Pre-Seminary Study
Transfer of Credit
for the spring is January 1. Applica tions may be submitted aftt'r this dt'ad line (late application fee of $4:,), but will be considt'red and prort'SSt'd only if space is available and time allows. Talbot Schml of 1l1eology dt'sire.s only qualified studen Ls and personnel who are committed to Jesus Christ. However, in the admission of studt'n ts, the hiring of employees or the opera tion of any of iLs programs and activi ties, Talbot does not discriminate on the basLs of the applicant's race, color, sex, handicap or national or ethnir origin. !ncp1irie., concerning this pol iq1 may be addres.sed to the seminary compliance director for Title IX. Entrance rec111irements for earh program are listed on the page describing that program undt'r tht· heading, Admission Requiremt'nts. Talbot Writing Proficiency Examination (TWPEJ Advanced compc,i;itional skill1, rcm mensurate with graduate-level tl1eologfo1l studies, are foundational and imlL1pe11s able, botl1 in terms of educational and ministerial success. For thL1 rea1on, all new studenL1 are rec1uired to take tl1e Tal bot Writing Proficiency Exam (TWl'E) prior to regi1tration fi,r the first semrster. International students and those for whom English is a second la!1gua1ie arr required to take botl1 tl1e Test OfEn1ilL1h as a Foreign I..inguage (TOEFL) and tl1e Biola Eng!L1h Plarement Exam instead of the TWPE. 1lui5e who score above WO on the TOfil wiU take tl1e TWPE ratlier tl1a.n the Biola English Placement Exam. TWPE results will dt'.lermine whether enrollment in s.5:,001l1t'ologi cal Writing will be required. 1frt'C11lirt'll, this course must be taken in the first semester of seminary study. (See pagt' T-3 for course description.) Students who receive a grade lower than "C." in tl1L, COIU'lie mtLSl repeal tl1e COUl'St!. 1l1t' Biola English Placement Exam, whert' applicable (see above), will determint' whetl1er enrol~nent in appropriate ESL COUl'St! work will be re<pliretl . Academic Load 1l1e minimum fitlkime luad Ls nint' units for tl1c1Ne in tl1e Master of Divinity, Master of ArL, and Master of 1l1t'<1logy degree programs. Thcl!ie carrying lt'ss than the fttll-time load are considt'rt'll part-time students. 1l1e standard st1xle111 lmd in the Master of Divinity (M.Div.) program Ls twelve (12) tmits. Asnxlt'nl is nonnally pennittetl ~• rar1y a maxi1111m1 of 18 uniLs each semester. To exrt't'd this maximum load, the student m1Lsl
pt'1i1i1111 the Rt'1iist1.ir's ortirt'. A m,1xi- 11111m of SLX (G) 11ni1s, m;iy ht· taken hy a s11Klen1 in i11dept'nde111 s111dy, ;in;111f(ed, rn1n·spo11de11re and ITS rn111>t-s 111 he rnu111t1l 1,~v;u·d ;1 s111dt·111's pnl)!;J:<111. A unit of rn·dil is gt·11e1, 11l y rnu sidt'red to ro11sis1 of one rbss l1our (!iO mi1111tes) a Wt't'k for a se111t·slt'I' . 111 somt' l.l.St'S, s11d1 ;is l;ibo1,1101y ses sions, a 11ni1 of nt'dit m;iy invo lve mort' than out' das.s peri<•I a Wt't'k. A1 indi<-;ited 011 the runirulum rharn for ead1 progi.im, tht' v,uious rurrirula require 14-18 u11i1s pt>r St'lllt'Slt'I' in order lo 1ir,Klua1e in tl1e nu111l>t'r of yt•,m spt>ri lied by the d~tll. However, snulenls who fiud ii llt't"es.,;;uy 10 111,rk 20 or n1on· hours Wt·ekly lo provide liviu!( expe11St'S should plau lo redure tlll'ir ,K'adt·111ir load. Surh a redur1io11 would ext,·nd the time rt'quired for ;1 dewee pro!(1;1111 , 1hough p;irtiripa1io11 iu s11111111er sessio11 and i111er1e1111 rnuld lwlp oll~I tlw dilkreure. Admission of International Students !1 is essential 1ha1 s111de111s from otht'r rn11111rit's llt' ahle Ill 1111dt'rs1a11d direrlions and lt'Cl\lres in En!(lish and also lo ilt' able lo t'xpre,~ 1l1eir 1ho11!(llls dt'arly in spoken En!(lish i111111t'dia1t· ly 11po11 arriv,1I 011 t;1111p1Ls. 111 order 1l1a1 1l1t' applirn111's proliriency iu Englisl1 m;iy ilt' de1mni11ed, lilt' ;ipplir;i111 1111L,1 take 1he Tesl ofEi1glisl1 "' a Foreig11 Lu~ hllla!(t' (TOEFL) ;Ls ad111i11is1ert'd l1y the Edur:11i1111al Teslill!( St-1vire al 1l1e 11ea1° t'SI ovt'l'se.L, t'Xami11;i1io11 re111er. Tl1e mi11i11111111 Sl·ort' Ii,r ;idmissio11 is a 101al or !i!iO fi,r tht' gr.ul11alt' sUi<lt'lll and GOO for tht' Dorlor of Ed11ralio11 s1ude111 (and a sn,rt' or !'i:1 or alx,ve fi,r earh of the tlirtt St'<'tims). Prt'ft·reure iu ad111L,;. sion will be giwu lo tlu ISt' who ,.,·on· li(KI or ovt'r 011 TOEFL a11d 40 or over 011 TWE. Those ,.,·oriu~ 111:lll'et'll :,7:, and r,<~) (Hl TOEFL will !lt' ,L,'t'S'•.'d OIi a l,LSt' hy r,L'<' l~Lsis. For ,Kldi1io11al i11li11111a1io11 st't' ,Kl mis.sio1Ls and n-i:is11.11io11 St'<'liou of lhe 1111iven,iry or g1;ul11;11e r;i1;d<I)!;. Arrepied s111dt'nls will ;ilso J,e rt'<ptirt'll 10 t1ke lilt' E11!(!i,J1 Ili.J!(ll<>Slir Ex.1111ina1i1111 drn·i11!( orit'llta1i1111, p1ior 10 ht1;i11nin1i tht'ir first st'meslt'r. This t?:;n11ina1io11 will ilt' waiwd ti,r applira111s wl10 S('Ort' a 111i11im11111 or li(KI Oil TOEFL, who will itLSlt"Jd be requirt'll lo t1ke the Tallx11 W1i1i111i l'rofirit'lllY E.xami11a1io11. Classification of Students: M.A. Firsl Yt'ar l-2R units Sernnd Year 2 1 1+ u11i1s M.Div. Fii,1 Year 1-28 u11i1s Sernud Yt·;ir 21~:,7 1111i1., Tl1ird Year :18-.% u11i1., Fo11rth Ye;ir 87+ 1111i1s
The followiug pre-m11i11ary s111dy guidelines ;in• 1wo11111ir11ded for s111de111s wl10 ,U't' pl.111nin!( 10 allt·nd T;illx11. 17w s111dt'11I should pl;in !tis or her rnllegi;ilt' nmirulum so 1!~11 111<Kln,11e rn1111x·1e11re will Ix· 1x1s.-;i•s.sed in ;ill or 1lieSt' areas a11d skills dt'\1'l01x·d so tl1;i1 <lilt' «u1 rn111111u11i ralt' r;Lsily, havil11i tlw ahi li1y 10 w1ilt' and s1x·ak rit';u-ly wi1h rnlTt'rl E11!(!ish proSt' . Note: The 1111111ernh i11 p11renthe.1el i11diwlt the rngg-1:;tl'fl 111i11i111um 1111111/ier of ""''""'Irr 1111it., Jcn·ear.I, rli.,r.i/,/ine. I. Ct'ne1.il U11dt'rs1:111di11!(S A. Unders1andin1i of Humani1y ■ Pl1il11sophy (:-1) ■ byd111l11gy (:-1) B. Unders1.11ulin!( of 11111dern sorial ins1i1111i1111s ;ind prol> le111s• Sori,d Srie1u e (G) C. Unde1 s1a11ding of rnl111ral l1is1111y ■ History (G) ■ Fine Arts (:-1) D. ll11dt'rs1a11ding of srit'nre and terl11111l11gy ■ Math/ Srien<'e (8) E. llnders1.1ndin!( of the modes or ('IIJJllllllnil',llion ■ En!(!ish-rnmposi1ion and li1e1, 1111re ( 1 1) ■ Spet·<'h (:-1)
TrJ11sler credit for acceptable work done in other gradua te schools will be ,11!11wtd ti,r omses which are parallel to those m1uired in tl1e curriculum. Appli c11ims rereived by May 1will be pnwided with transfer credit decL1io11s at tl1e fX>int of arreprJnre. Transfer credit for late applit,11 io1L1 will be affrnnplished during tlit' [tll semester. Graduate cour.1es witl1 !,'lades of C or above at accredited i1L1titu- 1io11s or those valitl,11ed with grades of B or abovt' from appn,vetf un:1ccredi1ed S1'h<M1Ls are rnusidered a1 arceptable on a 11-ansfer basL~. For il1forma1ion cHt tlte val ida1io11 proredure for u11arcredi1ed work, rnn1an 1hr Regismtr's Oflice. Course Prefixes Course prdixts indicate: BE Biblt' Exposition CE Chris1ian Ed11ratio11 CL World Mis.sions
DE Dor111rofEdura1ion DM Dortor of Ministry HE Tl1esis
ITT Historiral Tht'ology LC Rt'searcl1 Languages NT Nt'WTt'slamenl Langmge and LiterJture OT Old Tt'stament and Semitics PH l'hiloS11phy ofReligion PT Spt'cial Studit's TH Systematic Theology TS lndt'pt'11<len1 Studies GRADUATION INFORMATION Graduation with Honors SS Thost' graduating with a grade point avnagt' of ~.!iO or highn are derlt'd 10 memhe1,hip in Kappa Tau Epsilon , the Talbot scl1olas1ic honor sorie1y. This honor is 1101ed 011 the permanent rernrd card. For graduation honors, s1ude11t1 mm pleting tlwir progrJm with a 350 G.P A are grnduattd with Honors. Students with ,1 :Do G.P.A. are gr.1dua1ed with High Hono1~. Stude111.1 witl1 a 3.90 G.P A. are Chris1ian MinLst1y and Lea<len;hip
II . Tl1e11l11!(ir.1! U11dt'l'standin!(S A. Bible rnnlt'nl and in1erprt'1:11i11n (Ii)
B. Theolo!(iral me1l111dology and in1erpre1,11i11n (Ii)
Ill. Li111i11istir Skills (12)
At len.u tme of the follawi11r ■ Frt'11d1 ■ German ■ Crt't'k ■ HelH't'W ■ Lalin ■ Sp;inish
A slndt'nl IIIUSI re!(iSlt'r in ,1 thesis das.s t'a<'h se111t'Slt'r 11111il tht' thesis is rnn1plett'd and atnpted for hiudin!( hy tht' lihrary. A stndenl finishing rn11rse work in Dt'rt'mher l1as 1 1/2 yt',ll'S lo rn111plt'lt' lht' tht'sis. A slu <lenl fi11ishin1i rnurse work i11Ju11e has ont' yt'ar lo rnmpleit' 1l1t' thesis. If ge11gr;1phir !oration jHt'Vt'nls J'e!(istralion in pt'rson, ii is lilt' SIii dent's responsihili1y 111 ronla<'I the Rt·!( is11 ,1r 's ( lllirt' ti,r n·gis11,11ion malt'rials. Rt'gis11;11i11n hy 11i.1il is s11l~er1 10 the S.llllt' rnle ,Ls n·!(is11.11i11n in person.
gr.idua1ed with Highest Honors. SPECIAL PROGRAMS - CREDIT Talbot-Israel Study Program Dr. Rirhard Ri!(sby, Director
1l1t' Tallx1t-lsrael Program Ls a for rrt'di1 study prowJm in Israel with an additional t'Xrnrsiou lo bihlic-Jlly sign if: i<'a111 silt's surh as Rome, etc., ht'l<l dur ing tht' January lnterterm. The st11- dt'111 has opportunity 10 see and experi eJH't' the geogrJphiral (a nd to some
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