

for field education once within t'l't'IY Hi uniL, completed.) For specifir COIIJ'St' munbers see the Oiristian Minisny and Leadership senion under rn111w dell:riptions. After complt'tinl,' (i4 uni1., of ciao;.~ work in tl1e M.Div. prc>f,>r.Un, stu­ denL, become eligible to registt'r li,r field education internship. This intt'n­ live SUpt'JVise<l practire of the minLslly is comp<)!;t'<) of Ulft'e dtLsters of lt"J.rning: J) sttpt'JVLSC:'d field experietKt' for a min­ imum of JOO hours in t:"1d1 of two st'mt's­ ters; 2) seminars witl1 other sllldents r"!(­ LStered for field education intt'rnship: 3) i11divid1L'l! cmuLse:-lin!( witl1 tht' dirt'<'­ tor of field t'<lucation on spt'rifir a.spt'flS of the studt'nt's experit'nre. The Bio/a Campus The seminary has rlassroom, chapel and administrative ollire farili­ ties !orated in Myers Hall and Ft'in­ berg Hall. Metzger Hall hmLse:-s Uni­ versity administrative oflices induding the AdmLssions and Re)(istrar's Ol!irt'. In addition, the semimuy sliar.-s tilt' lihra,y, ralcteria, cotltt shop, r.-si<it'nr.-s, gymna.sium, inlinnary and p1,1yt'r d1apt'I witl1 Biola University. Al-., availablt' art' a cm,hed brick quaner milt' trark, a ,u-­ cer field, a bast'ball diamond, lt'nnis court, and a shun wurst' Olympir ,wim­ ming p<•~ - 5ft, gt'neral inti,rmation St'l '­ tion fora litll n11nptLsd.-snip1ion. Library Tite library contains over 220,000 vohtm.-s, induding bound journals and microlimns with tl1eir respt·ctive rt":uit'rs Spedal ft".,1tur.-s of the libra,y indudt' an exte11,iVt' index file of St'm1on outlint's and ilhLslratiom, an exrt'l lt'nl rnllt'l·t ion of bibliographic tools and journal indt'Xt'S and a munher of Sj)t'(:ial ('()llt'l·­ tio1L<t 111e principal tl1t'l1l<l)(iral journals in En1;1L-J Iare received regularly. Family Fellowship Seminary studit'S make signifiranl demands on the time of tht' sllldt'nl. A side-e!Tect is that family mt'mbt'rs may feel tltt')' are not a pan of the St'mina1y experience. Tallx1t ha., a dt't'p-rcu1lt'd commiunent lo tht' family, t'Spt'rially the famili.-s of its students. Awidt-1:m!\­ ing variety of programs, t'l'ents, artivi­ ties, opp<1rttmi1ies, and St'J'l'irt's h,lVt' been dt'veloped k> li1stt'r family paniri­ ~tion in tht' seminaiy t'Xpt'rit'nct'. Aguide for families is av.1il.ihlt' 10 new studt'nls at Talbot. Tht' followin!( art" exainplt"s of the oppornmitit's and se1vires availablt' 10 st Itdt'n I spouses: I) Chapt'! se1virt"s ft'anning a vari­ ety of prnmint'nl Christian spt'akns, and oppornmitit's for m11111al worship:

talion is olfrrt'II hy lht' dt'parltnt'nl of U11is1ia11 Minis11y and Lt"Jdt'rship. Ill. Tl1t' Vt'lt'rans Ad111i11is1ra1ion . IV. Tl1t' Unilt'd Stalt'S D,· part­ mt'nl ol'JiLslirt', lm1nigra1io11 and Na1- lll~diza1ion s.,1virt'. SUPPORT SERVICES Employment Wl1ilt" Biola llnil't'1~ity rai11101 l,'llar­ ault't' t'mploymt'nl, Wt' hav.- obsetVt'd 1ha1 prayt'I' ,Hid Cod 's guid,lllrt' h,1ve n1irarnl111tsly pn~•idt'd t'mploy111t'nl li,r our SIUdt'nls in pasl yt'ars. Studt'IJIS should apply 10 lht' u11iVt'rsi1y slltdt'nl t'lllploy1nt'nl o!lirt' (MelZ!(t'r H,dl, lirsl l!CK1r). Wt' will 1nakt' t'l't'IY dli,n 10 ,t-.sist you by rt'rerring y1111 to t'111pl11ymt'11l l""i1i1111s wl1t'n av.1il,1blt·, rn111111t'ns11ralt' with your <p1,difira1ions and in rn11!i,r­ mi1ywi1h your dai~•,fa-.s st ht'<lule. S111d,·n1s 1nay alst1 St'l'llrt' off;:am­ pus sernlar t'lll pl11y1nt'n I i11 a wi,it' v,1rit'ty of offllpalions. Loral onirt'S of 1!1t' Stalt' of Cdili,rnia Dt'parllllt'III of Employ111t'nl ran he v.-ry ht'lph1! i11 tht' lora1io11 of lht'St' joh 11pt'11ing~. Ti1l' pla,·,·111t'III o!firt' (st't' nt'XI ilt'lll) ra11 so111t'li111t'S as.sis! th,· SIIHit'III i11 sernriug pan- or h11l-1i111t' t' n1pl11y- 111,·n1 i11 !oral art'a rl111rrl1t's. Placement 11a· pl.1rt'mt'1JI o!lirt' works ri<~St'ly wi1!1 s111d,·n1s 111 .1s.sis1 1!1e111 i11 sernring pan-1i111,· i11tt'1mhip positions in !<.-al area rl111rrl1,·s. llwst' plart'lllt'nl., art' an i11 lt'!(ral aspt'rl of tht' fit'ld t'd11ra- 1ion prartirnm St'<jltt'nrt' or rnlll'St's. Tl1t' pl,trt'tnt'nl o!Tirt' also prn­ vidt's rart't'r ,·ounst'linl,' for SllHlt'nts and pl ,H't' tnenl inli1nna1i11n for !(Iad11- a1ing St'llinrs a11d ah11nni St't'kin!( min­ Lsny in fit'lds of St'lvirt" lo whirh tht'y IK· lit'W 1!1a1 tht' Lord has rallt'd lht'IIL Tht' plart'lllt'nl dirt'rlor along with lht' plart'nlt'nl rommitlt't' works dost'!)' wi1!1 dt'no1nina1ional and inlt'l'­ dt'no1nina1i11n;d Christian lt'adt'rs. Campus Housing and Dining (~111qms livin1; <ptaJ'lt'rs art' avai l­ ahlt' for sin!(lt· mt'IJ and wo1nt'n. Until farilitit"s art' fillt'd, lht'y art' assigtwd arrnnling 10 lht' datt' of rt'reipt of lht' $:,0 lu11Lsing dt'posil ($100 for apart­ lllt'III ). More detailt'd iuformation a11d housi11g rl'<jllt'SI forms m;1y bt' ol>1 ,1i11t'd fr11111 1!1t' dirt'rtor for rt'si­ d,·111i,il p1og1;1111s, ~lt'IZ!(t'r Hall , Biol;1 llnivl'rsi1y. This ollirt' ra11 also pro­ vid,· s11111t· s11gµ;,·s1i11ns rnnrt'l'nill!( ofl'. r;1111JJ1Ls roo111s and apart111t'llls.

Many ofl~·amp11s smdents find ii rnnvenienl 10 dint' in the camptLs cafe­ lt'ria . For those who WLsh to eat there J't'!!;Ularly, some cost savings may be realized by 1Lsing Ollt' of the meal ticket pla11s availahlt" rather than paying cash. Married Student Housing Tht' St'minary ha.~ limited housing farilities for marrit'd s111dents, b111 tht're art' apartments and homes avail­ ahlt" for rt'nl in the immediate vicinity. For a listing of'nl rental in lht' area surro1111ding lht' campus, pleaSt' rnn1ar1 !ht' Biola Hottsing Ollice.

2) spotLs.-s may allt'nd rh,s.-s with tht'ir mal.-s, al 110 d1,1r!\t' to 1!1t' spotLSt', Sj>art' pt'l'lni11in!\ all(! with proli-s.,or approval: '.{) tht' Sp011s1: T11i1i11n Rt"1!11r1io11 Sd111l­ arship allows spotLSt'S of full-1i111t' s111- dt'nls lo t1kt' s1."111ina1y rn11rst's li,r a,;1d­ e111ir rrt'dit, al only ont-lhird tht' stan­ dard 111i1ion J~ilt'; 4) Tallx1l &mina1y Wiws Ft'llowship (st't' p. T-4): :,) m.~or sorial t'Vt'nls, s11rh as lht' a11111t1! F.dl and Sprinl,' Banq11t'ls, s111dt'nl family pirnin,. and th,· S.·nior Rt'IJ't":11; G) lht' Biola Bmkstort' lt•,1111n·s a widt' sek·r­ tion of Cl1ris1ian and sernlar 1i1lt·s, dis­ rnuntt'd Bil,!t's, !(ifl ilt'tns, rnmp11lt'r t'!Jllipmt'nl, grt't'ling ,;ll'(ls, lll!Lsir, 1;1pt's, and CDs, l<l)(o dothing. rt'fn·sh111t'11ls, and suppJi.,s: 7) lht' Biola ,wim1ning pool, trark, Wt'i!\hl ro11111, and lt' 1111 is rottJ'ls, art' ;1111il.1blt' al sd1t'lhi!t'd 1i111t·s li,r fa111ily Ilse; 1') a wid., v.1rit'ty of musir t'l't'nls fi-,1mring SIIHlt'nl groups, farnliy al'ILSIS, and gut',1 pt'rli1nnt'l's, art' sd1t'll­ ukd l!l1'01q.;ho111 tht' srl1ool yt'ar; !I) inlt· rrnllq(ialt' sporting t'l't'nls, inrl11ding mt'n 's a11d 11·omt'n's hask,+ liall, mt'n 's ,ind womt'n 's vollt')'hall, 1111:'n's hast'l1all, mt'n 's and womt'n's <T<"-'H'o1m11y and 11ark: JO) spt1·ial and ,mnual !t'l·111rt'S!1ips, 111L,si11ns am! Bihlt' ('()nli·rt'11r.-s; a11d, 11) 01lwr spt'rial rnl- 1111~1! t'l't'nts and JJl't'st'lll ali1111s. Accreditation W.-sit'J'II A,"'•·i,11ion ofS.·l1ools a11d Collt'gt's. T,dhot, ,Ls a s,·h<H1! of Biola llnivmity, Ls i11rh1dt'II within Biola llni­ l't'rsi1y's ,K<Tt'ditation hy tlw Ann·di1- ing Commission for S,mior Collq(t'S and ll11ivt'rsitit's of tht' Wt'slt'rn A,,.,ria­ tion ofSd1CK1!s a11d Collt·!\t·s. A,"'•·iation ofTht·11l<l)(i<~1l Sd1CK1!s. Tall,11 LS.1 tnt'1nht'I' 11rtht' A,"'•·ia1i11n of ll1t'olo!liral Sd1mls (10 S11mmi1 !'ark Drivt·, l'insh11rgh. !'A 1:,27:,-1 JO'.{) in tht' ll11itt'd S1,11t·s a11d (~m;1da, lht' intt'ma­ tionally Jff<>f,'llizt·d arn.,ditin!( l•1dy of st'lllinarit's aud sd1CK1ls of divinity. Recognition Agt'11ri,·s of tla· llnitl'd Sta It's C:11v­ t'rntnt'nl whid1 rt'rngniZt' 1!1t' 11,1ini11g l,'iVt'n al Tallu11 inrh1dt': I. Tht' Unitt"d Sialt'S Dt'pan­ tnt'nl of Ht'alth Eduration and Wt'l­ fart', Of!irt' 11fEdura1i11n. II. Tht' Chapl,1i11ry Branr!It'S of tht' Anny, Navy and Air Fnrrt'. F111l-1in1t' St'1ni11a1y sllldt'nl.s ,ll't' t'li­ gihl,· lo ,1pply for rn1111nis.si11ns as st·r- 1111(! lit·lllt'llallls 111 t'llsig11s in lht' d1ap­ J;1ill(1' hra11d1,·s or tht' Anny. Air Fom· or Na11', with t'igl11 ll'l't·ks 11! artivl' dill)' IJ~1i11in!\ optional during lht' Sllllllllt'I 111r,11i1111 . Arn111st· i11 rhapl,1inry orit·11-

Talbot Support Ministries Dr. Mick B,lt'rsma, Director

Ta!lx,1 S11pport Mi11Lst1i.-s (fSM) is a St'IVire-orienlt'd ministry directt"d 11111111'0 rert'III Tallx11 ah111111i a11d their spons.-s. 111is pr<>f,'Tdm, led by the dift'l·- 1,,r a11d l1is wili-, LS dLstingi1Lsl1e<l by rnm­ mitmt'nl 10 the followi11g disti11c1iv.-s: ■ Rt'la1ionship - t'slablisht'd with inrnming s111de111s, rontinut'd 1hro11gh St'mina,y s111dies and 1!1e first fivt' to seVt'11 yt'ars of proft's­ sio11al minisuy. ■ Crt'dihility - tht' program dirt't'- 1or and his wife havt' t'Xlensivt' t'Xpt'fit'11re in mi11is1ry and work 10 kt'ep c11rre111 011 changes and iss11t's alli-r tin!( Talhot graduates. ■ Sali-ty - an environment is pro· vidt'd in which al11111ni are a-.s11red of rnnfidt"1lliali1y and freedom lo shart' l11eir livt"s openly. ■ l'urpost'fulnes.s - TSM initiates ,ind maintains ron1ac1 with alumni 1hro11gh nt'wslellers, per­ sonal notes, phone calls, e-mail, and on-silt' visits wl1en pos.sible. ■ Rt'st111rci11g - TSM seeks lo pro• vidt' helpf11l resources s11ch as nel­ work ing with other grad11a1es, rnn1ac1 with placement oprx1m1- 11i1ies, and professional and per­ sonal rn11nsel. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Corrt'spondenrt' concerning admission sho11ld be addrei-sed lo tht' UniVt'rsity Oflire of Admissions, which will s11pply tht' applicant with tht' propn forms. When lht'St' application forms and all uansnipts of previous aradt'mir training have been filed , arrn111panit'd by two photographs and .1 $Y, application fee, a11 admis.~io11s dt'rision will ht' madt' . Oflicial no1ifi­ r,11ion of lht' dt'cision will ht' senl by mail lo 1!1t' applicant. The applica1io11 dt'adlint' for tht' fall is August J and

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