

Third Year

Pastoral and General Ministries

ca1111ot Le c011.1id,:red ,ifirr nii.1tmt i011 for that c011ne. 77u: ,11falit11tio11 ofelecti,.., in lieu of Tfij1tiretl c01me.1 ""'.Y /,· m11w.1td m,ytiml' dwi11g the .,twl,,,u '., finJ yettr. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS A. Satisfactorily mmplete %-!lR

f,0'2 (Beginning Grttk) whirh are 1101 for credit unless taken in plare of


Fall Semester

elective units.

Pr11vi11t's prepar.11io11 !i,r a vJrieiy 11f pr11l.-s.si11ual mi11istri1·s iurludiug p,Lstor, a.s.s11riatt' pa.,tor, youth p;1s1or, w<>111t'u 's 111iuis1ries. rnllege and semiuaiy tt"Jd1- iug, aud other leadership roles. (S111-

OT 70:, Ex~esis in Gene.sis and

Electives in the Curriculum

Selected Pa-;:,;iges ........... .......3

I'T 7:{0 Bibliral Leadership and

Electives are open to the student ' s choice (check prerequisites) rt!j(ard-

Managenlt' llt. ... .............. .... ... 3

PT 791 Field lntt'rnship ... ... .. .......... .. 2 Elertives . ................ ............. ............... :! Thesis First Draft 11r Ehtive ........ .. .. 4-0

1~ of emphasis, llut that choi[t• may dl'11ts autiripatiug a graduate or uuder­ be governed by the following guide)l!-aduate tearl1i11v; rareer will need to semester units. Set' (D) l>elow. B. Take the rnmses presrrihed lines: I) If writing a thesis, the stupu rsue advJured studies heyond the

in the !lfa,ter of Divinity rnrrirnhn11 . C. Complete the recp1ire111t'Jlls in

M;L,ter of Divinityprov;i,1111 ).

dent's advisor may require up to four uni Ls of electives in an area of study in preparation for the thesis; 2) Students who do not write a thesis are recp1ired to take two additional elective units li,r a program total of 98 uniLs. Program Reduction Based Upon


First Yrm·


Spring Semester

c111e of the <'mphases.

BE 72G ExpositioualM<'th11dology

Fall Semester

D. Submit an arreptahle thesis (four units) d11>St' ll in r11nsul1a1i1111 with th e major advisor , or at 1l1e option of the major advisor ;111d i11 lieu 11f the thesis, rn111pl ete six 1111 i1s 11f elertives. Studt'Uls wl10 write theses will havt' a 111tal re<p1ire111e111 of% units a11d 1h11se who t.i ke six uni1s 11f elertives iu lieu of a thesis will have a 111t al r<'<Jllirement of !lR u11i1s . Five 1111lx11md rnpie.s of the thesis are 111 he

BE r, 17 Ht'l"lll t'Ut'lllirs/ Bihle S111dy

in Daniel, Revelation ............. 3


.... :{

...... ...... .. 3

PH fi0'2 Apologt'tirs

I-ff :,or, l'a11is1ir/ Mediw.1ITl1e<"''!\Y .J NT r,m l111rodur1io11 to Exegesis* . .. .:{ TH :,11 111e11l, ,gy I -Ju111Kh1r1i11u:

PT 70:l Cl111rrl1 and Society.....


PT 7!12 Field Internship


Prior Academic Study

Ekr1 ives


Qualified students cumin!\ from accredited Bible colleges or Christian liberal arts colleges may recp1es1 exemption from certain required cour:;es. Recp1ests for exemption may be considered from two perspertives: I) Program re<luctio1L, are pos.-;illle up to a maximum of Hi unit, from the nonnal M.Div. re<p1irement , i.e., !lf,-!)8 unit, may be redured by up 10 Hi units. A reduction of as much as six units (included in the J(j) i., po~ihle for st11- dent, with collegiate studies in either tion are considered for undeq,rraduate coune;with satisfuctrny parallel content, provided that the rnllegiate cou= are approximately double the unit value of the corresponding seminary cour.;es. To qualify for such reductiorL, the student must have earned at least a "B" grade iu the specific course(s) aud be able to demorLstrate competent")' in the sul~ct matter. In the event the student takes a course which had lleen previously waived, that previmL, reduction would

Rwela1i11n aud Na111re

Tl1esis Final D1,1f1 or Elertives ........ ....2

11fc,.1... ...



PT 70(i 1'1·rso11al Fo1111d;11i11ns of

*NT !iO l and NT f,02 art' requi red for students without prior Grt'ek study. Christian Education Emphasis Providt's preparJtion fi>r a varieiy of proli:-s.sional ministries in which respon­ sibil ities and skills in Christian Educa- 1i11n art' pr11mi11en1 including pastor, ;LS.'i<>riate p,L~tor, youth pa.stor, women's miui.stries. and other leadership rolt'S.

Miuisuy....... ................. .. .. ....2

PT rm lutrodurt ion to Field

... I

Eduratiou .. .......... ..... ..

SS :, 10 111t'olo)liral Researrh

suhmi11ed to the lihraria11 .


.... ... 1

E. At le;Lsl 24 units 11m,1 ht' taken in this se111i11a1y hy 1ra11slt>r s111d1·u1s. S111de111s are plared 1111 arade111ir prol~11ion if their g1, ule poi111 awr.,g,· f11 r auy seu1es1er fa lls l,elow tr, a11d average remaius helow tr,. Studeu ts 1111 prol~Hion are h'l,1nted oue semester in whirh 111 hriu)l their ar;lllemir work tinuaure iu the semiuary. A s111deu1 raunot !,'l,11hk1te while ou prol,11io11. F. The staud;ml rnt e of progress throll)lh the program (12 units per semestn) will allow the prc'i-\1,1111 111 be


Spring Semester

BE !i20 Su1vey of !lfa11hew -


.... ... ... .:\

HT r,rni Reformati1111 and

remain 1111 proh;11i11n ;Ls l11ng ;Ls the siu­ Hebrew or Greek. Ev.iluati01Ls fi,r red1K·M11d1·rn 1l1e11l11)(y .............. ..:{ Kie semester of r1111111b1ive KI,1de p11i111

Fint Yrar

NT (i0-1 Ex,·!\1--sis in tilt' (;,,:;pds ......... :{ l'T !i lO Evan)(elism and Follow-np ...:{ TH :,l 2 1l1e11logy II - Works of

Fall Semester

BE !> 17 Hen11ent'111ics/ Bible Study


.. . 3

C:,xl, Anv;els, Mau aud Sin ...:{

np to the rt'<p1ired level (2 .f,) li>r rnuI'T :, 1 12 Field Edura1i11n .... ...... ..... .....0

CE (iOO Ed11cational Ministry in

the Ch11rcl1. ..... .... .. ... ...... ..... .. 3


NT :,O:{ lntrodurtion to Exeg<'sis* .. 3 TH!ill Theol•>!,,YI-I111roduct.ion:

Smmd Ymr

Fall Semester CE li(HI Ed11rational Minis11y in

Rwelation and Na111re

the C1111rrl1 ..... ... ... ...... . ... .... .:{

l'T 7(Hi Personal Foundati11ns

rnmpleted iu four y,•ars.

CL r.r,:, ln1nxh1rti11n Ill World

... .......... 2

of Min isuy


Missio11s.. .


PT rm

then lie nullified.

Introduction to Fidd

OT (i0:{ Ele111t'11ls 11f Hebrew I .......... :\ l'T li0!I Sen11011 l'reparati11n ....... . .J Tl-I 1;n llw11l1,gyIll-011i st , Salv,s

2) The substillltion of elenives in lieu of required courses may be arranged in certain circumstances. Ju some cases where one of the above 1Tit~ ria may preclude a program rl'<l uu ion, the student may nevenhele.,~ be allle to demonstrate a satisfactory level of m111- petency in a given subject In this event, electives may be sullstitllled for the course in question. Interested students

....... !


Tw11 hihliral la11)luages are recp1irt'<l : (;reek and Hel,rew. Ei1hn

SS :, JO Tl1eologiral Research

Mt'tl1odolo!,ries..... ......... ........ l

may l>e taken lirs1.

1io11 and !he Spi1i1.

.. ...:\

PT 707 Fo1111d;1ti11ns of Past11rnl (~ire

Grr.rl,- NT f,0:1, NT li!H aud J\.l"f liO:, earh recp1ired ht'yond ht'l{iuuiug (:reek. Acp1alifyi11g exa111iua1i1111 is available to ;1ll iuteresled s1ude111s. Those who p;Ls.< the t'Xaminatiou may enr11ll dirert ly in NT r,m; otl1ers 11ms1


and Coi111selinv; ... ... ... .....2

Spring Semester

I'T Wl Field Edura1io11

........ ... .0

BE !i20 S111vey of Ma11hew -


Rt'velation ... ..... ........... ... ...... 3

Spring Semester

CE !il2 Edur.11io11

BE:,Hl S1nvt')'of(~nesis-Malarhi .. :l

Administration ... .. ... ............. 3


(i(I:, Ext'l{esis in the Epistles

would contact the appropriate departtake NT f,01 and NT r,1r2 (two uuits ment drainnan regarding course substie;1rh) a.s prerecp1isi1e to NT r,m.

NT (i04 Exegesi., in tilt' Gospel~ .. .... ....3 PT !i 10 Evangelism and Follow-up ... 3 TH !i I 2 Theolo~y II - Works of

aud Arts .. ..... ... .....


OT (i04 Elements 11f Hehr..w II .. ......:\

tutions. 111i., alternative i., abo available for those who qualify for tl1e maxim111n program reduction indirated above. &tfud for program red11ction :Jwuul

H,dmw- OT lim, OT li04 ;1ml OT

l'T li02 Pas101,d Miuis11y.. ......


God , Angds, Man and Sin ..:\


70:, are re1p1ired. Acp1alilyi11g ex,1111il'T lil0 S,ar111011 Prepar;11i11n

l'T :>!12 Field Edura1io11

.......... 0

TII lil4 ll!t'olo)(y IV- Th,· Cl111rrl 1

ua1 ion i.s avJ ibhle to int erested s111-

l'T 707 Foundations of Pastoral

a11d Lisi Thin)(s..

.... .:{

be submittM lo the Admi.,,ions and Regi,dents. 1l111se who p,Ls.< 1he t'Xa111i11a­

(~ire and Counseling ....... ... 2

PT (i()2 Field Ed1iration .. .


tion m,1y take OT (i04, pht, :-1-4 1111i1s 11f Helm·welertives i11stl'ad 11f OT (ill:{.

al T nlbot,

trar's Offices before studies begin



because reductions for a ,pccific coune

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