Talbot Seminary Wives Fellowship K.trt'II Dirks, Dirt'rlor .'it'111i11ary Wivt's Ft'llowship pro vi<lt's opportu11i1y for 11rnw1h au<l ld lowship for wiws of St'I11i11a1y s1udt'11ls. Prt'p,ll'atio11 fin sl1ari11!( i11 a widt' vari t'IY of mi11is1rit's for whirh s111d1· 111 hushauds art' s1udyi1114 is olfrrt'd 1lir011)(h spt'ri,il sp,•akt'rs. iu lt'1,1r1 i1111 with rarnlry wivt's, aud t'Vt'llls (it-sig11 ..d lo t'llhalll't' rn1111111111i1y. SPECIAL STUDIES Tht' followi11).\ art' spt'rial s111dit's rollrSt's 10 ,Lssi.sr srudrnts i11 l>t'rn111i11g prnfirit'III i11 wri1i11!( skillSt',-st·111ial for au t'lft·rrivt' St'111inary t'dn('alion . Spt' rifi(' t'I1roll111t'I1I rt'<Jllirt'mt'IIIS art' i11<liratt'd i11 t',1d1 ro11rst' <lt'sniprion. SS 500 Theological Writing (0) Cr.1111mar. St'lllt'fl('t' strnrllll't' and p;1ra !(raph dt'Vt'lop1111·n1 for 1l1t'olo!(iral wri1i11g . Crifi(';d rhinkiug and rn111posi- 1ion i11rl11ding 1·x11, ir1i11g i11fonn;11io11 from slllllTt's, ,ynrh,·sis. fonnal for wrir lt'II pap,·rs . Expni,· 11rt' i11 wri1i11g papt'rs i11 illt'ologi('al and r1·la11·d arl';Ls. A 1wc ► St'n11-s1,·r-l1011r. 11on-1Tt'di1 ro11rSt' rt'(Jllirnf iu lilt' first Sl'llll'Slt'r of st·111i- 11a1y study li,r s1nd1·111s ;1s.si!(llt·d hy rl1t' Talhot Wri1i11g l'rolir it'IH'Y Exan1 or st11d1·111s who haw rornpll'tt'd !lit' ESL St'CJllt'IH't' . Ft't': A fr..,, t·<Jllivalt'III lo 1111,· si:mt'Slt'r l1011r of 111i1io11 is rt'(}llirt'd. SS 510 Theological Research Methodologies (1) Rt'st'arrl1 skills for IISt' of lihrary a11d tlrt'<>loµ,i( , 11 r,· ll'rt•Jl('t' works. ~kth (Kls of tht'ologiral wrilill)( with t'tnpl1a sis 011 nitir;d 1l1i11ki11g, pns11;Lsio11, ;111d t'Val11a1ion. M11s1 ht' rakt'II wi1hi11 1l1t' first !', 1111i1s of Sill(!)' . Rl'<Jllirtil of ;111 M.Div. a11d ~I.A. s111d,·111s. l'rt'rt'cp1isi11·: SS ',()() (110 ('()JlrillTt' III t'llf"Oll lll t'III), or p,Ls.si11g srnrt' 1111 Tallx,1 Wri1i11!( l'roli rit'II()' Ex.11 11 (TWl'E).
tht'ir <livergenrt'x All the while tl1ey are mt'a,;iired by l]lt' pa11ern of tl1e Word. Talbot's program fornses on the t'lltirt' pt'rsou and is meant Lo con tribute to pt'rsonal spiritual formation as wdl as co1,111itive awareness and the dt'wlopme111 of mini.suy skills. ll1e cur rirn h1111 is stntcture<l 10 devdop "S1Ls- 1ai11able habits" that can be continnt'd i11 lift' a11d 111i11is1ry after graduation . Tht' vario1Ls rornprntt'IILs of the curricu- 111111 arcc dccsi~11e<l to complement one a1101her a11d 10 rccinl,1rce basic pri11ci ples lo whirh students have been t'XJJ<>St'd i11 other parts of their seminary pn,g-ram. A goal of the program i.s 10 t'<p1ip st11<lt'11ls to tl1ink biblically and to rt'spo11d apprnpriatt'!y to the variety of rl1allt'll)(t'S of li lt' a11d 111i11i.s1ry. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS All applic.1111s, to be arreptt'<l, 1111Lsl · l1old the Barl1dor of Ans dt'l\fee, or its a1,1dt'mir t'(}lliv<1lcc111. ll1ry rmLst have a Vi (on a 4.0 st.ilt') gr.Kit' 1x,i111 averagt'. Tlu>St' 1101 mt't'ling this lallt'r rt'cptirt' mt'III, if a(wptt'<l, will bt' plart'<l on pn ► l,,11io11. Gradttlll'S from apprnvt'<l u11ar ndi1e<l colli:,ges, if arrt'pted, will be !(I.11111'<1 pn,vi.sional acceptanre, though t'Xrt'ptions 111;1y he 111adt' wht'n the gra<lt' poinr avt't,ige is :-1.0 or higher. Graduates from approvt'd 1marrredi 1e<l colleges 111ay be rt'<Jllire<l 10 takt' certain a<l<li- 1io11al liberal arts co11rse work (not applirahlt' toward tire gra<l1t11e degree) , if tht'ir 11mlt'rgra<lua1e program <lid 1101 i11d11<lt' tht'st' rourses. S111<len1s who h,l\'t' 1101 h,1d Grt't'k hut wi.sh to takt' it in St'111i11a1y may takcc Bt'!(i1111ing Greek at Tallx,1 am! rt'rt'iVt' t'lective nt'<lit applira hlt' 1, M'ard tht' grJdua1io11 rt'(j1tireme111. EMPHASIS REQUIREMENTS E111phaSt's are oflert'<l i11 tl1e follow- i11g areas of profe~~io11al preparatiou: Pastoral and General MinisJrn,, Chri,tim, Education Pa,toral Care and Courueling Mmnngi: nnd Family Mini.strie; Evm1g1:li.1m and Imciple:,hip Mi.l.\im, ., llrb,m/Multi-Et/111ic Mini.strn,, Earl, s111den1 is to select an emphasis a11d satisfartorily complt'lt' its rt'<J1tirt'mt'nts. Students should in<liralt' tht'ir choict' of emphasis al tht' ht'gi1111ing of their program . Chauges of emphasis may be aut lHr rizt'd 111Hlt'r rt'rlain cirr11111s1a11ces prior lo tht' romplt'tio11 of 48 units, hill ;1rt' disrn11ragt"d after that poi111 . S111dt'111., wi1lu1111 a working knowl edgt' of Grt't'k 1111Lsl takt' NT :,OJ and
extent, the rnltural) context of tht' Old Testllnt'nl and especially tht' gospt'ls. l11t' progmm is a I.Jlock rot1rSt' otl,wd <luring alttrnate yt'ars with prt'p,u,1101y work <lone <luring the St'mt'Slt'r prior to the lnterterm travt'I course. Preparatory work may llt' arrnmplisht'd with a sd1e<lule<l class or it may bt' <lone indepen<lnuly. The prirt' of tilt' course includes four (4) units of cmlit, airfare, all meals (exrept two), l1ous- ..!:!J ing, tips, and miscellanemLs t'XJlt'ILst'S. Ta/bot-Turkey/Greece Study Program Dr. Richard Rigsl.Jy, Dirt'clor TI1e Talbot-T11rkt'y/Gret'tt' Pro
ll1e Ma.sin ofDivi11i1y rnnirnh1111 al Talbot Sd1ool of Tht'ology is <lt'Si)(llt'd to fosrn the purpost'S for whirl1 lht' St'mi11a1y was t'Slablisht'd - Jll't'para1io11 for tht' propaf(atiou of 1!11· faith. This p11rpost' t'lllails au ;J('rllralt' k110Wlt'd!(t' or tht' Word of Cod, !ht' so111Tt' of fair 11, a11d rhe ..tfrrriw lllt',IIIS of irs ('()fflllllllliralion. Tht' ro111"St' of s111dy is tht'rt'fort' dt'si)(llt'd ar111111d 1!1t'St' two hasir fi>ri . Bdit'vi11g finuly that Cod i11 low aud gra('t' has provi(.it'd an a11,wt'r !i,r Ult' llt't'<ls of tltt' world i11 Jt's11s Christ a11d 1ha1 this Jt'slLs i.s tht' Christ of !ht' Snip1111·t's, Tall~,, t'IIIJlh,Lsizt's ;1 k11owl t'd!(t' of !ht' roll It'll I of !ht' Word of C•><l. So th,11 lht' Word 111ay ht' k11ow11 a11d t'XJX>1111d1·d a1T111,1tt'ly a11d a111hori r.11iwly, mallt'rs of hihliral ltH'k!(r111111d , i11rh1di1114 1!1t' la11g11agt's of 1!1t' ( lid a11d N(•W Tt'sl;11111·111.,. ;1rt' slll(li,·d. So1111d p1inriph of lirt'r.uy i11lt'rpn•1;,1io11 art' also t'Xpl11rt'd ,Ls a h;,sis for thl' i111t'rprt'- 1a1io1111f 1111· Snipllirt'S. On rlw h;Lsis of s11rl1 infl•rpr,·1 ,11io11 lht'i"t' rrnnt'S ,ysrt'nl illir s111dy so ;L"i 10 oq.~·;111iZt' v,triotL"i part...; of 1l1t' Word iuro tht·ologi('al rall')(orit's. Sill('t' 1!1t' Eiith of today dot's IH>I s1;11Hl alotll', l,111 is f'IK>lt'd i11 JJ;LSI ft'll llll'il's d1rri11!( whirh God h,Ls prt'st'tVt'd a11d i11s1nrrlt'd His J>t'opk, ('()g11iza11rt' of this ht'ritagt' is takt'II i11 a s111dy of 1!1t' history of tht' rl111rrl1 a11d its <lor- 1ri11t'. l'rt'Vious i11tt'rar1io11 ht'IWt't'n fai1l1 a11d tht' world prc,vidt's a h,Lsis for 1111dt'rsl,11Hli11!( 111odt'rn 1i111t's. 11 is tht' st'111i11a1y's aim that this k111Mlt'd)(t' of lilt' fairl1 lirst !(rip tht' lift' of lilt' s111d(·111. a11d 1!1t'11 motiV,llt' flit' s111d..111 111 sl1art' it wi1l1 tht' world . In ;1rrnrd wirh rhis hlllt'r ,1i111 i11stn1rrio11 is giw11 i11 vi1,1 I ,ll't'.Ls of mi11ist1y and rn111- 1111111i(,1tio11. Fro111 !ht' JJrt'pa1;11io11 a11d dt'liwry of si:1111011s 111 i11dividnal i11volvt" llit'III i11 (·01111St'li11!(. 1!1t' rnrrirnl11111 is dt'Sil(llt'd to prnvidt' i11s1nrrrio11 whirh will farilitalt' prnpa!(atio11 of 1!1t' faitl1 iu tilt' various fit'lds of <•xi's c.ill. Oppor- 11111ity i.s al:<> !(iVt'II fi,r lht' dt'wlop111t'III of 111i11Lsl!y skills ,Ls priu('iplt's art' ,i pplil'd i111l1t' rn11lt'XI of 111i11ist1y i11 tht' rl111rd1. With rt'rog11i1io11 that tht' Crt'al Co111111i,-sio11 rn111111a11ds lht' rl111rrh lo go i1110 th,· world lo 111i11islt'f' lo all pt· c ► plt·s, tlrt' noss-rlllTt'lllS of 111odn11 1111111µ,111 an· rn11sid1·rt1I rt'lt'V,1111 lo lilt' JHt'par,11io11 of Cod's 111i11islt'r . Tl1rrn1gl1lllll tilt' rnnrst· of i11s1rnr1io11, i1111·r.1r1io11 i.s prc,vidt'<I wi1!1 vmi111Ls pn sp..nil'l's li,r 1!1t' p111p,si: of i11rnlra1i11g 1l1t'ir rn111riln11io11s a11d 111Hlns1a1Hlilll(
gr-;un i.s ofiert'<l in altt'rn,Ht' yt'ars to tlit' Talhot-lsrael program (alx,w). Whilt' Tallx,1-lsrael stu<lit'S tht' Old Tt'Sta111t'11I and gospels, Talbot-Turkt'y/ Grt't'ft' examines archaeological, historiral, and geographical bark!(roUIHl to Iht' Acts, Epistlt'S, and Revda1io11. llrt' pn~ gram vi.sit., Antioch and TarS1Ls, a.s wdl as all maiulan<l silt's visirt'<l by Parr! 011 his First, Seron<l, an<l ll1inl Mi.s.siouary Jounwys. It also vi.sits tht' St'Vt'II rilit'S of the d111rd1es of Rt'Veia1io11 in a<ldi1io11 k> other sites. ll1e progr.i.m i.s a hlork crntJ'St' <luring lu1erten11 Qa11ua1y) wirh preparatory work <lo11e <l11ri11g lht' semester prior to lht' class ilSt'lf. Prt" trip preparation may ht' acrnmplishnl with a scheduled class the St'lllt'Slt'r prior or it may be <loue imlt'Jlt'll<lt'nlly. SPECIAL PROGRAMS - NON-CREDIT Talbot Institute for Biblical Studies {TIBS) Frank Pasrore, Dirertor TI1e Talbot lnstitult' for Bil,liral Studies offers a wide ranl\t' of 111111-<Tt'dir biblical, theologir-.tl, and mini.suy skills study courses through a nt'twork of dmrch-ba.~ training rt'nlers tl1rn11!(h- 0111 So111hern California. Tht' purpost· i.s k> equip bt'lievers with bibliral/rl1t'<~ logical foundations e,,.wnrial lo inlt'lli gently artirnlalt' the CJ1ri.s1ian worldvit'W au<l tht' Go,pel ofjt'SILS CJiri.sl. Ir is 1l1t' goal of TIBS to assist cl111rrl1t's elfrr t.ively to be the church in an envirn11- ment that is essentially hostilt' 111 !ht' mt'ssagt' of God 's Truth. Coursi:s 111ttl rwo (~) ho11rs each Wt't'k for six (Ii) weeks. A Ii.st of curre111 rlnrrrh rt'nlers au<l rourSt's offert'<l may bt' oh1ai11t'd through tire otlire of 1]1t' TIBS Dirfflor 011 tllt' La MirJ<la rarnp1Ls.
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