the oppornmitit's and se1vires availablt' 10 st Itdt'n I spouses: I) Chapt'! se1virt"s ft'anning a vari ety of prnmint'nl Christian spt'akns, and oppornmitit's for m11111al worship:
talion is olfrrt'II hy lht' dt'parltnt'nl of U11is1ia11 Minis11y and Lt"Jdt'rship. Ill. Tl1t' Vt'lt'rans Ad111i11is1ra1ion . IV. Tl1t' Unilt'd Stalt'S D,· part mt'nl ol'JiLslirt', lm1nigra1io11 and Na1- lll~diza1ion s.,1virt'. SUPPORT SERVICES Employment Wl1ilt" Biola llnil't'1~ity rai11101 l,'llar ault't' t'mploymt'nl, Wt' hav.- obsetVt'd 1ha1 prayt'I' ,Hid Cod 's guid,lllrt' h,1ve n1irarnl111tsly pn~•idt'd t'mploy111t'nl li,r our SIUdt'nls in pasl yt'ars. Studt'IJIS should apply 10 lht' u11iVt'rsi1y slltdt'nl t'lllploy1nt'nl o!lirt' (MelZ!(t'r H,dl, lirsl l!CK1r). Wt' will 1nakt' t'l't'IY dli,n 10 ,t-.sist you by rt'rerring y1111 to t'111pl11ymt'11l l""i1i1111s wl1t'n av.1il,1blt·, rn111111t'ns11ralt' with your <p1,difira1ions and in rn11!i,r mi1ywi1h your dai~•,fa-.s st ht'<lule. S111d,·n1s 1nay alst1 St'l'llrt' off;:am pus sernlar t'lll pl11y1nt'n I i11 a wi,it' v,1rit'ty of offllpalions. Loral onirt'S of 1!1t' Stalt' of Cdili,rnia Dt'parllllt'III of Employ111t'nl ran he v.-ry ht'lph1! i11 tht' lora1io11 of lht'St' joh 11pt'11ing~. Ti1l' pla,·,·111t'III o!firt' (st't' nt'XI ilt'lll) ra11 so111t'li111t'S as.sis! th,· SIIHit'III i11 sernriug pan- or h11l-1i111t' t' n1pl11y- 111,·n1 i11 !oral art'a rl111rrl1t's. Placement 11a· pl.1rt'mt'1JI o!lirt' works ri<~St'ly wi1!1 s111d,·n1s 111 .1s.sis1 1!1e111 i11 sernring pan-1i111,· i11tt'1mhip positions in !<.-al area rl111rrl1,·s. llwst' plart'lllt'nl., art' an i11 lt'!(ral aspt'rl of tht' fit'ld t'd11ra- 1ion prartirnm St'<jltt'nrt' or rnlll'St's. Tl1t' pl,trt'tnt'nl o!Tirt' also prn vidt's rart't'r ,·ounst'linl,' for SllHlt'nts and pl ,H't' tnenl inli1nna1i11n for !(Iad11- a1ing St'llinrs a11d ah11nni St't'kin!( min Lsny in fit'lds of St'lvirt" lo whirh tht'y IK· lit'W 1!1a1 tht' Lord has rallt'd lht'IIL Tht' plart'lllt'nl dirt'rlor along with lht' plart'nlt'nl rommitlt't' works dost'!)' wi1!1 dt'no1nina1ional and inlt'l' dt'no1nina1i11n;d Christian lt'adt'rs. Campus Housing and Dining (~111qms livin1; <ptaJ'lt'rs art' avai l ahlt' for sin!(lt· mt'IJ and wo1nt'n. Until farilitit"s art' fillt'd, lht'y art' assigtwd arrnnling 10 lht' datt' of rt'reipt of lht' $:,0 lu11Lsing dt'posil ($100 for apart lllt'III ). More detailt'd iuformation a11d housi11g rl'<jllt'SI forms m;1y bt' ol>1 ,1i11t'd fr11111 1!1t' dirt'rtor for rt'si d,·111i,il p1og1;1111s, ~lt'IZ!(t'r Hall , Biol;1 llnivl'rsi1y. This ollirt' ra11 also pro vid,· s11111t· s11gµ;,·s1i11ns rnnrt'l'nill!( ofl'. r;1111JJ1Ls roo111s and apart111t'llls.
Many ofl~·amp11s smdents find ii rnnvenienl 10 dint' in the camptLs cafe lt'ria . For those who WLsh to eat there J't'!!;Ularly, some cost savings may be realized by 1Lsing Ollt' of the meal ticket pla11s availahlt" rather than paying cash. Married Student Housing Tht' St'minary ha.~ limited housing farilities for marrit'd s111dents, b111 tht're art' apartments and homes avail ahlt" for rt'nl in the immediate vicinity. For a listing of aparl.mt'nl rental in lht' area surro1111ding lht' campus, pleaSt' rnn1ar1 !ht' Biola Hottsing Ollice.
2) spotLs.-s may allt'nd rh,s.-s with tht'ir mal.-s, al 110 d1,1r!\t' to 1!1t' spotLSt', Sj>art' pt'l'lni11in!\ all(! with proli-s.,or approval: '.{) tht' Sp011s1: T11i1i11n Rt"1!11r1io11 Sd111l arship allows spotLSt'S of full-1i111t' s111- dt'nls lo t1kt' s1."111ina1y rn11rst's li,r a,;1d e111ir rrt'dit, al only ont-lhird tht' stan dard 111i1ion J~ilt'; 4) Tallx1l &mina1y Wiws Ft'llowship (st't' p. T-4): :,) m.~or sorial t'Vt'nls, s11rh as lht' a11111t1! F.dl and Sprinl,' Banq11t'ls, s111dt'nl family pirnin,. and th,· S.·nior Rt'IJ't":11; G) lht' Biola Bmkstort' lt•,1111n·s a widt' sek·r tion of Cl1ris1ian and sernlar 1i1lt·s, dis rnuntt'd Bil,!t's, !(ifl ilt'tns, rnmp11lt'r t'!Jllipmt'nl, grt't'ling ,;ll'(ls, lll!Lsir, 1;1pt's, and CDs, l<l)(o dothing. rt'fn·sh111t'11ls, and suppJi.,s: 7) lht' Biola ,wim1ning pool, trark, Wt'i!\hl ro11111, and lt' 1111 is rottJ'ls, art' ;1111il.1blt' al sd1t'lhi!t'd 1i111t·s li,r fa111ily Ilse; 1') a wid., v.1rit'ty of musir t'l't'nls fi-,1mring SIIHlt'nl groups, farnliy al'ILSIS, and gut',1 pt'rli1nnt'l's, art' sd1t'll ukd l!l1'01q.;ho111 tht' srl1ool yt'ar; !I) inlt· rrnllq(ialt' sporting t'l't'nls, inrl11ding mt'n 's a11d 11·omt'n's hask,+ liall, mt'n 's ,ind womt'n 's vollt')'hall, 1111:'n's hast'l1all, mt'n 's and womt'n's <T<"-'H'o1m11y and 11ark: JO) spt1·ial and ,mnual !t'l·111rt'S!1ips, 111L,si11ns am! Bihlt' ('()nli·rt'11r.-s; a11d, 11) 01lwr spt'rial rnl- 1111~1! t'l't'nts and JJl't'st'lll ali1111s. Accreditation W.-sit'J'II A,"'•·i,11ion ofS.·l1ools a11d Collt'gt's. T,dhot, ,Ls a s,·h<H1! of Biola llnivmity, Ls i11rh1dt'II within Biola llni l't'rsi1y's ,K<Tt'ditation hy tlw Ann·di1- ing Commission for S,mior Collq(t'S and ll11ivt'rsitit's of tht' Wt'slt'rn A,,.,ria tion ofSd1CK1!s a11d Collt·!\t·s. A,"'•·iation ofTht·11l<l)(i<~1l Sd1CK1!s. Tall,11 LS.1 tnt'1nht'I' 11rtht' A,"'•·ia1i11n of ll1t'olo!liral Sd1mls (10 S11mmi1 !'ark Drivt·, l'insh11rgh. !'A 1:,27:,-1 JO'.{) in tht' ll11itt'd S1,11t·s a11d (~m;1da, lht' intt'ma tionally Jff<>f,'llizt·d arn.,ditin!( l•1dy of st'lllinarit's aud sd1CK1ls of divinity. Recognition Agt'11ri,·s of tla· llnitl'd Sta It's C:11v t'rntnt'nl whid1 rt'rngniZt' 1!1t' 11,1ini11g l,'iVt'n al Tallu11 inrh1dt': I. Tht' Unitt"d Sialt'S Dt'pan tnt'nl of Ht'alth Eduration and Wt'l fart', Of!irt' 11fEdura1i11n. II. Tht' Chapl,1i11ry Branr!It'S of tht' Anny, Navy and Air Fnrrt'. F111l-1in1t' St'1ni11a1y sllldt'nl.s ,ll't' t'li gihl,· lo ,1pply for rn1111nis.si11ns as st·r- 1111(! lit·lllt'llallls 111 t'llsig11s in lht' d1ap J;1ill(1' hra11d1,·s or tht' Anny. Air Fom· or Na11', with t'igl11 ll'l't·ks 11! artivl' dill)' IJ~1i11in!\ optional during lht' Sllllllllt'I 111r,11i1111 . Arn111st· i11 rhapl,1inry orit·11-
Talbot Support Ministries Dr. Mick B,lt'rsma, Director
Ta!lx,1 S11pport Mi11Lst1i.-s (fSM) is a St'IVire-orienlt'd ministry directt"d 11111111'0 rert'III Tallx11 ah111111i a11d their spons.-s. 111is pr<>f,'Tdm, led by the dift'l·- 1,,r a11d l1is wili-, LS dLstingi1Lsl1e<l by rnm mitmt'nl 10 the followi11g disti11c1iv.-s: ■ Rt'la1ionship - t'slablisht'd with inrnming s111de111s, rontinut'd 1hro11gh St'mina,y s111dies and 1!1e first fivt' to seVt'11 yt'ars of proft's sio11al minisuy. ■ Crt'dihility - tht' program dirt't'- 1or and his wife havt' t'Xlensivt' t'Xpt'fit'11re in mi11is1ry and work 10 kt'ep c11rre111 011 changes and iss11t's alli-r tin!( Talhot graduates. ■ Sali-ty - an environment is pro· vidt'd in which al11111ni are a-.s11red of rnnfidt"1lliali1y and freedom lo shart' l11eir livt"s openly. ■ l'urpost'fulnes.s - TSM initiates ,ind maintains ron1ac1 with alumni 1hro11gh nt'wslellers, per sonal notes, phone calls, e-mail, and on-silt' visits wl1en pos.sible. ■ Rt'st111rci11g - TSM seeks lo pro• vidt' helpf11l resources s11ch as nel work ing with other grad11a1es, rnn1ac1 with placement oprx1m1- 11i1ies, and professional and per sonal rn11nsel. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Corrt'spondenrt' concerning admission sho11ld be addrei-sed lo tht' UniVt'rsity Oflire of Admissions, which will s11pply tht' applicant with tht' propn forms. When lht'St' application forms and all uansnipts of previous aradt'mir training have been filed , arrn111panit'd by two photographs and .1 $Y, application fee, a11 admis.~io11s dt'rision will ht' madt' . Oflicial no1ifi r,11ion of lht' dt'cision will ht' senl by mail lo 1!1t' applicant. The applica1io11 dt'adlint' for tht' fall is August J and
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