MASTER OF •·!;Ii--•
a :,20 Interpersonal and
C. At lt'asl 24 u11i Is 11111s1 ht'
lntercultural Adjustmt'III .... '.{
1akt'11 al this S<.·n1ina1T.
Tht' Mastt'r of Ans dt'gt't't', with t'mphast's in Biblt' Exposition, Nt'w Tt'sta111t'J1I, Old Tt'slalllt'lll, Tht'ology, Philosophy of Rt'li!(ion and Ethirs,
First Ymr
PT li9'2 Field Edur-atio11 ..................0
D. Oh1ai11 a 10 aVt'ta)\t' with 11<1 !,'Tadt' l)t'low ;1"(~" i11 all 1·1111rst's lo ht'
First Semester
<Tt'diti-d toward g1~1dua1io11.
BE !i 17 Ht'r111e11t'utirs/Bible Study
Third Year Fall Semester
Methods ...............................3
and Biblical aud ll1t'ol11).\iral S111dit'sE. Co111plt'lt' lilt' t'lllirt' fll"<'l(t~1111
BE:, l!l S111vey of Gt'nesLs - Ma!ad1i ... 3 TH:, 11 ll1t'olo1,,y I - In1rodurtio11:
Diwrsifit'd (n1111-lang11a!(t' ), has ht't'II dt'Vt'l1111t'd for 1l111St' whoSt' ralli11g 111 Chris1ia11 st'rvirt' is 111 posi1i1111s of !t'adt'rship for whirl1 !ht' Maslt'r of Divinity or 111hn prol't'ssional dt'grt't'S art' 11111 11or111,illy n·cp1irt'd. It is s1rnr-
iu 1111111,11·"' 1ha11 liVt' yt'ars.
Pt'oples ofE1h11ic Al11t'rira ... '.{
S111<lt'11ls art' pl;irt'd 011 ar.1<lt'111ir proh,11io11 if 1hi-ir g1:1dt' poi111 avt't.lf(t' for any st·111t·s1t· r falls bt'low 10 a11d will rt'111ai11 011 proli;11io11 as long as lilt' si11glt' St'lllt'Slt'r or ru111ulaliVt' gr,llit' p11i111 ,IVt'ragt' rt'lll ,lills ilt'low 10. 1'roha1 io11 s1udi- 11 1s art' f(ratllt'd 01w St'lllt'Slt'r i11 wl1irh 111 hriug 1l1t· ir aradt'111ir work up 10 !ht' rt'q11irt'd lt·Vt'I (10) for l'llllli11ua11rt' i11 litt' St'IIJ· i11ary . A s1udt'11I ra1111111 grad11alt'
OT70:, ExegesLs ill Ge11esis a11d
Rt'Velation and Nature
Selected Passages................. '.{
of God ....................................:\
a 102 Social Organization..
l'T 70<i Pt'rscmal Foundations
of Miuisuy .................... .. .. ...... 2
Q!i03 Ernnomy, Society
SS :, JO Tht'olc,1;ical Re.St'arch
111rt'd l11 pn,vidt' :
and Values .. ........ .. .
.. ........J
.. ....... 1 .. .. .... :\
I. An 11111it'rs1anding of SrripMt'thodolof;it'S ..
.. .....2
CL 7!l! Field Internship .. ll1esLs First Draft or E!ectivts
...4 llll't'S for studt'nl., a111iripa1ing ChrislEmph,1,is or t'it'ctives*.. ...
ia n 111i11is1rit's 111 ;11 would indudt' rl111rrh ad111i11is1ra1ors, para-d111rrh orf(a11iz;11io11 lt'adi-rsl1ip, l'IIIIIISt'lors, "it'lll-111aki11f orn1pa1i1111s iu 01l1t'r rnlllll't'S, lay lt' ,Hlns iu th,· !oral
Second Semester
Spring Semester
BE :,20 S111vey ofMa11hew-
BE 7'21i Expositional Mt'tl11Klology i11
........... ~
Daniel and Rewbtion .......
while 1111 proha1i1111 .
}ff:, 14 Histrnit..il Tht'olozy S111vq .. '.{ TH r,12 Tht'ology II - Works of
PH G02 Apol<>!(etics .............. .. .......... :{
rhmrl1 aud otllt'rs.
792 Fit'ld ln1ernsl1ip
............ 2
2. A hil,liral harkf(r<ll111d tor !host' who an· pri-pariug ti,r lt'arhi 11g
JCS Elt'ctivt's** ...... .. ..
.. .. 4
God, Anf;el,, Mau and Sin .. '.i
ll1esLs Final Draft or Eln·tivt's ........ :{.!i
Program Structure
E111ph ,Lsis or t'l er1ivt's*
iu 111111-tht·ologi c d lit'lds.
Tl1<· ar;1dt"111ir progra111s lt' ;uliug 10 th,· d,·grt·t· ~L,stt'r of Ans wi1l1 t·111phas1·s i11 llihlt' Exp11si1i1111 , Ni-w T,·sl ,llllt'III, Old Ti-sl. llllt'III, Thl'ol11gy,
:{. Au ar ,ult'111ir l1.1rkgrou11d tor 1h11st' wl111 find 1l1t· ~laslt'r of Ans dt'grt't' a11q>it' ti,1 a ll'arl 1i11g position ,·itllt'r al 11,11111· or in a f11rt" ig11 ro111111y.
*ITT !i0! and ITT :,02 are rt'<juiml f111 studt'nls without prior Crt't'k study.
Swmd Ymr
First Semester **A total Ii units in lnl t'fl'll lt111, d StudTH fil:l Tht1ilogy ill-01rLsl , ies t'lec:tives are 10 be St'lt'rtt'd from 4. A pIogra 111 ot sl udy for Ill isl'h ilosophy of Religio11 a11d Ethics, a11d S.1ivJtio11 a11d the Spirit......... J the following: CL !i0I, :,:12, :,40, ,i:,li, siouarit's wl10 l1avt· only a hrit'f f11rllililir;il ;,11d Tlwol<lf(iral S1udi1•s-Diwr E111pha.,is or t'lt'cliVt's* .. .. . .. 14 louf(h 1i111t' i11 wl1irl1 lo p11rs11t· f11n11,1I sitit'd ,ll't' rnmpris,·d of li4-lili u11i1s li22, !iii!, 72!i, 71i!i, AL !ill. study of lilt' Snip1ur,·s. 17 slrt1rlHrt'd iu l'IIIIIIII0II lo i11rludt' I) Please Note !i. Sus1ai11ahlt' skills iu spt'rilir hihliral and thi-ologiral fou11d;itio11s, Second Semester Hi;torical 17u:owgy: Studt'nls transministrit's fmtht'r dt'Vt'lopi11g yom 2) ;1radt·111ir spt'rializ;11io11 iu <lilt' of TH Iii 4 Theolozy IV - Tht' Church ferring HT :,O(i from anolht'r st'miahilitit·s and spiritu,il f(il'ls, and ti,m disripliui-s rt•c1uiriug hihliral la11- a11d Last Thiugs ............ ........3 nary must take HT 710 111 ohtain slrt'Jl!ilht'lliug your ,irt·as ofwt'ak111·ss. guagt' s1udit's, or )(t'llt'r, ,I s1udit's iu Emph;Lsis or electives*...................... 12 dt'110minational distinctiVt'S un!t'ss this Tlit'SLs** or t'lt'rtivt's* ..... .. ..........0-2 re1p1irement ha., already bt't'll mt't. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS
whirh hihliral lallf(lla)lt'S ,1 rt' not rt'CJUired, and '.{) additional t'lt'rtiw rn11rS<.·s de11·n11i11t'd hy tht' s111d,·111 i11
17,ois Coune Stpumce: Ir a s1udt'11I elects to write a thesis, tl1t' ro111~ '111t,,; is
Applir ,1111s 11111st posst'ss a l,;ir ralamt·alt' dt'grt'1'. E.1rh should lit' a
*Up 10 Ii gi.1dua1e eit'ct.ive units may he 1akt'n in <llht'r S<.'hcx,ls i11 Biola U11i
First Dra!i" will L>e ~1kt'11 at lht' rn111plt'!(radu;ilt' fro111 ;i lffO)\lliZt'd or anTt'drnnsuha1io11 wi1l1 lhl' advisor.
tion of"f,4 1111it, a11d '111t'Sis Fi11al D1afl" at the romplt'tion of 80 1111i1s. Nt'i ti 1t'r is applicable toward grnd11a1i1111 u11it'ss
itt'd l'llllt'f(t" wi1l1 a 111i11i 11111111 gradt' point avt·1.ig1· of '.{.0 (011 a 4.0sral,·).
Vt'rsi1y with advisor's approval .
Program Reduction Based on Prior
**Consult !ht' Talbot s111de111 hand book for prt'li111i11a1y steps 1ha1 nm,1 ht' rnmplt'lt'd prior to t'ltrollin!( in the
applir,1111s 11111st suhmil a writAcademic Study
botl1 have L>een complt'it'd. Somt' prt'It'll slalt'lllt'III 11u1li11ing 1l1t'ir vora-
Applicants wl10 haw 1akt'11 u11dt'r
limi11a1y stt'ps nmst L>e rnmplt'it'd hy tht· f(t.1d11alt' rnlll'St'S i11 hihliral or lht'o e11d of tht' St'mt'Stt'r p1ior 10 takill!( ll1t'i11t'sis l'llltrSt' . n1igh1 rt'lalt' 1111h11S<.· objt'rliVt's. logiral studit's may rt'CfUt'SI a program sis Fi,~1 Draft. Stt tl1e Talbot g1,1d11alt' rt'd ur1i1111 has,·d 011 l'llllt')lialt' work. 1io11al ohjt'rlivt's and how 1l1t' dt')!;t't't'
Bible Exposition Emphasis
sllldt'nt handbmk for detail,.
St'lt'rl two* ......
Ali evalmtion will ht' 111adt· hy tilt' rt'!\· is1r,1r's o!T1n· followinf( t'slahlisl1t'd
Christian Mini;try and Ltwlen/,i/1 Aiumalive: For s111de111., a111iripatill!( a career leachi11g i11 highn t'duration, the COUl'St's PT 7!l! a11d PT 7!12 may be replart'd by CE 791 a11d CE 7!12 . A wrillt'II petiti1111 is 11t'ce1;sa1T, approved by the farnlty advisor a11d ti lt'd witl1
A. Sa1isf;u torily l'llmplt'lt' li4-li<i
BE li02* {;t'nt'sis
St'lllt'Slt'r u11i1s ,L, 0111li1lt'd i11 1l1i- rnrBE (i()8* Mallht'W guidt"lillt'S lo dt'lt·r111illt' rn111pt'it'11<·y
rirnhu11 rhans hi-l11w.
BE li!0* Romans
wi1l1i11 1l1t' following para111t'lt· rs : 1) u11dngr ,1d11a1t· hihlir;il studit's whirl1 ;ire pa r;i llt'I i11 rnult'III with rt'<p1i1 ..d rnms,•s and 2) 1111dt' l'f(r,uh1- "'"' hihliral slll(li,·s wl1irl1 11,;1y _j1Ls1ity a n·,h1r1i1111 iu t'lt•rtil'l' u11 i1s. To 1p1,dify fur s11rl1 n·dur1io 11s the s111dt'J1 I 11111st l1avt' t'a!'llt'd a "ll" )lradt' in spt'rilir n111rs,•(s) a11d ht' ahlt' 111 di-111ons1ra1 .. l'llmpt·lt'IHT i11 11 1,· s11hjt'rl 11 1allt'L
.. 2
B. Sul,111i1 ,111 ,uT1·p1 ,d1l1· 1l1t'sis, rhost'Jl in rn11s11i1a1io11 wi1l1 till' 111;,_jor advisor, or al lilt' option of th,· 111;,_jor advisor a11d i11 lil'U of lilt' 1l1t'sis, rn111- plt'lt' four ;iddi1i1111;,I u11i1s of t' lt·r1i1·,·s. S111<lt'11ls wl10 wrilt' a tht'sis will han- a Iola! rt'ljllirt·111t· 111 of (i4 u11i1s and !host· who t;ikt' two addi1io11al units in lii-u of a 1l1t'sis will havt' a total
NT :,OJ Bt"ginning Grt'ek
NT :,02 Bt'gi1111in!; Grt'ek . .. .......... 2 NT :,0:{ , J1111'CKh1r1io11 lo Ext'gt'sis .'.{
NT (i04 EXt'f;t'SLS in the Gospels NT <i0', EXt'!(t!SL' in the Epistlt's
.. 3
tilt' Registrar's Otlict'.
Bil,le Expoiti,m Altcmative: For llllt' of tht' four l't'Cflliml Bihle Exposi1i1111 COlll'St'S (t'xrludi111; BE :,I 7 or BE 72(i) the s111dt'11I may subs1i1111t' thrt't' 1111i1s of Crt't'k or Ht'brt'w t'Xt'gt'sis t'lt'rtivt·s.
and Ans..
OT <iO:{ Elements of Ht'brt'W I .......... '.{
(>T (i04 Elt'ments of Hehrt'W II ..
.. :I .. Ii
Bihlt' Exposi1io11 t'it'rliVt's
mp1irt'111t·n1 of !iii u11i1s.
C:etlt'ral t'lt'l·tivt's
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